;; TODO: add table, list directives (import (only chicken.process-context command-line-arguments) (only getopt-long getopt-long usage) (only chicken.format printf sprintf) (only chicken.io read-string read-line) (only chicken.port call-with-input-string) (only chicken.file file-exists? directory) (only chicken.pathname make-pathname pathname-directory pathname-extension pathname-file) (only srfi-1 find filter first second third fourth fifth sixth) (only srfi-13 string-prefix? string-trim string-trim-both)) (define grammar '((help "Print usage" (required #f) (single-char #\h)) (output "Write to file" (required #f) (single-char #\o) (value (required FILE))) (ignore-egg "Ignore .egg file" (required #f) (single-char #\i)) (ignore-release "Ignore .release-info file" (required #f) (single-char #\r)) (no-toc "Don't add a toc" (required #f) (single-char #\n)) (email "Include EMAIL with author" (required #f) (single-char #\e) (value (required EMAIL))) (head "File to add to beginning of documentation" (required #f) (single-char #\H) (value (required FILE))) (prologue "File to add after synopsis" (required #f) (single-char #\P) (value (required FILE))) (epilogue "File to add before maintainer info" (required #f) (single-char #\E) (value (required FILE))) (tail "File to add to end of documentation" (required #f) (single-char #\T) (value (required FILE))) (license "Whether to insert a license" (required #f) (single-char #\L) (value (optional FILE))) (module-headers "Create === Module-name headers" (required #f) (single-char #\m)))) (define (print-usage #!optional (code 0)) (printf "Usage: chalk [OPTION]... [FILE]...\n") (printf (usage grammar)) (exit code)) (define pargs (getopt-long (command-line-arguments) grammar #:unknown-option-handler (lambda (c) (print-usage 1)))) (define input-files (alist-ref '@ pargs)) (define (find-tag tag doc) (find (lambda (i) (and (pair? i) (not (null? i)) (equal? (car i) tag))) doc)) (define (find-docstr doc) (find string? doc)) (define (document-procedure exp #!optional (type 'procedure)) (let* ((doc (fourth exp)) (internal (find-tag '@internal doc))) (unless internal (let* ((sig-tag (find-tag '@sig doc)) (sig (or (and sig-tag (cadr sig-tag)) (second exp))) (docstr (find-docstr doc)) (@to (find-tag '@to doc)) (@example (find-tag '@example doc)) (params (filter (lambda (e) (and (pair? e) (not (string-prefix? "@" (symbol->string (car e)))))) doc))) (if @to (printf "<~a>~s → ~a\n" type sig (cadr @to) type) (printf "<~a>~s\n" type sig type)) (when docstr (printf "~a\n\n" docstr)) (when (not (null? params)) (document-deflist params)) (when @example (document-script (cons '(@highlight "scheme") @example))))))) (define (document-variable exp) (let* ((name (second exp)) (doc (fourth exp)) (internal (find-tag '@internal doc)) (docstr (find-docstr doc))) (unless internal (printf "~s\n" name) (when docstr (printf "~a\n\n" docstr))))) (define (document-record exp) (let* ((type (first exp)) (name (second exp)) (rec-doc (fourth exp)) (internal (find-tag '@internal rec-doc)) (docstr (find-docstr rec-doc)) (full (find-tag '@full rec-doc))) (unless internal (printf "~s\n" name) (when full (if (eqv? type 'define-record) (begin (printf "~a\n" (cons (sprintf "make-~a" name) (cddddr exp))) (printf "~a?\n" name) (for-each (lambda (e) (printf "~a-~a\n" name e)) (cddddr exp))) (begin (printf "~a\n" (fifth exp)) (printf "~a\n" (sixth exp)) (for-each (lambda (e) (printf "~a\n" (cadr e)) (when (not (or (null? (cddr e)) (pair? (caddr e)))) (printf "~a\n" (caddr e)))) (cddr (cddddr exp))) ))) (when docstr (printf "~a\n\n" docstr))))) (define procedure-tags '(fn proc procedure function)) (define syntax-tags '(macro syntax)) (define file-relpath) (define (document-expr exp) (define documentable-expr? (and (not (null? (cddr exp))) (not (null? (cdddr exp))) (eqv? '@ (third exp)) (not (null? (fourth exp))))) (when (and (pair? exp) (not (null? (cdr exp)))) (cond ((and documentable-expr? (or (member (car (fourth exp)) syntax-tags) (eqv? 'define-syntax (first exp)))) (document-procedure exp 'syntax)) ((and documentable-expr? (or (member (car (fourth exp)) procedure-tags) (and (eqv? 'define (first exp)) (pair? (second exp))))) (document-procedure exp)) ((and documentable-expr? (eqv? 'define (car exp))) ;; (print "VRA") (document-variable exp)) ((and documentable-expr? (or (eqv? 'define-record (car exp)) (eqv? 'define-record-type (car exp)))) (document-record exp)) ((eqv? 'include (car exp)) ;; (print "HEY") (document-file (cadr exp))) ((eqv? 'include-relative (car exp)) (document-file (make-pathname file-relpath (cadr exp))))))) (define (document-script script-exp) (let ((docstr (find-docstr script-exp)) (highlight (find-tag '@highlight script-exp)) (pre (find-tag '@pre script-exp)) (post (find-tag '@post script-exp))) (unless (not docstr) (when pre (printf "~a\n" (cadr pre))) (printf "\n" (if highlight (sprintf " highlight=\"~a\"" (cadr highlight)) "")) (printf "~a\n" (string-trim-both docstr)) (printf "\n\n") (when post (printf "~a\n" (cadr post)))))) (define (document-deflist list-exp) (for-each (lambda (kv) (let ((term (car kv)) (def (cdr kv))) (if (null? def) (printf "; ~a :\n" term) (printf "; ~a : ~a\n" term (car def))))) list-exp) (newline)) (define (document-free exp) (unless (null? exp) (let ((docstr (find-docstr exp))) (case (car exp) ((script) (document-script exp)) ((heading title ==) (printf "== ~a\n\n" docstr)) ((subheading subtitle ===) (printf "=== ~a\n\n" docstr)) ((subsubheading subsubtitle ====) (printf "==== ~a\n\n" docstr)) ((subsubsubsubheading subsubsubsubtitle =====) (printf "===== ~a\n\n" docstr)) ((deflist) (document-deflist (cdr exp))) (else (printf "~a\n\n" docstr)))))) (define (document-module exp) (when (alist-ref 'module-headers pargs) (let ((module-name (cadr exp))) (printf "=== Module: ~s\n" module-name))) (let loop ((exp (cdddr exp))) (cond ((null? exp) (void)) ((eqv? (car exp) '@) (document-free (cadr exp)) (loop (cddr exp))) (else (document-expr (car exp)) (loop (cdr exp)))))) (define (document-file file) (set! file-relpath (pathname-directory file)) (call-with-input-file file (lambda (in) (let loop ((exp (read in))) (cond ((eof-object? exp) (void)) ((and (pair? exp) (eqv? (car exp) 'module)) (document-module exp) (loop (read in))) ((eqv? '@ exp) (document-free (read in)) (loop (read in))) (else (document-expr exp) (loop (read in)))))))) (define (generate-docs #!optional (output (current-output-port))) (do ((files input-files (cdr files))) ((null? files)) (let ((file (car files))) (document-file file)))) (when (alist-ref 'help pargs) (print-usage)) (define outfile (alist-ref 'output pargs)) (define license (alist-ref 'license pargs)) (define head (alist-ref 'head pargs)) (define tail (alist-ref 'tail pargs)) (define prologue (alist-ref 'prologue pargs)) (define epilogue (alist-ref 'epilogue pargs)) (define egg-file (find (lambda (f) (equal? (pathname-extension f) "egg")) (directory))) (define egg-name (if egg-file (pathname-file egg-file) #f)) (define release-file (if egg-name (make-pathname #f egg-name "release-info"))) (define ignore-egg (alist-ref 'ignore-egg pargs)) (define no-toc (alist-ref 'no-toc pargs)) (define ignore-release (alist-ref 'ignore-release pargs)) (define email (alist-ref 'email pargs)) ;; let* ((outfile (alist-ref 'output pargs)) ;; (license (alist-ref 'license pargs)) ;; (prologue (alist-ref 'prologue pargs)) ;; (epilogue (alist-ref 'epilogue pargs)) ;; (egg-file (find (lambda (f) ;; (equal? (pathname-extension f) "egg")) ;; (directory))) ;; (egg-name (if egg-file (pathname-file egg-file) #f))) (when outfile (current-output-port (open-output-file outfile))) (when head (if (file-exists? head) (call-with-input-file head (lambda (in) (let ((str (read-string #f in))) (printf str)))) (warning "Head file not found, skipping..."))) (unless (or ignore-egg (not egg-file)) (printf "[[tags: egg]]\n") (unless no-toc (printf "[[toc:]]\n")) (printf "== ~a\n" egg-name) (call-with-input-file egg-file (lambda (in) (let* ((values (read in)) (synopsis (alist-ref 'synopsis values))) (when synopsis (printf "~a\n\n" (car synopsis))))))) (when prologue (if (file-exists? prologue) (call-with-input-file prologue (lambda (in) (let ((str (read-string #f in))) (printf str)))) (warning "Prologue file not found, skipping..."))) (generate-docs) (when epilogue (if (file-exists? epilogue) (call-with-input-file epilogue (lambda (in) (let ((str (read-string #f in))) (printf str)))) (warning "Epilogue file not found, skipping..."))) (unless (or ignore-egg (not egg-file)) (call-with-input-file egg-file (lambda (in) (let* ((values (read in)) (author (alist-ref 'author values)) (maintainer (alist-ref 'maintainer values))) (when maintainer (printf "=== Maintainer\n") (printf "~a\n" (car maintainer))) (when author (printf "=== Author\n") (printf "~a\n" (car author)) (when email (printf "~a\n" email)) (newline)))))) (when license (let ((license-file (or (and (string? license) license) "LICENSE"))) (if (file-exists? license-file) (begin (printf "=== License\n") (call-with-input-file license-file (lambda (in) (let ((str (read-string #f in))) (printf str) (newline))))) (warning "License file not found, skipping...")))) (unless (or ignore-egg ignore-release) (if (file-exists? release-file) (begin (printf "=== Version History\n") (call-with-input-file release-file (lambda (in) (let loop ((line (read-line in))) (unless (eof-object? line) (call-with-input-string line (lambda (line-in) (let ((expr (read line-in))) (when (and (not (eof-object? expr)) (eqv? (car expr) 'release)) (printf "; ~a :~a\n" (cadr expr) (let ((descr (read-string #f line-in))) (if (eof-object? descr) "" (sprintf " ~a" (string-trim descr (lambda (c) (or (char-whitespace? c) (char=? c #\;))))))) ))))) (loop (read-line in))))))) (warning "release-info file not found, skipping..."))) (when tail (if (file-exists? tail) (call-with-input-file tail (lambda (in) (let ((str (read-string #f in))) (printf str)))) (warning "Tail file not found, skipping..."))) (close-output-port (current-output-port))