(use chickadee spiffy uri-common simple-sha1) (use (only chicken-doc-html syntax-highlighter colorize prettify-js)) ;; Helpers (define uri uri-reference) (define (cdoc-relative href) (uri-relative-to (uri href) (cdoc-uri))) (define (fingerprint fn) ;; alternative: (number->string (file-modification-time fn)) (substring (or (sha1sum fn) (error "file not found" fn)) 0 8)) (define cache-bust ;; Fingerprint FN (relative to cdoc) and return cache-busting URI. (lambda (fn) (let ((cdoc-path (uri->string (cdoc-uri)))) (cdoc-relative (string-append fn "?" (fingerprint (make-pathname (list (root-path) cdoc-path) fn))))))) (root-path "root") (server-port 8388) (max-connections 8) (access-log "logs/access.log") (error-log "logs/error.log") (debug-log (current-error-port)) (ajax-log #f) ;; Slow; not recommended for production. (cdoc-uri (uri "/cdoc/")) (chickadee-uri (uri "/doc")) (incremental-search-uri (cdoc-relative "ajax/prefix")) (chickadee-css-files (list (cache-bust "chickadee.css"))) (chickadee-early-js-files (list (cdoc-relative "modernizr.respond.93248.js"))) (chickadee-js-files (list (uri "//code.jquery.com/jquery-1.9.0.min.js") ;; Local jQuery fallback from HTML5 Boilerplate ;; We can't produce a relative URI in the config file, so this ;; will not work unless unless you are doing offline debugging ;; of this server directly on localhost. (string-append "window.jQuery || document.write('