;;; Chickadee chicken-doc server configuration file ;; chickadee changes to the directory holding the conf-file on startup, ;; so all paths below are relative to that path. (cond-expand (chicken-4 (use chickadee spiffy uri-common) ;; REQUIRED. Do not remove. (use (only chicken-doc-html syntax-highlighter colorize prettify-js))) (else (import chickadee spiffy uri-common ;; REQUIRED. Do not remove. (only chicken-doc-html syntax-highlighter colorize prettify-js) (chicken time)))) (define uri uri-reference) ;; A convenient alias. ;;; Main config (root-path "root") (server-port 8080) ;; Logging. If commented out, the defaults will be used: ;; access, debug and AJAX logs are disabled, and error logs go to stderr. ;(access-log "logs/access.log") ;(error-log "logs/error.log") ;(debug-log (current-error-port)) ;(ajax-log "logs/ajax.log") ;; CPU intensive; not recommended for production. ;; An even number of connections is desirable as user agents ;; usually open two (keep-alive) connections per hostname. (max-connections 8) (cdoc-uri (uri "/cdoc/")) (chickadee-uri (uri "/chickadee")) (incremental-search-uri (uri "/cdoc/ajax/prefix")) (chickadee-css-files (list (uri "/cdoc/chickadee.css"))) (chickadee-early-js-files (list (uri "/cdoc/modernizr.respond.93248.js"))) (chickadee-js-files (list (uri "/cdoc/jquery-1.9.0.min.js") ;; Use local jquery only. (uri "/cdoc/chickadee-jquery.js") ;(uri "/cdoc/prettify-bundle.js") ;; Uncomment if using prettify-js highlighter. )) (maximum-match-results 250) (maximum-match-signatures 250) (incremental-search 15) (incremental-search-delay 50) (cache-nodes-for 300) (cache-static-content-for 1800) ;; (syntax-highlighter prettify-js) ;; Uncomment to use prettify-js instead of colorize (last-modified (current-seconds)) ;;; debugging (%chickadee:debug-incremental-search-latency 0) ;;; start