;;;; compile-file.scm - Programmatic compiler invocation (declare (unit compile-file) (fixnum-arithmetic)) (module compile-file (compile-file compile-file-options try-compile) (import (chicken base) (chicken condition) (chicken platform) (chicken file) (chicken foreign) (chicken format) (chicken pathname) (chicken process) (chicken string) ;; rename "load" to avoid conflict with keyword argument (rename (scheme) (load load-file))) (define compile-file-options (make-parameter '("-O2" "-d2"))) (define compile-file (let ((csc (foreign-value "C_CSC_PROGRAM" c-string)) (path (foreign-value "C_INSTALL_BIN_HOME" c-string))) (lambda (filename #!key options output-file (load #t) verbose) (let* ((cscpath (or (file-exists? (make-pathname path csc)) "csc")) (tmpfile (and (not output-file) (create-temporary-file "so"))) (crapshell (eq? (build-platform) 'mingw32)) (cmd (sprintf "~a~a -s ~a ~a -o ~a~a" (if crapshell "\"" "") (qs cscpath) (string-intersperse (or options (compile-file-options))) (qs filename) (qs (or output-file tmpfile)) (if crapshell "\"" "")))) (when verbose (print " " cmd)) (let ((status (system cmd))) (cond ((zero? status) (unless output-file (on-exit (lambda () (handle-exceptions ex #f (delete-file* tmpfile))))) (when load (let ((f (or output-file tmpfile))) (handle-exceptions ex (begin (delete-file* f) (abort ex)) (load-file f) f)))) (else #f))))))) (define default-cxx (foreign-value "C_TARGET_CXX" c-string)) (define default-cc (foreign-value "C_TARGET_CC" c-string)) (define default-cflags (foreign-value "C_TARGET_CFLAGS" c-string)) (define default-ldflags (foreign-value "C_TARGET_LDFLAGS" c-string)) (define default-libdir (foreign-value "C_TARGET_LIB_HOME" c-string)) (define default-libs (foreign-value "C_TARGET_MORE_LIBS" c-string)) (define remove-file-command (case (software-type) ((unix) "rm -f") ((windows) "del /f /q") (else "rm -f"))) (define (shellpath str) (qs (normalize-pathname str))) (define (try-compile code #!key c++ (cc (if c++ default-cxx default-cc)) (cflags "") (ldflags "") (verbose #f) (compile-only #f)) (let* ((fname (create-temporary-file "c")) (oname (pathname-replace-extension fname "o")) (r (begin (with-output-to-file fname (cut display code)) (system (let ((cmd (conc cc " " (if compile-only "-c" "") " " cflags " " default-cflags " " (shellpath fname) " -o " (shellpath oname) " " (if compile-only "" (conc "-L" default-libdir " " ldflags " " default-libs) ) (case (software-type) ((windows) " >nul: " " >/dev/null ") (else "")) (if verbose "" "2>&1" ) ) ) ) (if verbose (print cmd " ...")) cmd) ) ) ) ) (when verbose (print (if (zero? r) "succeeded." "failed."))) (system (sprintf "~A ~A" remove-file-command (shellpath fname))) (system (sprintf "~A ~A" remove-file-command (shellpath oname))) (zero? r) ) ) )