;; ;; crypt - A Scheme API to the UNIX crypt() functionality. ;; ;; This will use the built-in crypt() function provided by the OS whenever ;; possible, but includes fallback code for missing implementations. ;; ;; All Scheme code in this egg is hereby placed in the Public Domain ;; ;; TODO: Perhaps a more Schemely API? Returning a string and requiring ;; the user to compare it with the original input is just silly. ;; Also the conflation of password hash creation and password checking ;; in one function bothers me. (module crypt (crypt crypt-gensalt crypt-prefix->type crypt-maximum-random-u8vector crypt-default-random-u8vector crypt-default-implementation crypt-des-gensalt crypt-des-extended-gensalt crypt-des-extended-default-rounds crypt-md5-gensalt crypt-blowfish-gensalt crypt-blowfish-default-logrounds crypt-sha256-gensalt crypt-sha256-default-rounds crypt-sha512-gensalt crypt-sha512-default-rounds) (import scheme (chicken base) (chicken foreign) (chicken syntax) (chicken random) (chicken string) (chicken bitwise) (chicken format) srfi-4) (import-for-syntax (chicken string)) (foreign-declare "#include \"common.c\"") (define int->a64 (foreign-lambda* char ((int i)) "C_return(_crypt_itoa64[i&0x3f]);")) ;; Gensalts are always loaded (include "implementations/blowfish/gensalt.scm") (include "implementations/SHA-2/gensalt-sha256.scm") (include "implementations/SHA-2/gensalt-sha512.scm") (include "implementations/MD5/gensalt.scm") (include "implementations/DES/gensalt-extended.scm") (include "implementations/DES/gensalt.scm") (cond-expand (has-native-crypt (include "implementations/native/crypt.scm")) (else)) (define-syntax fallback-implementation (er-macro-transformer (lambda (e r c) (let* ((type (symbol->string (cadr e))) (file (caddr e)) (feature (string->symbol (string-append "crypt-native-" type)))) `(cond-expand ((not ,feature) (include ,file)) (else)))))) (fallback-implementation blowfish "implementations/blowfish/crypt.scm") (fallback-implementation sha512 "implementations/SHA-2/crypt-sha512.scm") (fallback-implementation sha256 "implementations/SHA-2/crypt-sha256.scm") (fallback-implementation md5 "implementations/MD5/crypt.scm") (fallback-implementation des-extended "implementations/DES/crypt-extended.scm") (fallback-implementation des "implementations/DES/crypt.scm") (define (u8vector->saltstring u8vector) (let* ((salt-length (ceiling (/ (* (u8vector-length u8vector) 8) 6))) (salt (make-string salt-length))) ((foreign-lambda void "bytes_to_saltstring" u8vector unsigned-int (scheme-pointer char) unsigned-int) u8vector (u8vector-length u8vector) salt salt-length) salt)) (define (get-random-u8vector impl random minimum-size maximum-size) (let* ((input (random minimum-size maximum-size)) (input-size (u8vector-length input))) (cond ((< input-size minimum-size) (error "Vector with random bytes too short" impl input-size minimum-size)) ((> input-size (or maximum-size input-size)) (error "Vector with random bytes too long" impl input-size maximum-size)) (else input)))) (define (crypt-maximum-random-u8vector minimum-size maximum-size) (let ((size (or maximum-size minimum-size))) (do ((i 0 (add1 i)) (v (make-u8vector size))) ((= i size) v) (u8vector-set! v i (pseudo-random-integer 256))))) (define crypt-default-random-u8vector (make-parameter crypt-maximum-random-u8vector)) (define crypt-default-implementation (make-parameter 'blowfish)) (define (string-prefix? p s) ; We don't need no srfi-13 (substring=? p s 0 0 (string-length p))) ;; Maybe this should be sped up (by not comparing from the start every time) (define (crypt-prefix->type str) (cond ((string-prefix? "_" str) 'des-extended) ((not (string-prefix? "$" str)) 'des) ((string-prefix? "$2a$" str) 'blowfish) ((string-prefix? "$6$" str) 'sha512) ((string-prefix? "$5$" str) 'sha256) ((string-prefix? "$1$" str) 'md5) ((string-prefix? "$sha1$" str) 'sha1) ;; These are just stupid. The APR and openwall things should probably ;; be exposed somehow so that the user can force the implementation. ;; OTOH, we already override 2a to mean 2y when using OpenWall so we ;; can correctly read blowfish crypted passwords from the BSD version. ;; WHAT AN INCREDIBLE FUCKING MESS! ((string-prefix? "$apr1$" str) 'md5-apr) ((string-prefix? "{SHA}" str) 'sha1-apr) ((string-prefix? "$P$" str) 'phpass) ((string-prefix? "$H$" str) 'phpass-bbforum) ((string-prefix? "$2x$" str) 'blowfish-from-known-buggy-openwall-version) ((string-prefix? "$2y$" str) 'blowfish-from-known-correct-openwall-version) ;; The following two are not supported (and probably never will be) ;; but they are here for completeness. NTLM doesn't use salts(!) ;; and the old-style blowfish is not documented or even *used*, AFAIK ((or (string-prefix? "$NT$" str) (string-prefix? "$3$$" str)) 'ntlm) ((string-prefix? "$2$" str) 'blowfish-deprecated) ;; What about OS X? Apparently it doesn't use a prefix at all ;; for its SHA-1 salted hashes.. :( But then again, maybe that ;; disqualifies it from being Unix crypt (else (error "Unknown crypt prefix type" str)))) (define-syntax crypt-cases (er-macro-transformer (lambda (e r c) `(case ,(cadr e) ,@(map (lambda (type) (let* ((stype (->string type)) (fallback-procedure (string->symbol (string-append "crypt-" stype))) (feature-name (string->symbol (string-append "crypt-native-" stype)))) `((,type) (cond-expand (,feature-name (crypt-native password hash)) (else (,fallback-procedure password hash)))))) (cddr e)) (else (error "Unkown crypt() type" ,(cadr e))))))) (define (crypt password #!optional setting) (let* ((type (if setting (crypt-prefix->type setting) (crypt-default-implementation))) (hash (or setting (crypt-gensalt type: type)))) (crypt-cases type blowfish sha512 sha256 md5 #;sha1 md5 des-extended des))) (define (crypt-gensalt #!key type random) (let ((random (or random (crypt-default-random-u8vector)))) (case (or type (crypt-default-implementation)) ((blowfish) (crypt-blowfish-gensalt random)) ((sha512) (crypt-sha512-gensalt random)) ((sha256) (crypt-sha256-gensalt random)) ;((sha1) (crypt-sha1-gensalt random)) ((md5) (crypt-md5-gensalt random)) ((des-extended) (crypt-des-extended-gensalt random)) ((des) (crypt-des-gensalt random)) (else (error "Unsupported crypt() type" type))))) )