;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; ;;; Fetch, install, and manage multiple versions of CHICKEN Scheme. ;;; ;;; Copyright (c) 2019, Evan Hanson ;;; ;;; See LICENSE for details. ;;; (declare (module (dust))) (import (chicken condition) (chicken file) (chicken file posix) (chicken io) (chicken irregex) (chicken memory) (chicken pathname) (chicken platform) (chicken port) (chicken string) (chicken process) (chicken process-context) (chicken process-context posix) (openssl) ; NOTE this must precede http-client (http-client) (memory-mapped-files) (posix-groups)) (import-syntax (begin-syntax) (matchable)) (import-for-syntax (chicken process)) (define-syntax ensure (syntax-rules () ((_ test . args) (unless test (error . args))))) (define DUST_VERSION (begin-syntax (let ((x (with-input-from-pipe "git describe --tags 2>/dev/null" read-line))) (if (string? x) x "(egg)")))) (define DUST_ARCH (begin-syntax (with-input-from-pipe "uname -m" read-line))) ;; TODO better libc detection (define DUST_FLAVOUR (or (include "libc-detect.scm") (begin-syntax (or (include "libc-detect.scm") (syntax-error "Unable to determine libc version"))))) (define DUST (program-name)) (define DUST_PLATFORM (case (software-version) ((freebsd openbsd) 'bsd) (else => values))) ;; TODO use regex instead of string (define DUST_PREFIX_FILLER (make-string 255 #\x)) (define DUST_HOME (or (get-environment-variable "DUST_HOME") "/opt/dust")) (define (dust-home . args) (string-chomp (make-pathname (cons DUST_HOME (map conc args)) #f) "/")) (define (dust-user-home . args) (apply dust-home "user" (current-user-name) args)) (define (dust-in-path?) (member (dust-user-home "active/bin") (normalized-path))) (define (active-version) (condition-case (pathname-strip-directory (read-symbolic-link (dust-user-home "active"))) ((exn i/o file) #f))) (define (pathname? x) (or (irregex-search #\/ x) (string=? x ".") (string=? x ".."))) (define (valid-name? x) (and (not (pathname? x)) (not (irregex-search '(: bos #\.) x)))) (define (valid-version? x) (valid-name? x)) (define (make-absolute-pathname* path) (normalize-pathname (if (absolute-pathname? path) path (make-pathname (current-directory) path)))) (define (installed-versions) (condition-case (directory (dust-user-home "version")) ((exn i/o file) '()))) (define (version-exists? name) (directory-exists? (dust-user-home "version" name))) (define (path-expression) (conc "PATH=" (qs (dust-user-home "active/bin")) ":$PATH")) (define (print-path-instructions) (parameterize ((current-output-port (current-error-port))) (print) (print "To use the active version you must run the following:") (print) (print " eval $(" DUST " env)") (print) (print "To make it persistent, add this command to ~/.profile") (print))) (define (normalized-path) (map (lambda (x) (string-chomp (normalize-pathname x) "/")) (string-split (get-environment-variable "PATH") ":"))) (define (delete-symbolic-link* path) (condition-case (delete-file path) ((exn i/o file) #f))) (define (delete-directory* path) (condition-case (delete-directory path #t) ((exn i/o file) #f))) (define (binary-version prefix) (define (fail) (error "Could not detect binary version" prefix)) (match (directory (make-pathname prefix "lib/chicken")) ((n) (or (string->number n) (fail))) (else (fail)))) (define (patch-text path prefix) (let* ((str (with-input-from-file path read-string)) (str* (irregex-replace/all DUST_PREFIX_FILLER str prefix))) (with-output-to-file path (lambda () (write-string str*))))) ;; TODO search within buffer ;; TODO modify buffer in-place to avoid copying (define (patch-binary path prefix) (let* ((file (file-open path (+ open/rdwr open/nonblock))) (size (file-size file)) (mem (map-file-to-memory #f size (+ prot/read prot/write) map/shared file)) (str (make-string size)) (_ (move-memory! (memory-mapped-file-pointer mem) str size)) (str* (irregex-replace/all `(: ($ ,DUST_PREFIX_FILLER) ($ (* (~ #\null)))) str (lambda (m) (let* ((fill (irregex-match-substring m 1)) (path (irregex-match-substring m 2)) (null (- (string-length fill) (string-length prefix)))) (ensure (positive? null) "Install path is too long" prefix) (string-append (string-append prefix path) (make-string null #\null))))))) (move-memory! str* (memory-mapped-file-pointer mem) size) (unmap-file-from-memory mem) (file-close file))) (define (patch prefix) (let ((v (binary-version prefix))) (for-each (lambda (f) (patch-binary f prefix)) (glob (conc prefix "/bin/c*") (conc prefix "/lib/*.a") (conc prefix "/lib/*.so") (conc prefix "/lib/chicken/" (number->string v) "/*.so"))) (for-each (lambda (f) (patch-text f prefix)) (glob (conc prefix "/bin/f*") (conc prefix "/include/chicken/*"))))) ;; TODO error handling ;; TODO snapshot versions ;; TODO checksums ;; TODO caching ;; TODO extract in-process ;; TODO sanity check archive contents (define (install version prefix) (let* ((source-directory (conc "chicken-" version "-" DUST_ARCH "-" DUST_PLATFORM "-" DUST_FLAVOUR)) (source-tarball (conc source-directory ".tar.gz"))) (define (fetch) (call-with-input-request (conc "https://foldling.org/dust/" source-tarball) #f (lambda (response) (call-with-output-file source-tarball (lambda (file) (copy-port response file)))))) (define (extract) (delete-directory* source-directory) (system* (conc "tar -xzpf " source-tarball)) (delete-directory* prefix) (rename-file source-directory prefix)) (let* ((d (current-directory)) (t (create-temporary-directory))) (dynamic-wind (lambda () (change-directory t)) (lambda () (fetch) (extract) (patch prefix)) (lambda () (change-directory d) (delete-directory* t)))))) (define (activate name) (ensure (version-exists? name) "No such version" name) (delete-symbolic-link* (dust-user-home "active")) (condition-case (create-symbolic-link (make-pathname "version" name) (dust-user-home "active")) (e (exn i/o file) (error "Could not activate version" name) (exit 1)))) (define (check-dust-root) (unless (and (directory-exists? (dust-home "user")) (= (file-owner (dust-home "user")) 0) (= (file-permissions (dust-home "user")) #o1775)) (signal (condition `(exn message ,(conc "You must set DUST_HOME or run `" DUST " init ` as root")))))) (define (initialise-dust-root group) (define group-info (group-information group)) (ensure group-info "No such group" group) (create-directory (dust-home "user") #t) (set-file-owner! (dust-home "user") (current-user-id)) (set-file-group! (dust-home "user") (caddr group-info)) (set-file-permissions! (dust-home "user") #o1775)) (define (initialise-dust-user-home) (unless (get-environment-variable "DUST_HOME") (check-dust-root)) (create-directory (dust-user-home "version") #t) (set-file-owner! (dust-user-home) (current-user-id)) (set-file-owner! (dust-user-home "version") (current-user-id)) (set-file-group! (dust-user-home) (current-group-id)) (set-file-group! (dust-user-home "version") (current-group-id)) (set-file-permissions! (dust-user-home) #o0755) (set-file-permissions! (dust-user-home "version") #o0755) (unless (file-exists? (dust-user-home "active")) (delete-symbolic-link* (dust-user-home "active")))) (define (run-init options group) (initialise-dust-root group)) (define (run-env options) (print (path-expression))) (define (run-status options) (let ((active (active-version)) (installed (installed-versions))) (print "Active: " (if (not active) "(none)" active) (if (or (not active) (dust-in-path?)) "" " (not in PATH)")) (print "Installed: " (if (null? installed) "(none)" (string-intersperse installed)))) (unless (dust-in-path?) (print-path-instructions) (exit 1))) (define (run-install options name version) (ensure (valid-name? name) "Invalid version name" name) (ensure (valid-version? version) "Invalid version" version) (install version (dust-user-home "version" name)) (unless (active-version) (activate name))) (define (run-switch options name) (ensure (valid-name? name) "Invalid version name" name) (unless (version-exists? name) (condition-case (run-install options name name) ((http client-error) (void)))) (activate name)) (define (run-uninstall options name) (ensure (valid-name? name) "Invalid version name" name) (delete-directory* (dust-user-home "version" name)) (when (equal? (active-version) name) (delete-symbolic-link* (dust-user-home "active")))) (define (run-fetch options version destination) (ensure (valid-version? version) "Invalid version" version) (ensure (pathname? destination) "Invalid install location" destination) (define prefix (make-absolute-pathname* destination)) (ensure (not (file-exists? prefix)) "File exists" destination) (install version prefix)) (define (print-version) (print "dust " DUST_VERSION " " DUST_ARCH "-" DUST_PLATFORM "-" DUST_FLAVOUR)) (define (print-usage arguments) (match arguments (("init" . _) (print "Usage: " DUST " init ")) (((and (or "status" "env") command) . _) (print "Usage: " DUST " " command)) (((and (or "switch" "uninstall") command) . _) (print "Usage: " DUST " " command " ")) (("install" . _) (print "Usage: " DUST " install [] ")) (else (print "Usage: " DUST " ...") (print) (print " status") (print " init ") (print " install [] ") (print " switch ") (print " uninstall ") (print)))) (define (run options arguments) (match arguments (("version") (print-version)) (("init" group) (run-init options group)) (("env") (initialise-dust-user-home) (run-env options)) (("status") (initialise-dust-user-home) (run-status options)) (("install" version (? pathname? destination)) ;; NOTE this form does not sanity check dust-user-home (run-fetch options version destination)) (("install" version) (initialise-dust-user-home) (run-install options version version)) (("install" name version) (initialise-dust-user-home) (run-install options name version)) (("switch" name) (initialise-dust-user-home) (run-switch options name)) (("uninstall" name) (initialise-dust-user-home) (run-uninstall options name)) ((or () ("help")) (print-usage arguments)) (else (print-usage arguments) (exit 1)))) (define (main) (let ((opts '()) (args '()) (debug #f)) ((flip for-each) (command-line-arguments) (lambda (arg) (cond ((member arg '("-h" "--help")) (print-usage '()) (exit 0)) ((member arg '("-v" "--version")) (print-version) (exit 0)) ((equal? arg "--debug") (set! debug #t)) ((irregex-search '(: bos #\-) arg) (set! opts (cons arg opts))) (else (set! args (cons arg args)))))) (unless (null? opts) (print-usage args) (exit 1)) (handle-exceptions e (begin (when debug (signal e)) (print "Error: " ((condition-property-accessor 'exn 'message) e) " " ((condition-property-accessor 'exn 'arguments "") e)) (exit 1)) (run (reverse opts) (reverse args))))) (cond-expand (compiling (main)) (else))