#!/usr/bin/csi -s (import genann (only chicken.format printf) (only srfi-4 f64vector-ref)) (define save-name "example/xor.ann") (printf "Genann example 3.~n") (printf "Load a saved ANN to solve the XOR function.~n") (define ann (call-with-input-file save-name (cut genann-read <>))) ;; Input data for the XOR function. (define inputs #(#f64(0 0) #f64(0 1) #f64(1 0) #f64(1 1))) ;; Run the network and see what it predicts. (do ((i 0 (add1 i))) ((= i 4)) (printf "Output for ~a is ~a~n" (vector-ref inputs i) (inexact->exact (round (f64vector-ref (genann-run ann (vector-ref inputs i)) 0)))))