;;;; getopt-utils.scm ;;;; Kon Lovett, Feb '13 ;;;; Kon Lovett, Jan '21 ;;;; Kon Lovett, Mar '24 ;; Issues ;; ;; - getopt-long doesn't handle non-key arguments (module getopt-utils (;export ; opt-exit-code usage-message ; #;Xmake-option-dispatch (opt-ref *opt-cell-value) (opt-set! *opt-cell-value) opt-rest #;(opt-getters *opt-names) ; opt-value opt-body opt-number opt-string string-read string->/? ; opt-usage opt-error opt-usage-error ; opt-docstring (extend-opt-grammar *process-extended-item) opt-parse) (import scheme utf8) (import (only (chicken base) when unless let-values make-parameter parameterize error and-let* cut receive current-error-port fixnum? warning define-constant void exit identity alist-ref foldl atom?)) (import (chicken type)) (import (only (chicken pathname) pathname-strip-directory)) (import (only (chicken condition) get-condition-property handle-exceptions make-property-condition)) (import (only (chicken port) with-input-from-string)) (import (only (chicken format) format)) (import (only (chicken process-context) program-name)) (import (only (chicken platform) feature?)) (import (only (srfi 1) append! first second third every any fold filter filter-map partition drop-while)) (import getopt-long) (define-type alist (list-of (pair symbol *))) (define-type arglist (list-of string)) (: opt-exit-code (or (-> fixnum) (fixnum -> fixnum))) (: usage-message (or (-> string) (string -> string))) (: opt-error (string arglist alist #!optional alist -> void)) (: opt-usage (alist #!optional alist -> void)) (: opt-exn-error (condition alist #!optional alist -> void)) (: opt-usage-error ((or string condition) list #!optional list fixnum -> void)) (: opt-docstring (string #!optional * -> string)) (: opt-parse (arglist alist #!optional alist -> alist)) ;;(std-prelude) (define (boolean obj) (and obj #t)) ;;; ;from getopt-long #; (define (Xmake-option-dispatch opts options-desc-list) (let ... (lambda (name) (case name ((@) (alist-ref '@ opts)) (else (let* ((spec (find (lambda (x) (eq? (option-spec-name x) name)) specifications)) (v (filter-map (lambda (x) (and (eq? (car x) name) (cdr x))) (cdr opts))) ) (cond ((null? v) (find (lambda (x) (eq? (car x) name)) defaults) ) ((option-spec-multiple? spec) v ) (else (car v) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) (define (*opt-cell-value cell func-or-def) (let ((func (if (procedure? func-or-def) func-or-def identity)) (def (and (not (procedure? func-or-def)) func-or-def)) ) (func (if cell (cdr cell) def)) ) ) ;FIXME use of identity always ? ;FIXME use of default function rather than value ? (define-syntax opt-ref (syntax-rules () ; ((opt-ref ?key ?al) (opt-ref ?key ?al #f) ) ; ((opt-ref ?key ?al ?func-or-def) (*opt-cell-value (assq ?key ?al) ?func-or-def) ) ) ) ;consistent return type - (not void) (define-syntax opt-set! (syntax-rules () ; ((opt-set! ?var ?key ?al) (opt-set! ?var ?key ?al #f) ) ; ((opt-set! ?var ?key ?al ?func-or-def) (and-let* ((cell (assq ?key ?al))) (let ((func-or-def ?func-or-def)) (set! ?var (*opt-cell-value cell func-or-def)) func-or-def ) ) ) ) ) (define (opt-rest params) (alist-ref '@ params eq? '())) #| ;UNUSED (define (*opt-names names-or-grammar) (define (not-help n) (and (not (eq? n 'help)) n)) (and (list? names-or-grammar) (cond ((null? names-or-grammar) '()) ((symbol? (car names-or-grammar)) names-or-grammar) ((pair? (car names-or-grammar)) (filter-map (lambda (s) (not-help (car s))) names-or-grammar)) (else #f) ) ) ) (define-syntax opt-getters (syntax-rules () ; ((opt-getters (sym0 ...)) (list (lambda (os) (opt-ref 'sym0 os)) ...) ) ; ((opt-getters ?opts (sym0 ...)) (list (lambda () (opt-ref 'sym0 ?opts)) ...) ) ; ((opt-getters ?ls) (map (lambda (k) (lambda (os) (opt-ref k os))) (*opt-names ?ls)) ) ; ((opt-getters ?opts ?ls) (map (lambda (k) (lambda () (opt-ref k ?opts))) (*opt-names ?ls)) ) ) ) |# ;; #; ; (define (grammar-extension? elm) ;(OPTION-NAME [DOCSTRING] (required OPTIONAL-OPTION-NAME-0 OPTIONAL-OPTION-NAME-1 ...)) (match elm (((? symbol? (get! optn-name)) (and ('required (? symbol?) ...) (get! optn-rqrd))) #t ) (((? symbol? (get! optn-name)) (? string? (get! optn-docs)) (and ('required (? symbol?) ...) (get! optn-rqrd))) #t ) ) ) (define (required-grammer-option? ls) (and (pair? ls) (eq? 'required (first ls)) (<= 2 (length (cdr ls))) (every symbol? (cdr ls)) ) ) (define (grammar-components elm) (cond ((and (pair? elm) (symbol? (first elm)) (= 2 (length elm)) (required-grammer-option? (second elm))) (values (first elm) #f (second elm)) ) ((and (pair? elm) (symbol? (first elm)) (= 3 (length elm)) (string? (second elm)) (required-grammer-option? (third elm))) (values (first elm) (second elm) (third elm)) ) (else (values #f #f #f) ) ) ) (define (grammar-extension? elm) (boolean (car (receive (grammar-components elm)))) ) (define (split-extensions grammar) (partition grammar-extension? grammar) ) (define (check-grammar-extension params elm) (let-values (((nam doc dfs) (grammar-components elm))) (let ((rqrds (and dfs (opt-ref 'required dfs)))) ;no extensions? (if (not rqrds) params ;else required extension (let ((prvs (and (pair? rqrds) (filter (cut assq <> params) rqrds)))) (if prvs `((,nam . ,prvs) . ,params) (begin ;(opt-error "missing #nam option") (void) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) (define (check-grammar-extensions params extd-grammar) (foldl check-grammar-extension params extd-grammar) ) (define (check-extensions params extd-grammar) (if (not (pair? extd-grammar)) params (check-grammar-extensions params extd-grammar) ) ) ;; (define (opt-docstring msg #!optional val) (if (not val) msg (string-append msg " " "(" "default" " " (->string val) ")")) ) ;; (define-constant EX_USAGE 64) ;from BSD sysexits.h (define usage-message (make-parameter " ...")) ;; #; ;USELESS w/o incl (optn) value (define (opt-widest grammar) (define (symplen sym) (string-length (symbol->string sym)) ) (define (max-symlen optn pare) (let ((lngsym (first pare))) (if (< (symplen optn) (symplen lngsym)) lngsym optn )) ) (foldl max-symlen '|| grammar) ) ;width | separator | indent are getopt-long parameters (define (get-usage-param key options) (define (or-param proc) (or (opt-ref key options) (proc))) (case key ;getopt-utils ((command) (opt-ref 'command options (pathname-strip-directory (program-name)))) ((port) (opt-ref 'port options (current-error-port))) ;getopt-long ((long-option-value-cset) (or-param (lambda () default-long-option-value-cset))) ((long-option-value-quoting) (or-param long-option-value-quoting)) ((message) (or-param usage-message)) ((width) (or-param width)) ((separator) (or-param separator)) ((indent) (or-param indent)) ) ) (define (opt-usage-proto grammar #!optional (options '())) (format (get-usage-param 'port options) "usage: ~A ~A~%" (get-usage-param 'command options) (get-usage-param 'message options)) ) ;; (define (opt-usage-newline #!optional (options '())) (let ((port (get-usage-param 'port options))) (newline port) ) ) (define (opt-error msg args grammar #!optional (options '())) (let ((port (get-usage-param 'port options)) (command (get-usage-param 'command options)) ) (when command (format port "~A: " command)) (display msg port) (unless (null? args) (display #\: port) (for-each (cut format port " ~S" <>) args) ) (newline port) ) ) (define (opt-exn-error exn grammar #!optional (options '())) (opt-error (get-condition-property exn 'exn 'message "") (get-condition-property exn 'exn 'arguments '()) grammar options) ) (define (opt-usage grammar #!optional (options '())) (let ((port (get-usage-param 'port options))) (opt-usage-proto grammar options) (parameterize ((usage-message (get-usage-param 'message options)) (width (get-usage-param 'width options)) (separator (get-usage-param 'separator options)) (indent (get-usage-param 'indent options)) ) (display (usage grammar) port) ) ) ) (define (opt-usage-error exn grammar #!optional (options '()) (exit-code EX_USAGE)) (opt-usage-newline options) (if (string? exn) (opt-error exn '() grammar options) (opt-exn-error exn grammar options) ) (opt-usage-newline options) (opt-usage grammar options) (exit exit-code) ) ; (define (make-unknown-handler args grammar #!optional (options '()) (exit-code EX_USAGE)) (lambda (opts) (opt-error "unknown options" opts grammar options) (opt-usage grammar options) (exit exit-code) ) ) ;; (define opt-exit-code (make-parameter 1 (lambda (x) (if (fixnum? x) x (begin (warning 'opt-exit-code "invalid exit code" x) (opt-exit-code)))))) ;; (define (*process-extended-item elm) (let ((nam (first elm))) (if (atom? nam) elm (let ((lnam (first nam)) (snam (second nam)) (desc? (string? (second elm))) ) (append! `(,lnam) (if desc? `(,(second elm)) '()) `((single-char ,(string-ref (symbol->string snam) 0))) (list-tail elm (if desc? 2 1))) ) ) ) ) (define-syntax extend-opt-grammar (syntax-rules () ; ((extend-opt-grammar #f ?elm0 ...) (extend-opt-grammar () ?elm0 ...) ) ; ((extend-opt-grammar #t ?elm0 ...) (extend-opt-grammar (((help h) "this message")) ?elm0 ...) ) ; ((extend-opt-grammar (?src0 ...) ?elm0 ...) (map *process-extended-item (append `(?elm0 ...) `(?src0 ...))) ) ; ((extend-opt-grammar ?src ?elm0 ...) (map *process-extended-item (append `(?elm0 ...) ?src)) ) ) ) ;@kind `*' : (read) ->string function (define (string-read s) (with-input-from-string s read)) (define-syntax string->/? (syntax-rules (identity) ((string->/? identity identity) identity ) ((string->/? ?tran identity) ?tran ) ((string->/? identity ?pred) (lambda (x) (and (?pred x) x)) ) ((string->/? ?tran ?pred) (lambda (x) (and-let* ((a (?tran x)) ((?pred a))) a)) ) ) ) (define-syntax opt-value (syntax-rules (identity) ; ((opt-value (?ro ?k)) (opt-value (?ro ?k) (identity identity)) ) ; ((opt-value ?k) (opt-value (optional ?k)) ) ; ((opt-value (?ro ?k) (?t)) (opt-value (?ro ?k) (?t identity)) ) ; ((opt-value (?ro ?k) (?t ?p?)) (opt-value ?ro ?k ?t ?p?) ) ; ((opt-value (?ro ?k) ?p?) (opt-value (?ro ?k) (identity ?p?)) ) ; ((opt-value ?k (?t)) (opt-value (optional ?k) (?t identity)) ) ; ((opt-value ?k (?t ?p?)) (opt-value (optional ?k) (?t ?p?)) ) ; ((opt-value ?k ?p?) (opt-value (optional ?k) (identity ?p?)) ) ; ((opt-value ?ro ?k identity identity) `((value (?ro ?k))) ) ; ((opt-value ?ro ?k ?t identity) `((value (?ro ?k) (transformer ,?t))) ) ; ((opt-value ?ro ?k identity ?p?) `((value (?ro ?k) (predicate ,?p?))) ) ; ((opt-value ?ro ?k ?t ?p?) (let ((tp? (string->/? ?t ?p?))) `((value (?ro ?k) (predicate ,tp?) (transformer ,tp?))) ) ) ) ) (define-syntax opt-body (syntax-rules () ; ((opt-body (?m ...)) `(,(opt-docstring ?m ...)) ) ; ((opt-body ?m) (opt-body (?m)) ) ; ((opt-body (?m ...) ?R ...) `(,(opt-docstring ?m ...) ,@(opt-value ?R ...)) ) ; ((opt-body ?m ?R ...) (opt-body (?m) ?R ...) ) ) ) (define-syntax opt-number (syntax-rules () ; ((opt-number ?M) (opt-body ?M (string->number)) ) ; ((opt-number ?M ?R) (opt-number ?M ?R identity) ) ; ((opt-number ?M ?R ?p?) (opt-body ?M ?R (string->number ?p?)) ) ) ) (define-syntax opt-string (syntax-rules () ; ((opt-string ?M) (opt-body ?M (identity)) ) ; ((opt-string ?M ?R) (opt-string ?M ?R identity) ) ; ((opt-string ?M ?R ?p?) (opt-body ?M ?R ?p?) ) ) ) ;; (define (perform-help help-obj grammar options) (opt-usage grammar options) (exit (opt-exit-code)) ) (define (app-arguments args) (if (not (feature? 'chicken-script)) args (if (or (null? args) (not (string=? "--" (car args)))) args (cdr args)) ) ) ;grammar extensions: ; ; - (OPTION-NAME [DOCSTRING] (required OPTIONAL-OPTION-NAME-0 OPTIONAL-OPTION-NAME-1 ...)) ; ; @args : CLI arguments ; @grammar : getopt-long option statement ; @options : list-of message | width | separator | indent | port | command ; @raw? : treat chicken-script -- arguments as @args, default #f ; @ : alist - ((option . value) ...) where '@ is list-of unconsumed args ; (define (opt-parse args grammar #!optional (options '()) (raw? #f)) (let ((args (if raw? args (app-arguments args)))) (if (null? args) args (handle-exceptions exn (begin ;doesn't return (opt-usage-error exn grammar options) ) ;FIXME add options unknown-option-handler & long-option-value-cset (receive (extd-grammar base-grammar) (split-extensions grammar) (let* ((handler (make-unknown-handler args grammar options)) (cset (get-usage-param 'long-option-value-cset options)) (quoting? (get-usage-param 'long-option-value-quoting options)) (params (parameterize ((long-option-value-quoting quoting?)) (getopt-long args base-grammar unknown-option-handler: handler long-option-value-cset: cset)) ) ) (cond ((opt-ref 'help params) => (cut perform-help <> grammar options)) (else (check-extensions params extd-grammar) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ;; ;abstract 'help' into operators & handlers ) ;module getopt-utils