;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; ;;; custom-build.scm - git egg installation script ;;; ;;; Copyright (c) 2013-2021, Evan Hanson ;;; ;;; See LICENSE for details. ;;; (import (chicken io) (chicken irregex) (chicken platform) (chicken process) (chicken process-context) (chicken string)) ;; ;; Shims for CHICKEN 4 setup API ;; (define (version>=? v1 v2) (let loop ((v1 (string-split v1 ".")) (v2 (string-split v2 "."))) (or (null? v2) (and (pair? v1) (let ((n1 (string->number (car v1))) (n2 (string->number (car v2)))) (or (> n1 n2) (and (= n1 n2) (loop (cdr v1) (cdr v2))))))))) (define-syntax compile (er-macro-transformer (lambda (x r c) `(let ((n (nth-value 2 (process-wait (process-run (get-environment-variable "CHICKEN_CSC") (map ->string (eval ',(list 'quasiquote (cdr x))))))))) (unless (zero? n) (exit n)))))) ;; ;; Declare supported versions. ;; (define *required-chicken* "5.0") (define *required-libgit2* "0.23.0") ;; ;; Verify the CHICKEN version. ;; (unless (version>=? (chicken-version) *required-chicken*) (error "git: This extension requires CHICKEN version" *required-chicken*)) ;; ;; Verify the libgit2 version. ;; ;; Due to API instability, the library's major and minor versions must ;; match the required version precisely, while its patch version may be ;; equal to or greater than required. ;; (define (libgit2-version-ok? version-string) (version>=? version-string *required-libgit2*)) ;; If pkg-config is available, consult it first. (define pkg-config-version (let ((s (with-input-from-pipe "pkg-config --modversion libgit2" read-string))) (and (string? s) (string-chomp s)))) ;; Assign a libgit2 version feature identifier. (define libgit2-X.X.X (cond ((not pkg-config-version) (warning "git: Unable to detect libgit2 version, guessing" *required-libgit2*) (newline (current-error-port)) (string-append "libgit2-" *required-libgit2*)) ((libgit2-version-ok? pkg-config-version) (string-append "libgit2-" pkg-config-version)) (else (error "git: This extension requires libgit2 version" *required-libgit2*)))) ;; And a short version. (define libgit2-X.X (irregex-replace '(: "." (+ num) eol) libgit2-X.X.X ""))