(module gl-type (load-face face? face-atlas face-char-set face-height string-mesh string-width pixel-density-ratio) (import scheme (chicken base) (chicken bitwise) (chicken gc) (chicken memory) (chicken sort) (chicken string) srfi-1 srfi-4 srfi-13 srfi-14 miscmacros freetype (prefix epoxy #:gl) gl-utils) (define lib (ft-init-freetype)) (define-record face atlas char-set glyphs height ascender space-advance atlas-width atlas-height) (define-record glyph offset-x offset-y width height advance bearing-x bearing-y) (define-parameter pixel-density-ratio 1) (define (pixel-size x) (arithmetic-shift x -6)) (define (next-power-of-two n) (inexact->exact (expt 2 (ceiling (/ (log n) (log 2)))))) ;; Used for create-glyph bin-packing (define row-height (make-parameter #f)) (define pen-x (make-parameter 0)) (define pen-y (make-parameter 0)) ;; Easy bin packing: sort glyphs by decreasing height, each row of glyphs uses the height of the first glyph of that row (define (create-glyph char face mode texture-data tex-width tex-height) (ft-load-char face (char->integer char) FT_LOAD_DEFAULT) (ft-render-glyph (ft-face-glyph face) (if (eq? mode mono:) FT_RENDER_MODE_MONO FT_RENDER_MODE_NORMAL)) (let* ((glyph (ft-face-glyph face)) (metrics (ft-glyph-slot-metrics glyph)) (bitmap (ft-glyph-slot-bitmap glyph)) (width (ft-bitmap-width bitmap)) (rows (ft-bitmap-rows bitmap)) (buf (ft-bitmap-buffer bitmap))) (unless (row-height) (row-height rows)) (when (>= (+ (pen-x) width) tex-width) (pen-x 0) (pen-y (+ (pen-y) (row-height) 1)) (row-height rows)) (dotimes (i rows) (dotimes (j width) (u8vector-set! texture-data (+ j (pen-x) (* (+ i (pen-y)) tex-width)) (pointer-u8-ref (pointer+ buf (+ j (* i width))))))) (begin0 (cons char (make-glyph (/ (pen-x) tex-width) (/ (pen-y) tex-height) width rows (pixel-size (ft-glyph-metrics-hori-advance metrics)) (pixel-size (ft-glyph-metrics-hori-bearing-x metrics)) (pixel-size (ft-glyph-metrics-hori-bearing-y metrics)))) (pen-x (+ (pen-x) width 1))))) (define (load-face path size #!key (char-set char-set:graphic) (mode normal:)) (define face (ft-new-face lib path)) (unless face (error 'load-face "File not found or loadable" path)) (ft-set-pixel-sizes face 0 (* size (pixel-density-ratio))) (pen-x 0) (pen-y 0) (row-height #f) (let* ((dimensions (map (lambda (char) (ft-load-char face (char->integer char) FT_LOAD_DEFAULT) (let ((metrics (ft-glyph-slot-metrics (ft-face-glyph face)))) (list char (pixel-size (ft-glyph-metrics-width metrics)) (pixel-size (ft-glyph-metrics-height metrics))))) (char-set->list char-set))) (dimensions (sort dimensions (lambda (a b) (> (third a) (third b))))) (max-height (third (car dimensions))) (tex-width (next-power-of-two (sqrt (* (fold (lambda (a b) (+ (second a) b)) 0 dimensions) max-height)))) (tex-height (let loop ((chars dimensions) (x 0) (y (+ 2 max-height))) (if (null? chars) y (let ((char-width (second (car chars))) (char-height (third (car chars)))) (if (> (+ x char-width) tex-width) (loop chars 0 (+ y char-height 1)) (loop (cdr chars) (+ x char-width 1) y)))))) (face-height (pixel-size (ft-face-height face))) (space-width (begin (ft-load-char face (char->integer #\space) FT_LOAD_DEFAULT) (pixel-size (ft-glyph-metrics-hori-advance (ft-glyph-slot-metrics (ft-face-glyph face)))))) (texture-data (make-u8vector (* tex-width tex-height) #f #t)) (gl-tex (gen-texture)) (glyphs (map (lambda (glyph) (create-glyph (car glyph) face mode texture-data tex-width tex-height)) dimensions)) (ascender (fold (lambda (glyph x) (max (glyph-bearing-y (cdr glyph)) x)) 0 glyphs))) (with-texture gl:+texture-2d+ gl-tex (set-texture-properties #f mag: gl:+nearest+ min: gl:+nearest+ wrap: gl:+clamp-to-edge+) (gl:tex-image-2d gl:+texture-2d+ 0 gl:+red+ tex-width tex-height 0 gl:+red+ gl:+unsigned-byte+ (->pointer texture-data))) (free-ft-face face) (set-finalizer! (make-face gl-tex char-set glyphs face-height ascender space-width tex-width tex-height) (lambda (face) (delete-texture (face-atlas face)))))) (define (string-mesh string face #!key (line-spacing 1.3) max-width (x 0) (y 0) mesh) (define w-scale (/ (face-atlas-width face))) (define h-scale (/ (face-atlas-height face))) (define pixel-scale (/ (pixel-density-ratio))) (let* ((glyphs (map (lambda (char) (if* (alist-ref char (face-glyphs face)) it char)) (string->list (if max-width (word-wrap string face max-width) string)))) (pen-x x) (pen-y y) (ascender (face-ascender face)) (line-height (* ascender line-spacing)) (space-advance (face-space-advance face)) (newline (lambda () (set! pen-x x) (set! pen-y (- pen-y line-height)))) (position (append-map (lambda (glyph) (if (char? glyph) (cond ((char=? glyph #\space) (set! pen-x (+ space-advance pen-x)) '()) ((char=? glyph #\newline) (newline) '()) (else '())) (let* ((w (glyph-width glyph)) (h (glyph-height glyph)) (x (+ pen-x (glyph-bearing-x glyph))) (y (+ pen-y (- ascender) (glyph-bearing-y glyph))) (x2 (+ x w)) (y2 (- y h))) (begin0 (map (lambda (n) (* n pixel-scale)) (list x y2 x2 y2 x2 y x y)) (set! pen-x (+ (glyph-advance glyph) pen-x)))))) glyphs)) (tex-coord (append-map (lambda (glyph) (if (char? glyph) '() (let* ((x (glyph-offset-x glyph)) (y (glyph-offset-y glyph)) (w (* w-scale (glyph-width glyph))) (h (* h-scale (glyph-height glyph))) (x2 (+ x w)) (y2 (+ y h))) (list x y2 x2 y2 x2 y x y)))) glyphs)) (n-characters (string-length (string-delete char-set:whitespace string))) (indices (append-map (lambda (x) (let ((x (* x 4))) (list x (+ 1 x) (+ 2 x) x (+ 2 x) (+ 3 x)))) (iota n-characters))) (vertices `((position . ,position) (tex-coord . ,tex-coord)))) (if mesh (mesh-update! mesh vertices indices) (make-mesh vertices: `(attributes: ((position #:float 2) (tex-coord #:unsigned-short 2 normalized: #t)) initial-elements: ,vertices) indices: `(type: #:ushort initial-elements: ,indices))))) (define (word-wrap string face max-width) (define space-advance (face-space-advance face)) (define (wrap-line string) (if (equal? string "") '("") (let loop ((words (string-tokenize string)) (x 0) (line '())) (if (null? words) (list (string-join (reverse line) " ")) (let ((width (string-width (car words) face))) (cond ((and (zero? x) (>= width max-width)) (cons (car words) (loop (cdr words) 0 '()))) ((> (+ x width) max-width) (cons (string-join (reverse line) " ") (loop words 0 '()))) (else (loop (cdr words) (+ x width space-advance) (cons (car words) line))))))))) (string-join (append-map wrap-line (string-split string "\n" #t)) "\n")) (define (string-width string face) (let ((glyphs (map (lambda (char) (if* (alist-ref char (face-glyphs face)) it char)) (string->list string))) (space-advance (face-space-advance face))) (/ (fold (lambda (glyph w) (+ (if (char? glyph) (cond ((char=? glyph #\space) space-advance) (else 0)) (glyph-advance glyph)) w)) 0 glyphs) (pixel-density-ratio)))) ) ; end module gl-type