(declare ;; (unsafe) ;; ;; This code MUST be compiled with interrupts disabled for atomicity. (disable-interrupts) (no-argc-checks) (no-bound-checks) (no-procedure-checks) (safe-globals) (inline) (specialize) ) ;; Helper procedures which are atomic wrt. srfi-18 threads and (if so ;; documented) signal handlers. (use srfi-18 llrb-tree) (module hopefully-intern-atomics * (import scheme chicken srfi-18 llrb-tree) (import (only data-structures identity)) (define new-transaction-identifier (let ((n 1)) (lambda () (let ((r n)) (set! n (fx+ n 2)) (assert (not (eq? n 1))) ; overflow not yet handled r)))) (define-record stmtnx id refs ht owner) (: %stmtnx-id ((struct stmtnx) --> fixnum)) (: %stmtnx-id-set! ((struct stmtnx) fixnum --> *)) (: %stmtnx-refs ((struct stmtnx) --> (list-of (struct stmref)))) (: %stmtnx-refs-set! ((struct stmtnx) (list-of (struct stmref)) --> *)) (: %stmtnx-ht ((struct stmtnx) --> *)) (: %stmtnx-ht-set! ((struct stmtnx) * --> *)) (: %stmtnx-owner ((struct stmtnx) --> (struct thread))) (cond-expand ((and chicken (not debug)) (define-inline (%stmtnx-id cell) (##sys#slot cell 1)) (define-inline (%stmtnx-id-set! cell v) (##sys#setislot cell 1 v)) (define-inline (%stmtnx-refs cell) (##sys#slot cell 2)) (define-inline (%stmtnx-refs-set! cell v) (##sys#setslot cell 2 v)) (define-inline (%stmtnx-ht cell) (##sys#slot cell 3)) (define-inline (%stmtnx-ht-set! cell v) (##sys#setslot cell 3 v)) (define-inline (%stmtnx-owner cell) (##sys#slot cell 4)) ) (else (define-inline (%stmtnx-id cell) (stmtnx-id cell)) (define-inline (%stmtnx-id-set! cell v) (stmtnx-id-set! cell v)) (define-inline (%stmtnx-refs cell) (stmtnx-refs cell)) (define-inline (%stmtnx-refs-set! cell v) (stmtnx-refs-set! cell v)) (define-inline (%stmtnx-ht cell) (stmtnx-ht cell)) (define-inline (%stmtnx-ht-set! cell v) (stmtnx-ht-set! cell v)) (define-inline (%stmtnx-owner cell) (stmtnx-owner cell)) )) (define %current-transaction (make-parameter #f)) (define (current-transaction) (and-let* ((ct (%current-transaction)) ((eq? (%stmtnx-owner ct) (current-thread)))) ct)) ;; #### Work around Chicken hash tables not supporting arbitrary ;; objects as keys. (cond-expand ;; This would be the code to use if we could use mutable objects as ;; table keys. BEWARE: Using the chicken specific extension to ;; srfi-69 where hash-table-update! returns the new value (instead ;; of an undefined value.) ;; ;; However it is not worth it. This makes heavy transactions ;; roughly 4x as expensive as the llrb based version below. (hash-table-hash-mutable-keys (define (make-object-table) (make-hash-table eq?)) (define object-table-update! hash-table-update!) ) ;; Objects (atomic records are the only type of objects allowed here ;; anyway) MUST be known to comply with the convention that the ;; first slot hold the hash key. (chicken ;; OK, since it does not make sense that llrb could actually be ;; faster than a hash table, let's roll our own. ;; ;; How many distinct objects each holding possibly multiple ;; transactional slots do we expect within a transaction? SRFI-69 ;; starts with prime 307, but that turns out to get us down from 19 ;; to 16 ops/ms - probably gc and initialization. Since we expect ;; a very low number and 31 is still running at 17-18 we use 7, ;; which results in 19-20 ops/ms. ;; ;; Note however that this may not be stable for large transactions. ;; If things degrade, we should switch to something smarter; left ;; TBD for now. (define-constant object-table-modulus 7) ;;(define make-object-table fixnum-make-table) (define (make-object-table) (make-vector object-table-modulus '())) (define (object-table-update! t obj ignored default) #;(let* ((bucket (let ((key (##sys#slot obj 1))) (fixnum-table-ref t key (lambda () (let ((bucket (list #f))) (fixnum-table-set! t key bucket) bucket))))) (node (assq obj (##sys#slot bucket 1)))) (if node (cdr node) (let ((val (default))) (set-cdr! bucket (cons (cons obj val) (cdr bucket))) val))) (let* ((key (##sys#slot obj 1)) (offset (fxmod key object-table-modulus)) (bucket (##sys#slot t offset)) (node (assq obj bucket))) (if node (cdr node) (let ((val (default))) (##sys#setslot t offset (cons (cons obj val) bucket)) val))) ;; This line would be all we need, if we where to opt for unique ;; object numbers in slot 1 instead of random ones. This is here ;; currently about 10% faster. But it does not handle the ;; overflow. Would this ever happend? (Turns out to be slower, forget it.) ;; ;;(fixnum-table-update! t (##sys#slot obj 1) ignored default) ) ) ;; Fallback using hash tables. (else (define (make-object-table) (make-hash-table eq? (lambda (x bound) (fxmod (##sys#slot x 1) bound)))) (define object-table-update! hash-table-update!) )) (define (obj+slot-table-update! t obj slot default) #;(let ((st (object-table-update! t obj identity fixnum-make-table))) (fixnum-table-update! st slot identity default)) ;; Assuming more knowledge about objects to safe a whole tree walk. ;; (Up from 10 to 15 ms^-1 in test benchmark. Keeping this version ;; for now.) (let* ((st (object-table-update! t obj identity (lambda () (make-vector (sub1 (fx/ (##sys#size obj) 2)) #f)))) (i (sub1 (fx/ slot 2)))) (or (##sys#slot st i) (let ((v (default))) (##sys#setslot st i v) v))) ) (define (new-transaction . x) (make-stmtnx (new-transaction-identifier) '() (and (pair? x) (car x) (make-object-table)) (current-thread))) (cond-expand (debug (define (transaction-extend! t r) (cond-expand (debug (if (even? (%stmtnx-id t)) (error "transaction already closed")) (if (not (eq? (%stmtnx-owner t) (current-thread))) (error "transaction owned by thread" (%stmtnx-owner t)))) (else)) (%stmtnx-refs-set! t (cons r (%stmtnx-refs t)))) ) (else (define-inline (transaction-extend! t r) (%stmtnx-refs-set! t (cons r (%stmtnx-refs t)))))) (define (transaction-reset! t) (stmtnx-refs-set! t '()) (%stmtnx-ht-set! t (and (%stmtnx-ht t) #t))) (define (transaction-close! t) (%stmtnx-id-set! t (add1 (stmtnx-id t))) (transaction-reset! t)) (define (transaction-reopen! t) (assert (even? (stmtnx-id t))) (%stmtnx-id-set! t (sub1 (%stmtnx-id t))) (if (%stmtnx-ht t) (%stmtnx-ht-set! t (make-object-table)))) ;;(define (slot-ref obj n) ...) ;; Named after the Clojure equivalent for atoms. (: compare-and-set-slot! (* fixnum * * -> *)) (define (compare-and-set-slot! obj n old new) (assert (not (eq? old new))) ; contract (let ((current (##sys#slot obj n))) (if (eq? old current) (begin (##sys#setslot obj n new) new) current))) (: compare-and-set-islot! (* fixnum * * -> *)) (define (compare-and-set-islot! obj n old new) ;; contract (cond-expand (debug (assert (not (eq? old new)))) (else)) (let ((current (##sys#slot obj n))) (if (eq? old current) (begin (##sys#setislot obj n new) new) current))) )