;;;; geometry.scm ;;;; Generation of geometric primitive meshes (module hypergiant-geometry (cylinder-mesh rectangle-mesh circle-mesh sphere-mesh cube-mesh line-mesh) (import scheme (chicken base) gl-utils gl-math srfi-1 srfi-42 miscmacros) (define (index-winding indices winding) (ecase winding ((#:ccw) indices) ((#:cw) (let loop ((indices indices)) (if (null? indices) '() (cons* (caddr indices) (cadr indices) (car indices) (loop (cdddr indices)))))))) (define (mesh-make vertices indices winding index-type color-type texture-type texture-dims mode) (let* ((vertices (remove not vertices)) (attributes (list (and (alist-ref 'position vertices) '(position #:float 3)) (and (alist-ref 'normal vertices) '(normal #:float 3)) (and (alist-ref 'color vertices) `(color ,color-type 3 normalized: #t)) (and (alist-ref 'tex-coord vertices) `(tex-coord ,texture-type ,texture-dims normalized: #t))))) (make-mesh vertices: `(attributes: ,(remove not attributes) initial-elements: ,vertices) indices: `(type: ,index-type initial-elements: ,(index-winding indices winding)) mode: mode))) (define (build-color color n-verts) (and color (cons 'color (flatten (list-tabulate n-verts color))))) (define (build-texture texture width height offset n-u n-v) (cond (texture (cons 'tex-coord (flatten (list-tabulate (* n-u n-v) texture)))) ((and width height) (cons 'tex-coord (let ((offset-u (car offset)) (offset-v (cadr offset))) (append-ec (:real-range v offset-v (+ offset-v height 0.00001) (/ height (sub1 n-v))) (:real-range u offset-u (+ offset-u width 0.00001) (/ width (sub1 n-u))) (list u v))))) (else #f))) (define (line-mesh points #!key (mode #:line-strip)) (make-mesh vertices: `(attributes: (position #:float 3) initial-elements: ,points) mode: mode)) (define (rectangle-mesh w h #!key (centered? #t) color (mode #:triangles) (winding #:ccw) (index-type #:ushort) (color-type #:ushort) (texture-type #:ushort) texture texture-width texture-height (texture-offset (list 0 0))) (let* ((position (cons 'position (if centered? (let* ((x2 (* w 0.5)) (y2 (* h 0.5)) (x (- x2)) (y (- y2))) (list x y2 0 x2 y2 0 x y 0 x2 y 0)) (list 0 h 0 w h 0 0 0 0 w 0 0)))) (color (build-color color 4)) (texture (build-texture texture texture-width texture-height texture-offset 2 2))) (mesh-make (list position color texture) '(0 2 1 1 2 3) winding index-type color-type texture-type 2 mode))) (define (circle-mesh radius resolution #!key (mode #:triangles) color (winding #:ccw) (index-type #:ushort) (color-type #:ushort) (texture-type #:ushort) texture texture-radius (texture-offset (list 0.5 0.5))) (when (< resolution 3) (error 'circle-mesh "resolution not be less than 3:" resolution)) (let* ((angle-increment (/ (* 2 pi) resolution)) (unit-circle (map (lambda (angle) (cons (cos angle) (sin angle))) (iota resolution 0 angle-increment))) (position (cons 'position (append '(0 0 0) (append-ec (:list point unit-circle) (list (* radius (car point)) (* radius (cdr point)) 0))))) (indices (append (list resolution 1 0) (append-ec (:range i (sub1 resolution)) (list (+ i 1) (+ i 2) 0)))) (color (build-color color (add1 resolution))) (texture (cond (texture (cons 'tex-coord (flatten (list-tabulate (add1 resolution) texture)))) (texture-radius (cons 'tex-coord (let ((offset-u (car texture-offset)) (offset-v (cadr texture-offset))) (append (list offset-u offset-v) (append-ec (:list point unit-circle) (list (+ offset-u (* texture-radius (car point))) (+ offset-v (* texture-radius (- (cdr point)))))))))) (else #f)))) (mesh-make (list position color texture) indices winding index-type color-type texture-type 2 mode))) (define (cube-mesh length #!key (mode #:triangles) (normals? #f) (winding #:ccw) color texture cube-map? (index-type #:ushort) (color-type #:ushort) (texture-type #:float)) (let* ((front-top-left '(-1 1 1)) (front-top-right '( 1 1 1)) (front-bottom-left '(-1 -1 1)) (front-bottom-right '( 1 -1 1)) (back-top-left '(-1 1 -1)) (back-top-right '( 1 1 -1)) (back-bottom-left '(-1 -1 -1)) (back-bottom-right '( 1 -1 -1)) (back '( 0 0 -1)) (front '( 0 0 1)) (left '(-1 0 0)) (right '( 1 0 0)) (up '( 0 1 0)) (down '( 0 -1 0)) (unit-cube (append front-top-left front-top-right ; front front-bottom-left front-bottom-right front-top-right back-top-right ;right front-bottom-right back-bottom-right back-top-right back-top-left ; back back-bottom-right back-bottom-left back-top-left front-top-left ; left back-bottom-left front-bottom-left back-top-left back-top-right ; top front-top-left front-top-right front-bottom-left front-bottom-right ;bottom back-bottom-left back-bottom-right)) (indices (append-ec (:range i 6) (let ((face (* i 4))) (map (cut + face <>) (list 0 2 3 0 3 1))))) (half-length (* 0.5 length)) (position (cons 'position (map (cut * half-length <>) unit-cube))) (normal (and normals? (cons 'normal (append front front front front right right right right back back back back left left left left up up up up down down down down)))) (color (and color (cons 'color (flatten (list-tabulate 24 color))))) (texture (cond (texture (cons 'tex-coord (flatten (list-tabulate 24 texture)))) (cube-map? (cons 'tex-coord unit-cube)) (else #f)))) (mesh-make (list position normal color texture) indices winding index-type color-type texture-type 3 mode))) (define (sphere-mesh radius resolution #!key (type #:uv) color (normals? #f) (index-type #:ushort) (color-type #:ushort) cube-map? texture-type (mode #:triangles) (winding #:ccw) texture texture-width texture-height (texture-offset (list 0 0))) (ecase type ((#:uv) (uv-sphere-mesh radius resolution normals? color mode winding texture texture-width texture-height texture-offset index-type color-type (or texture-type #:ushort))) ((#:cube) (cubesphere-mesh radius resolution normals? color mode winding texture cube-map? index-type color-type (or texture-type #:float))))) (define (cubesphere-mesh radius resolution normals? color mode winding texture cube-map? index-type color-type texture-type) (when (< resolution 1) (error 'cubesphere-mesh "Resolution must not be less than 1:" resolution)) (define resolution+1 (add1 resolution)) (define (gen-face top-left bottom-right) (define (gen-range a b) (if (= a b) a (iota resolution+1 a (/ (- b a) resolution)))) (let* ((xs (gen-range (first top-left) (first bottom-right))) (ys (gen-range (second top-left) (second bottom-right))) (zs (gen-range (third top-left) (third bottom-right)))) (cond ((number? xs) (list-ec (:list y ys) (:list z zs) (list xs y z))) ((number? ys) (list-ec (:list z zs) (:list x xs) (list x ys z))) ((number? zs) (list-ec (:list y ys) (:list x xs) (list x y zs)))))) (let* ((front-top-left '(-1. 1. 1.)) (front-top-right '( 1. 1. 1.)) (front-bottom-left '(-1. -1. 1.)) (front-bottom-right '( 1. -1. 1.)) (back-top-left '(-1. 1. -1.)) (back-top-right '( 1. 1. -1.)) (back-bottom-left '(-1. -1. -1.)) (back-bottom-right '( 1. -1. -1.)) (unit-cube (append! (gen-face front-top-left front-bottom-right) ; front (gen-face front-top-right back-bottom-right) ; right (gen-face back-top-right back-bottom-left) ; back (gen-face back-top-left front-bottom-left) ; left (gen-face back-top-left front-top-right) ; top (gen-face front-bottom-left back-bottom-right) ; bottom )) (unit-sphere (append-ec (:list vert unit-cube) (let* ((x (first vert)) (y (second vert)) (z (third vert)) (length (sqrt (+ (* x x) (* y y) (* z z)))) (/length (/ length))) (list (* x /length) (* y /length) (* z /length))))) (n-verts-per-face (* resolution+1 resolution+1)) (face-indices (append-ec (:range row resolution) (:range column resolution) (let* ((row (* row resolution+1)) (next-row (+ row resolution+1)) (next-column (add1 column)) (top-left (+ row column)) (top-right (+ row next-column)) (bottom-left (+ next-row column)) (bottom-right (+ next-row next-column))) (list top-left bottom-left bottom-right top-left bottom-right top-right)))) (indices (append-ec (:range i 6) (let ((face (* i n-verts-per-face))) (map (cut + face <>) face-indices)))) (position (cons 'position (map (cut * radius <>) unit-sphere))) (normal (and normals? (cons 'normal unit-sphere))) (color (and color (cons 'color (flatten (list-tabulate (* 6 n-verts-per-face) color))))) (texture (cond (texture (cons 'tex-coord (flatten (list-tabulate (* 6 n-verts-per-face) texture)))) (cube-map? (cons 'tex-coord unit-sphere)) (else #f)))) (mesh-make (list position normal color texture) indices winding index-type color-type texture-type 3 mode))) (define (uv-sphere-mesh radius resolution normals? color mode winding texture texture-width texture-height texture-offset index-type color-type texture-type) (when (or (odd? resolution) (< resolution 4)) (error 'uv-sphere-mesh "Resolution must be even and not less than 4:" resolution)) (let* ((angle-increment (* 2 (/ pi resolution))) (n-lat-verts (add1 (/ resolution 2))) (resolution+1 (add1 resolution)) (circle-points (map (lambda (angle) (cons (- (cos angle)) (sin angle))) (iota resolution+1 0 angle-increment))) (semi-circle-points (map (lambda (angle) (cons (cos angle) (sin angle))) (iota n-lat-verts 0 angle-increment))) (unit-sphere (append-ec (:list latitude semi-circle-points) (:list longitude circle-points) (list (* (car longitude) (cdr latitude)) (car latitude) (* (cdr longitude) (cdr latitude))))) (indices (append-ec (:range lat (/ resolution 2)) (:range column resolution) (let* ((row (* lat resolution+1)) (next-row (+ row resolution+1)) (next-column (add1 column)) (top-left (+ row column)) (top-right (+ row next-column)) (bottom-left (+ next-row column)) (bottom-right (+ next-row next-column))) (list top-left bottom-left bottom-right top-left bottom-right top-right)))) (position (cons 'position (map (cut * radius <>) unit-sphere))) (normal (and normals? (cons 'normal unit-sphere))) (color (and color (cons 'color (flatten (list-tabulate (* resolution+1 n-lat-verts) color))))) (texture (build-texture texture texture-width texture-height texture-offset resolution+1 n-lat-verts))) (mesh-make (list position normal color texture) indices winding index-type color-type texture-type 2 mode))) (define (cylinder-mesh length radius vertical-subdivisions resolution #!key color (normals? #f) (winding #:ccw) (mode #:triangles) (index-type #:ushort) (color-type #:ushort) (texture-type #:ushort) texture texture-width texture-height (texture-offset (list 0 0))) (when (< resolution 3) (error 'cylinder-mesh "resolution not be less than 3:" resolution)) (when (< vertical-subdivisions 1) (error 'cylinder-mesh "vertical-subdivisions must not be less than 1:" vertical-subdivisions)) (let* ((angle-increment (* 2 (/ pi resolution))) (resolution+1 (add1 resolution)) (circle-points (map (lambda (angle) (cons (- (cos angle)) (sin angle))) (iota resolution+1 0 angle-increment))) (vertices (append-ec (:list y (iota (add1 vertical-subdivisions) length (- (/ length vertical-subdivisions)))) (:list circle-point circle-points) (list (* (car circle-point) radius) y (* (cdr circle-point) radius)))) (indices (append-ec (:range row vertical-subdivisions) (:range column resolution) (let* ((row (* row resolution+1)) (next-row (+ row resolution+1)) (next-column (add1 column)) (top-left (+ row column)) (top-right (+ row next-column)) (bottom-left (+ next-row column)) (bottom-right (+ next-row next-column))) (list top-left bottom-left bottom-right top-left bottom-right top-right)))) (position (cons 'position vertices)) (normal-circle (append-ec (:list circle-point circle-points) (list (car circle-point) 0 (cdr circle-point)))) (normal (and normals? (cons 'normal (append-ec (:range i (add1 vertical-subdivisions)) normal-circle)))) (color (and color (cons 'color (flatten (list-tabulate (* resolution+1 (add1 vertical-subdivisions)) color))))) (texture (build-texture texture texture-width texture-height texture-offset resolution+1 (add1 vertical-subdivisions)))) (mesh-make (list position normal color texture) indices winding index-type color-type texture-type 2 mode))) ) ; end module hypergiant-geometry