;;;; sprites.scm ;;;; Implementation of animated sprites (module hypergiant-sprites (make-sprite-sheet make-animation make-animation-alist set-animation! current-animation make-animated-sprite add-new-animated-sprite update-animated-sprite! animated-sprite? animated-sprite-node animation? animation-frame-rate animation-n-frames animation-frames) (import scheme (chicken base) (chicken module) (prefix glls-render glls:) (prefix hyperscene scene:) gl-utils hypergiant-render-pipeline hypergiant-shaders srfi-1 srfi-42 srfi-99 miscmacros) ;; For internal use (export animated-sprite animated-sprite-timer-set! animated-sprite-frame-set! animated-sprite-animation-set! animated-sprite-timer animated-sprite-frame animated-sprite-animation) (define-record-type animated-sprite %make-animated-sprite #t (node) (renderable) (animation) (base-animation) (frame) (timer)) (define-record-type animation %make-animation #t (type) (frames) (n-frames) (frame-rate) (bounds)) (define (make-sprite-sheet tex-w tex-h frame-w frame-h #!key rows columns (x-offset 0) (y-offset 0) (centered? #t) (texture-type #:ushort)) (let ((rows (or rows (quotient (- tex-h y-offset) frame-h))) (columns (or columns (quotient (- tex-w x-offset) frame-w)))) (when (> (+ y-offset (* frame-h rows)) tex-h) (error 'make-sprite-sheet "Invalid sprite-sheet specification, texture too short")) (when (> (+ x-offset (* frame-w columns)) tex-w) (error 'make-sprite-sheet "Invalid sprite-sheet specification, texture too narrow")) (let* ((pos (if centered? (let* ((x2 (* frame-w 0.5)) (y2 (* frame-h 0.5)) (x (- x2)) (y (- y2))) (circular-list x y2 0 x2 y2 0 x y 0 x2 y 0)) (circular-list 0 frame-h 0 frame-w frame-h 0 0 0 0 frame-w 0 0))) (position (take pos (* 12 rows columns))) (tex-coord (append-ec (:range i rows) (:range j columns) (let ((top (/ (+ y-offset (* frame-h i)) tex-h)) (bottom (/ (+ y-offset (* frame-h (add1 i))) tex-h)) (left (/ (+ x-offset (* frame-w j)) tex-w)) (right (/ (+ x-offset (* frame-w (add1 j))) tex-w))) (list left top right top left bottom right bottom)))) (indices (append-ec (:range i (* rows columns)) (let ((i (* 4 i))) (list (+ 0 i) (+ 2 i) (+ 1 i) (+ 1 i) (+ 2 i) (+ 3 i)))))) (make-mesh vertices: `(attributes: ((position #:float 3) (tex-coord ,texture-type 2 normalized: #t)) initial-elements: ((position . ,position) (tex-coord . ,tex-coord))) indices: `(type: #:ushort initial-elements: ,indices))))) (define (make-animated-sprite node base-animation) (when (eq? (animation-type base-animation) #:once) (error 'make-animated-sprite "Only looping animations may be set as the base animation" base-animation)) (let ((renderable (scene:node-data node))) (glls:set-renderable-n-elements! renderable 6) (glls:set-renderable-offset! renderable (* 12 (car (animation-frames base-animation)))) (%make-animated-sprite node renderable #f base-animation 0 0.0))) (define (add-new-animated-sprite parent sprite-sheet texture base-animation) (let ((node (add-node parent sprite-pipeline-render-pipeline mesh: sprite-sheet tex: texture))) (make-animated-sprite node base-animation))) (define (make-animation type frames frame-rate #!key bounds n-frames) (%make-animation type frames (or n-frames (length frames)) frame-rate bounds)) (define (make-animation-alist animations #!key frame-rate) (map (lambda (a) (let ((type (second a)) (frames (third a)) (name (first a)) (frame-rate (if (= (length a) 3) (if frame-rate frame-rate (error 'make-animation-alist "Either animations include a frame-rate, or a default frame-rate must be specified")) (fourth a)))) (cons name (make-animation type frames frame-rate)))) animations)) (define (set-animation! sprite animation) (let ((durration (if (eq? (animation-type animation) #:once) #:momentary #:base))) (unless (or (and (eq? durration #:base) (eq? animation (animated-sprite-base-animation sprite))) (and (eq? durration #:momentary) (eq? animation (animated-sprite-animation sprite)))) (if (eq? durration #:base) (begin (animated-sprite-base-animation-set! sprite animation) (animated-sprite-animation-set! sprite #f)) (animated-sprite-animation-set! sprite animation)) (animated-sprite-timer-set! sprite 0.0) (animated-sprite-frame-set! sprite 0)))) (define (current-animation sprite) (if* (animated-sprite-animation sprite) it (animated-sprite-base-animation sprite))) (define (update-animated-sprite! sprite delta) (let* ((animation (current-animation sprite)) (momentary? (animated-sprite-animation sprite)) (frame-rate (animation-frame-rate animation)) (n-frames (animation-n-frames animation)) (frame (animated-sprite-frame sprite)) (timer (+ (animated-sprite-timer sprite) delta))) (if (> timer frame-rate) (begin (if (and momentary? (= (add1 frame) n-frames)) (begin (animated-sprite-animation-set! sprite #f) (animated-sprite-timer-set! sprite 0.0) (animated-sprite-frame-set! sprite 0)) (begin (animated-sprite-timer-set! sprite (- timer frame-rate)) (animated-sprite-frame-set! sprite (if (= (add1 frame) n-frames) 0 (add1 frame))))) (let ((frame (list-ref (animation-frames (current-animation sprite)) (animated-sprite-frame sprite)))) (glls:set-renderable-offset! (animated-sprite-renderable sprite) (* frame 12)))) (animated-sprite-timer-set! sprite timer)))) ) ; end module hypergiant-sprites