(define core-error-codes '((parse-error . -32700) (invalid-request . -32600) (method-not-found . -32601) (invalid-parameters . -32602) (internal-error . -32603))) (define custom-error-codes (make-parameter '())) (define (error-codes) (append core-error-codes (custom-error-codes))) (define error-code-to-symbol-map (map (lambda (p) (cons (cdr p) (car p))) (error-codes))) (define json-rpc-handler-table (make-parameter '() (lambda (alist) (if (null? alist) ;; due to a bug in Gambit 4.9.4, alist->hash-table ;; over the empty list crashes. Fixed on master. (make-hash-table) (alist->hash-table alist equal?))))) (define (json-rpc-loop in-port out-port) (write-log 'debug "json-rpc-loop started") (guard (condition ((eq? condition 'json-rpc-exit) (write-log 'info "Closing JSON-RPC server.") 'json-rpc-exit) (#t (raise condition))) (let loop ((request (json-rpc-read in-port))) (write-log 'debug (truncate-string (format "received request: ~a" request))) (cond ((eof-object? request) (write-log 'info "connection closed on other end-point\r\n") #f) ((not request) (write-log 'warning (format "unknown command: ~a~%" request)) (loop (json-rpc-read in-port))) (else (begin (write-log 'debug (truncate-string (format "received JSON: ~a~%" request))) (json-rpc-respond request out-port) (loop (json-rpc-read in-port)))))))) (define (json-rpc-read in-port) (define line (read-line in-port)) (if (eof-object? line) (eof-object) (let* ((request (string-trim line))) (write-log 'debug (truncate-string (format "REQUEST ~a~%" request))) (cond ((eof-object? request) (write-log 'debug "\r\n") request) ((< (string-length request) 17) (write-log 'warning (format "unknown command: ~a~%" request)) #f) (else (let ((header-prefix (substring request 0 16))) (cond ((string=? header-prefix "Content-Length: ") (let ((num (string->number (string-trim-right (substring request 16 (string-length request)))))) (write-log 'debug (format "Receiving input of length ~a~%" num)) (json-read in-port))) (else (write-log 'error "ill-formed header" request) #f)))))))) (define (json-rpc-write scm . args) (define str ((scheme->json-string) scm)) (define port (if (not (null? args)) (car args) (current-output-port))) (write-string (format "Content-Length: ~a\r\n\r\n" (+ 4 (string-length str))) port) (write-string str port) (write-string "\r\n" port) (write-string "\r\n" port) (flush-output-port port)) (define (json-rpc-respond request out-port) (define response (json-rpc-compute-response request)) (if response (begin (write-log 'debug "json-rpc-respond: responding with: ") (write-log 'debug (with-output-to-string (lambda () (json-rpc-write response)))) (json-rpc-write response out-port)) (write-log 'debug (truncate-string (format "no response for request ~a" request))))) (define (json-rpc-compute-response request) (define id (alist-ref 'id request)) (guard (condition ((json-rpc-error? condition) (write-log 'debug (format "~a" condition)) (make-response id #f (cdr condition))) (#t (write-log 'error (format "json-rpc-compute-response: unknown error: ~a" condition)) (make-response id #f (format "~a" condition)))) (json-rpc-dispatch request))) (define (json-rpc-dispatch request) (define (dispatch j) (let* ((method-pair (assoc 'method j)) (params-pair (assoc 'params j))) (unless (and method-pair params-pair) (raise (make-json-rpc-invalid-request-error))) (let* ((method (hash-table-ref/default (json-rpc-handler-table) (cdr method-pair) #f))) (unless method (raise (make-json-rpc-method-not-found-error (cdr method-pair)))) (if params-pair (let ((params (extract-params params-pair))) (method params)) (method))))) (define id (assoc 'id request)) (let ((result (dispatch request))) (cond ((not result) #f) (id (make-response (cdr id) result #f)) (else #f)))) (define (json-rpc-exit) (raise 'json-rpc-exit)) (define (make-response id result err) (let ((content (if err (cons 'error err) (cons 'result result)))) (if id `((jsonrpc . "2.0") (id . ,id) ,content) `((jsonrpc . "2.0") (id . null) ,content)))) (define (extract-params params-pair) (cdr params-pair)) (define-syntax define-json-rpc-error (syntax-rules () ((define-json-rpc-error ctor pred error-symbol msg) (begin (define (ctor . args) (let ((full-msg (if (or (null? args) (not (car args))) msg (string-append msg ": " (car args))))) (cons error-symbol `((message . ,full-msg) (code . ,(alist-ref error-symbol (error-codes))))))) (define (pred condition) (and (pair? condition) (eqv? (car condition) error-symbol))))))) (define-json-rpc-error make-json-rpc-internal-error json-rpc-internal-error? 'internal-error "Internal error") (define-json-rpc-error make-json-rpc-invalid-request-error json-rpc-invalid-request-error? 'invalid-request "Invalid request error") (define-json-rpc-error make-json-rpc-method-not-found-error json-rpc-method-not-found-error? 'method-not-found "Method not found") (define (make-json-rpc-custom-error error-symbol msg) (cons error-symbol `((message . ,msg) (code . ,(alist-ref error-symbol (custom-error-codes)))))) (define (json-rpc-custom-error? condition) (and (pair? condition) (let ((tag (car condition))) (member tag (map car (custom-error-codes)))))) (define (json-rpc-error? condition) (and (pair? condition) (let ((tag (car condition))) (member tag (map car (error-codes)))))) (define (json-rpc-error-contents err) (cdr err)) (define (truncate-string str) (define max-length 150) (if (< (string-length str) max-length) str (string-append (string-take str max-length) " ...")))