# chicken-lmdb Chicken Scheme bindings for the Lightning Memory-Mapped Database Manager (LMDB) (http://symas.com/mdb/doc/index.html) database management library. ## Library procedures `(db-open filename [key: enckey] [mapsize: size])` Opens or creates LMDB database with optional encryption key and map size. `(db-close db)` Closes LMDB database handle. `(db-begin db [dbname: dbname])` Begins LMDB transaction with optional database name. `(db-end db)` Commits and ends LMDB transaction. `(db-abort db)` Aborts LMDB transaction. `(db-delete db key)` Removes a key from the database. `(db-delete-database dbname)` Deletes LMDB database. `(db-ref db key)` Looks up key in database. `(db-set! db key value)` Sets a key-value pair in the database. `(db-count db)` Returns number of key-value pairs in database. `(db-keys db)` Returns a list of database keys. `(db-values db)` Returns a list of database values. `(db-key-len m)` Returns the length of the current key. `(db-value-len m)` Returns the length of the current value. `(db-key m buf)` Copies the current key to the specified blob. `(db-value m buf)` Copies the current value to the specified blob. `(db-fold f init db)` Fold over the keys and values in the database. `(db-for-each f db)` Iterate over the keys and values in the database. `(hash-table->db t dbfile [enckey])` Saves SRFI-69 hash table to database. `(db->hash-table dbfile [enckey])` Load database into SRFI-69 hash table. ## Example ```scheme ;; lmdb encrypted key-value creation and lookup (let* ((fname (make-pathname "." "mydb.mdb")) (keys (list "k1" 'k2 '(k3))) (values (list 'one 2 "three")) (cryptokey (string->blob "1234")) (mm (db-open fname key: cryptokey))) (db-begin mm) (let loop ((ks keys) (vs values)) (if (> (length ks) 0) (begin (db-set! mm (string->blob (->string (car ks))) (string->blob (->string (car vs)))) (loop (cdr ks) (cdr vs))))) (db-end mm) (db-begin mm) (let ((res (let loop ((ks keys) (vs values)) (if (= (length ks) 0) #t (let ((v (db-ref mm (string->blob (->string (car ks)))))) (if (not (equal? (string->blob (->string (car vs))) v)) #f (loop (cdr ks) (cdr vs))))))) ) (db-end mm) (db-close mm) res) ) ```