(import magic-pipes) (import args) (import (chicken process-context)) (import alist-lib) (import srfi-1) (define opts (list (args:make-option (n context) (required: "INTEGER") "Number of sexprs of previous context to provide [default: 0]") (args:make-option (a default-context) (required: "EXPR") "Default previous context for before the start of input") (args:make-option (t pass-as-list) #:none "Pass current and context sexprs as a list to the fold-procedure, rather than as separate arguments") (args:make-option (o output) (required: "PROCEDURE-EXPR") "Pass the output sexpr through a post-processing procedure of one argument"))) (define-record-type fold-state (make-fold-state user-acc history) fold-state? (user-acc fold-state-user-acc) (history fold-state-history)) (define (update-history previous-history new-value context) (let ((h (cons new-value previous-history))) (if (> (length h) context) (take h context) h))) (define (prepare-history history default-context context) (cond ((< (length history) context) (append history (make-list (- context (length history)) default-context))) ((= (length history) context) history))) (receive (options operands before-exprs after-exprs usage) (parse-mp-args (command-line-arguments) opts "fold-procedure-expr " "Read s-expressions from standard input, applies the fold-procedure to them and to the result of the previous call, starting with the supplied initial-value, or #f if none is specified, and then writes the final value to standard output.") (unless (or (= (length operands) 1) (= (length operands) 2)) (usage)) (let* ((fold-expr (parse-code (car operands))) (init-value(if (= (length operands) 2) (parse-code (cadr operands)) (void))) (context (string->number (alist-ref options 'context (lambda () "0")))) (use-default-context #t) (default-context (parse-code (alist-ref options 'default-context (lambda () (set! use-default-context #f) "#f")))) (out-expr (parse-code (alist-ref options 'output (lambda () "#f")))) (pass-as-list (assq 'pass-as-list options)) (ec (make-eval-context before-exprs (list fold-expr out-expr) after-exprs)) (fold-proc (eval-context-handler-closure ec 0)) (out-proc (eval-context-handler-closure ec 1))) (let ((result (fold-input-data (lambda (input acc) (let ((new-acc (without-input-port (lambda () (if pass-as-list (fold-proc (cons input (fold-state-history acc)) (fold-state-user-acc acc)) (if (or use-default-context (>= (length (fold-state-history acc)) context)) (apply fold-proc (append (list input) (prepare-history (fold-state-history acc) default-context context) (list (fold-state-user-acc acc)))) (fold-state-user-acc acc)) ;; Skip fold until we have more history ))))) (make-fold-state new-acc (update-history (fold-state-history acc) input context)))) (make-fold-state init-value '())))) (with-values-to-output (lambda () (if out-proc (without-input-port (lambda () (out-proc (fold-state-user-acc result)))) (data-write (fold-state-user-acc result)))))) (without-input-port (eval-context-end-closure ec))))