(module math.base.random (random-bits random-natural random-integer) (import scheme chicken.type chicken.base chicken.bitwise chicken.fixnum chicken.random) (define random pseudo-random-integer) (define block-bits 30) (define block-size (arithmetic-shift 1 block-bits)) (: random-bits (integer -> integer)) (define (random-bits bits) (cond [(<= bits 0) (error 'random-bits "bad argument type - not a positive integer" bits)] [else (let ((max-blocks (quotient bits block-bits)) (rem-bits (remainder bits block-bits))) (let loop ([blocks 0] [r (random (fxshl 1 rem-bits))]) (cond [(fx< blocks max-blocks) (loop (fx+ blocks 1) (bitwise-ior (arithmetic-shift r block-bits) (random block-size)))] [else r])))])) (define random-max 4294967087) (define bias-bits (* 2 block-bits)) (define bias-bits (* 2 block-bits)) (: random-natural (integer -> integer)) (define (random-natural n) (cond [(<= n 0) (error 'random-natural "bad argument type - not a positive integer" n)] [(<= n random-max) (random n)] [else ;; Rejection sampling has rejection probability approaching 1/2 in the worst cases; that is, ;; when n = 1+2^i for some large-ish integer i ;; Adding extra bits shrinks the rejection probability to near zero (it approaches ;; (* 1/2 (expt 2 (- bias-bits)))), at the cost of some bias ;; The bias starts become detectable after taking (expt 2 bias-bits) samples, which is plenty (let* ((bits (+ bias-bits (integer-length (- n 1)))) (m (arithmetic-shift 1 bits))) (let loop () (define r (quotient (* (+ (random-bits bits) 1) n) m)) (if (>= r n) (loop) r)))])) (: random-integer (integer integer -> integer)) (define (random-integer a b) (let ([a (min a b)] [b (max a b)]) (+ a (random-natural (- b a))))))