;;;; utils.scm (CHICKEN Scheme) ;;@project: matrico (numerical-schemer.xyz) ;;@version: 0.6 (2024-07-18) ;;@authors: Christian Himpe (0000-0003-2194-6754) ;;@license: zlib-acknowledgement (spdx.org/licenses/zlib-acknowledgement.html) ;;@summary: helper utilities module (module utils (define-syntax-rule must-be comment nil head tail empty? fx+1 fx-1 fx=0? fx<0? fx>0? fx<=0? fx>=0? append* sublist any? all? factorial binomial define* load*) (import scheme (chicken base) (chicken module) (chicken plist) (chicken fixnum) (chicken load)) (reexport (chicken fixnum)) ;;; Meta Helpers ############################################################### ;;@returns: **macro** generating single-rule macro, see @1. (define-syntax define-syntax-rule (syntax-rules () [(_ (name args ...) (body ...)) (define-syntax name (syntax-rules () ((_ args ...) (body ...))))])) ;;@returns: **macro** wrapping `assert` of `and` with variable number of arguments. (define-syntax-rule (must-be (pred name ...) ...) (begin (assert (pred name ...) "Guard failed for" 'name ...) ...)) ;;@returns: **void**, see @2, @3. (define-syntax-rule (comment any ...) (void)) ;;; List Aliases ############################################################### ;;@assigns: **alias** for `'()`. (define nil '()) ;;@assigns: **alias** for `car`. (define head car) ;;@assigns: **alias** for `cdr`. (define tail cdr) ;;@assigns: **alias** for `null?`. (define empty? null?) ;;; Fixnum Helpers ############################################################# ;;@returns: **fixnum** incremented **fixnum** `x`. (define-syntax-rule (fx+1 x) (fx+ x 1)) ;;@returns: **fixnum** decremented **fixnum** `x`. (define-syntax-rule (fx-1 x) (fx- x 1)) ;;@returns: **boolean** answering if **fixnum** `x` is zero. (define-syntax-rule (fx=0? x) (fx= x 0)) ;;@returns: **boolean** answering if **fixnum** `x` is smaller than zero. (define-syntax-rule (fx<0? x) (fx< x 0)) ;;@returns: **boolean** answering if **fixnum** `x` is greater than zero. (define-syntax-rule (fx>0? x) (fx> x 0)) ;;@returns: **boolean** answering if **fixnum** `x` is smaller or equal to zero. (define-syntax-rule (fx<=0? x) (fx<= x 0)) ;;@returns: **boolean** answering if **fixnum** `x` is greater or equal to zero. (define-syntax-rule (fx>=0? x) (fx>= x 0)) ;;; List Functions ############################################################# ;;@returns: **list** of **list** argument `lst` with appended argument `any`. (define (append* lst any) (foldr cons (list any) lst)) ;;@returns: **list** containing elements of **list** `lst` from indices **fixnum**s `start` to `end`. (define (sublist lst start end) (cond [(fx>0? start) (sublist (tail lst) (fx-1 start) (fx-1 end))] [(fx>0? end) (cons (head lst) (sublist (tail lst) 0 (fx-1 end)))] [else (cons (head lst) nil)])) ;;; List Predicates ############################################################ ;;@returns: **boolean** answering if any element of **list** `lst` fulfills predicate **procedure** `pred`. (define (any? pred lst) (cond [(empty? lst) #f] [(pred (head lst)) #t] [else (any? pred (tail lst))])) ;;@returns: **boolean** answering if all elements of **list** `lst` fulfill predicate **procedure** `pred`. (define (all? pred lst) (cond [(empty? lst) #t] [(pred (head lst)) (all? pred (tail lst))] [else #f])) ;;; Factorials ################################################################# ;;@returns: **fixnum** multiplying consecutive integers up to **fixnum** `n`: `n! = 1 * 2 * ...`. (define (factorial n) (if (fx<0? n) 0 (let rho [(idx n) (acc 1)] (if (fx=0? idx) acc (rho (fx-1 idx) (fx* idx acc)))))) ;;@returns: **fixnum** binomial coefficient for **integer**s `n` and `k` based on Pascal's rule: `(n k) = (n-1 k) + (n-1 k-1)`. (define (binomial n k) (let rho [(a n) (b k)] (cond [(fx<0? a) 0] [(fx<0? b) 0] [(fx=0? b) 1] [(fx=0? a) 0] [else (fx+ (rho (fx-1 a) (fx-1 b)) (rho (fx-1 a) b))]))) ;;; Standard Variants ########################################################## ;;@returns: **macro** generating function binding with docstring in `'returns` property list, see @4. (define-syntax define* (syntax-rules (returns) [(_ (name args ...) (returns str) body ...) (begin (put! 'returns 'name str) (define (name args ...) body ...))] [(_ (name . args) (returns str) body ...) (begin (put! 'returns 'name str) (define (name . args) body ...))] [(_ name (returns str) (body ...)) (begin (put! 'returns 'name str) (define name (body ...)))])) ;;@returns: **any** result of the last expressions in loaded and evaluated file with path **string** `str`, see @5, @6. (define (load* str) (let [(ret nil) (vrb (load-verbose #f))] (load str (lambda (x) (set! ret (eval x)))) (load-verbose vrb) ret)) );end module ;;; References ################################################################# ;;@1: Syntax-rules Macros. Guile Reference Manual, https://www.gnu.org/software/guile/manual/html_node/Syntax-Rules.html#Shorthands ;;@2: Miscellaneous Features. The T Manual, 13. http://mumble.net/~jar/tproject/ ;;@3: comment. ClojureDocs, https://clojuredocs.org/clojure.core/comment ;;@4: Docstrings in my Chicken. https://demonastery.org/2011/11/docstrings-in-my-chicken/ ;;@5: [Scheme-reports] return value(s) of load. http://scheme-reports.org/mail/scheme-reports/msg02021.html ;;@6: What load returns. https://docs.scheme.org/surveys/what-load-returns/