;;;; message-digest-primitive-test.scm -*- Scheme -*- ;;;; Kon Lovett, Jul '18 (import test) (test-begin "Message Digest Primitive") ;;; (import (chicken blob) message-digest-primitive) ;; (define (ashexstr s) (apply string-append (map (lambda (c) (number->string (char->integer c) 16)) (string->list s))) ) (define simple-src "ab cd") (define simple-res (ashexstr simple-src)) (define-constant DIGEST-LENGTH 5) (define-constant CONTEXT-SIZE 10) (define-constant BLOCK-LENGTH 64) (define-constant BLOCK-LENGTH-DEFAULT 4) (define SHORT-TEST-FILE-NAME "alpha.txt") (define SHORT-TEST-FILE-LENGTH 26) (define just-once (let ((x #t)) (lambda () (let ( (res (and x simple-src)) ) (set! x #f) res ) ) ) ) ;FIXME add (mock-*-primitive ...) that wraps the supplied phase procedures ;; (test-group "Make Primitive" (define the-ctx #f) (define (init ctx) (set! the-ctx ctx) ) (define (update ctx bytes count) (assert (eq? ctx the-ctx)) (assert (not (not bytes))) (assert (< 0 count)) (void) ) (define (final ctx result) (assert (eq? ctx the-ctx)) (assert (not (not result))) (void) ) (let ( (mdp (make-message-digest-primitive CONTEXT-SIZE DIGEST-LENGTH init update final)) ) (test-assert (message-digest-primitive? mdp)) (test CONTEXT-SIZE (message-digest-primitive-context-info mdp)) (test DIGEST-LENGTH (message-digest-primitive-digest-length mdp)) (test init (message-digest-primitive-init mdp)) (test update (message-digest-primitive-update mdp)) (test final (message-digest-primitive-final mdp)) (test BLOCK-LENGTH-DEFAULT (message-digest-primitive-block-length mdp)) (test-assert (symbol? (message-digest-primitive-name mdp))) ) ;;don't bother testing the non-optional arguments again (let ( (mdp (make-message-digest-primitive CONTEXT-SIZE DIGEST-LENGTH init update final #:name 'foo)) ) (test BLOCK-LENGTH-DEFAULT (message-digest-primitive-block-length mdp)) (test 'foo (message-digest-primitive-name mdp)) ) (let ( (mdp (make-message-digest-primitive CONTEXT-SIZE DIGEST-LENGTH init update final #:block-length BLOCK-LENGTH)) ) (test BLOCK-LENGTH (message-digest-primitive-block-length mdp)) (test-assert (symbol? (message-digest-primitive-name mdp))) ) (let ( (mdp (make-message-digest-primitive CONTEXT-SIZE DIGEST-LENGTH init update final #:block-length BLOCK-LENGTH #:name 'foo)) ) (test BLOCK-LENGTH (message-digest-primitive-block-length mdp)) (test 'foo (message-digest-primitive-name mdp)) ) ) ;These also test the update-string proc (test-group "Proper Phase Arguments (Def Alloc)" (define the-ctx #f) (define (init ctx) ;(printf " Init Ctx: ~S~%" ctx) (set! the-ctx ctx) (assert (pointer? ctx)) ) (define (update ctx bytes count) ;(printf "Update Ctx: ~S Bytes: ~S Count: ~S~%" ctx bytes count) (assert (eq? ctx the-ctx)) (assert (not (not bytes))) (assert (< 0 count)) (assert (<= count CONTEXT-SIZE)) ; So no mem overflow (assert (pointer? ctx)) (assert (blob? bytes)) (assert (<= count (blob-size bytes))) (move-memory! bytes ctx count) ) (define (final ctx result) ;(printf " Final Ctx: ~S Result: ~S~%" ctx result) (assert (eq? ctx the-ctx)) (assert (not (not result))) (assert (pointer? ctx)) (assert (or (blob? result) (string? result))) ; So no mem overflow (assert (<= DIGEST-LENGTH (if (blob? result) (blob-size result) (string-length result)))) (move-memory! ctx result DIGEST-LENGTH) ) (let* ( (mdp (make-message-digest-primitive CONTEXT-SIZE DIGEST-LENGTH init update final)) (ctx (make-message-digest-primitive-context mdp)) ) (test-assert "allocated context" ctx) ;FIXME Add Life-Cycle Tests ) ) (test-group "Proper Phase Arguments (Own Alloc)" (define the-ctx #f) (define (make-context) (make-blob CONTEXT-SIZE) ) (define (init ctx) ;(printf " Init Ctx: ~S~%" ctx) (set! the-ctx ctx) (assert (blob? ctx)) ) (define (update ctx bytes count) ;(printf "Update Ctx: ~S Bytes: ~S Count: ~S~%" ctx bytes count) (flush-output) (assert (eq? ctx the-ctx)) (assert (not (not bytes))) (assert (< 0 count)) (assert (<= count CONTEXT-SIZE)) ; So no mem overflow (assert (blob? ctx)) (assert (blob? bytes)) (assert (<= count (blob-size bytes))) (move-memory! bytes ctx count) ) (define (final ctx result) ;(printf " Final Result Size: ~S Ctx: ~S Result: ~S~%" (blob-size result) ctx result) (flush-output) (assert (eq? ctx the-ctx)) (assert (not (not result))) (assert (blob? ctx)) (assert (blob? result)) (assert (<= (blob-size result) DIGEST-LENGTH)) ; So no mem overflow (move-memory! ctx result DIGEST-LENGTH) ) (let* ( (mdp (make-message-digest-primitive make-context DIGEST-LENGTH init update final)) (ctx (make-message-digest-primitive-context mdp)) ) (test-assert "allocated context" ctx) ;FIXME Add Life-Cycle Tests ) ) ;;; (test-end "Message Digest Primitive") (test-exit)