;;;; (import test) (import (only (chicken format) format)) (include "test-gloss.incl") (define glossed (let ((saved #f)) (lambda (#!optional (x (void))) (if (eq? x (void)) (gloss saved) (begin (set! saved x) x))))) (define (wait-message) (gloss "Please Wait ...")) ;; (test-begin "micro-benchmark") (import micro-benchmark (only micro-stats generate-statistics)) (include "micro-benchmark-test-utils") ;fp-utils (import (chicken flonum)) (define (fpzero? n) (or (fp= 0.0 n) (fp= -0.0 n))) (define (fpprecision-factor p #!optional (base 10.0)) (fpexpt base (exact->inexact p))) ; (cond-expand (compiling (gloss "Expect Type Errors")) (else)) (test-group "parameters wrong type" (test-error (current-benchmark-iterations 'skidoo)) (test-error (current-benchmark-statistics-set 23)) ) (test-group "current-microseconds" (import current-microseconds) (glossf "(current-microseconds) = ~A" (current-microseconds)) (test-assert (integer? (current-microseconds))) (let ((1secago (current-microseconds))) (sleep 1) (test-assert (< 1secago (current-microseconds))) ) ) ;(so no conversion) (define-constant PRECISION-DEFAULT 4.0) (define-syntax make-unary-with-precision (syntax-rules () ((make-unary-with-precision ?op) (lambda (n #!optional (p PRECISION-DEFAULT)) (if (fpzero? (exact->inexact p)) (?op n) (let ((pf (fpprecision-factor p))) (fp/ (?op (fp* n pf)) pf) ) ) ) ) ) ) ;; (define fptruncate-with-precision (make-unary-with-precision fptruncate)) (define fpround-with-precision (make-unary-with-precision fpround)) (define fpceiling-with-precision (make-unary-with-precision fpceiling)) (define fpfloor-with-precision (make-unary-with-precision fpfloor)) (define fptruncate/to fptruncate-with-precision) (define fpround/to fpround-with-precision) (define fpceiling/to fpceiling-with-precision) (define fpfloor/to fpfloor-with-precision) ;; (define-constant MS/SEC 1e6) (define (ms->secs x) (/ x MS/SEC)) ;NOTE (sleep i) seems to actually sleep i-1 seconds on windows #; (test-group "basic" (test-assert (glossed *iterations-overhead*)) (glossed) ) (test-group "benchmark-measure" (wait-message) (test-bigO "benchmark-measure returns runtime" MS/SEC (benchmark-measure (sleep 2))) (wait-message) (parameterize ((current-test-epsilon 0.009)) (test 1.00 (ms->secs (benchmark-measure (sleep 1)))) ) ) (parameterize ((current-test-epsilon 0.001) (current-benchmark-statistics-set #t) (current-benchmark-iterations 3) ) (test-group "benchmark-run" (let* ((runs (begin (wait-message) (benchmark-measure-run (begin (sleep 2))))) (stats (generate-statistics runs (current-benchmark-statistics-set))) ) #;(gloss stats) (bigO-stats-tests MS/SEC stats '( max min 95th arithmetic-mean harmonic-mean geometric-mean median mode)) ) (let ((stats (benchmark-run (1) #t))) #;(gloss stats) (test "deviation for a single result" 0.0 (stats-item sd stats)) ) ) ) ;#; ;wait for micro-stats validation (parameterize ((current-test-epsilon 0.001) (current-benchmark-statistics-set #t) (current-benchmark-iterations 3) ) (test-group "with-expected-benchmark" (let* ((runs (begin (wait-message) (benchmark-measure-run (begin (sleep 1))))) (stats (with-expected-benchmark w/run runs (sleep 1))) ) (gloss runs) (gloss stats) ) ) ) (parameterize ((current-test-epsilon 0.009) (current-benchmark-iterations 3) ) (test-group "examples" (import (only (chicken base) sleep)) ;simply measure the runtime of the given fragment (wait-message) (test 2.00 (ms->secs (benchmark-measure (sleep 2)))) ;run code 3 times and return results (wait-message) (test 1.00 (ms->secs (stats-item mean (benchmark-run (sleep 1))))) ;find out how many iterations we can make per second (wait-message) (let ((stats2 (benchmark-ips (sleep 2)))) (glossf "stats-item mean: ~A" (stats-item mean stats2)) (test "1/2 iteration" 0.5 (fpround/to (stats-item mean stats2) 1)) ) ) ) (test-end "micro-benchmark") (test-exit)