(module (openssl socket) ( supported-ssl-protocols ssl-min-protocol ssl-max-protocol ssl-connect ssl-connect* ssl-make-client-context ssl-make-client-context* ssl-client-context? ssl-listen ssl-listen* ssl-start* ssl-close ssl-port? ssl-port->tcp-port ssl-listener? ssl-listener? ssl-listener-port ssl-listener-fileno ssl-accept-ready? ssl-accept ssl-handshake-timeout ssl-shutdown-timeout ssl-set-cipher-list! ssl-load-certificate-chain! ssl-load-private-key! ssl-set-verify! ssl-set-ignore-unexpected-eof! ssl-load-verify-root-certificates! ssl-load-suggested-certificate-authorities! ssl-peer-verified? ssl-peer-subject-name ssl-peer-issuer-name ssl-default-certificate-authorities ssl-default-certificate-authority-directory ssl-make-i/o-ports net-unwrap-tcp-ports) (import scheme) (import (chicken base)) (import (chicken blob)) (import (chicken condition)) (import (chicken foreign)) (import (chicken format)) (import (chicken fixnum)) (import (chicken gc)) (import (chicken port)) (import (chicken string)) (import (srfi 1)) (import (srfi 13)) (import (srfi 18)) (import (only address-info address-infos)) ;; HACK: work around current-milliseconds procedure obsoleted in C5.3 (cond-expand ((or chicken-5.0 chicken-5.1 chicken-5.2) (import (rename (chicken time) (current-milliseconds current-process-milliseconds)))) (else (import (chicken time)))) (declare (usual-integrations) (no-procedure-checks-for-usual-bindings) (disable-interrupts) (bound-to-procedure ##sys#update-errno ##sys#signal-hook ##sys#string-append ##sys#tcp-port->fileno ##sys#current-thread ##sys#size ##sys#setslot ##sys#check-string)) #> #include #ifdef _WIN32 #ifdef _MSC_VER #include #else #include #endif #include #else #define closesocket close #endif #ifdef ECOS #include #else #include #endif #include #include <# #> #ifndef SSL_OP_IGNORE_UNEXPECTED_EOF #define SSL_OP_IGNORE_UNEXPECTED_EOF 0 #endif <# (foreign-code #<fileno p loc) ;; copied from tcp.scm in core (let ((data (##sys#port-data p))) (if (vector? data) ; a meagre test, but better than nothing (##sys#slot data 0) (error loc "argument does not appear to be a TCP port" p)))) (define (net-unwrap-tcp-ports tcp-in tcp-out) (let ((fd (tcp-port->fileno tcp-in 'net-unwrap-tcp-ports))) (tcp-abandon-port tcp-in) (tcp-abandon-port tcp-out) fd)) (define ERR_get_error (foreign-lambda unsigned-long "ERR_get_error")) (define ERR_error_string (foreign-lambda c-string "ERR_error_string" unsigned-long blob)) (define (ssl-abort loc sym . args) (let ((message (ERR_error_string (ERR_get_error) #f))) (abort (condition `(exn message ,message location ,loc arguments ,args) '(i/o) '(net) `(openssl status ,sym))))) (define ssl-clear-error (foreign-lambda void "ERR_clear_error")) (define ssl-ctx-free (foreign-lambda void "SSL_CTX_free" c-pointer)) #> #ifndef TLS1_VERSION # define TLS1_VERSION -1 #endif #ifndef TLS1_1_VERSION # define TLS1_1_VERSION -1 #endif #ifndef TLS1_2_VERSION # define TLS1_2_VERSION -1 #endif #ifndef TLS1_3_VERSION # define TLS1_3_VERSION -1 #endif <# (define tlsv1-version (foreign-value "TLS1_VERSION" int)) (define tlsv11-version (foreign-value "TLS1_1_VERSION" int)) (define tlsv12-version (foreign-value "TLS1_2_VERSION" int)) (define tlsv13-version (foreign-value "TLS1_3_VERSION" int)) (define supported-ssl-protocols (append (if (negative? tlsv1-version) '() '(tlsv1)) (if (negative? tlsv11-version) '() '(tlsv11)) (if (negative? tlsv12-version) '() '(tlsv12)) (if (negative? tlsv13-version) '() '(tlsv13)))) (define ssl-min-protocol (car supported-ssl-protocols)) (define ssl-max-protocol (last supported-ssl-protocols)) (define (ssl-protocol->enum protocol) (define (ssl-protocol-error message) (condition `(exn message ,message location ssl-ctx-new arguments ,(list protocol)) '(type))) (case protocol ((sslv2-or-v3 sslv3) (abort (ssl-protocol-error "obsolete SSL connection protocol"))) ((tls tlsv1) (if (negative? tlsv1-version) (abort (ssl-protocol-error "unsupported SSL connection protocol")) tlsv1-version)) ((tlsv11) (if (negative? tlsv11-version) (abort (ssl-protocol-error "unsupported SSL connection protocol")) tlsv11-version)) ((tlsv12) (if (negative? tlsv12-version) (abort (ssl-protocol-error "unsupported SSL connection protocol")) tlsv12-version)) ((tlsv13) (if (negative? tlsv13-version) (abort (ssl-protocol-error "unsupported SSL connection protocol")) tlsv13-version)) (else (abort (ssl-protocol-error "invalid SSL/TLS connection protocol"))))) (define (ssl-ctx-new protocol server) (define (unwrap-protocol accessor) (cond ((pair? protocol) (accessor protocol)) ((symbol? protocol) protocol) (else (abort (condition `(exn message "expected symbol or pair, got" location ssl-ctx-new arguments ,(list protocol)) '(type)))))) (ssl-clear-error) (let* ((min-protocol (unwrap-protocol car)) (max-protocol (unwrap-protocol cdr)) (ctx ((foreign-lambda* c-pointer ((c-pointer method) (int min_proto) (int max_proto)) "SSL_CTX *ctx;" "if ((ctx = SSL_CTX_new((SSL_METHOD *)method))){\n" " SSL_CTX_set_mode(ctx, SSL_MODE_ENABLE_PARTIAL_WRITE | " " SSL_MODE_ACCEPT_MOVING_WRITE_BUFFER);\n" " SSL_CTX_set_min_proto_version(ctx, min_proto);" " SSL_CTX_set_max_proto_version(ctx, max_proto);" "}\n" "return(ctx);\n") (if server ((foreign-lambda c-pointer "TLS_server_method")) ((foreign-lambda c-pointer "TLS_client_method"))) (ssl-protocol->enum min-protocol) (ssl-protocol->enum max-protocol)))) (unless ctx (ssl-abort 'ssl-ctx-new #f)) (set-finalizer! ctx ssl-ctx-free) ctx)) (define (ssl-new ctx) (ssl-clear-error) (cond (((foreign-lambda c-pointer "SSL_new" c-pointer) ctx) => values) (else (ssl-abort 'ssl-new #f)))) (define ssl-free (foreign-lambda void "SSL_free" c-pointer)) (define (ssl-result-or-abort loc ssl ret allow-i/o? . args) (call-with-current-continuation (lambda (q) (let ((sym (let ((x ((foreign-lambda int "SSL_get_error" c-pointer int) ssl ret))) (cond ((eq? x (foreign-value "SSL_ERROR_NONE" int)) (q ret)) ((eq? x (foreign-value "SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN" int)) 'zero-return) ((eq? x (foreign-value "SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ" int)) (if allow-i/o? (q 'want-read) 'want-read)) ((eq? x (foreign-value "SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE" int)) (if allow-i/o? (q 'want-write) 'want-write)) ((eq? x (foreign-value "SSL_ERROR_WANT_CONNECT" int)) 'want-connect) ((eq? x (foreign-value "SSL_ERROR_WANT_ACCEPT" int)) 'want-accept) ((eq? x (foreign-value "SSL_ERROR_WANT_X509_LOOKUP" int)) 'want-X509-lookup) ((eq? x (foreign-value "SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL" int)) (if (zero? ret) 'ssl-eof 'syscall)) ((eq? x (foreign-value "SSL_ERROR_SSL" int)) 'ssl) (else #f))))) (apply ssl-abort loc sym args))))) (define (ssl-set-tlsext-hostname! ssl hostname) (ssl-clear-error) (ssl-result-or-abort 'ssl-set-tlsext-hostname! ssl ((foreign-lambda int "SSL_set_tlsext_host_name" c-pointer c-string) ssl hostname) #f hostname) (void)) (define (ssl-set-fd! ssl fd) (ssl-clear-error) (ssl-result-or-abort 'ssl-set-fd! ssl ((foreign-lambda int "SSL_set_fd" c-pointer int) ssl fd) #f fd) (void)) (define (ssl-shutdown ssl) (ssl-clear-error) (let ((ret ((foreign-lambda* scheme-object ((c-pointer ssl)) "int ret;\n" "switch (ret = SSL_shutdown((SSL *)ssl)) {\n" "case 0: return(C_SCHEME_FALSE);\n" "case 1: return(C_SCHEME_TRUE);\n" "default: return(C_fix(ret));\n" "}\n") ssl))) (if (fixnum? ret) (ssl-result-or-abort 'ssl-shutdown ssl ret #t) ret))) (define (ssl-read! ssl buffer offset size) (ssl-clear-error) (let ((ret ((foreign-lambda* scheme-object ((c-pointer ssl) (scheme-pointer buf) (int offset) (int size)) "int ret;\n" "switch (ret = SSL_read((SSL *)ssl, (char *)buf + offset, size)) {\n" "case 0: return(SSL_get_error((SSL *)ssl, 0) == SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN ?\n" " C_SCHEME_END_OF_FILE : C_fix(0));\n" "default: return(C_fix(ret));\n" "}\n") ssl buffer offset size))) (cond ((eof-object? ret) 0) ((fx> ret 0) ret) (else (ssl-result-or-abort 'ssl-read! ssl ret #t))))) (define (ssl-get-char ssl) (ssl-clear-error) (let ((ret ((foreign-lambda* scheme-object ((c-pointer ssl)) "unsigned char ch;\n" "int ret;\n" "switch (ret = SSL_read((SSL *)ssl, &ch, 1)) {\n" "case 0: return(SSL_get_error((SSL *)ssl, 0) == SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN ?\n" " C_SCHEME_END_OF_FILE : C_fix(0));\n" "case 1: return(C_make_character(ch));\n" "default: return(C_fix(ret));\n" "}\n") ssl))) (if (fixnum? ret) (ssl-result-or-abort 'ssl-get-char ssl ret #t) ret))) (define (ssl-peek-char ssl) (ssl-clear-error) (let ((ret ((foreign-lambda* scheme-object ((c-pointer ssl)) "unsigned char ch;\n" "int ret;\n" "switch (ret = SSL_peek((SSL *)ssl, &ch, 1)) {\n" "case 0: return(SSL_get_error((SSL *)ssl, 0) == SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN ?\n" " C_SCHEME_END_OF_FILE : C_fix(0));\n" "case 1: return(C_make_character(ch));\n" "default: return(C_fix(ret));\n" "}\n") ssl))) (if (fixnum? ret) (ssl-result-or-abort 'ssl-peek-char ssl ret #t) ret))) (define (ssl-write ssl buffer offset size) (ssl-clear-error) (ssl-result-or-abort 'ssl-write ssl ((foreign-lambda* int ((c-pointer ssl) (scheme-pointer buf) (int offset) (int size)) "return(SSL_write((SSL *)ssl, (char *)buf + offset, size));\n") ssl buffer offset size) #t)) (define-record-type ssl-port-data (ssl-make-port-data startup ssl tcp-port) ssl-port-data? (startup ssl-port-data-startup) (ssl ssl-port-data-ssl) (tcp-port ssl-port-data-tcp-port)) (define (ssl-port? obj) (and (port? obj) (eq? (##sys#slot obj 10) 'ssl-socket))) (define (ssl-port-startup p) (when (ssl-port? p) ((ssl-port-data-startup (##sys#slot p 11))))) (define (ssl-port->ssl p) (if (ssl-port? p) (ssl-port-data-ssl (##sys#slot p 11)) (abort (condition `(exn location ssl-port->ssl-context message "expected an ssl port, got" arguments ,(list p)) '(type))))) (define (ssl-port->tcp-port p) (if (ssl-port? p) (ssl-port-data-tcp-port (##sys#slot p 11)) (abort (condition `(exn location ssl-port->tcp-port message "expected an ssl port, got" arguments ,(list p)) '(type))))) (define (ssl-do-handshake ssl) (ssl-clear-error) (ssl-result-or-abort 'ssl-do-handshake ssl ((foreign-lambda int "SSL_do_handshake" c-pointer) ssl) #t)) (define (ssl-call/timeout loc proc fd timeout timeout-message) (let loop ((res (proc))) (case res ((want-read) (when timeout (##sys#thread-block-for-timeout! ##sys#current-thread (+ (current-process-milliseconds) timeout))) (##sys#thread-block-for-i/o! ##sys#current-thread fd #:input) (thread-yield!) (if (##sys#slot ##sys#current-thread 13) (##sys#signal-hook #:network-timeout-error loc timeout-message timeout fd) (loop (proc)))) ((want-write) (when timeout (##sys#thread-block-for-timeout! ##sys#current-thread (+ (current-process-milliseconds) timeout))) (##sys#thread-block-for-i/o! ##sys#current-thread fd #:output) (thread-yield!) (if (##sys#slot ##sys#current-thread 13) (##sys#signal-hook #:network-timeout-error loc timeout-message timeout fd) (loop (proc)))) (else res)))) (define (ssl-make-i/o-ports ctx fd ssl tcp-in tcp-out) ;; note that the ctx parameter is never used but it is passed in order ;; to be present in the closure data of the various port functions ;; so it isn't garbage collected before the ports are all gone (let ((in-open? #f) (out-open? #f) (mutex (make-mutex 'ssl-mutex))) (define (startup #!optional (called-from-close #f)) (dynamic-wind+ (lambda () (mutex-lock! mutex)) (lambda () (let ((skip-startup (not ssl))) (if skip-startup (when (not called-from-close) (error "SSL socket already closed")) (unless (or in-open? out-open?) (let ((success? #f)) (dynamic-wind+ void (lambda () (ssl-set-fd! ssl fd) (ssl-call/timeout 'ssl-do-handshake (lambda () (ssl-do-handshake ssl)) fd (ssl-handshake-timeout) "SSL handshake operation timed out") (set! in-open? #t) (set! out-open? #t) (set! success? #t)) (lambda () (unless success? (ssl-free ssl) (set! ssl #f) (net-close-socket fd))))))) (not skip-startup))) (lambda () (mutex-unlock! mutex)))) (define (shutdown) (unless (or in-open? out-open?) (set! ctx #f) ;; ensure that this reference is lost (dynamic-wind+ void (lambda () (ssl-call/timeout 'ssl-shutdown (lambda () (ssl-shutdown ssl)) fd (ssl-shutdown-timeout) "SSL shutdown operation timed out")) (lambda () (ssl-free ssl) (net-close-socket fd))))) (let ((in (make-input-port ;; read (lambda () (startup) (ssl-call/timeout 'ssl-get-char (lambda () (ssl-get-char ssl)) fd (tcp-read-timeout) "SSL read timed out")) ;; ready? (lambda () (startup) (let ((ret (ssl-peek-char ssl))) (case ret ((want-read want-write) #f) (else #t)))) ;; close (lambda () (when (startup #t) (set! in-open? #f) (shutdown))) ;; peek (lambda () (startup) (ssl-call/timeout 'ssl-peek-char (lambda () (ssl-peek-char ssl)) fd (tcp-read-timeout) "SSL read timed out")) ;; read-string! (lambda (port size buf offset) (startup) (ssl-call/timeout 'ssl-read! (lambda () (ssl-read! ssl buf offset size)) fd (tcp-read-timeout) "SSL read timed out")))) (out (let* ((outbufmax (tcp-buffer-size)) (outbuf (and outbufmax (fx> outbufmax 0) (make-string outbufmax))) (outbufsize 0) (unbuffered-write (lambda (buffer #!optional (offset 0) (size (##sys#size buffer))) (when (> size 0) ; Undefined behaviour for 0 bytes! (let loop ((offset offset) (size size)) (let ((ret (ssl-call/timeout 'ssl-write (lambda () (ssl-write ssl buffer offset size)) fd (tcp-write-timeout) "SSL write timed out"))) (when (fx< ret size) ; Partial write (loop (fx+ offset ret) (fx- size ret))))))))) (define (buffered-write data #!optional (start 0)) (let* ((size (- (##sys#size data) start)) (to-copy (min (- outbufmax outbufsize) size)) (left-over (- size to-copy))) (string-copy! outbuf outbufsize data start (+ start to-copy)) (set! outbufsize (+ outbufsize to-copy)) (if (= outbufsize outbufmax) (begin (unbuffered-write outbuf) (set! outbufsize 0))) (if (> left-over 0) (buffered-write data (+ start to-copy))))) (make-output-port ;; write (lambda (buffer) (startup) (if outbuf (buffered-write buffer) (unbuffered-write buffer))) ;; close (lambda () (when (startup #t) (dynamic-wind+ void (lambda () (when outbuf (unbuffered-write outbuf 0 outbufsize) (set! outbufsize 0))) (lambda () (set! out-open? #f) (shutdown))))) ;; flush (lambda () (when outbuf (startup) (unbuffered-write outbuf 0 outbufsize) (set! outbufsize 0))))))) (##sys#setslot in 3 "(ssl)") (##sys#setslot out 3 "(ssl)") ;; first "reserved" slot ;; Slot 7 should probably stay 'custom (##sys#setslot in 10 'ssl-socket) (##sys#setslot out 10 'ssl-socket) ;; second "reserved" slot (##sys#setslot in 11 (ssl-make-port-data startup ssl tcp-in)) (##sys#setslot out 11 (ssl-make-port-data startup ssl tcp-out)) (values in out)))) (define (ssl-unwrap-context obj) (cond ((ssl-client-context? obj) (ssl-unwrap-client-context obj)) ((ssl-listener? obj) (ssl-unwrap-listener-context obj)) (else (abort (condition `(exn location ssl-unwrap-context message "expected an ssl-client-context or ssl-listener, got" arguments ,(list obj)) '(type)))))) ;;; exported routines ;; create SSL client context (define-record-type ssl-client-context (ssl-wrap-client-context context) ssl-client-context? (context ssl-unwrap-client-context)) (define (ssl-make-client-context #!optional (protocol 'tls)) (ssl-wrap-client-context (ssl-ctx-new protocol #f))) (define ssl-set-connect-state! (foreign-lambda void "SSL_set_connect_state" c-pointer)) (define (symbolic-host? host port) (not (address-infos host #:port port #:type 'tcp #:server? #f #:numeric? #t))) ;; connect to SSL server (define (ssl-connect hostname #!optional port (ctx 'tls) sni-name) (let* ((ctx (if (ssl-client-context? ctx) (ssl-unwrap-client-context ctx) (ssl-ctx-new ctx #f))) (ssl (ssl-new ctx)) (success? #f)) (dynamic-wind+ void (lambda () (when (eq? sni-name #t) (set! sni-name (and (symbolic-host? hostname port) (let ((last (sub1 (string-length hostname)))) (if (and (>= last 0) (eqv? (string-ref hostname last) #\.)) (substring hostname 0 last) hostname))))) (when sni-name (ssl-set-tlsext-hostname! ssl sni-name)) (ssl-set-connect-state! ssl) (receive (tcp-in tcp-out) (tcp-connect hostname port) (receive (ssl-in ssl-out) (ssl-make-i/o-ports ctx (net-unwrap-tcp-ports tcp-in tcp-out) ssl tcp-in tcp-out) (set! success? #t) (values ssl-in ssl-out)))) (lambda () (unless success? (ssl-free ssl) (set! ssl #f)))))) ;; create listener/SSL server context (define-record-type ssl-listener (ssl-wrap-listener context listener) ssl-listener? (context ssl-unwrap-listener-context) (listener ssl-unwrap-listener)) ;; Import from tcp6 when available, otherwise fall back to the ;; standard tcp library from CHICKEN core. (define-values (tcp-listen tcp-listener-fileno tcp-listener-port tcp-accept tcp-accept-ready? tcp-close tcp-abandon-port tcp-buffer-size tcp-connect tcp-read-timeout tcp-write-timeout) (handle-exceptions exn (let () (import (chicken tcp)) (values tcp-listen tcp-listener-fileno tcp-listener-port tcp-accept tcp-accept-ready? tcp-close tcp-abandon-port tcp-buffer-size tcp-connect tcp-read-timeout tcp-write-timeout)) (eval '(let () (import tcp6) (values tcp-listen tcp-listener-fileno tcp-listener-port tcp-accept tcp-accept-ready? tcp-close tcp-abandon-port tcp-buffer-size tcp-connect tcp-read-timeout tcp-write-timeout))))) (define (ssl-listen port #!optional (backlog 4) (hostname #f) (protocol 'tls)) (ssl-wrap-listener (ssl-ctx-new protocol #t) (tcp-listen port backlog hostname))) ;; shutdown a SSL server (define (ssl-close listener) (tcp-close (ssl-unwrap-listener listener))) ;; return the port number this listener is operating on (define (ssl-listener-port listener) (tcp-listener-port (ssl-unwrap-listener listener))) ;; get the underlying socket descriptor number for an SSL listener (define (ssl-listener-fileno listener) (tcp-listener-fileno (ssl-unwrap-listener listener))) ;; check whether an incoming connection is pending (define (ssl-accept-ready? listener) (tcp-accept-ready? (ssl-unwrap-listener listener))) (define ssl-set-accept-state! (foreign-lambda void "SSL_set_accept_state" c-pointer)) ;; accept a connection from an SSL listener (define (ssl-accept listener) (receive (tcp-in tcp-out) (tcp-accept (ssl-unwrap-listener listener)) (let* ((fd (net-unwrap-tcp-ports tcp-in tcp-out)) (ctx (ssl-unwrap-listener-context listener)) (ssl (ssl-new ctx))) (ssl-set-accept-state! ssl) (ssl-make-i/o-ports ctx fd ssl tcp-in tcp-out)))) ;; set the list of allowed ciphers (define (ssl-set-cipher-list! obj v) (ssl-clear-error) (unless (eq? ((foreign-lambda int "SSL_CTX_set_cipher_list" c-pointer c-string) (ssl-unwrap-context obj) (if (pair? v) (string-join (map ->string v) ":") (->string v))) 1) (ssl-abort 'ssl-set-cipher-list! #f v))) ;; load identifying certificate or certificate chain into SSL context (define (ssl-load-certificate-chain! obj pathname/blob #!optional (asn1? #f)) (ssl-clear-error) (unless (eq? (if (blob? pathname/blob) ((foreign-lambda int "SSL_CTX_use_certificate_ASN1" c-pointer int scheme-pointer) (ssl-unwrap-context obj) (blob-size pathname/blob) pathname/blob) (begin (##sys#check-string pathname/blob) (if asn1? ((foreign-lambda* int ((c-pointer ctx) (c-string path)) "return(SSL_CTX_use_certificate_file((SSL_CTX *)ctx, path, SSL_FILETYPE_ASN1));") (ssl-unwrap-context obj) pathname/blob) ((foreign-lambda int "SSL_CTX_use_certificate_chain_file" c-pointer c-string) (ssl-unwrap-context obj) pathname/blob)))) 1) (ssl-abort 'ssl-load-certificate-chain! #f pathname/blob asn1?))) ;; load the private key for the identifying certificate chain (define (ssl-load-private-key! obj pathname/blob #!optional (rsa? #t) (asn1? #f)) (ssl-clear-error) (unless (eq? (if (blob? pathname/blob) ((foreign-lambda int "SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_ASN1" int c-pointer scheme-pointer long) (case rsa? ((rsa #t) (foreign-value "EVP_PKEY_RSA" int)) ((dsa #f) (foreign-value "EVP_PKEY_DSA" int)) ((dh) (foreign-value "EVP_PKEY_DH" int)) ((ec) (foreign-value "EVP_PKEY_EC" int)) (else (abort (condition `(exn message "invalid key type" location ssl-load-private-key! arguments ,(list obj pathname/blob rsa? asn1?)) '(type))))) (ssl-unwrap-context obj) pathname/blob (blob-size pathname/blob)) (begin (##sys#check-string pathname/blob) ((foreign-lambda* int ((c-pointer ctx) (c-string path) (bool asn1)) "return(SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file((SSL_CTX *)ctx, path, (asn1 ? SSL_FILETYPE_ASN1 : SSL_FILETYPE_PEM)));") (ssl-unwrap-context obj) pathname/blob asn1?))) 1) (ssl-abort 'ssl-load-private-key! #f pathname/blob rsa? asn1?))) ;; switch verification of peer on or off (define (ssl-set-verify! obj v) ((foreign-lambda* void ((c-pointer ctx) (bool verify)) "SSL_CTX_set_verify((SSL_CTX *)ctx," " (verify ? SSL_VERIFY_PEER|SSL_VERIFY_FAIL_IF_NO_PEER_CERT" " : SSL_VERIFY_NONE), NULL);\n") (ssl-unwrap-context obj) v)) ;; set SSL_OP_IGNORE_UNEXPECTED_EOF flag (define (ssl-set-ignore-unexpected-eof! obj) ((foreign-lambda* void ((c-pointer ctx)) "SSL_CTX_set_options((SSL_CTX *)ctx, SSL_OP_IGNORE_UNEXPECTED_EOF);") (ssl-unwrap-context obj))) ;; load trusted root certificates into SSL context (define (ssl-load-verify-root-certificates! obj pathname #!optional (dirname #f)) (unless (boolean? pathname) (##sys#check-string pathname)) (unless (boolean? dirname) (##sys#check-string dirname)) (ssl-clear-error) (if (and (eq? pathname #t) (eq? dirname #t)) (unless (eq? ((foreign-lambda int "SSL_CTX_set_default_verify_paths" c-pointer) (ssl-unwrap-context obj)) 1) (ssl-abort 'ssl-load-verify-root-certificates! #f pathname dirname)) (unless (eq? ((foreign-lambda int "SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations" c-pointer c-string c-string) (ssl-unwrap-context obj) pathname dirname) 1) (ssl-abort 'ssl-load-verify-root-certificates! #f pathname dirname)))) ;; load suggested root certificates into SSL context (define (ssl-load-suggested-certificate-authorities! obj pathname) (##sys#check-string pathname) (ssl-clear-error) (cond (((foreign-lambda c-pointer "SSL_load_client_CA_file" c-string) pathname) => (cut (foreign-lambda void "SSL_CTX_set_client_CA_list" c-pointer c-pointer) (ssl-unwrap-context obj) <>)) (else (ssl-abort 'ssl-load-suggested-certificate-authorities! #f pathname)))) ;; check whether the connection peer has presented a valid certificate (define (ssl-peer-verified? p) (ssl-port-startup p) (let ((ssl (ssl-port->ssl p))) (and ((foreign-lambda* bool ((c-pointer ssl)) "C_return(SSL_get_verify_result(ssl) == X509_V_OK);") ssl) ((foreign-lambda* bool ((c-pointer ssl)) "X509 *crt = SSL_get_peer_certificate(ssl);\n" "X509_free(crt);\n" "C_return(crt != NULL);\n") ssl)))) ;; obtain the subject name of the connection peer's certificate, if any (define (ssl-peer-subject-name p) (ssl-port-startup p) ((foreign-lambda* c-string* ((c-pointer ssl)) "X509 *crt = SSL_get_peer_certificate(ssl);\n" "if (!crt) C_return(NULL);\n" "char *name = X509_NAME_oneline(X509_get_subject_name(crt), NULL, -1);\n" "X509_free(crt);\n" "C_return(name);") (ssl-port->ssl p))) ;; obtain the issuer name of the connection peer's certificate, if any (define (ssl-peer-issuer-name p) (ssl-port-startup p) ((foreign-lambda* c-string* ((c-pointer ssl)) "X509 *crt = SSL_get_peer_certificate(ssl);\n" "if (!crt) C_return(NULL);\n" "char *name = X509_NAME_oneline(X509_get_issuer_name(crt), NULL, -1);\n" "X509_free(crt);\n" "C_return(name);") (ssl-port->ssl p))) ;;; wrappers with secure defaults (define ssl-default-certificate-authorities (make-parameter #t)) (define ssl-default-certificate-authority-directory (make-parameter #t)) (define (ssl-make-client-context* #!key (protocol 'tlsv12) (cipher-list "DEFAULT") certificate private-key (private-key-type 'rsa) private-key-asn1? certificate-authorities certificate-authority-directory (verify? #t) ignore-unexpected-eof?) (unless certificate-authorities (set! certificate-authorities (ssl-default-certificate-authorities))) (unless certificate-authority-directory (set! certificate-authority-directory (ssl-default-certificate-authority-directory))) (let ((ctx (ssl-make-client-context protocol))) (ssl-set-cipher-list! ctx cipher-list) (when certificate (ssl-load-certificate-chain! ctx certificate) (ssl-load-private-key! ctx private-key private-key-type private-key-asn1?)) (ssl-load-verify-root-certificates! ctx certificate-authorities certificate-authority-directory) (ssl-set-verify! ctx verify?) (when ignore-unexpected-eof? (ssl-set-ignore-unexpected-eof! ctx)) ctx)) (define (ssl-connect* #!rest args #!key hostname port (sni-name #t)) (ssl-connect hostname port (apply ssl-make-client-context* args) sni-name)) (define (ssl-listen* #!key hostname (port 0) (backlog 4) (protocol 'tlsv12) (cipher-list "DEFAULT") certificate private-key (private-key-type 'rsa) private-key-asn1? certificate-authorities certificate-authority-directory (verify? #f)) (unless certificate-authorities (set! certificate-authorities (ssl-default-certificate-authorities))) (unless certificate-authority-directory (set! certificate-authority-directory (ssl-default-certificate-authority-directory))) (let ((ear (ssl-listen port backlog hostname protocol))) (ssl-set-cipher-list! ear cipher-list) (ssl-load-certificate-chain! ear certificate) (ssl-load-private-key! ear private-key private-key-type private-key-asn1?) (when (string? certificate-authorities) (ssl-load-suggested-certificate-authorities! ear certificate-authorities)) (ssl-load-verify-root-certificates! ear certificate-authorities certificate-authority-directory) (ssl-set-verify! ear verify?) ear)) (define (ssl-start* server? tcp-in tcp-out #!key (protocol 'tlsv12) (cipher-list "DEFAULT") certificate private-key (private-key-type 'rsa) private-key-asn1? certificate-authorities certificate-authority-directory (verify? (not server?)) sni-name) (unless certificate-authorities (set! certificate-authorities (ssl-default-certificate-authorities))) (unless certificate-authority-directory (set! certificate-authority-directory (ssl-default-certificate-authority-directory))) ;; ssl-wrap-client-context only serves a technical purpose here, ;; as the plain context pointer needs to be wrapped somehow. (let ((ctx (ssl-wrap-client-context (ssl-ctx-new protocol server?)))) (ssl-set-cipher-list! ctx cipher-list) (when certificate (ssl-load-certificate-chain! ctx certificate) (ssl-load-private-key! ctx private-key private-key-type private-key-asn1?)) (when (string? certificate-authorities) (ssl-load-suggested-certificate-authorities! ctx certificate-authorities)) (ssl-load-verify-root-certificates! ctx certificate-authorities certificate-authority-directory) (ssl-set-verify! ctx verify?) (let* ((fd (net-unwrap-tcp-ports tcp-in tcp-out)) (ssl (ssl-new (ssl-unwrap-client-context ctx)))) (if server? (ssl-set-accept-state! ssl) (begin (when sni-name (ssl-set-tlsext-hostname! ssl sni-name)) (ssl-set-connect-state! ssl))) (ssl-make-i/o-ports ctx fd ssl tcp-in tcp-out)))) )