(module pandoc (pandoc-command-line pandoc-port->json pandoc-port->sxml pandoc-file->json pandoc-file->sxml) (import (scheme) (chicken base) (only (chicken io) read-byte write-byte) (only (chicken port) copy-port) (only (chicken process) process process-wait) (rename (only (medea) read-json) (read-json json-read))) (define (run-read-write args input-port read-output) (receive (from-sub to-sub sub) (process (car args) (cdr args)) (copy-port input-port to-sub read-byte write-byte) (close-output-port to-sub) (let ((output (read-output from-sub))) (receive (sub clean-exit? exit-status) (process-wait sub) ;; Call `process-wait` before closing the last port to avoid ;; triggering the automatic `process-wait` done by `process` ;; when all ports are closed. If we relied on the implicit ;; `process-wait`, we couldn't find out the exit status. (close-input-port from-sub) (if (and clean-exit? (eqv? 0 exit-status)) output (error "Error running" args)))))) (define (call-with-binary-input-file filename proc) (let ((port (open-input-file filename #:binary))) (dynamic-wind (lambda () #f) (lambda () (proc port)) (lambda () (close-input-port port))))) (define pandoc-command-line (make-parameter (list "pandoc"))) (include "pandoc.r5rs.scm"))