tk/grid columnconfigure

(tk/grid 'columnconfigure master index ?#:option value...?)
Query or set the column properties of the index column of the geometry master, master.

The valid options are #:minsize, #:weight, #:uniform and #:pad.

If one or more options are provided, then index may be given as a list of column indeces to which the configuration options will operate on.

The #:minsize option sets the minimum size, in screen units, that will be permitted for this column.

The #:weight option (an integer value) sets the relative weight for apportioning any extra spaces among columns. A weight of zero (0) indicates the column will not deviate from its requested size. A column whose weight is two will grow at twice the rate as a column of weight one when extra space is allocated to the layout.

The #:uniform option, when a non-empty value is supplied, places the column in a uniform group with other columns that have the same value for #:uniform. The space for columns belonging to a uniform group is allocated so that their sizes are always in strict proportion to their #:weight values.

The #:pad option specifies the number of screen units that will be added to the largest window contained completely in that column when the grid geometry manager requests a size from the containing window.

If only an option is specified, with no value, the current value of that option is returned.

If only the master window and index is specified, all the current settings are returned in an Tcl-list of "-option value" pairs.

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