
(#<widget> 'postscript ?option value option value ...?)
Generate a Postscript representation for part or all of the canvas.

If the #:file option is specified then the Postscript is written to a file and an empty string is returned; otherwise the Postscript is returned as the result of the command.

If the #:channel option is specified, the argument denotes the name of a channel already opened for writing. The Postscript is written to that channel, and the channel is left open for further writing at the end of the operation. The Postscript is created in Encapsulated Postscript form using version 3.0 of the Document Structuring Conventions.

Note: by default Postscript is only generated for information that appears in the canvas's window on the screen. If the canvas is freshly created it may still have its initial size of 1x1 pixel so nothing will appear in the Postscript. To get around this problem either invoke the "update" command to wait for the canvas window to reach its final size, or else use the #:width and #:height options to specify the area of the canvas to print. The option-value argument pairs provide additional information to control the generation of Postscript.

The following options are supported:

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