
(#<widget> 'selection option arg)
This command is used to adjust the selection within a spinbox. It has several forms, depending on option:
(#<widget> 'selection 'adjust index)
Locate the end of the selection nearest to the character given by index, and adjust that end of the selection to be at index (i.e including but not going beyond index). The other end of the selection is made the anchor point for future select to commands. If the selection isn't currently in the spinbox, then a new selection is created to include the characters between index and the most recent selection anchor point, inclusive. Returns an empty string.
(#<widget> 'selection 'clear)
Clear the selection if it is currently in this widget. If the selection isn't in this widget then the command has no effect. Returns an empty string.
(#<widget> 'selection 'element ?element?)
Sets or gets the currently selected element. If a spinbutton element is specified, it will be displayed depressed.
(#<widget> 'selection 'from index)
Set the selection anchor point to just before the character given by index. Doesn't change the selection. Returns an empty string.
(#<widget> 'selection 'present)
Returns 1 if there is are characters selected in the spinbox, 0 if nothing is selected.
(#<widget> 'selection 'range start end)
Sets the selection to include the characters starting with the one indexed by start and ending with the one just before end. If end refers to the same character as start or an earlier one, then the spinbox's selection is cleared.
(#<widget> 'selection 'to index)
If index is before the anchor point, set the selection to the characters from index up to but not including the anchor point. If index is the same as the anchor point, do nothing. If index is after the anchor point, set the selection to the characters from the anchor point up to but not including index. The anchor point is determined by the most recent select from or select adjust command in this widget. If the selection isn't in this widget then a new selection is created using the most recent anchor point specified for the widget. Returns an empty string.

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