Event Patterns

The sequence argument specifies a sequence of one or more event patterns, with optional white space between the patterns. Each event pattern may take one of three forms.

In the simplest case it is a single printing ASCII character, such as a or [. The character may not be a space character or the character <. This form of pattern matches a KeyPress event for the particular character.

The second form of pattern is longer but more general. It has the following syntax:


The entire event pattern is surrounded by angle brackets. Inside the angle brackets are zero or more modifiers, an event type, and an extra piece of information (detail) identifying a particular button or keysym. Any of the fields may be omitted, as long as at least one of type and detail is present. The fields must be separated by white space or dashes.

The third form of pattern is used to specify a user-defined, named virtual event. It has the following syntax:


The entire virtual event pattern is surrounded by double angle brackets. Inside the angle brackets is the user-defined name of the virtual event. Modifiers, such as Shift or Control, may not be combined with a virtual event to modify it. Bindings on a virtual event may be created before the virtual event is defined, and if the definition of a virtual event changes dynamically, all windows bound to that virtual event will respond immediately to the new definition.

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