Hello World

(The world's most famous program)

To start the Chicken interpreter, enter


To load the Tk extensions, enter

(require-extension tk)

To start the Tcl/Tk executable, enter


Tk is ready for its widget definitions.


We create a button:

(define hello-button (tk 'create-widget 'button))

To see it on the root window, we use the geometry manager tk/pack. Enter this:

(tk/pack hello-button)

Now, it is visible:


To put a text to the button, configure it:

(hello-button 'configure #:text 'Howdy!)

The text is visible:


When pressed, the button should write a message to the console. Enter this:

(hello-button 'configure #:command 
    (lambda () (print "Greetings Earthlings")))

Now, all is prepared, and we enter the event loop:


If you press the button, a little message appears in the console window.


To finish the Tk window, use the closing handle at the window decoration. (With my desktop settings, I must make the window wider so that the closing handle appears.)

See also tk, create-widget, button, tk/pack.

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