; Scheme 9 from Empty Space, Function Library ; By Nils M Holm, 2010,2012 ; Placed in the Public Domain ; ; (canvas-draw canvas integer-X integer-Y char) ==> unspecific ; (canvas-draw-string canvas int-X int-Y string) ==> unspecific ; (canvas-dump canvas) ==> vector ; (canvas-plot canvas integer-X integer-Y char) ==> unspecific ; (canvas-plot-line canvas X Y DX DY char) ==> unspecific ; (make-canvas int-X int-Y int-W int-H) ==> canvas ; ; (load-from-library "char-canvas.scm") ; ; This is a set of routines for drawing characters and lines on ; a scaled, character-based (a.k.a. "ASCII Art") canvas. ; ; MAKE-CANVAS creates a char canvas with a physical size of ; x=INT-X times y=INT-Y characters. The virtual size of the ; canvas is INT-W (width) times INT-H (height) "pixels". "Real ; coordinates" relate to the physical size of the canvas. ; "Virtual coordinates" are translated to real coordinates by ; scaling. Both types of coordinates are specified in X/Y ; notation. The origin 0/0 is at the lower left corner of the ; canvas. The new canvas will be filled with blanks initially. ; ; CANVAS-DRAW draws character CHAR at position INTEGER-X/INTEGER-Y. ; It uses real coordinates. CANVAS-DRAWSTRING draws a string ; instead of a single character. When the X or Y coordinate is ; outside of the canvas, C will not be drawn. When STRING extends ; beyond the limits of the canvas, it will be clipped. ; ; CANVAS-PLOT draws the character CHAR at the virtual position ; INTEGER-X/INTEGER-Y. CANVAS-PLOT-LINE draws a line from the ; virtual position X/Y to DX/DY using the character CHAR. All ; arguments must be integers. Lines originating or extending ; outside of the canvas will be clipped. ; ; CANVAS-DUMP returns a vector of strings that contain the ; characters written to the canvas. The vector indexes are the ; Y-coordinates, the string offsets the X-coordinates. ; ; Example: (let ((c (make-canvas 10 5 10 10))) ; (canvas-plot-line c 0 9 9 0 #\#) ; (canvas-plot-line c 0 0 9 9 #\*) ; (canvas-dump c)) ==> #("## **" ; " ## ** " ; " ** " ; " ** ## " ; "** ##") (module (s9fes char-canvas) (;export ; make-canvas canvas? canvas-columns canvas-rows canvas-width canvas-height canvas-physical canvas-virtual ; canvas-dump canvas-print canvas->string ; canvas-clear canvas-scroll ; canvas-draw canvas-draw-string ; current-plotter-char validate-plotter-configuration ; canvas-plot canvas-plot-string canvas-plot-line canvas-plot-lines) (import scheme utf8) (import (chicken base)) (import (chicken fixnum)) (import (chicken port)) (import (chicken type)) (include-relative "s9fes.char-canvas.types") (: make-canvas (fixnum fixnum #!optional integer integer -> canvas)) (: canvas? (* -> boolean : canvas)) (: canvas-columns (canvas -> fixnum)) (: canvas-rows (canvas -> fixnum)) (: canvas-width (canvas -> integer)) (: canvas-height (canvas -> integer)) (: canvas-physical (canvas integer integer -> fixnum fixnum)) (: canvas-virtual (canvas fixnum fixnum -> integer integer)) (: canvas-clear (canvas #!optional fixnum fixnum fixnum fixnum -> void)) (: canvas-scroll (canvas fixnum fixnum #!optional fixnum fixnum fixnum fixnum -> void)) (: canvas-dump (canvas -> (list-of string))) (: canvas-print (canvas -> void)) (: canvas->string (canvas -> string)) (: canvas-draw (canvas fixnum fixnum char -> void)) (: canvas-draw-string (canvas fixnum fixnum string -> void)) (: validate-plotter-configuration (symbol * fixnum #!optional (or false char) -> plotter-configuration)) (: canvas-plot (canvas integer integer #!optional char -> void)) (: canvas-plot-string (canvas integer integer string -> void)) (: canvas-plot-line (canvas integer integer integer integer #!optional char -> void)) (: canvas-plot-lines (canvas (list-of integer) #!optional (or false char plotter-configuration) -> void)) ;; ;srfi-1 (define (make-list n #!optional (f #f)) (vector->list (make-vector n f))) ;srfi-133 (define (vector->string v) (list->string (vector->list v))) ;fx-utils (define (fxnegative? n) (fx> 0 n)) (define (fxabs n) (if (fxnegative? n) (fxneg n) n)) ;moremacros (define-syntax swap! (syntax-rules () ((swap! ?a ?b) (let ((_tmp ?a)) (set! ?a ?b) (set! ?b _tmp)) ) ) ) ;; (define-record-type canvas (make-canvas* width height x-scale y-scale cmap) canvas? (width canvas-columns) ;fixnum (height canvas-rows) ;fixnum (x-scale canvas-x-scale) ;rational (y-scale canvas-y-scale) ;rational (cmap canvas-cmap set-canvas-cmap!)) (define (physical-x cv x) (floor (* x (canvas-x-scale cv)))) (define (physical-y cv y) (floor (* y (canvas-y-scale cv)))) (define (virtual-x cv x) (floor (/ x (canvas-x-scale cv)))) (define (virtual-y cv y) (floor (/ y (canvas-y-scale cv)))) (define (make-cmap x-max y-max) (let ((v (make-vector y-max))) (do ((i 0 (fx+ i 1))) ((fx= i y-max)) (vector-set! v i (make-vector x-max #\space))) v ) ) ;; (define (make-canvas x-max y-max #!optional (v-x-max x-max) (v-y-max y-max)) (make-canvas* x-max y-max (/ x-max v-x-max) (/ y-max v-y-max) (make-cmap x-max y-max)) ) (define (canvas-physical cv x y) (values (physical-x cv x) (physical-y cv y)) ) (define (canvas-virtual cv x y) (values (virtual-x cv x) (virtual-y cv y)) ) (define (canvas-width cv) (virtual-x cv (canvas-columns cv)) ) (define (canvas-height cv) (virtual-y cv (canvas-rows cv)) ) ;do not expose the cv (define (canvas-dump cv) (map vector->string (vector->list (canvas-cmap cv))) ) ;do not expose the cv (define (canvas-print cv) (let ((y-max (canvas-rows cv)) (cmap (canvas-cmap cv)) ) (do ((i 0 (fx+ i 1))) ((fx= i y-max)) (print (vector->string (vector-ref cmap i))) ) ) ) (define (canvas->string cv) (with-output-to-string (lambda () (canvas-print cv))) ) (define (canvas-clear cv #!optional xul yul xlr ylr) (if (and xul yul xlr ylr) ;then canvas window (let* ((wd (fx- xlr xul)) (s (make-string wd #\space)) ) ;(assert (and (fx<= xlr xul) (fx<= ylr yul))) (do ((y ylr (fx+ y 1))) ((fx> y yul)) (canvas-draw-string cv xul y s) ) ) ;else entire canvas (set-canvas-cmap! cv (make-cmap (canvas-columns cv) (canvas-rows cv))) ) ) (define (canvas-scroll cv dx dy #!optional (xul 0) (yul (fx- (canvas-rows cv) 1)) (xlr (fx- (canvas-columns cv) 1)) (ylr 0)) (assert (and (fixnum? dx) (fixnum? dy) (fixnum? xul) (fixnum? yul) (fixnum? xlr) (fixnum? ylr))) (let ((wd (fx+ (fx- xlr xul) 1)) (ht (fx+ (fx- yul ylr) 1))) (if (and (fx= (fxabs dx) wd) (fx= (fxabs dy) ht)) ;then clearing the window (canvas-clear cv xul yul xlr ylr) ;else contents (begin (assert (and (fx< (fxabs dx) wd) (fx< (fxabs dy) ht))) (void) ) ) ) ) ;; (define (canvas-draw cv x y c) (let* ((cmap (canvas-cmap cv)) (k (canvas-rows cv))) (when (and (fx<= 0 y) (fx<= y (fx- k 1)) (fx<= 0 x) (fx<= x (fx- (canvas-columns cv) 1))) (vector-set! (vector-ref cmap (fx- (fx- k y) 1)) x c))) ) (define (canvas-draw-string cv x y s) (let* ((ks (string-length s)) (line (vector-ref (canvas-cmap cv) (fx- (fx- (canvas-rows cv) y) 1))) (kw (canvas-columns cv)) ) (do ((x x (fx+ 1 x)) (i 0 (fx+ 1 i))) ((or (fx>= i ks) (fx>= x kw))) (vector-set! line x (string-ref s i)))) ) ;; (define current-plotter-char (make-parameter #\* (lambda (x) (if (char? x) x (begin (warning 'current-plotter-char "invalid char" x) (current-plotter-char)))))) (define (validate-plotter-configuration loc cfg n #!optional (d (current-plotter-char))) (let ((cs (cond ((char? cfg) (make-list n cfg) ) ((list? cfg) (let ((l (length cfg))) (cond ((fx= l n) cfg ) ((fx< l n) (append cfg (make-list (fx- n l) d)) ) (else (error loc "invalid configuration, too many elements" cfg n d) ) ) ) ) (else (error loc "invalid configuration, unrecognized form" cfg n d)))) ) (let check ((cr cs)) (cond ((null? cr) cs ) ((or (not (car cr)) (char? (car cr))) (check (cdr cr)) ) (else (error loc "invalid configuration, invalid element" cs) ) ) ) ) ) ;; (define (canvas-plot cv x y #!optional (c (current-plotter-char))) (canvas-draw cv (physical-x cv x) (physical-y cv y) c) ) (define (canvas-plot-string cv x y s) (canvas-draw-string cv (physical-x cv x) (physical-y cv y) s) ) (define (canvas-plot-line cv x0 y0 xn yn #!optional (c (current-plotter-char))) (let ((steep (> (abs (- yn y0)) (abs (- xn x0)))) (x0 (physical-x cv x0)) (y0 (physical-y cv y0)) (xn (physical-x cv xn)) (yn (physical-y cv yn)) ) (when steep (swap! x0 y0) (swap! xn yn)) (when (fx> x0 xn) (swap! x0 xn) (swap! y0 yn)) (let ((dx (fx- xn x0)) (dy (fxabs (fx- yn y0)))) (let ((de (/ dy dx)) (ys (if (fx< y0 yn) 1 -1))) (let plot ((x x0) (y y0) (e 0)) (when (fx<= x xn) (if steep (canvas-draw cv y x c) (canvas-draw cv x y c)) (let ((e (+ e de))) (when (<= 1/2 e) (set! y (fx+ y ys)) (set! e (- e 1))) (plot (fx+ x 1) y e) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) (define (canvas-plot-lines cv ls #!optional (cfg (current-plotter-char))) (let ((len (length ls))) (unless (zero? len) (assert (even? len) 'canvas-plot-lines "must be list-of x y ..." ls) (let ((cfg (validate-plotter-configuration 'canvas-plot-lines cfg (fx/ len 2)))) (let ((x0 (car ls)) (y0 (cadr ls))) (if (fx= 2 len) ;then single point (canvas-plot cv x0 y0 (car cfg)) ;else at least one line (let loop ((x0 x0) (y0 y0) (ls (cddr ls)) (rem cfg)) (let ((xn (car ls)) (yn (cadr ls))) (let ((c (car rem))) (when c (canvas-plot-line cv x0 y0 xn yn c))) (let ((ls (cddr ls))) (unless (null? ls) (loop xn yn ls (cdr rem)) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ;module (s9fes char-canvas)