#!/bin/sh #| -*- scheme -*- exec csi -s $0 "$@" |# (use setup-download utils posix (srfi 1 13)) (define major-version 4) (define csi (make-parameter "csi")) (define chicken-install (make-parameter "chicken-install")) (define lib-dir (make-pathname '("lib" "chicken") (->string major-version))) (define repo-test-dir (make-parameter (make-pathname (current-directory) "salmonella-repo"))) (define repo-test-lib-dir (make-parameter (make-pathname (repo-test-dir) lib-dir))) (define chicken-eggs-dir (make-parameter (make-pathname `(,(current-directory) "chicken-eggs" "release") (->string major-version)))) (define chicken-install-args (make-parameter (lambda () (string-append " -prefix " (repo-test-dir) " -t local " " -l " (chicken-eggs-dir))))) (define env-vars (make-parameter (string-append "CHICKEN_INSTALL_PREFIX=" (repo-test-dir) " " "CHICKEN_INCLUDE_PATH=" (make-pathname (repo-test-dir) "share/chicken") " " "CHICKEN_REPOSITORY=" (repo-test-lib-dir) ))) (define skip-eggs (make-parameter '())) (define verbose (make-parameter #f)) (define logfile (make-parameter "salmonella.log")) (define system-deps (make-parameter #f)) (define pkg-manager (make-parameter #f)) (define resume (make-parameter #f)) (define dont-ask (make-parameter #f)) (define progress-file (make-parameter "salmonella.progress")) (define html-output (make-parameter "salmonella-report")) (define css-file (make-parameter #f)) (define ->html (make-parameter #f)) (define (show . msg) (when (verbose) (print " " (string-concatenate (map ->string msg))))) (define egg-information (make-parameter (lambda () #f))) (define eggs (make-parameter (lambda () #f))) (define (system:system . command) ;; I'm afraid this thing won't work on windows... (let* ((p (open-input-pipe (sprintf "~A 2>&1" (string-concatenate command)))) (output (read-all p))) (values (close-input-pipe p) output))) (define (system:output . command) (let-values (((status output) (system:system (string-concatenate command)))) output)) (define (system:status . command) (let-values (((status output) (system:system (string-concatenate command)))) status)) (define usage #<#EOF Usage: salmonella -h | -help | --help | -? salmonella salmonella are Scheme expressions. is a file which may contain the same Scheme expressions as 's. The following expressions are recognized: == Expression == == Default == (csi \"\") csi (chicken-install \"\") chicken-install (chicken-install-args \"\" a procedure which returns chicken-install options (env-vars \"\" CHICKEN_INCLUDE_PATH=(repo-test-lib-dir) CHICKEN_INSTALL_PREFIX=(repo-test-dir) (repo-test-dir \"\") `pwd`/salmonella-repo (chicken-eggs-dir \"\") `pwd`/chicken-eggs/release/4 (skip-eggs (list \"egg1\" \"egg2\" ...)) '() (verbose ) ##f (logfile \"filename\") salmonella.log (egg-information (lambda () ...)) a procedure which returns egg information for all eggs found in (chicken-eggs-dir) (eggs (lambda () ...)) a procedure which returns the names of all eggs found in (chicken-eggs-dir) (system-deps \"filename\") ##f (pkg-manager \"system pkg manager & args\") ##f (resume ) ##f (dont-ask ) ##f (progress-file \"filename\") salmonella.progress (dont-ask ) ##f (progress-file \"filename\") salmonella.progress (html-output \"dirname\") salmonella-report. If ##f, no HTML output (css-file \"filename\") ##f (->html \"filename\") ##f Example: salmonella '(chicken-install \"/usr/local/chicken/bin/chicken-install\") (verbose ##t)' EOF ) (define (delete-path . paths) ;; mostly stolen from chicken-setup.scm (define *windows* (and (eq? (software-type) 'windows) (build-platform) ) ) (define *windows-shell* (memq *windows* '(msvc mingw32))) (let ((cmd (if *windows-shell* "del /Q /S" "rm -fr"))) (for-each (lambda (path) (system* "~a ~a" cmd path)) paths))) (define (clean-repo-test-dir) (delete-path (make-pathname (repo-test-dir) "*"))) (define (delete-eggs-source #!optional confirm) (when confirm (display (string-append "salmonella will delete all *.egg and *.egg-dir files and directories under " (current-directory) ". Proceed? [y/n]: ")) (flush-output) (unless (string=? (read-line) "y") (print "Aborting.") (exit 0))) (delete-path (make-pathname (current-directory) "*.egg") (make-pathname (current-directory) "*.egg-dir"))) (define (egg-extension-information egg) (system:system (sprintf "~a ~a -e \"(print (extension-information '~a))\"" (env-vars) (csi) egg ))) (define (install-egg egg) (system:system (sprintf "~a ~a ~a ~a" (env-vars) (chicken-install) ((chicken-install-args)) egg))) (define (init-repo) (system:system (sprintf "~a ~a ~a" (chicken-install) "-init" (repo-test-lib-dir)))) (define (report egg status msg #!key (action 'egg-install) (egg-install-info '())) (with-output-to-file (logfile) (lambda () (pp (list egg action status msg egg-install-info))) append:)) (define (set-installed egg) (with-output-to-file (progress-file) (cut print egg) append:)) (define (current-time) (seconds->string (current-seconds))) (define (report-env) (when (logfile) (with-output-to-file (logfile) (lambda () (pp #<#EOF salmonella -- a tool for testing Chicken eggs (http://chicken.wiki.br/eggref/#(->string major-version)/salmonella) #(string-trim-both (current-time)) #(system:output (chicken-install) " -version") Options: csi: #(csi) chicken-install: #(chicken-install) repo-test-dir: #(repo-test-dir) chicken-install-args: #((chicken-install-args)) env-vars: #(env-vars) skip-eggs: #(skip-eggs) verbose: #(verbose) logfile: #(logfile) pkg-manager: #(pkg-manager) system-deps: #(system-deps) resume: #(resume) dont-ask: #(dont-ask) progress-file: #(progress-file) html-output: #(html-output) css-file: #(css-file) ->html: #(->html) EOF ))))) (define (install-system-deps egg dep-table) (let ((deps (assq (string->symbol egg) dep-table))) (when deps (for-each (lambda (dep) (show "Installing system dependency " dep) (let-values (((status output) (system:system (pkg-manager) egg))) (report egg status output action: 'osdep-install))) (map ->string (cdr deps)))))) (define (create-repo-test-dir) (if (not (file-exists? (repo-test-lib-dir))) (create-directory (repo-test-lib-dir) #t))) (define egg-dependencies (let ((eggs/deps '())) (lambda arg (when (null? eggs/deps) (set! eggs/deps (map (lambda (egg-data) (cons (car egg-data) (drop egg-data 3))) ((egg-information))))) (if (null? arg) eggs/deps (let ((egg (car arg))) (alist-ref (if (string? egg) (string->symbol egg) egg) eggs/deps)))))) (define (safe-car x) (and x (car x))) (define (main) (let ((args (command-line-arguments))) ;; Check if user is asking for help (unless (null? args) (when (member (car args) '("-h" "-help" "--help" "-?")) (print usage) (exit 0))) ;; Eval command line options (if (and (not (null? args)) (file-exists? (car args))) (load (car args)) (for-each eval (with-input-from-string (string-intersperse args) read-file))) (unless ((eggs)) (eggs (lambda () (show "Fetching eggs list...") (map (compose ->string car) ((egg-information)))))) (unless ((egg-information)) (egg-information (let ((egg-data #f)) (lambda () (if (not egg-data) (begin (set! egg-data (gather-egg-information (chicken-eggs-dir))) egg-data) egg-data))))) (when (->html) (logfile (->html)) (report->html) (exit 0)) (if (resume) (if (file-exists? (progress-file)) (skip-eggs (append (skip-eggs) (read-lines (progress-file)))) (begin (print "Could not find progress-file " (progress-file)) (exit 1))) (when (file-exists? (progress-file)) (delete-file (progress-file)))) (clean-repo-test-dir) (create-repo-test-dir) (init-repo) (report-env) (delete-eggs-source (not (dont-ask))) (let ((deps (and (pkg-manager) (system-deps) (read-file (system-deps)))) (successful '()) (fail '())) (for-each (lambda (egg) (unless (member egg (skip-eggs)) (install-system-deps egg deps) (show "Deleting " egg " egg source (if it exists)...") (delete-eggs-source) (display (string-append "Installing " egg)) (flush-output) (let-values (((status output) (install-egg egg)) ((_ egg-info-str) (egg-extension-information egg))) (let* ((egg-install-info (read (open-input-string egg-info-str))) (egg-install-ver (safe-car (alist-ref 'version egg-install-info))) (egg-info (alist-ref (string->symbol egg) ((egg-information)))) (egg-ver (safe-car (alist-ref 'version egg-info)))) (let ((egg-version-check (or (not egg-install-ver) (not egg-ver) (and (string? egg-ver) (string-null? egg-ver)) (string=? (->string egg-install-ver) (->string egg-ver))))) (print (string-pad (cond ((and egg-version-check (zero? status)) (set! successful (cons egg successful)) "[ok]") (else (set! fail (cons egg fail)) "[error]")) (- 50 (string-length egg)))) (let ((messages (string-append output "\n" (if (and (zero? status) (not egg-version-check)) (sprintf "Salmonella error: mismatch between installed egg version ~a and declared egg version ~a\n" egg-install-ver egg-ver) "")))) (when (logfile) (report egg status messages egg-install-info: egg-install-info)))))) (set-installed egg) (show "Cleaning up " (repo-test-dir) "...") (clean-repo-test-dir) (create-repo-test-dir) (init-repo) )) ((eggs)) )))) (define css-data "body { font-size: 10pt; } #egg-even { background-color: #CCC; } #egg-fail { font-weight: bold; color: red; } #egg-ok { font-weight: bold; color: blue; } #egg-odd { background-color: #FFFFCC; }") ;;; A simple web-scheme replacement (define s+ string-append) (define (make-tag tagname) (lambda (data #!key (id #f)) (conc "<" tagname (if id (conc " id=\"" id "\"") "") ">" data ""))) (define (a url text) (s+ "" text "")) (define p (make-tag 'p)) (define div (make-tag 'div)) (define pre (make-tag 'pre)) (define td (make-tag 'td)) (define tr (make-tag 'tr)) (define table (make-tag 'table)) (define b (make-tag 'b)) (define html (make-tag 'html)) (define body (make-tag 'body)) (define head (make-tag 'head)) (define title (make-tag 'title)) (define meta (make-tag 'meta)) (define style (make-tag 'style)) (define h1 (make-tag 'h1)) (define h2 (make-tag 'h2)) (define h3 (make-tag 'h3)) (define (ws:page contents #!key (css #f) (page-title "")) (html (s+ (head (s+ (title page-title) (if css (s+ "") ""))) (body contents)))) (define (tag-attribs->string attribs) (string-intersperse (map (lambda (attrib) (conc (car attrib) "=\"" (cdr attrib) "\"")) attribs) " ")) (define alternate-odd/even (let ((current #f)) (lambda () (set! current (not current)) (if current 'egg-even 'egg-odd)))) (define (ws:make-table alist) (table (string-intersperse (map (lambda (line) (tr (string-intersperse (map td line) "") id: (alternate-odd/even))) alist) ""))) (define (report->html) (define (link-egg-doc egg) (a (conc "http://chicken.wiki.br/eggref/" major-version "/" egg ".html") "egg page")) (define (link-egg-deps egg) (a (conc "http://chicken.wiki.br/dep-graphs/" egg ".png") "dependencies")) (define (egg-fail? egg eggs) (let ((egg-data (alist-ref (->string egg) eggs equal?))) ;; some eggs are not explicitly tested, so have no status (and egg-data (not (zero? (cadr egg-data)))))) ;; if the optional argument FAIL is not #f, it indicates that all the EGGS failed (define (tabularize-eggs eggs css #!optional fail) (ws:make-table (append (list (map b (let ((h '("Egg" "Date" "Doc" "Dependencies"))) (if fail (append h (list "Broken dependencies")) h)))) (map (lambda (egg-data) (let ((egg (car egg-data)) (status (caddr egg-data)) (output (cadddr egg-data))) ;; write the per-egg report (with-output-to-file (make-pathname (html-output) egg ".html") (lambda () (print (ws:page (string-append (h1 egg) (pre output)) css: css page-title: egg)))) ;; generate the eggs table (let ((version-str (lambda (egg-data) (or (and egg-data (let ((x (alist-ref 'version egg-data))) (and x (car x)))) "")))) (map (lambda (info) (a (make-pathname '() egg ".html") info)) (let ((data (list egg (let ((egg-data (alist-ref (string->symbol egg) ((egg-information))))) (version-str egg-data)) (link-egg-doc egg) (link-egg-deps egg)))) (if fail (append data (list (string-intersperse (map link-egg-doc (filter (lambda (egg) (egg-fail? egg eggs)) (egg-dependencies egg))) ","))) data)))))) (sort eggs (lambda (s1 s2) (string< (car s1) (car s2)))))))) (show "Generating HTML report") (when (file-exists? (html-output)) (delete-path (html-output))) (create-directory (html-output)) (let* ((data (with-input-from-file (logfile) read-file)) (env-report (car data)) (eggs-report (cdr data)) (css (or (css-file) (begin (with-output-to-file (make-pathname (html-output) "salmonella.css") (cut print css-data)) "salmonella.css")))) (with-output-to-file (make-pathname (html-output) "index.html") (lambda () (print (ws:page (string-append (h1 "Salmonella report") (h2 "Summary") (let* ((success (filter (lambda (l) (zero? (caddr l))) eggs-report)) (fail (filter (lambda (l) (not (zero? (caddr l)))) eggs-report)) (success-count (length success)) (fail-count (length fail)) (total (+ (length eggs-report) (length (skip-eggs))))) (string-append (ws:make-table `(("Failed" ,(div (number->string fail-count) id: "egg-fail")) ("Succeed" ,(div (number->string success-count) id: "egg-ok")) ("Skipped" ,(length (skip-eggs))) (,(b "Total") ,(b (number->string total))))) (h2 "Eggs") (h3 "Failed") (tabularize-eggs fail css 'fail) (h3 "Succeed") (tabularize-eggs success css) (if (null? (skip-eggs)) "" (string-append (h3 "Skipped") (ws:make-table (append `((,(b "Egg"))) (map list (skip-eggs)))))))) (h2 "Environment") (pre env-report) (p (conc "Finished at: " (current-time)))) css: css page-title: "Salmonella report")))))) (main) (when (html-output) (report->html))