(module salmonella (;; Exported API make-salmonella log! delete-path ;; report record make-report report->list report? report-egg report-egg-set! report-action report-action-set! report-status report-status-set! report-message report-message-set! report-duration report-duration-set! ) (import scheme chicken irregex) (use srfi-1 srfi-13 posix setup-download setup-api tcp data-structures ports extras files utils) (include "salmonella-common.scm") (define-record report egg action status message duration) (define (report->list report) (list (report-egg report) (report-action report) (report-status report) (report-message report) (report-duration report))) (define (run-shell-command command #!optional (omit-command #f)) ;; Returns (values ) (let* ((start (current-seconds)) (p (open-input-pipe (string-append command " 2>&1"))) (output (read-all p))) (values (arithmetic-shift (close-input-pipe p) -8) (conc (if omit-command "" (conc command "\n")) output) (- (current-seconds) start)))) (define (save-excursion dir proc) (let ((current-dir (current-directory))) (change-directory dir) (let ((out (proc))) (change-directory current-dir) out))) (define (delete-path . paths) ;; mostly stolen from chicken-setup.scm (define *windows* (and (eq? (software-type) 'windows) (build-platform) ) ) (define *windows-shell* (memq *windows* '(msvc mingw32))) (let ((cmd (if *windows-shell* "del /Q /S" "rm -fr"))) (for-each (lambda (path) (system* "~a ~a" cmd path)) paths))) (define (log! report log-file) (with-output-to-file log-file (lambda () (pp (report->list report))) append:)) (define (chicken-unit? lib) (and (memq lib '(library eval expand data-strucutures ports files extras irregex srfi-1 srfi-4 srfi-13 srfi-14 srfi-18 srfi-69 posix utils tcp lolevel foreign)) #t)) (define (egg-installed? egg repo-lib-dir) (let ((installed-eggs (map pathname-file (glob (make-pathname repo-lib-dir "*" "setup-info"))))) (and (member (->string egg) installed-eggs) #t))) ;;; meta data (define (read-meta-file egg tmp-repo-dir) ;; If `tmp-repo-dir' is `#f', assume this-egg (let* ((egg (symbol->string egg)) (meta-file (make-pathname (and tmp-repo-dir (list tmp-repo-dir egg)) egg "meta"))) (and (file-exists? meta-file) (handle-exceptions exn #f (with-input-from-file meta-file read))))) ;;; HTTP (for docs) (define egg-doc-host "wiki.call-cc.org") (define egg-doc-port 80) (define (HEAD-request location) (conc "HEAD " location " HTTP/1.1" "\r\n" "Connection: close\r\n" "User-Agent: salmonella\r\n" "Accept: */*\r\n" "Host: " egg-doc-host #\: egg-doc-port "\r\n" "Content-length: 0\r\n" "\r\n")) ;; Stolen from setup-download.scm (define (match-http-response rsp) (and (string? rsp) (irregex-match "HTTP/[0-9.]+\\s+([0-9]+)\\s+.*" rsp)) ) (define (response-match-code? mrsp code) (and mrsp (string=? (number->string code) (irregex-match-substring mrsp 1))) ) (define (egg-doc-exists? egg #!key eggs-doc-dir major-version) (cond (eggs-doc-dir (file-exists? (make-pathname eggs-doc-dir (->string egg)))) (major-version (handle-exceptions enx #f (let-values (((in out) (tcp-connect egg-doc-host egg-doc-port))) (let ((req (HEAD-request (make-absolute-pathname `("eggref" ,(number->string major-version)) (->string egg))))) (display req out) (flush-output out) (let ((doc-exists? (response-match-code? (match-http-response (read-line in)) 200))) (close-output-port out) (close-input-port in) doc-exists?))))) (else (error 'egg-doc-exists? "Missing one of `major-version' or `eggs-doc-dir'")))) ;;; Salmonella (define (make-salmonella tmp-dir #!key chicken-installation-prefix chicken-install-args eggs-source-dir eggs-doc-dir this-egg?) (let* ((mingw? (eq? (build-platform) 'mingw32)) (chicken-installation-prefix (or chicken-installation-prefix (installation-prefix))) (eggs-source-dir (and eggs-source-dir (if (absolute-pathname? eggs-source-dir) eggs-source-dir (normalize-pathname (make-pathname (current-directory) eggs-source-dir))))) (chicken-install-args (or chicken-install-args (lambda (repo-dir) (string-append " -prefix " repo-dir (if eggs-source-dir (string-append " -t local -l " eggs-source-dir) " -test"))))) (chicken-install (make-pathname (list chicken-installation-prefix "bin") "chicken-install" (and mingw? "exe"))) (csi (make-pathname (list chicken-installation-prefix "bin") "csi" (and mingw? "exe"))) (tmp-repo-dir (make-pathname tmp-dir "repo")) (binary-version (call-with-input-pipe (string-append csi " -p \"(##sys#fudge 42)\"") read-line)) (major-version (string->number (call-with-input-pipe (string-append csi " -p \"(car (string-split (chicken-version) \\\".\\\"))\"") read-line))) (lib-dir (make-pathname '("lib" "chicken") binary-version)) (tmp-repo-lib-dir (make-pathname tmp-repo-dir lib-dir)) (egg-information (if eggs-source-dir (gather-egg-information eggs-source-dir) '()))) (for-each (lambda (file) (unless (and (file-exists? file) (file-execute-access? file)) (error 'make-salmonella (conc file " cannot be found or have no execute access.")))) (list chicken-install csi)) ;; Set environment variables (CHICKEN_REPOSITORY will only be set ;; after initializing the repository) (setenv "SALMONELLA_RUNNING" "1") (setenv "CHICKEN_INSTALL_PREFIX" tmp-repo-dir) (setenv "CHICKEN_INCLUDE_PATH" (make-pathname tmp-repo-dir "share/chicken")) (define (log-shell-command egg action command) (let-values (((status output duration) (run-shell-command command))) (make-report egg action status output duration))) (define (fetch-egg egg #!key (action 'fetch) version) ;; Fetches egg and returns a report object (save-excursion tmp-dir (lambda () (if (and this-egg? (eq? action 'fetch)) ;; don't fetch this egg (make-report egg 'fetch 0 "" 0) (log-shell-command egg 'fetch (sprintf "~a -r ~a ~a" chicken-install (chicken-install-args tmp-repo-dir) (if version (conc egg ":" version) egg))))))) (define (install-egg egg #!optional (action 'install)) ;; Installs egg and returns a report object (let ((install (lambda () (log-shell-command egg 'install (sprintf "~a ~a" chicken-install (let ((args (chicken-install-args tmp-repo-dir))) (or (irregex-replace ;; ugly hack to remove -test " -test" args "") args))))))) (if (and this-egg? (eq? action 'install)) ;; install this egg from this dir (install) (save-excursion (make-pathname tmp-dir (->string egg)) install)))) (define (test-egg egg) ;; Runs egg tests and returns a report object (let ((start (current-seconds))) ;; Installing test dependencies (let* ((meta-data (read-meta-file egg (if this-egg? #f tmp-dir))) (test-deps (alist-ref 'test-depends meta-data))) (for-each (lambda (dep) (unless (egg-installed? dep tmp-repo-lib-dir) (let* ((egg (if (pair? dep) (car dep) dep)) (version (and (list? dep) (cadr dep))) (fetch-log (fetch-egg egg action: 'fetch-test-dep version: version))) (when (and (zero? (report-status fetch-log)) (directory-exists? ;; workaround for issue with chicken 4.5.0 and regex (make-pathname tmp-dir (->string egg)))) (install-egg egg 'install-test-dep))))) (remove chicken-unit? (or test-deps '())))) (let ((test-dir (make-pathname (if this-egg? #f (list tmp-dir (->string egg))) "tests"))) (if (and (directory? test-dir) (file-exists? (make-pathname test-dir "run.scm"))) (save-excursion test-dir (lambda () (let ((report (log-shell-command egg 'test (sprintf "~a -script run.scm ~a" csi (if (eq? (software-type) 'windows) "" "< /dev/null"))))) (report-duration-set! report (- (current-seconds) start)) report))) (make-report egg 'test -1 "" 0))))) (define (check-version egg) ;; Check egg version and return a report object (let ((installed-version (and-let* ((version (with-input-from-pipe (sprintf "~a -e \"(print (extension-information '~a))\"" csi egg) read)) (version (alist-ref 'version version))) (->string (car version))))) (if eggs-source-dir (let* ((setup-version (and-let* ((egg-info (alist-ref egg egg-information)) (ver (alist-ref 'version egg-info))) (->string (car ver)))) (version-ok? (equal? installed-version setup-version))) (make-report egg 'check-version (if version-ok? 0 1) (if version-ok? "" (conc "Mismatch between installed egg version " installed-version " and declared egg version " setup-version)) installed-version)) (make-report egg 'check-version -1 "Version check requires a local repository of eggs sources." installed-version)))) (define (meta-data egg) (let ((data (read-meta-file egg (if this-egg? #f tmp-dir)))) (make-report egg 'meta-data (and data #t) data 0))) (define (check-egg-doc egg) (let ((start (current-seconds)) (doc-exists? (egg-doc-exists? egg eggs-doc-dir: eggs-doc-dir major-version: (if eggs-doc-dir #f major-version))) (end (current-seconds))) (make-report egg 'check-doc (if doc-exists? 0 1) "" (- end start)))) (define (check-dependencies egg meta-data) (let* ((egg-deps (get-egg-dependencies meta-data 'with-test-deps)) (invalid-deps (filter chicken-unit? egg-deps)) (invalid-deps? (not (null? invalid-deps))) (non-symbol-deps (remove (lambda (egg) (symbol? egg)) egg-deps))) (make-report egg 'check-dependencies (not (or invalid-deps? (not (null? non-symbol-deps)))) (cond (invalid-deps? (string-append "The following chicken units are in one of the " "dependencies list of this egg: " (string-intersperse (map ->string invalid-deps) ", "))) ((not (null? non-symbol-deps)) (string-append "The following dependencies are not symbols: " (string-intersperse (map (lambda (dep) (with-output-to-string (cut pp dep))) non-symbol-deps) ", "))) (else "")) 0))) (define (check-category egg meta-data) (let* ((valid-categories '(lang-exts graphics debugging logic net io db os ffi web xml doc-tools egg-tools math oop data parsing tools sound testing crypt ui code-generation macros misc hell uncategorized obsolete)) (egg-category (and-let* ((categ (alist-ref 'category meta-data))) (car categ))) (valid-category? (and (symbol? egg-category) (memq egg-category valid-categories) #t))) (make-report egg 'check-category valid-category? (if valid-category? "" (cond ((not (symbol? egg-category)) "The specified category is not a symbol") ((not (memq egg-category valid-categories)) (conc "The specified category is invalid: " egg-category)))) 0))) (define (check-license egg meta-data) (let ((license (alist-ref 'license meta-data))) (make-report egg 'check-license (and license #t) (if license "" "Missing license information") 0))) (define (check-author egg meta-data) (let ((author (alist-ref 'author meta-data))) (make-report egg 'check-author (and author #t) (if author "" "Missing author information") 0))) (define (env-info) #<#EOF salmonella -- a tool for testing Chicken eggs (http://wiki.call-cc.org/egg/salmonella) Started on #(seconds->string (current-seconds)) Command line: #(string-intersperse (argv)) Options: chicken-install: #chicken-install repo-dir: #tmp-repo-dir chicken-install-args: #(chicken-install-args tmp-repo-dir) Chicken banner: #(call-with-input-pipe (string-append csi " -version") read-all) EOF ) (lambda (action #!optional egg #!rest more-args) (case action ((clear-repo!) (begin (delete-path (make-pathname tmp-repo-dir "*")) (delete-path (make-pathname tmp-dir egg)))) ((init-repo!) (begin (parameterize ((setup-verbose-mode #f) (run-verbose #f)) (create-directory/parents tmp-repo-lib-dir)) (unsetenv "CHICKEN_REPOSITORY") (run-shell-command (sprintf "~a -init ~a" chicken-install tmp-repo-lib-dir)) ;; Only set CHICKEN_REPOSITORY after initializing the repo (setenv "CHICKEN_REPOSITORY" tmp-repo-lib-dir))) ((fetch) (fetch-egg egg)) ((install) (install-egg egg)) ((test) (test-egg egg)) ((check-version) (check-version egg)) ((env-info) (env-info)) ((meta-data) (meta-data egg)) ((check-dependencies) (check-dependencies egg (car more-args))) ((check-category) (check-category egg (car more-args))) ((check-doc) (check-egg-doc egg)) ((check-license) (check-license egg (car more-args))) ((check-author) (check-author egg (car more-args))) (else (error 'salmonella "Invalid action" action)))))) ) ; end module