This document describes the changes in each version of chicken-sdl2. This library follows [semantic versioning]( Until version 1.0.0 is released, the maintainer reserves the right to change the API if needed, possibly in ways that break compatibility with previous versions. **Large backward incompatible changes are unlikely**, but there may be small tweaks and fixes to the API if problems are discovered. After version 1.0.0 is released, the API is guaranteed to remain stable (no backward incompatible changes) until the next new major version (e.g. going from version 1.x to 2.0.0, or 2.x to 3.0.0). # 0.4.1 (2021-10-21) - Fixed several compile errors about undefined constants or functions when using old versions of SDL2. - Fixed incorrect type declarations for `controller-axis-event-axis` and `controller-button-event-button`. - chicken-sdl2 no longer depends on the miscmacros egg. # 0.4.0 (2021-10-15) ## Backward Incompatible Changes - The list of symbols returned by `renderer-info-texture-formats` now contains the symbol `unknown` once for each texture format with an unknown name. This can happen when a new texture format was added to SDL, but has not yet been added to chicken-sdl2. Previously, this would cause an error. - `renderer-info-texture-formats-raw` now returns a list of integers instead of a pointer to a C array of integers. - `controller-axis-event-axis` now returns a controller axis enum symbol. Use `controller-axis-event-axis-raw` to get an integer. - `controller-button-event-button` now returns a controller button enum symbol. Use `controller-button-event-button-raw` to get an integer. - `wait-event!` and `wait-event-timeout!` are now based on `delay!` by default, instead of SRFI-18's `thread-sleep!` procedure. If you are using SRFI-18 multithreading, you should provide a compatible delay procedure based on `thread-sleep!`. See wiki docs for details. - Removed procedures which have been deprecated since chicken-sdl2 0.2.0: copy-color copy-color* copy-colour copy-colour* copy-point copy-point* copy-rect copy-rect* ## Bug Fixes - Fixed several joystick procedures accidentally returning nothing. Thanks to megane for reporting this. Affected procedures: num-joysticks joystick-num-axes joystick-num-balls joystick-num-buttons joystick-num-hats - Fixed `palette-set!` (and using `set!` with `palette-ref`) not behaving as expected. Thanks to kp for discovering this. ## New Features Many new features have been added. Features which require a version of SDL greater than 2.0.0 are marked with the required version. ### Cursor New procedures: ``` cursor? create-cursor create-cursor* create-color-cursor create-color-cursor* create-colour-cursor create-colour-cursor* create-system-cursor create-system-cursor* free-cursor! get-cursor cursor-set! get-default-cursor show-cursor? show-cursor! ``` ### Display / Video Drivers New procedures: ``` video-init! video-quit! get-num-video-drivers get-video-driver get-current-video-driver get-num-video-displays get-display-name get-display-dpi (SDL 2.0.4+) get-display-bounds get-display-usable-bounds (SDL 2.0.5+) get-display-orientation (SDL 2.0.9+) get-display-orientation-raw (SDL 2.0.9+) get-num-display-modes get-display-mode get-current-display-mode get-closest-display-mode get-desktop-display-mode ``` ### Events - Added `display-event` event type. (SDL 2.0.9+) - Added `drop-text`, `drop-begin`, and `drop-complete` event types. (SDL 2.0.5+). - Added `take-focus` and `hit-test` window events (SDL 2.0.5+). New procedures: ``` display-event? (SDL 2.0.9+) display-event-display (SDL 2.0.9+) display-event-display-set! (SDL 2.0.9+) display-event-event (SDL 2.0.9+) display-event-event-raw (SDL 2.0.9+) display-event-event-set! (SDL 2.0.9+) display-event-data1 (SDL 2.0.9+) display-event-data1-set! (SDL 2.0.9+) display-event-orientation (SDL 2.0.9+) display-event-orientation-set! (SDL 2.0.9+) drop-event-window-id (SDL 2.0.5+) drop-event-window-id-set! (SDL 2.0.5+) ``` ### Game Controller Added the **sdl2:game-controller** and **sdl2:game-controller-button-bind** struct record types and many function bindings related to [game controllers]( [#41] New procedures: ``` game-controller? game-controller-open! game-controller-close! game-controller-from-instance-id (SDL 2.0.4+) game-controller-update! game-controller-event-state? game-controller-event-state-set! game-controller-attached? game-controller-get-joystick is-game-controller? game-controller-mapping game-controller-mapping-for-guid game-controller-add-mapping! game-controller-add-mappings-from-file! (SDL 2.0.2+) game-controller-add-mappings-from-rw! (SDL 2.0.2+) game-controller-num-mappings (SDL 2.0.6+) game-controller-mapping-for-index (SDL 2.0.6+) game-controller-mapping-for-device-index (SDL 2.0.9+) game-controller-name game-controller-name-for-index game-controller-get-axis game-controller-get-axis-from-string game-controller-get-axis-from-string-raw game-controller-get-string-for-axis game-controller-get-button game-controller-get-button-from-string game-controller-get-button-from-string-raw game-controller-get-string-for-button game-controller-get-bind-for-axis game-controller-get-bind-for-button game-controller-get-player-index (SDL 2.0.9+) game-controller-get-product (SDL 2.0.6+) game-controller-get-product-version (SDL 2.0.6+) game-controller-get-vendor (SDL 2.0.6+) game-controller-rumble! (SDL 2.0.9+) game-controller-button-bind? game-controller-button-bind-type game-controller-button-bind-type-raw game-controller-button-bind-button game-controller-button-bind-axis game-controller-button-bind-hat game-controller-button-bind-hat-mask-raw controller-axis-event-axis-raw controller-button-event-button-raw ``` ### Joystick New procedures: ``` joystick-get-axis-initial-state (SDL 2.0.6+) joystick-get-device-instance-id (SDL 2.0.6+) joystick-get-device-player-index (SDL 2.0.9+) joystick-get-device-product (SDL 2.0.6+) joystick-get-device-product-version (SDL 2.0.6+) joystick-get-device-type (SDL 2.0.6+) joystick-get-device-type-raw (SDL 2.0.6+) joystick-get-device-vendor (SDL 2.0.6+) joystick-get-player-index (SDL 2.0.9+) joystick-get-product (SDL 2.0.6+) joystick-get-product-version (SDL 2.0.6+) joystick-get-type (SDL 2.0.6+) joystick-get-type-raw (SDL 2.0.6+) joystick-get-vendor (SDL 2.0.6+) joystick-rumble! (SDL 2.0.9+) lock-joysticks! (SDL 2.0.7+) unlock-joysticks! (SDL 2.0.7+) ``` ### Mouse New procedures: ``` capture-mouse! (SDL 2.0.4+) get-global-mouse-state (SDL 2.0.4+) get-global-mouse-state-raw (SDL 2.0.4+) get-mouse-focus get-mouse-state get-mouse-state-raw get-relative-mouse-mode get-relative-mouse-state get-relative-mouse-state-raw relative-mouse-mode-set! warp-mouse-global! (SDL 2.0.4+) warp-mouse-in-window! ``` ### Surface - You may now pass a pixel format enum symbol (or corresponding integer) to `make-surface` and `make-surface*` as the third argument, as an alternative to passing a pixel depth (which is also still supported). - You may now pass a pixel format enum symbol (or corresponding integer) to `convert-surface` and `convert-surface*` as the second argument, as an alternative to passing a `sdl2:pixel-format` struct (which is also still supported). New procedures: ``` create-rgb-surface-with-format* (SDL 2.0.5+) create-rgb-surface-with-format-from* (SDL 2.0.5+) duplicate-surface duplicate-surface* surface-color-key? surface-colour-key? surface-rle? (SDL 2.0.14+) compose-custom-blend-mode (SDL 2.0.6+) get-yuv-conversion-mode (SDL 2.0.8+) get-yuv-conversion-mode-raw (SDL 2.0.8+) yuv-conversion-mode-set! (SDL 2.0.8+) ``` ### Vulkan - Added `vulkan` window flag. (SDL 2.0.6+) New procedures: ``` vulkan-load-library! (SDL 2.0.6+) vulkan-unload-library! (SDL 2.0.6+) vulkan-get-vk-get-instance-proc-addr (SDL 2.0.6+) vulkan-get-instance-extensions (SDL 2.0.6+) vulkan-get-drawable-size (SDL 2.0.6+) vulkan-create-surface (SDL 2.0.6+) ``` ### Window - Added `always-on-top` window flag. (SDL 2.0.5+) New procedures: ``` flash-window! (SDL 2.0.16+) set-window-modal-for! (SDL 2.0.5+) window-borders-size (SDL 2.0.5+) window-keyboard-grab? (SDL 2.0.16+) window-keyboard-grab-set! (SDL 2.0.16+) window-mouse-grab? (SDL 2.0.16+) window-mouse-grab-set! (SDL 2.0.16+) window-opacity (SDL 2.0.5+) window-opacity-set! (SDL 2.0.5+) window-resizable? window-resizable-set! (SDL 2.0.5+) window-always-on-top? (SDL 2.0.5+) window-always-on-top-set! (SDL 2.0.16+) ``` ### Other Features - Added hint enums up to SDL 2.0.16. - Added new blend mode enum. mul (SDL 2.0.12+) - Added new game controller button enums. misc1 touchpad (SDL 2.0.14+) paddle1 paddle2 paddle3 paddle4 (SDL 2.0.14+) - Added new keyboard keycode enums. app1 app2 (SDL 2.0.5+) audio-rewind audio-fast-forward (SDL 2.0.5+) - Added new keyboard scancode enums. audio-rewind audio-fast-forward (SDL 2.0.5+) - Added new pixel format enums. nv12 nv21 (SDL 2.0.4+) rgba32 argb32 bgra32 abgr32 (SDL 2.0.5+) - Added enum groups: - Blend factors (SDL 2.0.6+) - Blend operations (SDL 2.0.6+) - Display event IDs (SDL 2.0.9+) - Display orientations (SDL 2.0.9+) - Game controller axes - Game controller buttons - Joystick types (SDL 2.0.6+) - Window flash operations (SDL 2.0.16+) New procedures: ``` get-base-path (SDL 2.0.1+) get-hint-boolean (SDL 2.0.5+) get-power-info get-pref-path (SDL 2.0.1+) get-touch-device-type (SDL 2.0.10+) get-touch-device-type-raw (SDL 2.0.10+) is-tablet? (SDL 2.0.9+) open-url (SDL 2.0.16+) render-integer-scale-set! (SDL 2.0.5+) render-integer-scale? (SDL 2.0.5+) show-simple-message-box ``` ## Other Changes - Added type declarations for over 500 procedures [#13, #47]. This allows CHICKEN to warn you at compile time if you pass incorrect argument types, to make debugging your code easier, and allows the compiler to do some performance optimizations. - Lots of work under the hood to reduce boilerplate for function bindings that return an error code on failure. Thanks to megane for spearheading this effort. - Optimized converting symbols to enum integers and vice versa. - chicken-sdl2 no longer depends on SRFI-18 or SRFI-69. # 0.3.0 (2019-02-13) - Ported the egg to be compatible with both CHICKEN 4 and CHICKEN 5. - Improved the way the installer handles compiler and linker flags [!1]. It will now attempt to automatically discover the correct compiler and linker flags, using the `sdl2-config` command. In special cases, set the `SDL2_CFLAGS` and `SDL2_LDFLAGS` environment variables (instead of `SDL2_FLAGS`, which is now ignored). The installer will prefix the flags with "-C" or "-L" before passing them to `csc`, so that they are correctly passed along to the C compiler or linker. Thanks to Christian Kellermann for reporting this issue and submitting the initial patch. - Added support for the SDL2 framework on macOS [#42]. The installer will automatically use the framework if `sdl2-config` is not available and the framework is installed in either the `/Library/Frameworks` or `/System/Library/Frameworks` directories. Thanks to Laughing Man for suggesting this. In special cases you can use the `SDL2_CFLAGS` and `SDL2_LDFLAGS` environment variables: ``` export SDL2_CFLAGS="-F/path/to/your/frameworks" export SDL2_LDFLAGS="-F/path/to/your/frameworks -framework SDL2" chicken-install sdl2 ``` - Due to internal changes while porting the egg to CHICKEN 5, version feature identifiers such as `sdl2-0.3.0+` and `libSDL-2.0.4+` are no longer automatically available at macro-expansion time in compiled code. (They are still automatically available at run time with the `feature?` function.) If you want to do version detection with `cond-expand` or the `#+foo` syntax, you must additionally import the egg for syntax: - CHICKEN 4: `(use-for-syntax sdl2)` - CHICKEN 5: `(import-for-syntax sdl2)` - Fixed an issue where managed instances of `sdl2:color`, `sdl2:keysym`, `sdl2:point`, and `sdl2:rect` would change hash values when the garbage collector runs. This caused bugs when using any of those objects as keys in a hash table. This is caused by [a quirk in CHICKEN related to locatives]( The quirk has been worked around by no longer storing locatives. - Fixed a potential security issue with `set-error!`. Before, the string was passed directly to `SDL_SetError`, which treated the string as a format string (for `vnsprintf`). That caused some compilers to emit a security warning: "format string is not a string literal". Now, up to 1024 chars of the string are used as verbatim content. - Fixed incorrect argument type declaration for `render-scale-set!`. It accepts floating point numbers, but it was incorrectly declared to accept integers. # 0.2.0 (2016-02-13) ## Backward Incompatible Changes There have been several backward incompatible changes to improve type checks for integer arguments. These changes affect **all function bindings and struct field setters that accept integer arguments**. \[[#32](\] - All procedures that accept integer arguments now accept inexact integers (e.g. 1.0) as well as exact integers (e.g. 1). Before, some procedures would signal an exception when given an inexact integer. - Integer arguments are now checked to make sure they are integers. Before, some procedures would accept non-integer numbers (e.g. 1.99) and truncate them to integers (e.g. 1), which could cause unexpected results. Now, an exception will be signalled if the argument is not an integer. - Integers arguments are now checked to make sure they are in the proper range for their data representation. E.g. 8-bit unsigned integers must be in the range [0, 255]. Before, integer arguments would sometimes overflow, which could cause unexpected results. Now, an exception will be signalled if the integer is too low or too high. Other backward incompatible changes in this version: - `get-window-from-id` now signals an exception of kind `(exn sdl2)` if there is no window with the given ID. Before, it returned a null sdl2:window, which was inconsistent with this egg's conventions. ## Deprecations The following procedures have new names, for consistency with Scheme naming conventions. The old names still exist for backward compatibility, but will be removed in a future version. You should migrate to the new names as soon as possible. - Deprecated: `copy-color`. Renamed to `color-copy`. - Deprecated: `copy-colour`. Renamed to `colour-copy`. - Deprecated: `copy-point`. Renamed to `point-copy`. - Deprecated: `copy-rect`. Renamed to `rect-copy`. The following procedures are deprecated because they are not very useful and they are easy to define using other procedures if needed. They will be removed in a future version. - Deprecated: `copy-color*`. Use `(color-copy! c (make-color*))` instead. - Deprecated: `copy-colour*`. Use `(colour-copy! c (make-colour*))` instead. - Deprecated: `copy-point*`. Use `(point-copy! p (make-point*))` instead. - Deprecated: `copy-rect*`. Use `(rect-copy! r (make-rect*))` instead. ## Renderer (2D Accelerated Rendering) Added the **sdl2:renderer** struct record type and many function bindings related to [2D accelerated rendering]( \[[#1](, [#2](, [#3](, [#5](\]: ``` renderer? create-renderer! create-software-renderer! destroy-renderer! create-window-and-renderer! get-renderer get-renderer-info get-renderer-info* num-render-drivers render-driver-info renderer-output-size render-clip-rect render-clip-rect-set! render-clip-enabled? render-logical-size render-logical-size-set! render-scale render-scale-set! render-viewport render-viewport-set! render-present! render-copy! render-copy-ex! render-target-supported? render-target render-target-set! render-read-pixels-raw render-draw-blend-mode render-draw-blend-mode-set! render-draw-blend-mode-raw render-draw-color render-draw-color-set! render-draw-colour render-draw-colour-set! render-clear! render-draw-line! render-draw-lines! render-draw-point! render-draw-points! render-draw-rect! render-draw-rects! render-fill-rect! render-fill-rects! ``` ## Renderer Info Added the **sdl2:renderer-info** struct record type \[[#1](\]: ``` renderer-info? free-renderer-info! renderer-info-name renderer-info-flags renderer-info-flags-raw renderer-info-num-texture-formats renderer-info-texture-formats renderer-info-texture-formats-raw renderer-info-max-texture-width renderer-info-max-texture-height ``` ## Texture Added the **sdl2:texture** struct record type and many related function bindings \[[#4](]: ``` texture? create-texture create-texture* create-texture-from-surface create-texture-from-surface* destroy-texture! query-texture query-texture-raw texture-format texture-access texture-w texture-h lock-texture-raw! unlock-texture! update-texture-raw! update-yuv-texture-raw! texture-alpha-mod texture-alpha-mod-set! texture-blend-mode texture-blend-mode-set! texture-color-mod texture-color-mod-set! texture-colour-mod texture-colour-mod-set! gl-bind-texture! gl-unbind-texture! ``` ## Hints Added function bindings related to [hints]( \[[#7](\] ``` get-hint set-hint! clear-hints! ``` ## SDL 2.0.4 Support Added support for various feature that were added in SDL 2.0.4. These are only available if the egg is compiled with SDL 2.0.4 or higher. \[[#37](\] - Added `grabbed-window` procedure. - Added `point-in-rect?` procedure. - Added `render-clip-enabled?` procedure. - Added support for the `mouse-capture` window flag symbol. - Added `mouse-wheel-event-direction` and `mouse-wheel-event-direction-set!` struct field accessors. - Added support for the `context-release-behavior` OpenGL attribute. It can be set to the symbols `none` or `flush`. - Added `joystick-from-instance-id`. - Added `joystick-current-power-level`. ## Color, Point, and Rect Operations - Added `color->values`, `point->values`, and `rect->values`. These return the components of those types as multiple values, so that you can easily destructure these types with `receive` or `let-values`. - Renamed several procedures for consistency with Scheme conventions. The old names still exist for backward compatibility, but will be removed in a future version: - `copy-color` renamed to `color-copy` - `copy-colour` renamed to `colour-copy` - `copy-point` renamed to `point-copy` - `copy-rect` renamed to `rect-copy` - Added `color-copy!` (aka `colour-copy!`), `point-copy!`, and `rect-copy!`. They efficiently copy the values from the source struct into the destination struct, and return the modified destination struct. - Added various color mathematical operations: ``` color-scale color-mult color-add color-sub color-scale! color-mult! color-add! color-sub! color-lerp color-lerp! ("colour" aliases) colour-scale colour-mult colour-add colour-sub colour-scale! colour-mult! colour-add! colour-sub! colour-lerp colour-lerp! ``` - Added various point mathematical operations: ``` point-scale point-unscale point-move point-scale! point-unscale! point-move! point-add point-sub point-lerp point-add! point-sub! point-lerp! ``` - Added various rect mathematical operations: ``` rect-scale rect-unscale rect-scale! rect-unscale! rect-move rect-add-point rect-sub-point rect-move! rect-add-point! rect-sub-point! rect-grow rect-grow/center rect-grow! rect-grow/center! rect-lerp rect-lerp-xy rect-lerp! rect-lerp-xy! ``` ## Performance Improvements - Managed instances of sdl2:color, sdl2:event, sdl2:keysym, sdl2:point, and sdl2:rect are now allocated in CHICKEN-managed memory. This improves performance of garbage collecting managed instances of those types. Unmanaged instances are not affected. Thanks to Kooda Loutre for suggesting this improvement. \[[#30](\] - Significantly improved the performance of initializing managed and unmanaged instances of sdl2:color, sdl2:point, and sdl2:rect. - Significantly improved performance of `color-set!`, `point-set!`, and `rect-set!` when all arguments are specified. This performance improvement does not apply if any argument is omitted or #f. - Fixed a performance bug in all struct field setters. Field guards were being created every time a field setter was called. Each guard is now created only once, at startup, as was originally intended. This improves the performance of all struct field setters. ## Feature Identifiers Added feature identifiers which can be used to detect the versions of the sdl2 egg and SDL at compile time or run time, for example using the `cond-expand` macro, `#+foo` syntax, or the `feature?` procedure. Some or all of the following feature identifiers will be registered depending on the circumstances: ``` sdl2 Using any version of the sdl2 egg sdl2-0.2.0+ Using sdl2 egg 0.2.0 or higher libSDL-2.0.0+ sdl2 egg was compiled with SDL 2.0.0 or higher libSDL-2.0.1+ ... SDL 2.0.1 or higher libSDL-2.0.2+ ... SDL 2.0.2 or higher libSDL-2.0.3+ ... SDL 2.0.3 or higher libSDL-2.0.4+ ... SDL 2.0.4 or higher ``` These are cumulative, so if you are using sdl2 egg version 0.2.0 with SDL version 2.0.4, all of the above identifiers will be defined. ## Other changes - Added the `struct-eq?` procedure. You should use this procedure to compare the identities of struct instances. Other procedures, such as `eq?` or `equal?`, may not work correctly in the future due to changes in the implementation of struct records. - Added the `egg-version` procedure, which returns a list of three integers indicating the version of the sdl2 egg itself. This is independent of the version of SDL. - `fill-rects!` and `update-window-surface-rects!` can now accept a vector of sdl2:rects as well as a list of sdl2:rects. Before, they only accepted a list of sdl2:rects. - `enclose-points` now can now accept a vector of sdl2:points as well as a list of sdl2:points. Before, it only accepted a list of sdl2:points. - Added support for the `allow-high-dpi` window flag symbol. It requires SDL version 2.0.1 or higher. - Added an install flag to enable profiling in the sdl2 egg. If you run chicken-install with the `-D sdl2-profile` flag, the sdl2 egg will be compiled with the `-profile` flag, which enables performance profiling of sdl2 procedures when any program uses the sdl2 egg. This can help you diagnose performance issues in the sdl2 egg and/or in your program. See the CHICKEN manual section "[Using the compiler](" for more information about profiling. Profiling greatly reduces performance, and creates a new "PROFILE.###" file each time the program is run, so you should only enable profiling when you are diagnosing performance issues. # 0.1.1 (2015-12-22) - Fixed a compile error when compiling with GCC 4: "‘for’ loop initial declarations are only allowed in C99 mode". Thanks to Evan Hanson for reporting this issue. \[[#29](\] # 0.1.0 (2015-12-19) Initial release. The following procedures were included: ## General Initialization and cleanup: ``` set-main-ready! init! init-subsystem! quit! quit-subsystem! was-init ``` Miscellaneous: ``` get-error set-error! clear-error! get-platform screen-saver-enabled? screen-saver-enabled-set! has-clipboard-text? get-clipboard-text set-clipboard-text! ``` Struct memory management: ``` struct-null? ``` ## Color Related to the **sdl2:color** struct record type (each procedure has an alias spelled as "colour"): ``` color? colour? make-color make-color* free-color! make-colour make-colour* free-colour! color-r color-r-set! colour-r colour-r-set! color-g color-g-set! colour-g colour-g-set! color-b color-b-set! colour-b colour-b-set! color-a color-a-set! colour-a colour-a-set! color-set! colour-set! color->list colour->list color=? colour=? copy-color copy-colour copy-color* copy-colour* ``` ## Event ``` event-state event-state-set! flush-event! flush-events! has-event? has-events? quit-requested? get-events! peek-events poll-event! pump-events! push-event! wait-event! wait-event-timeout! register-events! ``` Related to the **sdl2:event** struct record type: ``` event? make-event make-event* free-event! event-type event-type-set! event-type-raw event-timestamp event-timestamp-set! ``` Related to the **sdl2:controller-axis-event** variant: ``` controller-axis-event? controller-axis-event-which controller-axis-event-which-set! controller-axis-event-axis controller-axis-event-axis-set! controller-axis-event-value controller-axis-event-value-set! ``` Related to the **sdl2:controller-button-event** variant: ``` controller-button-event? controller-button-event-which controller-button-event-which-set! controller-button-event-button controller-button-event-button-set! controller-button-event-state controller-button-event-state-set! ``` Related to the **sdl2:controller-device-event** variant: ``` controller-device-event? controller-device-event-which controller-device-event-which-set! ``` Related to the **sdl2:dollar-gesture-event** variant: ``` dollar-gesture-event? dollar-gesture-event-touch-id dollar-gesture-event-touch-id-set! dollar-gesture-event-gesture-id dollar-gesture-event-gesture-id-set! dollar-gesture-event-num-fingers dollar-gesture-event-num-fingers-set! dollar-gesture-event-error dollar-gesture-event-error-set! dollar-gesture-event-x dollar-gesture-event-x-set! dollar-gesture-event-y dollar-gesture-event-y-set! ``` Related to the **sdl2:drop-event** variant: ``` drop-event? drop-event-file drop-event-file-set! ``` Related to the **sdl2:joy-axis-event** variant: ``` joy-axis-event? joy-axis-event-which joy-axis-event-which-set! joy-axis-event-axis joy-axis-event-axis-set! joy-axis-event-value joy-axis-event-value-set! ``` Related to the **sdl2:joy-ball-event** variant: ``` joy-ball-event? joy-ball-event-which joy-ball-event-which-set! joy-ball-event-ball joy-ball-event-ball-set! joy-ball-event-xrel joy-ball-event-xrel-set! joy-ball-event-yrel joy-ball-event-yrel-set! ``` Related to the **sdl2:joy-button-event** variant: ``` joy-button-event? joy-button-event-which joy-button-event-which-set! joy-button-event-button joy-button-event-button-set! joy-button-event-state joy-button-event-state-set! ``` Related to the **sdl2:joy-device-event** variant: ``` joy-device-event? joy-device-event-which joy-device-event-which-set! ``` Related to the **sdl2:joy-hat-event** variant: ``` joy-hat-event? joy-hat-event-which joy-hat-event-which-set! joy-hat-event-hat joy-hat-event-hat-set! joy-hat-event-value joy-hat-event-value-set! joy-hat-event-value-raw ``` Related to the **sdl2:keyboard-event** variant: ``` keyboard-event? keyboard-event-window-id keyboard-event-window-id-set! keyboard-event-state keyboard-event-state-set! keyboard-event-repeat keyboard-event-repeat-set! keyboard-event-keysym keyboard-event-keysym-set! keyboard-event-scancode keyboard-event-scancode-set! keyboard-event-scancode-raw keyboard-event-sym keyboard-event-sym-set! keyboard-event-sym-raw keyboard-event-mod keyboard-event-mod-set! keyboard-event-mod-raw ``` Related to the **sdl2:mouse-button-event** variant: ``` mouse-button-event? mouse-button-event-window-id mouse-button-event-window-id-set! mouse-button-event-which mouse-button-event-which-set! mouse-button-event-button mouse-button-event-button-set! mouse-button-event-button-raw mouse-button-event-state mouse-button-event-state-set! mouse-button-event-x mouse-button-event-x-set! mouse-button-event-y mouse-button-event-y-set! ``` Related to the **sdl2:mouse-motion-event** variant: ``` mouse-motion-event? mouse-motion-event-window-id mouse-motion-event-window-id-set! mouse-motion-event-which mouse-motion-event-which-set! mouse-motion-event-state mouse-motion-event-state-set! mouse-motion-event-state-raw mouse-motion-event-x mouse-motion-event-x-set! mouse-motion-event-y mouse-motion-event-y-set! mouse-motion-event-xrel mouse-motion-event-xrel-set! mouse-motion-event-yrel mouse-motion-event-yrel-set! ``` Related to the **sdl2:mouse-wheel-event** variant: ``` mouse-wheel-event? mouse-wheel-event-window-id mouse-wheel-event-window-id-set! mouse-wheel-event-which mouse-wheel-event-which-set! mouse-wheel-event-x mouse-wheel-event-x-set! mouse-wheel-event-y mouse-wheel-event-y-set! ``` Related to the **sdl2:multi-gesture-event** variant: ``` multi-gesture-event? multi-gesture-event-touch-id multi-gesture-event-touch-id-set! multi-gesture-event-dtheta multi-gesture-event-dtheta-set! multi-gesture-event-ddist multi-gesture-event-ddist-set! multi-gesture-event-x multi-gesture-event-x-set! multi-gesture-event-y multi-gesture-event-y-set! multi-gesture-event-num-fingers multi-gesture-event-num-fingers-set! ``` Related to the **sdl2:quit-event** variant: ``` quit-event? ``` Related to the **sdl2:sys-wm-event** variant: ``` sys-wm-event? sys-wm-event-msg-raw sys-wm-event-msg-raw-set! ``` Related to the **sdl2:text-editing-event** variant: ``` text-editing-event? text-editing-event-window-id text-editing-event-window-id-set! text-editing-event-text text-editing-event-text-set! text-editing-event-start text-editing-event-start-set! text-editing-event-length text-editing-event-length-set! ``` Related to the **sdl2:text-input-event** variant: ``` text-input-event? text-input-event-window-id text-input-event-window-id-set! text-input-event-text text-input-event-text-set! ``` Related to the **sdl2:touch-finger-event** variant: ``` touch-finger-event? touch-finger-event-touch-id touch-finger-event-touch-id-set! touch-finger-event-finger-id touch-finger-event-finger-id-set! touch-finger-event-x touch-finger-event-x-set! touch-finger-event-y touch-finger-event-y-set! touch-finger-event-dx touch-finger-event-dx-set! touch-finger-event-dy touch-finger-event-dy-set! touch-finger-event-pressure touch-finger-event-pressure-set! ``` Related to the **sdl2:user-event** variant: ``` user-event? user-event-window-id user-event-window-id-set! user-event-code user-event-code-set! user-event-data1-raw user-event-data1-raw-set! user-event-data2-raw user-event-data2-raw-set! ``` Related to the **sdl2:window-event** variant: ``` window-event? window-event-window-id window-event-window-id-set! window-event-event window-event-event-set! window-event-event-raw window-event-data1 window-event-data1-set! window-event-data2 window-event-data2-set! ``` ## Joystick ``` num-joysticks joystick-open! joystick-close! joystick-update! joystick-event-state joystick-event-state-set! joystick-name-for-index joystick-get-device-guid joystick-get-guid-from-string ``` Related to the **sdl2:joystick** struct record type: ``` joystick? joystick-attached? joystick-name joystick-num-axes joystick-get-axis joystick-num-balls joystick-get-ball joystick-num-buttons joystick-get-button joystick-num-hats joystick-get-hat joystick-get-hat-raw joystick-instance-id joystick-get-guid ``` Related to the **sdl2:joystick-guid** struct record type: ``` joystick-guid? free-joystick-guid! joystick-get-guid-string ``` ## Keyboard ``` get-key-from-name get-key-from-name-raw get-key-from-scancode get-key-from-scancode-raw get-key-name get-scancode-from-name get-scancode-from-name-raw get-scancode-from-key get-scancode-from-key-raw get-scancode-name get-keyboard-focus scancode-pressed? mod-state mod-state-set! mod-state-raw text-input-rect-set! start-text-input! stop-text-input! text-input-active? screen-keyboard-support? screen-keyboard-shown? ``` Related to the **sdl2:keysym** struct record type: ``` keysym? make-keysym make-keysym* free-keysym! keysym-scancode keysym-scancode-set! keysym-scancode-raw keysym-sym keysym-sym-set! keysym-sym-raw keysym-mod keysym-mod-set! keysym-mod-raw ``` ## OpenGL integration ``` gl-create-context! gl-delete-context! gl-make-current! gl-get-current-window gl-get-current-context gl-attribute gl-attribute-set! gl-reset-attributes! gl-get-drawable-size gl-swap-window! gl-swap-interval gl-set-swap-interval! gl-extension-supported? ``` Related to the **sdl2:gl-context** struct record type: ``` gl-context? ``` ## Palette Related to the **sdl2:palette** struct record type: ``` palette? make-palette make-palette* free-palette! palette-ncolors palette-ncolours palette-ref palette-set! palette-colors palette-colours palette-colors-set! palette-colours-set! ``` ## Pixel Format ``` map-rgb map-rgba get-rgb get-rgba pixel-format-enum-to-masks ``` Related to the **sdl2:pixel-format** struct record type: ``` pixel-format? make-pixel-format make-pixel-format* free-pixel-format! pixel-format-format pixel-format-format-raw pixel-format-palette pixel-format-palette-set! pixel-format-bits-per-pixel pixel-format-bytes-per-pixel pixel-format-rmask pixel-format-gmask pixel-format-bmask pixel-format-amask ``` ## Rect / Point ``` rect-empty? enclose-points has-intersection? intersect-rect intersect-rect-and-line union-rect ``` Related to the **sdl2:rect** struct record type: ``` rect? make-rect make-rect* free-rect! rect-x rect-x-set! rect-y rect-y-set! rect-w rect-w-set! rect-h rect-h-set! rect-set! rect->list rect=? copy-rect copy-rect* ``` Related to the **sdl2:point** struct record type: ``` point? make-point make-point* free-point! point-x point-x-set! point-y point-y-set! point-set! point->list point=? copy-point copy-point* ``` ## RWops ``` rw-from-file rw-from-const-mem rw-from-mem rw-from-blob rw-from-string rw-close! ``` Related to the **sdl2:rwops** struct record type: ``` rwops? rwops-type rwops-type-raw ``` ## Surface ``` create-rgb-surface* create-rgb-surface-from* convert-surface load-bmp load-bmp* load-bmp-rw load-bmp-rw* save-bmp! save-bmp-rw! lock-surface! unlock-surface! must-lock? blit-surface! blit-scaled! fill-rect! fill-rects! rotate-surface-90 rotate-surface-90* flip-surface flip-surface* ``` Related to the **sdl2:surface** struct record type: ``` surface? make-surface make-surface* free-surface! surface-format surface-w surface-h surface-pitch surface-pixels-raw surface-userdata-raw surface-userdata-raw-set! surface-refcount surface-refcount-set! surface-ref surface-set! surface-ref-raw surface-clip-rect surface-clip-rect-set! surface-color-key surface-color-key-set! surface-color-key-raw surface-colour-key surface-colour-key-set! surface-colour-key-raw surface-alpha-mod surface-alpha-mod-set! surface-blend-mode surface-blend-mode-set! surface-blend-mode-raw surface-color-mod surface-colour-mod surface-color-mod-set! surface-colour-mod-set! surface-palette surface-palette-set! surface-rle-set! ``` ## Timer ``` delay! get-ticks get-performance-counter get-performance-frequency ``` ## Touch / Gesture ``` get-num-touch-devices get-touch-device get-num-touch-fingers get-touch-finger ``` Related to the **sdl2:finger** struct record type: ``` finger? finger-id finger-x finger-y finger-pressure ``` ## Version ``` version-at-least? compiled-version current-version ``` ## Window / Display Mode ``` create-window! destroy-window! get-window-from-id update-window-surface! update-window-surface-rects! show-window! hide-window! raise-window! maximize-window! minimize-window! restore-window! ``` Related to the **sdl2:window** struct record type: ``` window? window-id window-bordered? window-bordered-set! window-brightness window-brightness-set! window-display-index window-display-mode window-display-mode-set! window-flags window-flags-raw window-fullscreen window-fullscreen-set! window-grab? window-grab-set! window-icon-set! window-maximum-size window-maximum-size-set! window-minimum-size window-minimum-size-set! window-pixel-format window-pixel-format-raw window-position window-position-set! window-size window-size-set! window-surface window-title window-title-set! ``` Related to the **sdl2:display-mode** struct record type: ``` display-mode? make-display-mode make-display-mode* free-display-mode! display-mode-format display-mode-format-set! display-mode-format-raw display-mode-w display-mode-w-set! display-mode-h display-mode-h-set! display-mode-refresh-rate display-mode-refresh-rate-set! ```