DESCRIPTION: I added this vector after fixing a bug first discovered by Rogier van de Pol. The length of this data set is designed to test for that bug or similar bugs in SHA-256 hashes. The bug was an off-by-one bug where I used a "<" test instead of a "<=" test in SHA256_Final(). Whenever data set lengths were an even multiple of 64 after subtracting 55, the bug showed up. The fix was easy, once the problem was fully diagnosed. Thanks, Rogier! (Total length of test vector data: 1079) FILE: vector018.dat SHA256: 5a2e925a7f8399fa63a20a1524ae83a7e3c48452f9af4df493c8c51311b04520 SHA384: 72ec26cc742bc5fb1ef82541c9cadcf01a15c8104650d305f24ec8b006d7428e 8ebe2bb320a465dbdd5c6326bbd8c9ad SHA512: ebad464e6d9f1df7e8aadff69f52db40a001b253fbf65a018f29974dcc7fbf8e 58b69e247975fbadb4153d7289357c9b6212752d0ab67dd3d9bbc0bb908aa98c