(module spiffy-directory-listing (spiffy-directory-listing ;; parameters list-dotfiles? format-listing directory-listing-page directory-listing-css directory-listing-doctype directory-listing-title list-directory sxml->html) (import scheme) (cond-expand (chicken-4 (import chicken) (use data-structures extras files ports posix srfi-1 sxml-transforms) (use intarweb spiffy)) (chicken-5 (import (chicken base) (chicken file) (chicken file posix) (chicken pathname) (chicken port) (chicken sort) (chicken time posix)) (import intarweb spiffy sxml-transforms)) (else (error "Unsupported CHICKEN version"))) (define list-dotfiles? (make-parameter #f)) (define list-directory (make-parameter (lambda (path) (sort (directory (make-pathname (root-path) path) (list-dotfiles?)) stringhtml (make-parameter (let ((rules `((literal *preorder* . ,(lambda (t b) b)) . ,universal-conversion-rules*))) (lambda (sxml) (with-output-to-string (lambda () (SRV:send-reply (pre-post-order* sxml rules)))))))) (define (tabularize data) (let ((body (map (lambda (line) (cons 'tr (list (map (lambda (cell) `(td ,cell)) line)))) data))) (cons 'table (list body)))) (define format-listing (make-parameter (lambda (path listing) (tabularize (map (lambda (file) (let* ((local-file (make-pathname (list (root-path) path) file)) (remote-file (pathname-strip-directory (make-pathname path file))) (dir? (directory? local-file)) (maybe-append-slash (lambda (path) (if dir? (string-append path "/") path)))) `((a (@ (href ,remote-file)) ,(maybe-append-slash remote-file)) ,(file-size local-file) ,(seconds->string (file-modification-time local-file))))) listing))))) (define directory-listing-css (make-parameter #f)) (define directory-listing-doctype (make-parameter "")) (define directory-listing-title (make-parameter (lambda (path) (string-append "Index of " path)))) (define directory-listing-page (make-parameter (lambda (path contents) `(,(directory-listing-doctype) (html (head (meta (@ (charset "utf-8"))) (title ,((directory-listing-title) path)) ,(if (directory-listing-css) `(link (@ (rel "stylesheet") (href ,(directory-listing-css)) (type "text/css"))) '())) (body (h2 "Index of " (code ,path) ":") (p (a (@ (href ,(or (pathname-directory path) path))) "Go to parent directory")) ,contents)))))) (define (spiffy-directory-listing path) (let* ((file-listing ((format-listing) path ((list-directory) path))) (page ((sxml->html) ((directory-listing-page) path file-listing)))) (with-headers `((content-type text/html) (content-length ,(string-length page))) (lambda () (write-logged-response) (unless (eq? 'HEAD (request-method (current-request))) (display page (response-port (current-response)))))))) ) ; end module