;;; The default comparator ;;; Standard comparators and their functions ;; The unknown-object comparator, used as a fallback to everything else ;; Everything compares exactly the same and hashes to 0 (define unknown-object-comparator (make-comparator (lambda (obj) #t) (lambda (a b) #t) (lambda (a b) #f) (lambda (obj) 0))) ;; Next index for added comparator (define first-comparator-index 9) (define *next-comparator-index* 9) (define *registered-comparators* (list unknown-object-comparator)) ;; Register a new comparator for use by the default comparator. (define (comparator-register-default! comparator) (set! *registered-comparators* (cons comparator *registered-comparators*)) (set! *next-comparator-index* (+ *next-comparator-index* 1))) ;; Return ordinal for object types: null sorts before pairs, which sort ;; before booleans, etc. Implementations can extend this. ;; People who call comparator-register-default! effectively do extend it. (define (object-type obj) (cond ((null? obj) 0) ((pair? obj) 1) ((boolean? obj) 2) ((char? obj) 3) ((string? obj) 4) ((symbol? obj) 5) ((number? obj) 6) ((vector? obj) 7) ((bytevector? obj) 8) ; Add more here if you want: be sure to update comparator-index variables (else (registered-index obj)))) ;; Return the index for the registered type of obj. (define (registered-index obj) (let loop ((i 0) (registry *registered-comparators*)) (cond ((null? registry) (+ first-comparator-index i)) ((comparator-test-type (car registry) obj) (+ first-comparator-index i)) (else (loop (+ i 1) (cdr registry)))))) ;; Given an index, retrieve a registered conductor. ;; Index must be >= first-comparator-index. (define (registered-comparator i) (list-ref *registered-comparators* (- i first-comparator-index))) (define (dispatch-equality type a b) (case type ((0) #t) ; All empty lists are equal ((1) ((make-pair=? (make-default-comparator) (make-default-comparator)) a b)) ((2) (boolean=? a b)) ((3) (char=? a b)) ((4) (string=? a b)) ((5) (symbol=? a b)) ((6) (= a b)) ((7) ((make-vector=? (make-default-comparator) vector? vector-length vector-ref) a b)) ((8) ((make-vector=? (make-comparator exact-integer? = < default-hash) bytevector? bytevector-length bytevector-u8-ref) a b)) ; Add more here (else (binary=? (registered-comparator type) a b)))) (define (dispatch-ordering type a b) (case type ((0) 0) ; All empty lists are equal ((1) ((make-pair a-type b-type) 1) (else (dispatch-ordering a-type a b))))) (define (default-equality a b) (let ((a-type (object-type a)) (b-type (object-type b))) (if (= a-type b-type) (dispatch-equality a-type a b) #f))) (define (make-default-comparator) (make-comparator (lambda (obj) #t) default-equality default-ordering default-hash))