;; Copyright (C) Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen (2016, 2017). All Rights ;; Reserved. ;; Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person ;; obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation ;; files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without ;; restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, ;; modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies ;; of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is ;; furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: ;; The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be ;; included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. ;; THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, ;; EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF ;; MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND ;; NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS ;; BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ;; ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN ;; CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE ;; SOFTWARE. (define comparator (make-default-comparator)) (define hashmap0 #f) (define hashmap1 #f) (define hashmap2 #f) (define hashmap3 #f) (define hashmap4 #f) (define hashmap5 #f) (define hashmap6 #f) (test-begin "SRFI 146: Hashmaps") (test-group "Predicates" (set! hashmap0 (hashmap comparator)) (set! hashmap1 (hashmap comparator 'a 1 'b 2 'c 3)) (set! hashmap2 (hashmap comparator 'c 1 'd 2 'e 3)) (set! hashmap3 (hashmap comparator 'd 1 'e 2 'f 3)) (test-assert "hashmap?: a hashmap" (hashmap? (hashmap comparator))) (test-assert "hashmap?: not a hashmap" (not (hashmap? (list 1 2 3)))) (test-assert "hashmap-empty?: empty hashmap" (hashmap-empty? hashmap0)) (test-assert "hashmap-empty?: non-empty hashmap" (not (hashmap-empty? hashmap1))) (test-assert "hashmap-contains?: containing" (hashmap-contains? hashmap1 'b)) (test-assert "hashmap-contains?: not containing" (not (hashmap-contains? hashmap1 '2))) (test-assert "hashmap-disjoint?: disjoint" (hashmap-disjoint? hashmap1 hashmap3)) (test-assert "hashmap-disjoint?: not disjoint" (not (hashmap-disjoint? hashmap1 hashmap2)))) (test-group "Accessors" (set! hashmap1 (hashmap comparator 'a 1 'b 2 'c 3)) (test-equal "hashmap-ref: key found" 2 (hashmap-ref hashmap1 'b)) (test-equal "hashmap-ref: key not found/with failure" 42 (hashmap-ref hashmap1 'd (lambda () 42))) (test-error "hashmap-ref: key not found/without failure" (hashmap-ref hashmap1 'd)) (test-equal "hashmap-ref: with success procedure" (* 2 2) (hashmap-ref hashmap1 'b (lambda () #f) (lambda (x) (* x x)))) (test-equal "hashmap-ref/default: key found" 3 (hashmap-ref/default hashmap1 'c 42)) (test-equal "hashmap-ref/default: key not found" 42 (hashmap-ref/default hashmap1 'd 42)) (test-equal "hashmap-key-comparator" comparator (hashmap-key-comparator hashmap1))) (test-group "Updaters" (set! hashmap1 (hashmap comparator 'a 1 'b 2 'c 3)) (set! hashmap2 (hashmap-set hashmap1 'c 4 'd 4 'd 5)) (set! hashmap3 (hashmap-update hashmap1 'b (lambda (x) (* x x)))) (set! hashmap4 (hashmap-update/default hashmap1 'd (lambda (x) (* x x)) 4)) (set! hashmap5 (hashmap-adjoin hashmap1 'c 4 'd 4 'd 5)) (set! hashmap0 (hashmap comparator)) (test-equal "hashmap-adjoin: key already in hashmap" 3 (hashmap-ref hashmap5 'c)) (test-equal "hashmap-adjoin: key set earlier" 4 (hashmap-ref hashmap5 'd)) (test-equal "hashmap-set: key already in hashmap" 4 (hashmap-ref hashmap2 'c)) (test-equal "hashmap-set: key set earlier" 5 (hashmap-ref hashmap2 'd)) (test-equal "hashmap-replace: key not in hashmap" #f (hashmap-ref/default (hashmap-replace hashmap1 'd 4) 'd #f)) (test-equal "hashmap-replace: key in hashmap" 6 (hashmap-ref (hashmap-replace hashmap1 'c 6) 'c)) (test-equal "hashmap-delete" 42 (hashmap-ref/default (hashmap-delete hashmap1 'b) 'b 42)) (test-equal "hashmap-delete-all" 42 (hashmap-ref/default (hashmap-delete-all hashmap1 '(a b)) 'b 42)) (test-equal "hashmap-intern: key in hashmap" (list hashmap1 2) (receive result (hashmap-intern hashmap1 'b (lambda () (error "should not have been invoked"))) result)) (test-equal "hashmap-intern: key not in hashmap" (list 42 42) (receive (hashmap value) (hashmap-intern hashmap1 'd (lambda () 42)) (list value (hashmap-ref hashmap 'd)))) (test-equal "hashmap-update" 4 (hashmap-ref hashmap3 'b)) (test-equal "hashmap-update/default" 16 (hashmap-ref hashmap4 'd)) (test-equal "hashmap-pop: empty hashmap" 'empty (hashmap-pop hashmap0 (lambda () 'empty))) (test-assert "hashmap-pop: non-empty hashmap" (member (receive (hashmap key value) (hashmap-pop hashmap1) (list (hashmap-size hashmap) key value)) '((2 a 1) (2 b 2) (2 c 3))))) (test-group "The whole hashmap" (set! hashmap0 (hashmap comparator)) (set! hashmap1 (hashmap comparator 'a 1 'b 2 'c 3)) (test-equal "hashmap-size: empty hashmap" 0 (hashmap-size hashmap0)) (test-equal "hashmap-size: non-empty hashmap" 3 (hashmap-size hashmap1)) (test-equal "hashmap-find: found in hashmap" (list 'b 2) (receive result (hashmap-find (lambda (key value) (and (eq? key 'b) (= value 2))) hashmap1 (lambda () (error "should not have been called"))) result)) (test-equal "hashmap-find: not found in hashmap" (list 42) (receive result (hashmap-find (lambda (key value) (eq? key 'd)) hashmap1 (lambda () 42)) result)) (test-equal "hashmap-count" 2 (hashmap-count (lambda (key value) (>= value 2)) hashmap1)) (test-assert "hashmap-any?: found" (hashmap-any? (lambda (key value) (= value 3)) hashmap1)) (test-assert "hashmap-any?: not found" (not (hashmap-any? (lambda (key value) (= value 4)) hashmap1))) (test-assert "hashmap-every?: true" (hashmap-every? (lambda (key value) (<= value 3)) hashmap1)) (test-assert "hashmap-every?: false" (not (hashmap-every? (lambda (key value) (<= value 2)) hashmap1))) (test-equal "hashmap-keys" 3 (length (hashmap-keys hashmap1))) (test-equal "hashmap-values" 6 (fold + 0 (hashmap-values hashmap1))) (test-equal "hashmap-entries" (list 3 6) (receive (keys values) (hashmap-entries hashmap1) (list (length keys) (fold + 0 values))))) (test-group "Hashmap and folding" (set! hashmap1 (hashmap comparator 'a 1 'b 2 'c 3)) (set! hashmap2 (hashmap-map (lambda (key value) (values (symbol->string key) (* 10 value))) comparator hashmap1)) (test-equal "hashmap-map" 20 (hashmap-ref hashmap2 "b")) (test-equal "hashmap-for-each" 6 (let ((counter 0)) (hashmap-for-each (lambda (key value) (set! counter (+ counter value))) hashmap1) counter)) (test-equal "hashmap-fold" 6 (hashmap-fold (lambda (key value acc) (+ value acc)) 0 hashmap1)) (test-equal "hashmap-map->list" (+ (* 1 1) (* 2 2) (* 3 3)) (fold + 0 (hashmap-map->list (lambda (key value) (* value value)) hashmap1))) (test-equal "hashmap-filter" 2 (hashmap-size (hashmap-filter (lambda (key value) (<= value 2)) hashmap1))) (test-equal "hashmap-remove" 1 (hashmap-size (hashmap-remove (lambda (key value) (<= value 2)) hashmap1))) (test-equal "hashmap-partition" (list 1 2) (receive result (hashmap-partition (lambda (key value) (eq? 'b key)) hashmap1) (map hashmap-size result))) (test-group "Copying and conversion" (set! hashmap1 (hashmap comparator 'a 1 'b 2 'c 3)) (set! hashmap2 (alist->hashmap comparator '((a . 1) (b . 2) (c . 3)))) (set! hashmap3 (alist->hashmap! (hashmap-copy hashmap1) '((d . 4) '(c . 5)))) (test-equal "hashmap-copy: same size" 3 (hashmap-size (hashmap-copy hashmap1))) (test-equal "hashmap-copy: same comparator" comparator (hashmap-key-comparator (hashmap-copy hashmap1))) (test-equal "hashmap->alist" (cons 'b 2) (assq 'b (hashmap->alist hashmap1))) (test-equal "alist->hashmap" 2 (hashmap-ref hashmap2 'b) ) (test-equal "alist->hashmap!: new key" 4 (hashmap-ref hashmap3 'd)) (test-equal "alist->hashmap!: existing key" 3 (hashmap-ref hashmap3 'c))) (test-group "Subhashmaps" (set! hashmap1 (hashmap comparator 'a 1 'b 2 'c 3)) (set! hashmap2 (hashmap comparator 'a 1 'b 2 'c 3)) (set! hashmap3 (hashmap comparator 'a 1 'c 3)) (set! hashmap4 (hashmap comparator 'a 1 'c 3 'd 4)) (set! hashmap5 (hashmap comparator 'a 1 'b 2 'c 6)) (set! hashmap6 (hashmap (make-comparator (comparator-type-test-predicate comparator) (comparator-equality-predicate comparator) (comparator-ordering-predicate comparator) (comparator-hash-function comparator)) 'a 1 'b 2 'c 3)) (test-assert "hashmap=?: equal hashmaps" (hashmap=? comparator hashmap1 hashmap2)) (test-assert "hashmap=?: unequal hashmaps" (not (hashmap=? comparator hashmap1 hashmap4))) (test-assert "hashmap=?: different comparators" (not (hashmap=? comparator hashmap1 hashmap6))) (test-assert "hashmap?: proper superset" (hashmap>? comparator hashmap2 hashmap3)) (test-assert "hashmap>?: improper superset" (not (hashmap>? comparator hashmap1 hashmap2 hashmap3))) (test-assert "hashmap<=?: subset" (hashmap<=? comparator hashmap3 hashmap2 hashmap1)) (test-assert "hashmap<=?: non-matching values" (not (hashmap<=? comparator hashmap3 hashmap5))) (test-assert "hashmap<=?: not a subset" (not (hashmap<=? comparator hashmap2 hashmap4))) (test-assert "hashmap>=?: superset" (hashmap>=? comparator hashmap4 hashmap3)) (test-assert "hashmap>=?: not a superset" (not (hashmap>=? comparator hashmap5 hashmap3)))) (test-group "Set theory operations" (set! hashmap1 (hashmap comparator 'a 1 'b 2 'c 3)) (set! hashmap2 (hashmap comparator 'a 1 'b 2 'd 4)) (set! hashmap3 (hashmap comparator 'a 1 'b 2)) (set! hashmap4 (hashmap comparator 'a 1 'b 2 'c 4)) (set! hashmap5 (hashmap comparator 'a 1 'c 3)) (set! hashmap6 (hashmap comparator 'd 4 'e 5 'f 6)) (test-equal "hashmap-union: new association" 4 (hashmap-ref (hashmap-union hashmap1 hashmap2) 'd)) (test-equal "hashmap-union: existing association" 3 (hashmap-ref (hashmap-union hashmap1 hashmap4) 'c)) (test-equal "hashmap-union: three hashmaps" 6 (hashmap-size (hashmap-union hashmap1 hashmap2 hashmap6))) (test-equal "hashmap-intersection: existing association" 3 (hashmap-ref (hashmap-intersection hashmap1 hashmap4) 'c)) (test-equal "hashmap-intersection: removed association" 42 (hashmap-ref/default (hashmap-intersection hashmap1 hashmap5) 'b 42)) (test-equal "hashmap-difference" 2 (hashmap-size (hashmap-difference hashmap2 hashmap6))) (test-equal "hashmap-xor" 4 (hashmap-size (hashmap-xor hashmap2 hashmap6)))) (test-group "Comparators" (set! hashmap1 (hashmap comparator 'a 1 'b 2 'c 3)) (set! hashmap2 (hashmap comparator 'a 1 'b 2 'c 3)) (set! hashmap3 (hashmap comparator 'a 1 'b 2)) (set! hashmap4 (hashmap comparator 'a 1 'b 2 'c 4)) (set! hashmap5 (hashmap comparator 'a 1 'c 3)) (set! hashmap0 (hashmap comparator hashmap1 "a" hashmap2 "b" hashmap3 "c" hashmap4 "d" hashmap5 "e")) (test-assert "hashmap-comparator" (comparator? hashmap-comparator)) (test-equal "hashmap-keyed hashmap" (list "a" "a" "c" "d" "e") (list (hashmap-ref hashmap0 hashmap1) (hashmap-ref hashmap0 hashmap2) (hashmap-ref hashmap0 hashmap3) (hashmap-ref hashmap0 hashmap4) (hashmap-ref hashmap0 hashmap5) )) (test-group "Ordering comparators" (test-assert "=?: equal hashmaps" (=? comparator hashmap1 hashmap2)) (test-assert "=?: unequal hashmaps" (not (=? comparator hashmap1 hashmap4)))))) (test-end "SRFI 146: Hashmaps") (test-exit)