;;;; chicken-primitive-object-nlines.scm ;;;; Kon Lovett, Jan '09 ;;;; (Was chicken-sys-macros.scm) ; ***** SHOULD RENAME SAFE ROUTINES AS '*foo', KEEPING '%foo' FOR UNSAFE ***** ; Usage ; ; (include "chicken-primitive-object-inlines") ;; Notes ;; ;; Provides inlines for primitive procedures. Use of these procedures ;; by non-core is highly suspect. Many of these routines are unsafe. ;; ;; In fact, any use is suspect ;-) ;; ;; A ##core#Inline is just what it says - literal inclusion in the compiled C ;; code of the C macro/function and the arguments taken literally, i.e. as the ;; C_word value. ;; ;; These are much faster than a lambda, but very dangerous since the arguments and ;; the return value are not converted. The C code must perform any such conversions. ;; ;; ##core#inline cannot be used with a runtime C function which is coded in the ;; CPS style. ;; ;; A ##core#primitive creates a lambda for a C function which is coded in the ;; CPS style. ;; ;; ** WRONG ** ;; These have a stereotypical argument list which begins the 3 arguments C_word ;; c, C_word closure, and C_word k. Any actual arguments follow. ;; ;; c - number of arguments, not including 'c', but including 'closure' & 'k' ;; closure - caller ;; k - continuation ;; ;; ** RIGHT ** ;; These have a stereotypical argument list which begins the 2 arguments C_word ;; c, C_word *av. ;; ;; c - number of arguments, not including 'c' ;; av - pointer to C_word vector of actual arguments ;;; Unsafe Type Predicates ;; Fixnum (define-inline (%fixnum-type? x) (##core#inline "C_fixnump" x)) ;; Character (define-inline (%char-type? x) (##core#inline "C_charp" x)) ;; Boolean (define-inline (%boolean-type? x) (##core#inline "C_booleanp" x)) ;; EOF (define-inline (%eof-object-type? x) (##core#inline "C_eofp" x)) ;; Null (the end-of-list value) (define-inline (%eol-object-type? x) (##core#inline "C_i_nullp" x)) ;; Undefined (void) (define-inline (%undefined-type? x) (##core#inline "C_undefinedp" x)) ;; Unbound (the unbound value, not 'is a symbol unbound') (define-inline (%unbound-type? x) (##core#inline "C_unboundvaluep" x)) ;; Byteblock (define-inline (%byteblock-type? x) (##core#inline "C_byteblockp" x)) ;; Bytevector (define-inline (%bytevector-type? x) (##core#inline "C_bytevectorp" x)) ;; String (define-inline (%string-type? x) (##core#inline "C_stringp" x)) ;; Flonum (define-inline (%flonum-type? x) (##core#inline "C_flonump" x)) ;; Lambda-info (define-inline (%lambda-info-type? x) (##core#inline "C_lambdainfop" x)) ;; Vector (define-inline (%vector-type? x) (##core#inline "C_vectorp" x)) ;; Pair (define-inline (%pair-type? x) (##core#inline "C_pairp" x)) ;; Bucket ; A bucket is used by the runtime for the symbol-table. The bucket type is not ; "seen" by Scheme code. ;; Structure (define-inline (%structure-type? x) (##core#inline "C_structurep" x)) ;; Symbol (define-inline (%symbol-type? x) (##core#inline "C_symbolp" x)) ;; Closure (define-inline (%closure-type? x) (##core#inline "C_closurep" x)) ;; Port (define-inline (%port-type? x) (##core#inline "C_portp" x)) ;; Any-pointer (define-inline (%any-pointer-type? x) (##core#inline "C_anypointerp" x)) ;; Simple-pointer (define-inline (%simple-pointer-type? x) (##core#inline "C_pointerp" x)) ;; Tagged-Pointer (define-inline (%tagged-pointer-type? x) (##core#inline "C_taggedpointerp" x)) ;; Swig-Pointer (define-inline (%swig-pointer-type? x) (##core#inline "C_swigpointerp" x)) ;; Locative (define-inline (%locative-type? x) (##core#inline "C_locativep" x)) ;;; Safe Type Predicates ;; Immediate (define-inline (%immediate? x) (##core#inline "C_immp" x)) ;; Fixnum (define-inline (%fixnum? x) (and (%immediate? x) (%fixnum-type? x))) ;; Character (define-inline (%char? x) (and (%immediate? x) (%char-type? x))) ;; Boolean (define-inline (%boolean? x) (and (%immediate? x) (%boolean-type? x))) (define-inline (%true-value? x) (and (%boolean? x) (##core#inline "C_and" x #t))) (define-inline (%false-value? x) (not (%true-value? x))) ;; EOF (define-inline (%eof-object? x) (and (%immediate? x) (%eof-object-type? x))) ;; Null (the end-of-list value) (define-inline (%eol-object? x) (and (%immediate? x) (%eol-object-type? x))) ;; Undefined (void) (define-inline (%undefined-value? x) (and (%immediate? x) (%undefined-type? x))) (define-inline (%undefined-value) (##core#undefined)) ;; Unbound (the unbound value, not 'is a symbol unbound') (define-inline (%unbound-value? x) (and (%immediate? x) (%unbound-type? x))) ;; Block (anything not immediate) (define-inline (%block? x) (##core#inline "C_blockp" x)) ;; Special (define-inline (%special? x) (##core#inline "C_specialp" x)) ;; Byteblock (define-inline (%byteblock? x) (and (%block? x) (%byteblock-type? x))) ;; Bytevector (define-inline (%bytevector? x) (and (%block? x) (%bytevector-type? x))) ;; String (define-inline (%string? x) (and (%block? x) (%string-type? x))) ;; Flonum (define-inline (%flonum? x) (and (%block? x) (%flonum-type? x))) ;; Lambda-info (define-inline (%lambda-info? x) (and (%block? x) (%lambda-info-type? x))) ;; Wordblock (special block) (define-inline (%wordblock? x) (and (%block? x) (%special? x))) ;; Vector (define-inline (%vector? x) (and (%block? x) (%vector-type? x))) ;; Pair (define-inline (%pair? x) (and (%block? x) (%pair-type? x))) ;; Bucket ; A bucket is used by the runtime for the symbol-table. The bucket type is not ; "seen" by Scheme code. ;; Structure (define-inline (%structure? x) (and (%block? x) (%structure-type? x))) ;; Symbol (define-inline (%symbol? x) (and (%block? x) (%symbol-type? x))) ;; Closure (define-inline (%closure? x) (and (%block? x) (%closure-type? x))) ;; Port (define-inline (%port? x) (and (%block? x) (%port-type? x))) ;; Any-pointer (define-inline (%pointer? x) (and (%block? x) (%any-pointer-type? x))) ;; Simple-pointer (define-inline (%simple-pointer? x) (and (%block? x) (%simple-pointer-type? x))) ;; Tagged-Pointer (define-inline (%tagged-pointer? x) (and (%block? x) (%tagged-pointer-type? x))) ;; Swig-Pointer (define-inline (%swig-pointer? x) (and (%block? x) (%swig-pointer-type? x))) ;; Locative (define-inline (%locative? x) (and (%block? x) (%locative-type? x))) ;; Forwarded (block object moved to new address, forwarding pointer) (define-inline (%forwarded? x) (##core#inline "C_forwardedp" x)) ;;; Operations ;Safe (define-inline (%eq? x y) (##core#inline "C_eqp" x y)) ;; Fixnum ;Safe (define-inline (%fxrandom x) (##core#inline "C_random_fixnum" x)) ;Unsafe (define-inline (%fx= x y) (%eq? x y)) (define-inline (%fx> x y) (##core#inline "C_fixnum_greaterp" x y)) (define-inline (%fx< x y) (##core#inline "C_fixnum_lessp" x y)) (define-inline (%fx>= x y) (##core#inline "C_fixnum_greater_or_equal_p" x y)) (define-inline (%fx<= x y) (##core#inline "C_fixnum_less_or_equal_p" x y)) (define-inline (%fxclosed-right? l x h) (and (fx%< l x) (%fx<= x h))) (define-inline (%fxclosed? l x h) (and (%fx<= l x) (%fx<= x h))) (define-inline (%fxclosed-left? l x h) (and (%fx<= l x) (%fx< x h))) (define-inline (%fxzero? fx) (%fx= 0 fx)) (define-inline (%fxpositive? fx) (%fx< 0 fx)) (define-inline (%fxnegative? fx) (%fx< fx 0)) (define-inline (%fxcardinal? fx) (%fx<= 0 fx)) (define-inline (%fxodd? fx) (%fx= 1 (%fxand fx 1))) (define-inline (%fxeven? fx) (%fx= 0 (%fxand fx 1))) (define-inline (%fxmin x y) (if (%fx< x y) x y)) (define-inline (%fxmax x y) (if (%fx< x y) y x)) (define-inline (%fx+ x y) (##core#inline "C_fixnum_plus" x y)) (define-inline (%fx- x y) (##core#inline "C_fixnum_difference" x y)) (define-inline (%fx* x y) (##core#inline "C_fixnum_times" x y)) (define-inline (%fx/ x y) (##core#inline "C_fixnum_divide" x y)) (define-inline (%fxmod x y) (##core#inline "C_fixnum_modulo" x y)) (define-inline (%fxadd1 fx) (##core#inline "C_fixnum_increase" fx)) (define-inline (%fxsub1 fx) (##core#inline "C_fixnum_decrease" fx)) (define-inline (%fxshl x y) (##core#inline "C_fixnum_shift_left" x y)) (define-inline (%fxshr x y) (##core#inline "C_fixnum_shift_right" x y)) (define-inline (%fxneg x) (##core#inline "C_fixnum_negate" x)) (define-inline (%fxabs fx) (if (%fxnegative? fx) (%fxneg fx) fx)) (define-inline (%fxand x y) (##core#inline "C_fixnum_and" x y)) (define-inline (%fxior x y) (##core#inline "C_fixnum_or" x y)) (define-inline (%fxxor x y) (##core#inline "C_fixnum_xor" x y)) (define-inline (%fxnot x) (##core#inline "C_fixnum_not" x)) ;; Block (define-inline (%peek-signed-integer b i) ((##core#primitive "C_peek_signed_integer") b i)) (define-inline (%peek-unsigned-integer b i) ((##core#primitive "C_peek_unsigned_integer") b i)) (define-inline (%poke-integer b i n) (##core#inline "C_poke_integer" b i n)) ;Safe (define-inline (%block-address b) (##core#inline_allocate ("C_block_address" 4) b)) ;; Size of object in units of sub-object. ; (%block-allocate size byteblock? fill aligned-8-byte-boundry?) ; ; byteblock? #t - size is # of bytes, fill is-a character -> "string" ; byteblock? #f - size is # of words, fill is-a any -> "vector" (define-inline (%block-allocate n bb? f a?) ((##core#primitive "C_allocate_vector") n bb? f a?)) ;Unsafe ; Byteblock -> # of bytes ; Wordblock -> # of words. (define-inline (%block-size b) (##core#inline "C_block_size" b)) ;; ;; Byteblock ;Safe (define-inline (%make-byteblock n f a?) (%block-allocate n #t f a?)) ;Unsafe (define-inline (%byteblock-length bb) (%block-size bb)) (define-inline (%byteblock-ref bb i) (##core#inline "C_subbyte" bb i)) (define-inline (%byteblock-set! bb i v) (##core#inline "C_setsubbyte" bb i v)) ;; Generic-byteblock ;Safe ; generic-byteblock isa bytevector, string, flonum, or lambda-info (define-inline (%generic-byteblock? x) (or (%bytevector? x) (%string? x) (%flonum? x) (%lambda-info? x)) ) ;; Bytevector (byteblock) ;Safe (define-inline (%make-bytevector sz) (let ((bv (%make-byteblock sz #f #t))) (##core#inline "C_string_to_bytevector" bv) bv ) ) (define-inline (%string->bytevector s) (let* ((n (%byteblock-length s) #;(%string-size s)) (bv (%make-bytevector sz)) ) (##core#inline "C_copy_memory" bv s n) bv ) ) ;Unsafe (define-inline (%bytevector-length bv) (%byteblock-length bv)) (define-inline (%bytevector=? bv1 bv2) (let ((n (%bytevector-length bv1))) (and (%fx= n (%bytevector-length bv2)) (%fx= 0 (##core#inline "C_string_compare" bv1 bv2 n)) ) ) ) (define-inline (%bytevector-ref bv i) (%byteblock-ref bv i)) (define-inline (%bytevector-set! bv i x) (%byteblock-set! bv i x)) ;; Blob (isa bytevector w/o accessors) (define-inline (%make-blob sz) (%make-bytevector sz)) (define-inline (%string->blob s) (%string->bytevector s)) (define-inline (%blob? x) (%bytevector? x)) (define-inline (%blob-size b) (%bytevector-length b)) (define-inline (%blob=? b1 b2) (%bytevector=? b1 b2)) ;; String (byteblock) ;Safe (define-inline (%make-string size fill) (%make-byteblock size fill #f)) ;Unsafe (define-inline (%bytevector->string bv) (let* ((n (%bytevector-length bv)) (s (%make-string n #\space)) ) (##core#inline "C_copy_memory" s bv n) s ) ) (define-inline (%blob->string bv) (%bytevector->string bv)) (define-inline (%lambda-info->string li) (let* ((sz (%byteblock-length li) #;(%lambda-info-length li)) (s (%make-string sz #\space)) ) (##core#inline "C_copy_memory" s li sz) s ) ) (define-inline (%string-size s) (%byteblock-length s)) (define-inline (%string-length s) (%byteblock-length s)) (define-inline (%string-ref s i) (##core#inline "C_subchar" s i)) (define-inline (%string-set! s i c) (##core#inline "C_setsubchar" s i c)) (define-inline (%string-compare/length s1 s2 l) (##core#inline "C_string_compare" s1 s2 l)) (define-inline (%string-compare s1 s2) (let* ((l1 (%string-length s1)) (l2 (%string-length s2)) (d (%fx- l1 l2)) (r (%string-compare/length s1 s2 (if (%fxpositive? d) l2 l1))) ) (if (%fxzero? r) d r ) ) ) (define-inline (%string=? s1 s2) (%fxzero? (%string-compare s1 s2))) (define-inline (%string? s1 s2) (%fxpositive? (%string-compare s1 s2))) (define-inline (%string<=? s1 s2) (%fx<= 0 (%string-compare s1 s2))) (define-inline (%string>=? s1 s2) (%fx>= 0 (%string-compare s1 s2))) (define-inline (%string-ci-compare/length s1 s2 l) (##core#inline "C_string_compare_case_insensitive" s1 s2 l)) (define-inline (%string-ci-compare s1 s2) (let* ((l1 (%string-length s1)) (l2 (%string-length s2)) (d (%fx- l1 l2)) (r (%string-ci-compare/length s1 s2 (if (%fxpositive? d) l2 l1))) ) (if (%fxzero? r) d r ) ) ) (define-inline (%string-ci=? s1 s2) (%fxzero? (%string-ci-compare s1 s2))) (define-inline (%string-ci? s1 s2) (%fxpositive? (%string-ci-compare s1 s2))) (define-inline (%string-ci<=? s1 s2) (%fx<= 0 (%string-ci-compare s1 s2))) (define-inline (%string-ci>=? s1 s2) (%fx>= 0 (%string-ci-compare s1 s2))) ;; Flonum (byteblock) ;Unsafe (define-inline (%fp= x y) (##core#inline "C_flonum_equalp" x y)) (define-inline (%fp< x y) (##core#inline "C_flonum_lessp" x y)) (define-inline (%fp<= x y) (##core#inline "C_flonum_less_or_equal_p" x y)) (define-inline (%fp> x y) (##core#inline "C_flonum_greaterp" x y)) (define-inline (%fp>= x y) (##core#inline "C_flonum_greater_or_equal_p" x y)) (define-inline (%fpmax x y) (##core#inline "C_i_flonum_max" x y)) (define-inline (%fpmin x y) (##core#inline "C_i_flonum_min" x y)) (define-inline (%finite? x) (##core#inline "C_i_finitep" x)) (define-inline (%fp- x y) (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_flonum_difference" 4) x y)) (define-inline (%fp* x y) (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_flonum_times" 4) x y)) (define-inline (%fp/ x y) (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_flonum_quotient" 4) x y)) (define-inline (%fp+ x y) (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_flonum_plus" 4) x y)) (define-inline (%fpfraction x) ((##core#primitive "C_flonum_fraction") x)) (define-inline (%fpnegate x) (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_flonum_negate" 4) x)) (define-inline (%fpfloor x) ((##core#primitive "C_flonum_floor") x)) (define-inline (%fpceiling x) ((##core#primitive "C_flonum_ceiling") x)) (define-inline (%fpround x) ((##core#primitive "C_flonum_round") x)) (define-inline (%fptruncate x) ((##core#primitive "C_flonum_truncate") x)) ;Safe (define-inline (%exact->inexact x) ((##core#primitive "C_exact_to_inexact") x)) ; Actually 'number' operations (define-inline (%fpabs x) (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_abs" 4) x)) (define-inline (%fpacos x) (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_acos" 4) x)) (define-inline (%fpasin x) (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_asin" 4) x)) (define-inline (%fpatan x) (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_atan" 4) x)) (define-inline (%fpatan2 x y) (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_atan2" 4) x y)) (define-inline (%fpcos x) (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_cos" 4) x)) (define-inline (%fpexp x) (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_exp" 4) x)) (define-inline (%fplog x) (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_log" 4) x)) (define-inline (%fpsin x) (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_sin" 4) x)) (define-inline (%fpsqrt x) (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_sqrt" 4) x)) (define-inline (%fptan x) (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_tan" 4) x)) ;; Lambda-info (byteblock) ;Unsafe (define-inline (%string->lambda-info s) (let* ((n (%string-size s)) (li (%make-string n)) ) (##core#inline "C_copy_memory" li s n) (##core#inline "C_string_to_lambdainfo" li) li ) ) (define-inline (%lambda-info-length li) (%byteblock-length s)) ;; Wordblock ;Safe (define-inline (%make-wordblock n f a?) (%block-allocate n #f f a?)) ;Unsafe (define-inline (%wordblock-length wb) (%block-size wb)) (define-inline (%wordblock-ref wb i) (##core#inline "C_slot" wb i)) (define-inline (%wordblock-set!/mutate wb i v) (##core#inline "C_i_setslot" wb i v)) (define-inline (%wordblock-set!/immediate wb i v) (##core#inline "C_i_set_i_slot" wb i v)) (define-inline (%wordblock-set! wb i v) (if (%immediate? v) (%wordblock-set!/immediate wb i v) (%wordblock-set!/mutate wb i v) ) ) ;; Generic-vector (wordblock) ; generic-vector isa vector, pair, structure, symbol, or keyword (define-inline (%generic-vector? x) (and (%block? x) (not (or (%special? x) (%byteblock? x))))) ;; Vector (wordblock) ;Safe (define-inline (%make-vector size fill) (%make-wordblock size fill #f)) ;Unsafe (define-inline (%vector-length v) (%wordblock-length v)) (define-inline (%vector-ref v i) (%wordblock-ref v i)) (define-inline (%vector-set!/mutate v i x) (%wordblock-set!/mutate v i x)) (define-inline (%vector-set!/immediate v i x) (%wordblock-set!/immediate v i x)) (define-inline (%vector-set! v i x) (%wordblock-set! v i x)) ;; Pair (wordblock) ;Safe (define-inline (%null? x) (%eol-object? x)) (define-inline (%list? x) (or (%null? x) (%pair? x))) (define-inline (%cons x y) (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_cons" 3) x y) ) (define-inline (%length ls) (##core#inline "C_i_length" ls)) ;Unsafe (define-inline (%car pr) (%wordblock-ref pr 0)) (define-inline (%set-car!/mutate pr x) (%wordblock-set!/mutate pr 0 x)) (define-inline (%set-car!/immediate pr x) (%wordblock-set!/immediate pr 0 x)) (define-inline (%set-car! pr x) (%wordblock-set! pr 0 x)) (define-inline (%cdr pr) (%wordblock-ref pr 1)) (define-inline (%set-cdr!/mutate pr x) (%wordblock-set!/mutate pr 1 x)) (define-inline (%set-cdr!/immediate pr x) (%wordblock-set!/immediate pr 1 x)) (define-inline (%set-cdr! pr x) (%wordblock-set! pr 1 x)) (define-inline (%caar pr) (%car (%car pr))) (define-inline (%cadr pr) (%car (%cdr pr))) (define-inline (%cdar pr) (%cdr (%car pr))) (define-inline (%cddr pr) (%cdr (%cdr pr))) (define-inline (%caaar pr) (%car (%caar pr))) (define-inline (%caadr pr) (%car (%cadr pr))) (define-inline (%cadar pr) (%car (%cdar pr))) (define-inline (%caddr pr) (%car (%cddr pr))) (define-inline (%cdaar pr) (%cdr (%caar pr))) (define-inline (%cdadr pr) (%cdr (%cadr pr))) (define-inline (%cddar pr) (%cdr (%cdar pr))) (define-inline (%cdddr pr) (%cdr (%cddr pr))) ;Safe (define-inline (%memq x ls) (##core#inline "C_i_memq" x ls)) (define-inline (%memv x ls) (##core#inline "C_i_memv" x ls)) (define-inline (%member x ls) (##core#inline "C_i_member" x ls)) (define-inline (%assq x ls) (##core#inline "C_i_assq" x ls)) (define-inline (%assv x ls) (##core#inline "C_i_assv" x ls)) (define-inline (%assoc x ls) (##core#inline "C_i_assoc" x ls)) ;Unsafe (define-inline (%list-ref ls0 i0) ;(assert (and (proper-list? ls0) (exact? i0) (<= 0 i0 (sub1 (length ls0))))) (let loop ((ls ls0) (i i0)) (cond ((%null? ls) '() ) ((%fx= 0 i) (%car ls) ) (else (loop (%cdr ls) (%fx- i 1)) ) ) ) ) (define-inline (%list-pair-ref ls0 i0) ;(assert (and (proper-list? ls0) (exact? i0) (<= 0 i0 (sub1 (length ls0))))) (let loop ((ls ls0) (i i0)) (cond ((%null? ls) '() ) ((%fx= 0 i) ls ) (else (loop (%cdr ls) (%fx- i 1)) ) ) ) ) (define-inline (%last-pair ls0) ;(assert (and (proper-list? ls0) (pair? ls0))) (do ((ls ls0 (%cdr ls))) ((%null? (%cdr ls)) ls)) ) (define-inline (%list-copy ls0) ;(assert (proper-list? ls0)) (let copy-rest ((ls ls0)) (if (%null? ls) '() (%cons (%car ls) (copy-rest (%cdr ls))) ) ) ) (define-inline (%append! . lss) ;(assert (and (proper-list? lss) (for-each (cut proper-list? <>) lss))) (let ((lss (let position-at-first-pair ((lss lss)) (cond ((%null? lss) '() ) ((%null? (%car lss)) (position-at-first-pair (%cdr lss)) ) (else lss ) ) ) ) ) (if (%null? lss) '() (let ((ls0 (%car lss))) ;(assert (pair? ls0)) (let append!-rest ((lss (%cdr lss)) (pls ls0)) (if (%null? lss) ls0 (let ((ls (%car lss))) (cond ((%null? ls) (append!-rest (%cdr lss) pls) ) (else (%set-cdr!/mutate (%last-pair pls) ls) (append!-rest (%cdr lss) ls) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) (define-inline (%delq! x ls0) ;(assert (proper-list? ls0)) (let find-elm ((ls ls0) (ppr #f)) (cond ((%null? ls) ls0 ) ((%eq? x (%car ls)) (cond (ppr (%set-cdr! ppr (%cdr ls)) ls0 ) (else (%cdr ls) ) ) ) (else (find-elm (%cdr ls) ls) ) ) ) ) (define-inline (%list-fold/1 func init ls0) ;(assert (and (proper-list? ls0) (procedure? func))) (let loop ((ls ls0) (acc init)) (if (%null? ls) acc (loop (%cdr ls) (func (%car ls) acc)) ) ) ) (define-inline (%list-map/1 func ls0) ;(assert (and (proper-list? ls0) (procedure? func))) (let loop ((ls ls0)) (if (%null? ls) '() (%cons (func (%car ls)) (loop (%cdr ls))) ) ) ) (define-inline (%list-for-each/1 proc ls0) ;(assert (and (proper-list? ls0) (procedure? proc))) (let loop ((ls ls0)) (unless (%null? ls) (proc (%car ls)) (loop (%cdr ls)) ) ) ) (define-inline (%list/1 obj) (%cons obj '())) (define-inline (%list . objs) (let loop ((objs objs)) (if (%null? objs) '() (%cons (%car objs) (loop (%cdr objs)) ) ) ) ) (define-inline (%make-list n e) (let loop ((n n) (ls '())) (if (%fxzero? n) ls (loop (%fxsub1 n) (%cons e ls)) ) ) ) (define-inline (%list-take ls0 n) (let loop ((ls ls0) (n n)) (if (%fxzero? n) '() (%cons (%car ls) (loop (%cdr ls) (%fxsub1 n))) ) ) ) (define-inline (%list-drop ls0 n) (let loop ((ls ls0) (n n)) (if (%fxzero? n) ls (loop (%cdr ls) (%fxsub1 n)) ) ) ) (define-inline (%list-any/1 pred? ls) (let loop ((ls ls)) (and (not (%null? ls)) (or (pred? (%car ls)) (loop (%cdr ls)) ) ) ) ) (define-inline (%list-every/1 pred? ls) (let loop ((ls ls) (last #t)) (if (%null? ls) last (let ((this (pred? (%car ls)))) (and this (loop (%cdr ls) this)) ) ) ) ) (define-inline (%list-length ls0) (let loop ((ls ls0) (n 0)) (if (%null? ls) n (loop (%cdr ls) (%fxadd1 n)) ) ) ) (define-inline (%list-find pred? ls) (let loop ((ls ls)) (and (not (%null? ls)) (or (let ((elm (%car ls))) (and (pred? elm) elm)) (loop (%cdr ls)) ) ) ) ) (define-inline (%alist-ref key al #!optional (test eqv?) def) (let loop ((al al)) (cond ((%null? al) def ) ((test key (%caar al)) (%cdar al) ) (else (loop (%cdr al)) ) ) ) ) (define-inline (%alist-update! key val al0 #!optional (test eqv?)) (let loop ((al al0)) (cond ((%null? al) (%cons (%cons key val) al0) ) ((test key (%caar al)) (%set-cdr! (%car al) val) al0 ) (else (loop (%cdr al)) ) ) ) ) (define-inline (%alist-delete! key al0 #!optional (test equal?)) (let loop ((al al0) (prv #f)) (cond ((%null? al) al0) ((test key (%caar al)) (if prv (begin (%set-cdr! prv (%cdr al)) al0) (%cdr al)) ) (else (loop (%cdr al) al) ) ) ) ) ;; Structure (wordblock) (define-inline (%make-structure t . s) (apply (##core#primitive "C_make_structure") t s)) (define-inline (%structure-instance? x s) (##core#inline "C_i_structurep" x s)) (define-inline (%structure-length r) (%wordblock-length r)) (define-inline (%structure-tag r) (%wordblock-ref r 0)) (define-inline (%structure-ref r i) (%wordblock-ref r i)) (define-inline (%structure-set!/mutate r i x) (%wordblock-set!/mutate r i x)) (define-inline (%structure-set!/immediate r i x) (%wordblock-set!/immediate r i x)) (define-inline (%structure-set! r i x) (%wordblock-set! r i x)) ;; Port (wordblock) ; Port layout: ; ; 0 FP (special - FILE *) ; 1 input/output (bool) ; 2 class (vector, see Port-class) ; 3 name (string) ; 4 row (fixnum) ; 5 col (fixnum) ; 6 EOF (bool) ; 7 type (symbol) ; 8 closed (bool) ; 9 data ; 10-15 reserved, port class specific (define-inline (%port-filep port) (%peek-unsigned-integer port 0)) (define-inline (%port-input-mode? port) (%wordblock-ref port 1)) (define-inline (%port-class port) (%wordblock-ref port 2)) (define-inline (%port-name port) (%wordblock-ref port 3)) (define-inline (%port-row port) (%wordblock-ref port 4)) (define-inline (%port-column port) (%wordblock-ref port 5)) (define-inline (%port-eof? port) (%wordblock-ref port 6)) (define-inline (%port-type port) (%wordblock-ref port 7)) (define-inline (%port-closed? port) (%wordblock-ref port 8)) (define-inline (%port-data port) (%wordblock-ref port 9)) (define-inline (%input-port? x) (and (%port? x) (%port-input-mode? x))) (define-inline (%output-port? x) (and (%port? x) (not (%port-input-mode? x)))) (define-inline (%port-filep-set! port fp) (%poke-integer port 0 fp)) (define-inline (%port-input-mode-set! port f) (%wordblock-set!/immediate port 1 f)) (define-inline (%port-class-set! port v) (%wordblock-set!/mutate port 2 v)) (define-inline (%port-name-set! port s) (%wordblock-set!/mutate port 3 s)) (define-inline (%port-row-set! port n) (%wordblock-set!/immediate port 4 n)) (define-inline (%port-column-set! port n) (%wordblock-set!/immediate port 5 n)) (define-inline (%port-eof-set! port f) (%wordblock-set!/immediate port 6 f)) (define-inline (%port-type-set! port s) (%wordblock-set!/mutate port 7 s)) (define-inline (%port-closed-set! port f) (%wordblock-set!/immediate port 8 f)) (define-inline (%port-data-set! port x) (%wordblock-set!/mutate port 9 x)) (define-inline (%make-port i/o class name type) ; port is 16 slots + a block-header word (let ((port (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_port" 17)))) (%port-input-mode-set! port i/o) (%port-class-set! port class) (%port-name-set! port name) (%port-row-set! port 1) (%port-column-set! port 0) (%port-type-set! port type) port ) ) ; Port-class layout ; ; 0 (read-char PORT) -> CHAR | EOF ; 1 (peek-char PORT) -> CHAR | EOF ; 2 (write-char PORT CHAR) ; 3 (write-string PORT STRING) ; 4 (close PORT) ; 5 (flush-output PORT) ; 6 (char-ready? PORT) -> BOOL ; 7 (read-string! PORT COUNT STRING START) -> COUNT' ; 8 (read-line PORT LIMIT) -> STRING | EOF (define-inline (%make-port-class rc pc wc ws cl fl cr rs rl) (let ((class (%make-vector 9 #f))) (%vector-set! class 0 rc) (%vector-set! class 1 pc) (%vector-set! class 2 wc) (%vector-set! class 3 ws) (%vector-set! class 4 cl) (%vector-set! class 5 fl) (%vector-set! class 6 cr) (%vector-set! class 7 rs) (%vector-set! class 8 rl) class ) ) (define-inline (%port-class-read-char-ref c) (%vector-ref c 0)) (define-inline (%port-class-peek-char-ref c) (%vector-ref c 1)) (define-inline (%port-class-write-char-ref c) (%vector-ref c 2)) (define-inline (%port-class-write-string-ref c) (%vector-ref c 3)) (define-inline (%port-class-close-ref c) (%vector-ref c 4)) (define-inline (%port-class-flush-output-ref c) (%vector-ref c 5)) (define-inline (%port-class-char-ready-ref c) (%vector-ref c 6)) (define-inline (%port-class-read-string-ref c) (%vector-ref c 7)) (define-inline (%port-class-read-line-ref c) (%vector-ref c 8)) (define-inline (%port-class-read-char c p) ((%port-class-read-char-ref c) p) ) (define-inline (%port-class-peek-char c p) ((%port-class-peek-char-ref c) p)) (define-inline (%port-class-write-char c p c) ((%port-class-write-char-ref c) p c)) (define-inline (%port-class-write-string c p s) ((%port-class-write-string-ref c) p s)) (define-inline (%port-class-close c p) ((%port-class-close-ref c) p)) (define-inline (%port-class-flush-output c p) ((%port-class-flush-output-ref c) p)) (define-inline (%port-class-char-ready? c p) ((%port-class-char-ready-ref c) p)) (define-inline (%port-class-read-string! c p n d s) ((%port-class-read-string-ref c) p n d s)) (define-inline (%port-class-read-line c p l) ((%port-class-read-line-ref c) p l)) (define-inline (%port-read-char p) ((%port-class-read-char-ref (%port-class p)) p) ) (define-inline (%port-peek-char p) ((%port-class-peek-char-ref (%port-class p)) p)) (define-inline (%port-write-char p c) ((%port-class-write-char-ref (%port-class p)) p c)) (define-inline (%port-write-string p s) ((%port-class-write-string-ref (%port-class p)) p s)) (define-inline (%port-close p) ((%port-class-close-ref (%port-class p)) p)) (define-inline (%port-flush-output p) ((%port-class-flush-output-ref (%port-class p)) p)) (define-inline (%port-char-ready? p) ((%port-class-char-ready-ref (%port-class p)) p)) (define-inline (%port-read-string! p n d s) ((%port-class-read-string-ref (%port-class p)) p n d s)) (define-inline (%port-read-line p l) ((%port-class-read-line-ref (%port-class p)) p l)) ;; Closure (wordblock) ;Unsafe (define-inline (%make-closure! n) (let ((v (%make-vector n))) (##core#inline "C_vector_to_closure" v) v ) ) (define-inline (%procedure? x) (%closure? x)) (define-inline (%vector->closure! v a) (##core#inline "C_vector_to_closure" v) (##core#inline "C_update_pointer" a v) ) (define-inline (%closure-length c) (%wordblock-length? c)) (define-inline (%closure-ref c i) (%wordblock-ref c i)) (define-inline (%closure-set! c i v) (%wordblock-set! c i v)) (define-inline (%closure-copy tc fc l) (do ((i 1 (%fxadd1 i))) ((%fx>= i l)) (%closure-set! tc i (%closure-ref fc i)) ) ) (define-inline (%closure-decoration c test) (let find-decor ((i (%fxsub1 (%closure-length c)))) (and (%fxpositive? i) (let ((x (%closure-ref c i))) (if (test x) x (find-decor (%fxsub1 i)) ) ) ) ) ) (define-inline (%closure-decorate! c test dcor) (let ((l (%closure-length c))) (let find-decor ((i (%fxsub l))) (cond ((%fxzero? i) (let ((nc (%make-closure (%fxadd1 l)))) (%closure-copy nc c l) (##core#inline "C_copy_pointer" c nc) (dcor nc i) ) ) (else (let ((x (%closure-ref c i))) (if (test x) (dcor c i) (find-decor (%fxsub i)) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) (define-inline (%closure-lambda-info c) (%closure-decoration c (lambda (x) (%lambda-info? x))) ) ;; Symbol (wordblock) ;Unsafe (define-inline (%symbol-binding s) (%wordblock-ref s 0)) (define-inline (%symbol-string s) (%wordblock-ref s 1)) (define-inline (%symbol-bucket s) (%wordblock-ref s 2)) (define-constant NAMESPACE-MAX-ID-LEN 31) (define-inline (%qualified-symbol? s) (let ((str (%symbol-string s))) (and (%fxpositive? (%string-size str)) (%fx<= (%byteblock-ref str 0) NAMESPACE-MAX-ID-LEN) ) ) ) ;Safe (define-inline (%string->symbol-interned s) ((##core#primitive "C_string_to_symbol") s)) (define-inline (%symbol-interned? x) (##core#inline "C_lookup_symbol" x)) (define-inline (%symbol-bound? s) (##core#inline "C_boundp" s)) ;; Keyword (wordblock) (define-inline (%keyword? x) (and (%symbol? x) (%fxzero? (%byteblock-ref (%symbol-string x) 0)))) ;; Pointer (wordblock) ; simple-pointer, tagged-pointer, swig-pointer, locative (define-inline (%generic-pointer? x) (or (%pointer? x) (%locative? x))) ; simple-pointer, tagged-pointer, swig-pointer, locative, closure, port, symbol, keyword (define-inline (%pointer-like? x) (%wordblock? x)) ; These operate on pointer-like objects (define-inline (%pointer-null? ptr) (##core#inline "C_null_pointerp" ptr)) (define-inline (%pointer-ref ptr) (%wordblock-ref ptr 0)) (define-inline (%pointer-set! ptr y) (%wordblock-set!/mutate ptr 0 y)) (define-inline (%peek-byte ptr i) (##core#inline "C_peek_byte" ptr i)) (define-inline (%pointer->address ptr) ; Pack pointer address value into Chicken words; '4' is platform dependent! (##core#inline_allocate ("C_block_address" 4) (%generic-pointer-ref ptr)) ) ;; Simple-pointer (wordblock) (define-inline (%make-simple-pointer) ((##core#primitive "C_make_pointer"))) (define-inline (%make-pointer-null) (let ((ptr (%make-simple-pointer))) (##core#inline "C_update_pointer" 0 ptr) ptr ) ) (define-inline (%address->pointer a) (let ((ptr (%make-simple-pointer))) (##core#inline "C_update_pointer" a ptr) ptr ) ) (define-inline (%make-block-pointer b) (let ((ptr (%make-simple-pointer))) (##core#inline "C_pointer_to_block" ptr b) ptr ) ) ;; Tagged-pointer (wordblock) (define-inline (%make-tagged-pointer t) ((##core#primitive "C_make_tagged_pointer") t)) ;; Swig-pointer (wordblock) ;; Locative (wordblock) (define-inline (%make-locative typ obj idx weak?) (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_make_locative" 5) typ obj idx weak?)) ; Locative layout: ; ; 0 Object-address + byte-offset (address) ; 1 Byte-offset (fixnum) ; 2 Type (fixnum) ; 0 vector or pair (C_SLOT_LOCATIVE) ; 1 string (C_CHAR_LOCATIVE) ; 2 u8vector (C_U8_LOCATIVE) ; 3 s8vector or bytevector (C_U8_LOCATIVE) ; 4 u16vector (C_U16_LOCATIVE) ; 5 s16vector (C_S16_LOCATIVE) ; 6 u32vector (C_U32_LOCATIVE) ; 7 s32vector (C_S32_LOCATIVE) ; 8 f32vector (C_F32_LOCATIVE) ; 9 f64vector (C_F64_LOCATIVE) ; 3 Object or #f, if weak (C_word) (define-inline (%locative-address lv) (%pointer->address lv)) (define-inline (%locative-offset lv) (%wordblock-ref lv 1)) (define-inline (%locative-type lv) (%wordblock-ref lv 2)) (define-inline (%locative-weak? lv) (not (%wordblock-ref lv 3))) (define-inline (%locative-object lv) (%wordblock-ref lv 3)) ;; Numbers ;Safe (define-inline (%number? x) (or (%fixnum? x) (%flonum? x))) (define-inline (%integer? x) (##core#inline "C_i_integerp" x)) (define-inline (%exact? x) (##core#inline "C_i_exactp" x)) (define-inline (%inexact? x) (##core#inline "C_i_inexactp" x)) (define-inline (%= x y) (##core#inline "C_i_eqvp" x y)) (define-inline (%< x y) (##core#inline "C_i_lessp" x y)) (define-inline (%<= x y) (##core#inline "C_i_less_or_equalp" x y)) (define-inline (%> x y) (##core#inline "C_i_greaterp" x y)) (define-inline (%>= x y) (##core#inline "C_i_greater_or_equalp" x y)) (define-inline (%zero? n) (##core#inline "C_i_zerop" n)) (define-inline (%positive? n) (##core#inline "C_i_positivep" n)) (define-inline (%negative? n) (##core#inline "C_i_negativep" n)) (define-inline (%cardinal? fx) (%<= 0 fx)) (define-inline (%odd? n) (##core#inline "C_i_oddp" n)) (define-inline (%even? n) (##core#inline "C_i_evenp" n)) (define-inline (%+ x y) ((##core#primitive "C_plus") x y)) (define-inline (%- x y) ((##core#primitive "C_minus") x y)) (define-inline (%* x y) ((##core#primitive "C_times") x y)) (define-inline (%/ x y) ((##core#primitive "C_divide") x y)) (define-inline (%add1 x) (%+ x 1)) (define-inline (%sub1 x) (%- x 1)) (define-inline (%quotient x y) ((##core#primitive "C_quotient") x y)) (define-inline (%remainder x y) (let ((quo (%quotient x y))) (%- x (%* quo y)))) (define-inline (%expt x y) ((##core#primitive "C_expt") x y)) (define-inline (%abs x) (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_abs" 4) x)) (define-inline (%acos x) (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_acos" 4) x)) (define-inline (%asin x) (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_asin" 4) x)) (define-inline (%atan x) (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_atan" 4) x)) (define-inline (%atan2 x y) (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_atan2" 4) x y)) (define-inline (%cos x) (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_cos" 4) x)) (define-inline (%exp x) (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_exp" 4) x)) (define-inline (%log x) (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_log" 4) x)) (define-inline (%sin x) (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_sin" 4) x)) (define-inline (%sqrt x) (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_sqrt" 4) x)) (define-inline (%tan x) (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_tan" 4) x)) (define-inline (%bitwise-and x y) (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_bitwise_and" 4) x y)) (define-inline (%bitwise-xor x y) (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_bitwise_xor" 4) x y)) (define-inline (%bitwise-ior x y) (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_bitwise_ior" 4) x y)) (define-inline (%bitwise-not x) (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_bitwise_not" 4) x)) (define-inline (%arithmetic-shift x d) (##core#inline_allocate ("C_a_i_arithmetic_shift" 4) x d)) (define-inline (%bit-set? n i) (##core#inline "C_i_bit_setp" n i)) (define-inline (%randomize n) (##core#inline "C_randomize" n)) ;;; Operations ;Safe (define-inline (%->boolean obj) (and obj #t)) (define-inline (%make-unique-object #!optional id) (if id (%make-vector 1 id) '#()))