;;;; srfi-19-io.scm -*- Scheme -*- ;;;; Chicken port, Kon Lovett, Dec '05 ;; SRFI-19: Time Data Types and Procedures. ;; ;; Copyright (C) I/NET, Inc. (2000, 2002, 2003). All Rights Reserved. ;; Copyright (C) Neodesic Corporation (2000). All Rights Reserved. ;; ;; This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to others, ;; and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it or assist in its ;; implementation may be prepared, copied, published and distributed, in whole or ;; in part, without restriction of any kind, provided that the above copyright ;; notice and this paragraph are included on all such copies and derivative works. ;; However, this document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by ;; removing the copyright notice or references to the Scheme Request For ;; Implementation process or editors, except as needed for the purpose of ;; developing SRFIs in which case the procedures for copyrights defined in the SRFI ;; process must be followed, or as required to translate it into languages other ;; than English. ;; ;; The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be revoked ;; by the authors or their successors or assigns. ;; ;; This document and the information contained herein is provided on an "AS IS" ;; basis and THE AUTHOR AND THE SRFI EDITORS DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR ;; IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY WARRANTY THAT THE USE OF THE ;; INFORMATION HEREIN WILL NOT INFRINGE ANY RIGHTS OR ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF ;; MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. (module srfi-19-io (;export ;;SRFI-19 date->string string->date ;;SRFI-19 extensions format-date scan-date) (import scheme) (import utf8) (import (chicken base)) (import (chicken type)) #;(import srfi-6) (import (only (srfi 1) drop)) (import (only utf8-srfi-13 string-pad)) (import (only (chicken port) with-output-to-string)) ;NOTE no substring operations so safe w/ utf8 (import (only (chicken string) reverse-string-append)) (import (only (srfi 29) localized-template/default reset-locale-parameters load-best-available-bundle! most-specific-bundle-specifier)) (import (only type-checks check-string check-output-port check-input-port)) (import (only srfi-19-support check-date check-date-by-elements)) (import srfi-19-tm) ;;; (include-relative "srfi-19-common") ;;; (define (error-bad-date-format loc obj) (error loc "bad date format" obj) ) (define *bad-date-template-message* "bad date template") (define (error-bad-date-template loc msg . args) (apply error loc (if (not msg) *bad-date-template-message* (string-append *bad-date-template-message* " - " msg)) args) ) ;;; ;; -- Locale bundle item keys (define LOCALE-NUMBER-SEPARATOR 'separator) (define LOCALE-ABRV-WEEKDAYS #(#f sun mon tue wed thu fri sat)) (define LOCALE-LONG-WEEKDAYS #(#f sunday monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday saturday)) (define LOCALE-ABRV-MONTHS #(#f jan feb mar apr may jun jul aug sep oct nov dec)) (define LOCALE-LONG-MONTHS #(#f january february march april may-long june july august september october november december)) (define LOCALE-PM 'pm) (define LOCALE-AM 'am) ;; See date->string (define LOCALE-DATE-TIME-FORMAT 'date-time) (define LOCALE-SHORT-DATE-FORMAT 'date) (define LOCALE-TIME-FORMAT 'time) ;; SRFI-29 Helper (define-inline (item@ key) (localized-template/default 'srfi-19 key)) ;;; Date & Time Formatted I/O ;; Return a string representing the decimal expansion of the fractional ;; portion of a number, limited by a specified precision (define (decimal-expansion frac prec) (let loop ((n (- frac (round frac))) (p prec) (ls '())) (if (or (zero? p) (zero? n)) (reverse-string-append ls) (let* ((n*10 (* 10 n)) (rn*10 (round n*10))) (loop (- n*10 rn*10) (- p 1) (cons (number->string (inexact->exact rn*10)) ls)) ) ) ) ) ;; Returns a string rep. of number N, of minimum LENGTH, ;; padded with character PAD-WITH. If PAD-WITH if #f, ;; no padding is done, and it's as if number->string was used. ;; if string is longer than LENGTH, it's as if number->string was used. (define (padding n pad-with length) (let* ((str (number->string n)) (len (string-length str))) (define (trailing-dotzero?) (and (<= 2 len) (char=? #\. (string-ref str (- len 2))) (char=? #\0 (string-ref str (- len 1))) ) ) (let ((str (if (not (trailing-dotzero?)) str (substring str 0 (- len 2)) ) ) ) (if (or (not pad-with) (> len length)) str (string-pad str length pad-with)) ) ) ) (define take-right-digits (let ((nth #(0 10 100 1000 100000 1000000 10000000 100000000 1000000000))) (lambda (i n) (modulo (abs i) (vector-ref nth n)) ) ) ) (define (locale-abbr-weekday n) (item@ (vector-ref LOCALE-ABRV-WEEKDAYS (+ n 1)))) (define (locale-long-weekday n) (item@ (vector-ref LOCALE-LONG-WEEKDAYS (+ n 1)))) (define (locale-abbr-month n) (item@ (vector-ref LOCALE-ABRV-MONTHS n))) (define (locale-long-month n) (item@ (vector-ref LOCALE-LONG-MONTHS n))) (define (locale-find-string str vec) (let loop ((idx (- (vector-length vec) 1))) (and (positive? idx) (or (and (string=? str (item@ (vector-ref vec idx))) idx) (loop (- idx 1))) ) ) ) (define (locale-abbr-weekday->index str) (locale-find-string str LOCALE-ABRV-WEEKDAYS)) (define (locale-long-weekday->index str) (locale-find-string str LOCALE-LONG-WEEKDAYS)) (define (locale-abbr-month->index str) (locale-find-string str LOCALE-ABRV-MONTHS)) (define (locale-long-month->index str) (locale-find-string str LOCALE-LONG-MONTHS)) ;; There is no unique way to map a timezone offset to a political timezone! (define (locale-print-time-zone date port) (when (tm:date-zone-name date) (display (tm:date-zone-name date) port)) ) ;; Again, locale specific. (define (locale-am/pm hr) (item@ (if (> hr 11) LOCALE-PM LOCALE-AM))) (define (tz-printer offset port) (if (zero? offset) (display "Z" port) (let* ( (isneg (negative? offset)) (offset (if isneg (- offset) offset)) ) (let-values ( ((hr hr-sec) (quotient&remainder offset SEC/HR)) ) (display (if isneg #\- #\+) port) (display (padding hr #\0 2) port) (display (padding (quotient hr-sec SEC/MIN) #\0 2) port) ) ) ) ) ;; A table of output formatting directives. ;; the first time is the format char. ;; the second is a procedure that takes the date, a padding character ;; (which might be #f), and the output port. (define tm:display-directives (list (cons #\~ (lambda (date pad-with port) (display #\~ port))) (cons #\a (lambda (date pad-with port) (display (locale-abbr-weekday (tm:date-week-day date)) port))) (cons #\A (lambda (date pad-with port) (display (locale-long-weekday (tm:date-week-day date)) port))) (cons #\b (lambda (date pad-with port) (display (locale-abbr-month (tm:date-month date)) port))) (cons #\B (lambda (date pad-with port) (display (locale-long-month (tm:date-month date)) port))) (cons #\c (lambda (date pad-with port) (display (date->string date (item@ LOCALE-DATE-TIME-FORMAT)) port))) (cons #\d (lambda (date pad-with port) (display (padding (tm:date-day date) #\0 2) port))) (cons #\D (lambda (date pad-with port) (display (date->string date "~m/~d/~y") port))) (cons #\e (lambda (date pad-with port) (display (padding (tm:date-day date) #\space 2) port))) (cons #\f (lambda (date pad-with port) (let ((ns (tm:date-nanosecond date)) (sec (tm:date-second date))) (if (> ns NS/S) ;This shouldn't happen! (display (padding (+ sec 1) pad-with 2) port) (display (padding sec pad-with 2) port)) ;ns must be inexact for 'decimal-expansion' (let ((f (decimal-expansion (/ (exact->inexact ns) NS/S) 6))) (when (positive? (string-length f)) (display (item@ LOCALE-NUMBER-SEPARATOR) port) (display f port)))))) (cons #\h (lambda (date pad-with port) (display (date->string date "~b") port))) (cons #\H (lambda (date pad-with port) (display (padding (tm:date-hour date) pad-with 2) port))) (cons #\I (lambda (date pad-with port) (let ((hr (tm:date-hour date))) (if (> hr 12) (display (padding (- hr 12) pad-with 2) port) (display (padding hr pad-with 2) port))))) (cons #\j (lambda (date pad-with port) (display (padding (tm:date-year-day date) pad-with 3) port))) (cons #\k (lambda (date pad-with port) (display (padding (tm:date-hour date) #\space 2) port))) (cons #\l (lambda (date pad-with port) (let ((hr (tm:date-hour date))) (display (padding (if (> hr 12) (- hr 12) hr) #\space 2) port)))) (cons #\m (lambda (date pad-with port) (display (padding (tm:date-month date) pad-with 2) port))) (cons #\M (lambda (date pad-with port) (display (padding (tm:date-minute date) pad-with 2) port))) (cons #\n (lambda (date pad-with port) (newline port))) (cons #\N (lambda (date pad-with port) (display (padding (tm:date-nanosecond date) pad-with 7) port))) (cons #\p (lambda (date pad-with port) (display (locale-am/pm (tm:date-hour date)) port))) (cons #\r (lambda (date pad-with port) (display (date->string date "~I:~M:~S ~p") port))) (cons #\s (lambda (date pad-with port) (display (tm:time-second (tm:date->time-utc date)) port))) (cons #\S (lambda (date pad-with port) (let ((sec (tm:date-second date))) (if (> (tm:date-nanosecond date) NS/S) ;This shouldn't happen! (display (padding (+ sec 1) pad-with 2) port) (display (padding sec pad-with 2) port))))) (cons #\t (lambda (date pad-with port) (display #\tab port))) (cons #\T (lambda (date pad-with port) (display (date->string date "~H:~M:~S") port))) (cons #\U (lambda (date pad-with port) (let ((wkno (tm:date-week-number date 0))) (if (positive? (tm:days-before-first-week date 0)) (display (padding (+ wkno 1) #\0 2) port) (display (padding wkno #\0 2) port))))) (cons #\V (lambda (date pad-with port) (display (padding (tm:date-week-number date 1) #\0 2) port))) (cons #\w (lambda (date pad-with port) (display (tm:date-week-day date) port))) (cons #\W (lambda (date pad-with port) (let ((wkno (tm:date-week-number date 1))) (if (positive? (tm:days-before-first-week date 1)) (display (padding (+ wkno 1) #\0 2) port) (display (padding wkno #\0 2) port))))) (cons #\x (lambda (date pad-with port) (display (date->string date (item@ LOCALE-SHORT-DATE-FORMAT)) port))) (cons #\X (lambda (date pad-with port) (display (date->string date (item@ LOCALE-TIME-FORMAT)) port))) (cons #\y (lambda (date pad-with port) (display (padding (take-right-digits (tm:date-year date) 2) pad-with 2) port))) (cons #\Y (lambda (date pad-with port) (display (tm:date-year date) port))) (cons #\z (lambda (date pad-with port) (tz-printer (tm:date-zone-offset date) port))) (cons #\Z (lambda (date pad-with port) (locale-print-time-zone date port))) (cons #\1 (lambda (date pad-with port) (display (date->string date "~Y-~m-~d") port))) (cons #\2 (lambda (date pad-with port) (display (date->string date "~H:~M:~S~z") port))) (cons #\3 (lambda (date pad-with port) (display (date->string date "~H:~M:~S") port))) (cons #\4 (lambda (date pad-with port) (display (date->string date "~Y-~m-~dT~H:~M:~S~z") port))) (cons #\5 (lambda (date pad-with port) (display (date->string date "~Y-~m-~dT~H:~M:~S") port))) ) ) (define (date-printer loc date fmt-rem len-rem port) ;Check enough format characters (define (need-fmt-len amt) (when (< len-rem amt) (error-bad-date-format loc (list->string fmt-rem)) ) ) ;Perform the conversion (define (form-it pad-with key) (define (get-formatter) (or (alist-ref key tm:display-directives) (error-bad-date-format loc (list->string fmt-rem))) ) ((get-formatter) date pad-with port) ;account for conversion character (set! fmt-rem (cdr fmt-rem)) (set! len-rem (- len-rem 1)) ) ;Conversion w/ padding override (define (form-it+ pad-with) ;the 3rd char is the conversion character (need-fmt-len 3) ;tilde+padochar+convchar (form-it pad-with (caddr fmt-rem)) ;account for padding override character ;must be done after the format (set! fmt-rem (cdr fmt-rem)) (set! len-rem (- len-rem 1)) ) ;Any formatting left to do? (when (positive? len-rem) ;Decide what to do with it (let ((1st-ch (car fmt-rem))) (cond ;Not a directive, then just display ((not (char=? 1st-ch #\~)) (display 1st-ch port) ) ;A directive so need the kind (else (need-fmt-len 2) ;tilde+convchar ;Could be a padding override (let ((2nd-ch (cadr fmt-rem))) (cond ;Override w/ no padding ((char=? 2nd-ch #\-) (form-it+ #f) ) ;Override w/ space padding ((char=? 2nd-ch #\_) (form-it+ #\space) ) ;Default 0 padding (else (form-it #\0 2nd-ch) ) ) ) ) ) ) ;Remaining formatting (date-printer loc date (cdr fmt-rem) (- len-rem 1) port) ) ) (define (format-date dest fmt . r) (let ( (port (the (or boolean output-port) #f)) (date (optional r #f)) ) (cond ((not dest) (set! port (open-output-string)) ) ((string? dest) (set! date fmt) (set! fmt dest) (set! port (open-output-string)) ) ((number? dest) (set! port (current-error-port)) ) ((port? dest) (set! port dest) ) (else (set! port (current-output-port)) ) ) (check-date 'format-date date) (check-string 'format-date fmt) (check-output-port 'format-date port) (date-printer 'format-date date (string->list fmt) (string-length fmt) port) (or (and dest (not (string? dest))) (get-output-string port)) ) ) (define (date->string date . args) (let-optionals args ((fmt "~c")) (check-date 'date->string date) (check-string 'date->string fmt) (let ((port (open-output-string))) (date-printer 'date->string date (string->list fmt) (string-length fmt) port) (get-output-string port) ) ) ) ;;; Input (define (digit->int ch) (case ch ((#\0) 0) ((#\1) 1) ((#\2) 2) ((#\3) 3) ((#\4) 4) ((#\5) 5) ((#\6) 6) ((#\7) 7) ((#\8) 8) ((#\9) 9) (else (error-bad-date-template 'date-read "not a decimal digit" ch))) ) ;; Read an integer upto n characters long on port; ;; upto -> #f if any length (define (integer-reader upto port) (define (eoi? ch nchars) (or (eof-object? ch) (not (char-numeric? ch)) (and upto (>= nchars upto))) ) (let loop ((accum 0) (nchars 0)) (if (eoi? (peek-char port) nchars) accum (loop (+ (* accum 10) (digit->int (read-char port))) (+ nchars 1))) ) ) (define (make-integer-reader upto) (lambda (port) (integer-reader upto port) ) ) ;; Read *exactly* n characters and convert to integer; could be padded (define (integer-reader-exact n port) (let ((padding-ok #t)) (let loop ((accum 0) (nchars 0)) (let ((ch (peek-char port))) (cond ((>= nchars n) accum) ((eof-object? ch) (error-bad-date-template 'string->date "premature ending to integer read" 'eof-object)) ((char-numeric? ch) (set! padding-ok #f) (loop (+ (* accum 10) (digit->int (read-char port))) (+ nchars 1))) (padding-ok (read-char port) ;consume padding (loop accum (+ nchars 1))) (else ;padding where it shouldn't be (error-bad-date-template 'string->date "non-numeric characters in integer read" ch))) ) ) ) ) (define (make-integer-exact-reader n) (lambda (port) (integer-reader-exact n port)) ) (define (zone-reader port) ;NOTE original is-pos & offset were in top let, w/ is-pos value set!, w/ ;-strict-types the compiler assumed is-pos didn't change its' value from the ;initial #t! (define (optdec off fac) (let ((ch (read-char port))) (if (eof-object? ch) off (+ off (* (digit->int ch) fac)))) ) (let ((ch (read-char port))) (when (eof-object? ch) (error-bad-date-template 'string->date "invalid time zone +/-" 'eof-object)) (if (or (char=? ch #\Z) (char=? ch #\z)) 0 (let* ( (is-pos (cond ((char=? ch #\+) #t) ((char=? ch #\-) #f) (else (error-bad-date-template 'string->date "invalid time zone +/-" ch)))) (offset (let ((ch (read-char port))) (when (eof-object? ch) (error-bad-date-template 'string->date "invalid time zone number" 'eof-object)) (* (digit->int ch) (* 10 SEC/HR)))) ;non-existing values are considered zero (offset (optdec offset SEC/HR)) (offset (optdec offset (* 10 SEC/MIN))) (offset (optdec offset SEC/MIN)) ) (if is-pos offset (- offset)))) ) ) ;; Looking at a char, read the char string, run thru indexer, return index (define (locale-reader port indexer) (letrec ( (read-char-string (lambda () (let ((ch (peek-char port))) (when (char-alphabetic? ch) (write-char (read-char port)) (read-char-string)) ) ))) (let* ((str (with-output-to-string read-char-string)) (index (indexer str))) (unless index (error-bad-date-template 'string->date "invalid string for indexer" str)) index ) ) ) (define (make-locale-reader indexer) (lambda (port) (locale-reader port indexer)) ) (define (make-char-id-reader char) (lambda (port) (let ((rch (read-char port))) (if (char=? char rch) char (error-bad-date-template 'string->date "invalid character match" rch) ) ) ) ) ;; A List of formatted read directives. ;; Each entry is a list. ;; 1. the character directive; ;; a procedure, which takes a character as input & returns ;; 2. #t as soon as a character on the input port is acceptable ;; for input, ;; 3. a port reader procedure that knows how to read the current port ;; for a value. Its one parameter is the port. ;; 4. a action procedure, that takes the value (from 3.) and some ;; object (here, always the date) and (probably) side-effects it. ;; In some cases (e.g., ~A) the action is to do nothing (define read-directives (let ((ireader4 (make-integer-reader 4)) (ireader2 (make-integer-reader 2)) (ireader7 (make-integer-reader 7)) (ireaderf (make-integer-reader #f)) (eireader2 (make-integer-exact-reader 2)) (eireader4 (make-integer-exact-reader 4)) (locale-reader-abbr-weekday (make-locale-reader locale-abbr-weekday->index)) (locale-reader-long-weekday (make-locale-reader locale-long-weekday->index)) (locale-reader-abbr-month (make-locale-reader locale-abbr-month->index)) (locale-reader-long-month (make-locale-reader locale-long-month->index)) (char-fail (lambda (ch) #t)) (do-nothing (lambda _ (void))) ) (list (list #\~ char-fail (make-char-id-reader #\~) do-nothing) (list #\a char-alphabetic? locale-reader-abbr-weekday do-nothing) (list #\A char-alphabetic? locale-reader-long-weekday do-nothing) (list #\b char-alphabetic? locale-reader-abbr-month (lambda (val dat) (tm:date-month-set! dat val))) (list #\B char-alphabetic? locale-reader-long-month (lambda (val dat) (tm:date-month-set! dat val))) (list #\d char-numeric? ireader2 (lambda (val dat) (tm:date-day-set! dat val))) (list #\e char-fail eireader2 (lambda (val dat) (tm:date-day-set! dat val))) (list #\h char-alphabetic? locale-reader-abbr-month (lambda (val dat) (tm:date-month-set! dat val))) (list #\H char-numeric? ireader2 (lambda (val dat) (tm:date-hour-set! dat val))) (list #\k char-fail eireader2 (lambda (val dat) (tm:date-hour-set! dat val))) (list #\m char-numeric? ireader2 (lambda (val dat) (tm:date-month-set! dat val))) (list #\M char-numeric? ireader2 (lambda (val dat) (tm:date-minute-set! dat val))) (list #\N char-numeric? ireader7 (lambda (val dat) (tm:date-nanosecond-set! dat val))) (list #\S char-numeric? ireader2 (lambda (val dat) (tm:date-second-set! dat val))) ;Note that the target date zone-offset value is used! (list #\y char-fail eireader2 (lambda (val dat) (tm:date-year-set! dat (tm:natural-year val (tm:date-zone-offset dat))))) (list #\Y char-numeric? ireader4 (lambda (val dat) (tm:date-year-set! dat val))) (list #\z (lambda (c) (or (char=? c #\Z) (char=? c #\z) (char=? c #\+) (char=? c #\-))) zone-reader (lambda (val dat) (tm:date-zone-offset-set! dat val))) ) ) ) (define (date-reader date fmt-rem len-rem port) (let loop ((fmt-rem fmt-rem) (len-rem len-rem)) (let ((skip-until (lambda (skipper) (let loop ((ch (peek-char port))) (if (eof-object? ch) (error-bad-date-template 'scan-date #f (list->string fmt-rem)) (unless (skipper ch) (read-char port) (loop (peek-char port)))))))) (when (positive? len-rem) (let ((cur-ch (car fmt-rem))) (cond ((not (char=? cur-ch #\~)) (let ((port-char (read-char port))) (when (or (eof-object? port-char) (not (char=? cur-ch port-char))) (error-bad-date-template 'scan-date #f (list->string fmt-rem)))) (loop (cdr fmt-rem) (- len-rem 1))) ;otherwise, it's an escape, we hope ((< len-rem 2) (error-bad-date-template 'scan-date #f (list->string fmt-rem))) (else (let* ((format-char (cadr fmt-rem)) (format-info (assoc format-char read-directives))) (unless format-info (error-bad-date-template 'scan-date #f (list->string fmt-rem))) (let ((skipper (cadr format-info)) (reader (caddr format-info)) (actor (cadddr format-info))) (skip-until skipper) (let ((val (reader port))) (if (eof-object? val) (error-bad-date-template 'scan-date #f (list->string fmt-rem)) (actor val date)))) (loop (cddr fmt-rem) (- len-rem 2))))) ) ) ) ) ) (define (scan-date src fmt) (check-string 'scan-date fmt) (let ( (inp (check-input-port 'scan-date (cond ((string? src) (open-input-string src)) ((port? src) src) (src (current-input-port))))) (newdat (tm:make-incomplete-date)) ) ; (date-reader newdat (string->list fmt) (string-length fmt) inp) ;missing (all-of) d-m-y filled in w/ current; probable time only format (when (not (or (tm:date-day newdat) (tm:date-month newdat) (tm:date-year newdat))) (let ( (curdat (tm:current-date (tm:date-timezone-info newdat))) ) (tm:date-day-set! newdat (tm:date-day curdat)) (tm:date-month-set! newdat (tm:date-month curdat)) (tm:date-year-set! newdat (tm:date-year curdat)) ) ) (unless (tm:date-complete? newdat) (error-bad-date-template 'scan-date "date read incomplete" fmt newdat) ) ;final validation (check-date-by-elements 'scan-date newdat) ) ) (define (string->date src . fmt) (scan-date src (optional fmt (item@ LOCALE-DATE-TIME-FORMAT))) ) ;;; ;;; Module Init ;;; ;; SRFI-29: Localization initialization (reset-locale-parameters) (load-best-available-bundle! (most-specific-bundle-specifier 'srfi-19)) ) ;module srfi-19-io