;;;;srfi-19-timezone.scm -*- Scheme -*- ;;Issues ;; ;; - internal -/+ meaning vs external ISO 8601 +/- meaning (module srfi-19-timezone (;export local-timezone-locale utc-timezone-locale make-timezone-locale timezone-locale-name timezone-locale-offset timezone-locale-dst? timezone-name? check-timezone-name timezone-info? error-timezone-name check-timezone-info error-timezone-info checked-optional-timezone-info) (import scheme (chicken base) (chicken type) miscmacros (only locale timezone-components? current-timezone-components timezone-offset? update-timezone-components! make-timezone-components builtin-source-name check-timezone-components timezone-component-ref unknown-timezone-name?) (only type-checks define-check+error-type) (only type-errors warning-argument-type)) ;;; (include-relative "srfi-19-common") (include-relative "srfi-19-common.types") (: local-timezone-locale (#!optional (or true timezone-components) -> timezone-components)) (: utc-timezone-locale (#!optional (or true timezone-components) -> timezone-components)) (: make-timezone-locale (timezone-name fixnum boolean -> timezone-components)) (: timezone-locale-name (#!optional timezone-components -> timezone-name)) (: timezone-locale-offset (#!optional timezone-components -> fixnum)) (: timezone-locale-dst? (#!optional timezone-components -> boolean)) (: timezone-name? (* -> boolean : timezone-name)) (: check-timezone-name (symbol * #!optional (or string symbol) -> string)) (: error-timezone-name (symbol * #!optional (or string symbol) -> void)) (: timezone-info? (* -> boolean : timezone-info)) (: check-timezone-info (symbol * #!optional (or string symbol) -> timezone-info)) (: error-timezone-info (symbol * #!optional (or string symbol) -> void)) (: checked-optional-timezone-info (symbol * -> timezone-info)) ;;;Timezone Locale Object (Public Immutable, but not enforced) (define-inline (make-utc-timezone) (update-timezone-components! (make-timezone-components "UTC0" (builtin-source-name)) 'std-name "UTC" 'std-offset 0) ) (define-inline (timezone-components-ref/dst? tzc a b) (timezone-component-ref tzc (if (timezone-component-ref tzc 'dst?) a b)) ) ;; (define-parameter local-timezone-locale #t (lambda (x) (cond ((timezone-components? x) x ) ((true? x) (current-timezone-components) ) (else (warning-argument-type 'local-timezone-locale x 'timezone-components) (local-timezone-locale) ) ) ) ) (define-parameter utc-timezone-locale #t (lambda (x) (cond ((timezone-components? x) x ) ((true? x) (make-utc-timezone) ) (else (warning-argument-type 'utc-timezone-locale x 'timezone-components) (utc-timezone-locale) ) ) ) ) ;; ;converts external ISO 8601 +/- meaning to internal -/+ meaning (define (make-timezone-locale nam off dst?) (update-timezone-components! (make-timezone-components #f "SRFI 19") (if dst? 'dst-name 'std-name) nam (if dst? 'dst-offset 'std-offset) (- off) ;ISO 8601 -> locale 'dst? dst?) ) (define (timezone-locale-name . tzc) (let* ( (tzc (check-timezone-components 'timezone-locale-name (optional tzc (local-timezone-locale)))) (tzn (timezone-components-ref/dst? tzc 'dst-name 'std-name)) ) ;TZ may not be set (and (not (unknown-timezone-name? tzn)) tzn ) ) ) ;converts internal -/+ meaning to external ISO 8601 +/- meaning (define (timezone-locale-offset . tzc) (let* ( (tzc (check-timezone-components 'timezone-locale-offset (optional tzc (local-timezone-locale)))) (tzo (timezone-components-ref/dst? tzc 'dst-offset 'std-offset)) ) ;TZ may not be set but if it is then convert to ISO 8601 (if (not tzo) 0 (- tzo)) ) ) (define (timezone-locale-dst? . tzc) (timezone-component-ref (check-timezone-components 'timezone-locale-dst? (optional tzc (local-timezone-locale))) 'dst?) ) ;; (define (timezone-name? obj) (or (not obj) (string? obj))) (define (timezone-info? obj) (or (timezone-components? obj) (timezone-offset? obj))) (define-check+error-type timezone-name) (define-check+error-type timezone-info) ;; (define (checked-optional-timezone-info loc tzi) ;NOTE compiler assumes (cond ...) -> void due to else clause so this rewrites (let ( (tzi (cond ((not tzi) (utc-timezone-locale)) ((true? tzi) (local-timezone-locale)) ((timezone-components? tzi) tzi) ((timezone-offset? tzi) tzi) (else (error-timezone-info loc tzi)))) ) tzi ) ) ) ;module srfi-19-timezone