;;;; srfi-19-literals.scm -*- Scheme -*- ;; Issues ;; ;; - cannot remove SRFI-10 ctor (module srfi-19-literals (;export date-literal-form time-literal-form read-date-literal write-date-literal read-time-literal write-time-literal) (import scheme utf8 (chicken base) (chicken type) (only (chicken condition) handle-exceptions) (only (chicken io) read-token) (only (chicken read-syntax) define-reader-ctor) (only (chicken format) format) (only (chicken irregex) irregex irregex-match irregex-match-data? irregex-match-num-submatches irregex-match-substring) (only (chicken read-syntax) define-reader-ctor set-sharp-read-syntax!) (only utf8-srfi-13 string-index string-downcase) (only srfi-19-io string->date format-date) srfi-19-tm) (cond-expand ((or chicken-5.0 chicken-5.1) (define (set-record-printer! tag proc) (##sys#register-record-printer tag proc) ) ) (else) ) (include-relative "srfi-19-common.types") (: date-literal-form (#!optional (or boolean symbol) -> (or false symbol))) (: time-literal-form (#!optional (or boolean symbol) -> (or false symbol))) (: read-date-literal (#!optional input-port -> list)) (: write-date-literal (date #!optional output-port -> (or true string))) ;; (include-relative "srfi-19-common") ;;; Date Literal Syntax (define DATE-FORMAT-BRACKET "#<~A ~S ~S ~S ~S ~S ~S ~S ~S ~S ~S>") (define DATE-FORMAT-SRFI-10 "#,(~A ~S ~S ~S ~S ~S ~S ~S ~S ~S ~S)") (define (date-record-printer-format-string) (case (date-literal-form) ((SRFI-10) DATE-FORMAT-SRFI-10 ) (else DATE-FORMAT-BRACKET ) ) ) (define (date-record-formatter dat out) (format out (date-record-printer-format-string) date (tm:date-nanosecond dat) (tm:date-second dat) (tm:date-minute dat) (tm:date-hour dat) (tm:date-day dat) (tm:date-month dat) (tm:date-year dat) (tm:date-zone-offset dat) (tm:date-zone-name dat) (tm:date-dst? dat)) ) ;portions from C4 "date-literals.scm" ;; ;; Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Arto Bendiken ;; ;; Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy ;; of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to ;; deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the ;; rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or ;; sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is ;; furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: ;; ;; The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in ;; all copies or substantial portions of the Software. ;; ;; THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR ;; IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, ;; FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE ;; AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER ;; LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING ;; FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS ;; IN THE SOFTWARE. ;NOTE literal prefix/suffix must be acceptable literal (non-format) characters ;; Constants ;all chars legal in any date-literal (define DATE-LITERAL-CHARS "0123456789TZ:+-.") (define DATE-FORMAT-ISO "~Y-~m-~dT~H:~M:~f~z") ;used for `write' (define DATE-FORMAT-ISO-LITERAL (string-append "#@" DATE-FORMAT-ISO)) ;; Internal helper procedures (define date-literal-formats (let ((+fmts+ `(,DATE-FORMAT-ISO "~Y-~m-~dT~H:~M:~f" "~Y-~m-~d" "~H:~M:~f~z" "~H:~M:~f")) ) (lambda () +fmts+) ) ) (define (parse-date-literal dat fmt) (handle-exceptions exn #f (string->date dat fmt)) ) (define (read-date-literal-string port) (read-token (cut string-index DATE-LITERAL-CHARS <>) port) ) (define (make-quoted-date dat) `(make-date ,(tm:date-nanosecond dat) ,(tm:date-second dat) ,(tm:date-minute dat) ,(tm:date-hour dat) ,(tm:date-day dat) ,(tm:date-month dat) ,(tm:date-year dat) ,(tm:date-zone-offset dat)) ) ;;;; Exported procedures (define (read-date-literal #!optional (port (current-input-port))) (let ((lit-tok (read-date-literal-string port))) ;until we got a match or error (let loop ((fmts (date-literal-formats))) (cond ((null? fmts) (error 'srfi-19 "invalid date literal" lit-tok)) ((parse-date-literal lit-tok (car fmts)) => make-quoted-date) (else (loop (cdr fmts))) ) ) ) ) (define (write-date-literal dat #!optional (port (current-output-port))) (format-date port DATE-FORMAT-ISO-LITERAL dat) ) (define (bracket-date-literals) ;default output form (set-record-printer! date date-record-formatter) ;remove other possible readers ;(define-reader-ctor date #f) (set-sharp-read-syntax! #\@ #f) ) (define (srfi-10-date-literals) ;srfi-10 output form (set-record-printer! date date-record-formatter) ;remove other possible readers ;(set-sharp-read-syntax! #\@ #f) ;srfi-10 input handler (define-reader-ctor date (lambda (ns sec min hr dy mn yr tzo tzn dstf) (tm:make-date ns sec min hr dy mn yr tzo tzn dstf #f #f #f))) ) (define (date-literals) ;human legible output form (set-record-printer! date write-date-literal) ;remove other possible readers ;(define-reader-ctor date #f) ;human legible input handler (set-sharp-read-syntax! #\@ read-date-literal) ) ;;; Time Literal Syntax ;all chars legal in any time-literal ;#; ;this is of dubious benefit (define TIME-LITERAL-CHARS "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789.+-") (define TIME-FORMAT-BRACKET "#<~A ~S ~S ~S>") (define TIME-FORMAT-SRFI-10 "#,(~A ~S ~S ~S)") ;#; ;this is of dubious benefit (define TIME-FORMAT-LITERAL "##~S~A~S.~S") ;; ;#; ;this is of dubious benefit (define (read-time-literal-string port) (read-token (cut string-index TIME-LITERAL-CHARS <>) port) ) ;#; ;this is of dubious benefit (define read-time-literal (let ((+irx+ (irregex '(: ($ (= 3 alpha)) ($ ("-+") (+ num)) #\. ($ (+ num)))))) (lambda (#!optional (port (current-input-port))) (let ((lit-tok (read-time-literal-string port))) (let ((lit-mat (irregex-match +irx+ lit-tok))) (if (and (irregex-match-data? lit-mat) (= 3 (irregex-match-num-submatches lit-mat))) `(make-time ;FIXME check time-type ',(string->symbol (string-downcase (irregex-match-substring lit-mat 1))) ;FIXME check secs sign (+) & number type integer ,(string->number (irregex-match-substring lit-mat 3)) ;FIXME check sec sign (-+) & number type integer ,(string->number (irregex-match-substring lit-mat 2))) (error 'srfi-19 "invalid time literal" lit-tok) ) ) ) ) ) ) ;#; ;this is of dubious benefit (define (write-time-literal tim #!optional (port (current-output-port))) (format port TIME-FORMAT-LITERAL (tm:time-type tim) (if (negative? (tm:time-second tim)) "-" "+") (if (negative? (tm:time-second tim)) (- (tm:time-second tim)) (tm:time-second tim)) (tm:time-nanosecond tim)) ) (define (bracket-time-literals) ;default output form (set-record-printer! time time-record-formatter) ;remove other possible readers ;(define-reader-ctor time #f) (set-sharp-read-syntax! #\# #f) ) (define (srfi-10-time-literals) ;srfi-10 output form (set-record-printer! time time-record-formatter) ;remove other possible readers ;(set-sharp-read-syntax! #\# #f) ;srfi-10 input handler (define-reader-ctor time tm:make-time) ) ;#; ;this is of dubious benefit (define (time-literals) ;human legible output form (set-record-printer! time write-time-literal) ;remove other possible readers ;(define-reader-ctor time #f) ;human legible input handler (set-sharp-read-syntax! #\# read-time-literal) ) (define (time-record-printer-format-string) (case (time-literal-form) ((srfi-10 SRFI-10) TIME-FORMAT-SRFI-10 ) (else TIME-FORMAT-BRACKET ) ) ) (define (time-record-formatter tim out) (format out (time-record-printer-format-string) time (tm:time-type tim) (tm:time-second tim) (tm:time-nanosecond tim)) ) ;; (define date-literal-form (make-parameter #t (lambda (x) (cond ((not x) (bracket-date-literals) #f ) ((or (eq? 'srfi-10 x) (eq? 'SRFI-10 x)) (srfi-10-date-literals) 'SRFI-10 ) ((or (eq? '|#@| x) (eq? #t x)) (date-literals) '|#@|) (else (warning 'date-literal-form "invalid format" x) (date-literal-form) ) ) ) ) ) (define time-literal-form (make-parameter 'SRFI-10 (lambda (x) (cond ((not x) (bracket-time-literals) #f ) ((or (eq? 'srfi-10 x) (eq? 'SRFI-10 x)) (srfi-10-time-literals) 'SRFI-10 ) ;#; ;this is of dubious benefit ((or (eq? '|##| x) (eq? #t x)) (time-literals) '|##|) (else (warning 'time-literal-form "invalid format" x) (time-literal-form) ) ) ) ) ) ) ;module srfi-19-literals