;;;; srfi-38.scm - implementation of SRFI-38 for Chicken ;; ;; This code was written by Alex Shinn in 2009 and placed in the ;; Public Domain. All warranties are disclaimed. ;; This attempts to utilize the native read/write as much as possible, ;; overriding just enough to enable shared reading and writing. (module srfi-38 (write-with-shared-structure write/ss read-with-shared-structure read/ss make-repl-support-shared-structure) (import scheme) (import (chicken base)) (import (chicken keyword)) (import (chicken port)) (define (interesting-object? x) (not (or (symbol? x) (number? x) (char? x) (boolean? x) (null? x) (port? x) (procedure? x) (eof-object? x) (eq? x (void))))) (define (extract-shared-objects x . o) (let ((seen '()) (interesting? (if (pair? o) (car o) interesting-object?))) (let find ((x x)) (cond ((assq x seen) => (lambda (cell) (set-cdr! cell (+ (cdr cell) 1)))) ((pair? x) (set! seen (cons (cons x 1) seen)) (find (car x)) (find (cdr x))) ((vector? x) (set! seen (cons (cons x 1) seen)) (do ((i 0 (+ i 1))) ((= i (vector-length x))) (find (vector-ref x i)))) ((interesting? x) (set! seen (cons (cons x 1) seen))))) (let extract ((ls seen) (res '())) (cond ((null? ls) res) ((> (cdar ls) 1) (extract (cdr ls) (cons (cons (caar ls) #f) res))) (else (extract (cdr ls) res)))))) (define (write-with-shared-structure x . o) (let* ((out (if (pair? o) (car o) (current-output-port))) (ignore-strings? (get-keyword ignore-strings: (if (pair? o) (cdr o) '()))) (shared (extract-shared-objects x (if ignore-strings? (lambda (x) (and (not (string? x)) (interesting-object? x))) interesting-object?))) (count 0)) (define (check-shared x prefix cont) (let ((cell (assq x shared))) (cond ((and cell (cdr cell)) (display prefix out) (display "#" out) (write (cdr cell) out) (display "#" out)) (else (cond (cell (display prefix out) (display "#" out) (write count out) (display "=" out) (set-cdr! cell count) (set! count (+ count 1)))) (cont x (and cell #t)))))) (cond ((null? shared) (write x out)) (else (let wr ((x x)) (check-shared x "" (lambda (x shared?) (cond ((pair? x) (display "(" out) (wr (car x)) (let lp ((ls (cdr x))) (check-shared ls " . " (lambda (ls shared?) (cond ((null? ls)) ((pair? ls) (cond (shared? (display "(" out) (wr (car ls)) (check-shared (cdr ls) " . " (lambda (ls shared?) (lp ls))) (display ")" out)) (else (display " " out) (wr (car ls)) (lp (cdr ls))))) (else (display " . " out) (wr ls)))))) (display ")" out)) ((vector? x) (display "#(" out) (let ((len (vector-length x))) (cond ((> len 0) (wr (vector-ref x 0)) (do ((i 1 (+ i 1))) ((= i len)) (display " " out) (wr (vector-ref x i)))))) (display ")" out)) (else (write x out)))))))))) (define write/ss write-with-shared-structure) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (define (skip-line in) (let ((c (read-char in))) (if (not (or (eof-object? c) (eqv? c #\newline))) (skip-line in)))) (define (skip-whitespace in) (case (peek-char in) ((#\space #\tab #\newline #\return) (read-char in) (skip-whitespace in)) ((#\;) (skip-line in) (skip-whitespace in)))) (define (skip-comment in depth) (case (read-char in) ((#\#) (skip-comment in (if (eqv? #\| (peek-char in)) (+ depth 1) depth))) ((#\|) (if (eqv? #\# (peek-char in)) (if (zero? depth) (read-char in) (skip-comment in (- depth 1))) (skip-comment in depth))) (else (if (eof-object? (peek-char in)) (error "unterminated #| comment") (skip-comment in depth))))) (define-constant delimiters '(#\( #\) #\[ #\] #\space #\tab #\newline #\return)) (define read-with-shared-structure (let ((read read)) (lambda o (let ((in (if (pair? o) (car o) (current-input-port))) (shared '())) (define (read-label res) (let ((c (peek-char in))) (if (and (not (eof-object? c)) (or (char-numeric? c) (memv (char-downcase c) '(#\a #\b #\c #\d #\e #\f)))) (read-label (cons (read-char in) res)) (list->string (reverse res))))) (define (read-number base) (let* ((str (read-label '())) (n (string->number str base)) (c (peek-char in))) (if (or (not n) (not (or (eof-object? c) (memv c delimiters)))) (error "read error: invalid number syntax" str c) n))) (define (read-name c in) (let lp ((ls (if (char? c) (list c) '()))) (let ((c (peek-char in))) (cond ((or (eof-object? c) (memv c delimiters)) (list->string (reverse ls))) (else (lp (cons (read-char in) ls))))))) (define (read-named-char c in) (let ((name (read-name c in))) (cond ((string-ci=? name "space") #\space) ((string-ci=? name "newline") #\newline) (else (error "unknown char name"))))) (define (read-one) (skip-whitespace in) (case (peek-char in) ((#\#) (read-char in) (case (char-downcase (peek-char in)) ((#\0 #\1 #\2 #\3 #\4 #\5 #\6 #\7 #\8 #\9) (let ((n (string->number (read-label '())))) (cond ((not n) (error "read error: invalid reference")) ((eqv? #\= (peek-char in)) (read-char in) (let* ((cell (list #f)) (thunk (lambda () (car cell)))) (set! shared (cons (cons n thunk) shared)) (let ((x (read-one))) (set-car! cell x) x))) ((eqv? #\# (peek-char in)) (read-char in) (cond ((assv n shared) => cdr) (else (error "read error: unknown reference" n)))) (else (error "read error: expected # or = after #n" (read-char in)))))) ((#\;) (read-char in) (read-one) ;; discard (read-one)) ((#\|) (skip-comment in 0)) ((#\() (list->vector (read-one))) ((#\') (read-char in) (list 'syntax (read-one))) ((#\`) (read-char in) (list 'quasisyntax (read-one))) ((#\!) (let ((name (read-name #f in))) (cond ((string-ci=? name "!fold-case") (case-sensitive #t)) ((string-ci=? name "!no-fold-case") (case-sensitive #f)) (else (skip-line in))))) ((#\t) (let ((s (read-name #f in))) (or (string-ci=? s "t") (string-ci=? s "true") (error "bad # syntax" s)))) ((#\f) (let ((s (read-name #f in))) (if (or (string-ci=? s "f") (string-ci=? s "false")) #f (error "bad # syntax" s)))) ((#\d) (read-char in) (read in)) ((#\x) (read-char in) (read-number 16)) ((#\o) (read-char in) (read-number 8)) ((#\b) (read-char in) (read-number 2)) ((#\i) (read-char in) (exact->inexact (read-one))) ((#\e) (read-char in) (inexact->exact (read-one))) ((#\c) (read-char in) (let ((c (read-char in))) (case c ((#\i) (parameterize ((case-sensitive #f)) (read-one))) ((#\s) (parameterize ((case-sensitive #t)) (read-one))) (else (error "unknown read syntax: #c" c))))) ((#\\) (read-char in) (read-named-char #f in)) (else ; last resort (read (make-concatenated-port (open-input-string "#") in))))) ((#\() (read-char in) (let lp ((res '())) (skip-whitespace in) (case (peek-char in) ((#\)) (read-char in) (reverse res)) ((#\.) (read-char in) (if (memv (peek-char in) '(#\space #\tab #\newline #\()) (let ((tail (read-one))) (skip-whitespace in) (if (eqv? #\) (peek-char in)) (begin (read-char in) (append (reverse res) tail)) (error "expected end of list after dot"))) (read (make-concatenated-port (open-input-string ".") in)) )) (else (lp (cons (read-one) res)))))) ((#\') (read-char in) (list 'quote (read-one))) ((#\`) (read-char in) (list 'quasiquote (read-one))) ((#\,) (read-char in) (list (if (eqv? #\@ (peek-char in)) (begin (read-char in) 'unquote-splicing) 'unquote) (read-one))) (else (read in)))) ;; body (let ((res (read-one))) (if (pair? shared) (patch res)) res))))) (define (hole? x) (procedure? x)) (define (fill-hole x) (if (hole? x) (fill-hole (x)) x)) (define (patch x) (cond ((pair? x) (if (hole? (car x)) (set-car! x (fill-hole (car x))) (patch (car x))) (if (hole? (cdr x)) (set-cdr! x (fill-hole (cdr x))) (patch (cdr x)))) ((vector? x) (do ((i (- (vector-length x) 1) (- i 1))) ((< i 0)) (let ((elt (vector-ref x i))) (if (hole? elt) (vector-set! x i (fill-hole elt)) (patch elt))))))) (define read/ss read-with-shared-structure) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (define (make-repl-support-shared-structure) ;;(set! ##sys#repl-read-hook read-with-shared-structure) (set! ##sys#repl-print-hook (lambda (x p) (write-with-shared-structure x p) (newline p))) (if #f #f)) )