;; IMPLEMENTATION DEPENDENT options (define ascii-tab (integer->char 9)) ;; NB: assumes ASCII encoding (define dont-print (void)) ;; Following three procedures are used by format ~F . ;; 'inexact-number->string' determines whether output is fixed-point ;; notation or exponential notation. In the current definition, ;; the notation depends on the implementation of 'number->string'. ;; 'exact-number->string' is expected to output only numeric characters ;; (not including such as '#', 'e', '.', '/') if the input is an positive ;; integer or zero. ;; 'real-number->string' is used when the digits of ~F is not specified. (define (inexact-number->string x) (number->string (exact->inexact x))) (define (exact-number->string x) (number->string (inexact->exact x))) (define (real-number->string x) (number->string x)) ;; FORMAT (: format (or (string #!rest * -> undefined) ((or boolean output-port) #!rest * -> undefined))) (define (format . args) (cond ((null? args) (arity-exception 'format args) ) ((string? (car args)) (apply format (cons #f args))) ((< (length args) 2) (arity-exception 'format args) ) (else (let ( (output-port (car args)) (format-string (cadr args)) (args (cddr args)) ) (letrec ( (port (cond ((output-port? output-port) output-port) ((eq? output-port #t) (current-output-port)) ((eq? output-port #f) (open-output-string)) (else (type-exception 'format "bad output-port argument" output-port)) ) ) (return-value (if (eq? output-port #f) ;; if format into a string (lambda () (get-output-string port)) ;; then return the string (lambda () dont-print)) ;; else do something harmless ) ) (define (string-index str c) (let ( (len (string-length str)) ) (let loop ( (i 0) ) (cond ((= i len) #f) ((eqv? c (string-ref str i)) i) (else (loop (+ i 1))))))) (define (string-grow str len char) (let ( (off (- len (string-length str))) ) (if (positive? off) (string-append (make-string off char) str) str))) (define (compose-with-digits digits pre-str frac-str exp-str) (let ( (frac-len (string-length frac-str)) ) (cond ((< frac-len digits) ;; grow frac part, pad with zeros (string-append pre-str "." frac-str (make-string (- digits frac-len) #\0) exp-str) ) ((= frac-len digits) ;; frac-part is exactly the right size (string-append pre-str "." frac-str exp-str) ) (else ;; must round to shrink it (let* ( (minus-flag (and (> (string-length pre-str) 0) (char=? (string-ref pre-str 0) #\-))) (pre-str* (if minus-flag (substring pre-str 1 (string-length pre-str)) pre-str)) (first-part (substring frac-str 0 digits)) (last-part (substring frac-str digits frac-len)) (temp-str (string-grow (exact-number->string (round (string->number (string-append pre-str* first-part "." last-part)))) digits #\0)) (temp-len (string-length temp-str)) (new-pre (substring temp-str 0 (- temp-len digits))) (new-frac (substring temp-str (- temp-len digits) temp-len)) ) (string-append (if minus-flag "-" "") (if (string=? new-pre "") ;; check if the system displays integer part of numbers ;; whose absolute value is 0 < x < 1. (if (and (string=? pre-str* "") (> digits 0) (not (= (string->number new-frac) 0))) "" "0") new-pre) "." new-frac exp-str))) ) ) ) (define (format-fixed number-or-string width digits) ; returns a string (cond ((string? number-or-string) (string-grow number-or-string width #\space) ) ((number? number-or-string) (let ( (real (real-part number-or-string)) (imag (imag-part number-or-string)) ) (cond ((not (zero? imag)) (string-grow (string-append (format-fixed real 0 digits) (if (negative? imag) "" "+") (format-fixed imag 0 digits) "i") width #\space) ) (digits (let* ( (num-str (inexact-number->string real)) (dot-index (string-index num-str #\.)) (exp-index (string-index num-str #\e)) (length (string-length num-str)) (pre-string (if dot-index (substring num-str 0 dot-index) (if exp-index (substring num-str 0 exp-index) num-str)) ) (exp-string (if exp-index (substring num-str exp-index length) "") ) (frac-string (if dot-index (if exp-index (substring num-str (+ dot-index 1) exp-index) (substring num-str (+ dot-index 1) length)) "") ) ) ;; check +inf.0, -inf.0, +nan.0, -nan.0 (if (string-index num-str #\n) (string-grow num-str width #\space) (string-grow (compose-with-digits digits pre-string frac-string exp-string) width #\space)) )) (else ;; no digits (string-grow (real-number->string real) width #\space))) )) (else (type-exception 'format (format "FORMAT: ~F requires a number or a string, got ~s" number-or-string) number-or-string)) )) (define documentation-string "(format [] [...]) -- is #t, #f or an output-port OPTION [MNEMONIC] DESCRIPTION -- Implementation Assumes ASCII Text Encoding ~H [Help] output this text ~A [Any] (display arg) for humans ~S [Slashified] (write arg) for parsers ~W [WriteCircular] like ~s but outputs circular and recursive data structures ~~ [tilde] output a tilde ~T [Tab] output a tab character ~% [Newline] output a newline character ~& [Freshline] output a newline character if the previous output was not a newline ~D [Decimal] the arg is a number which is output in decimal radix ~X [heXadecimal] the arg is a number which is output in hexdecimal radix ~O [Octal] the arg is a number which is output in octal radix ~B [Binary] the arg is a number which is output in binary radix ~w,dF [Fixed] the arg is a string or number which has width w and d digits after the decimal ~C [Character] charater arg is output by write-char ~_ [Space] a single space character is output ~Y [Yuppify] the list arg is pretty-printed to the output ~? [Indirection] recursive format: next 2 args are format-string and list of arguments ~K [Indirection] same as ~? " ) (define (require-an-arg args) (if (null? args) (arity-exception 'format args)) ) (define (format-help format-strg arglist) (letrec ( (length-of-format-string (string-length format-strg)) (anychar-dispatch (lambda (pos arglist last-was-newline) (if (>= pos length-of-format-string) arglist ; return unused args (let ( (char (string-ref format-strg pos)) ) (cond ((eqv? char #\~) (tilde-dispatch (+ pos 1) arglist last-was-newline)) (else (write-char char port) (anychar-dispatch (+ pos 1) arglist #f) )) )) )) ; end anychar-dispatch (has-newline? (lambda (whatever last-was-newline) (or (eqv? whatever #\newline) (and (string? whatever) (let ( (len (string-length whatever)) ) (if (zero? len) last-was-newline (eqv? #\newline (string-ref whatever (- len 1))))))) )) ; end has-newline? (tilde-dispatch (lambda (pos arglist last-was-newline) (cond ((>= pos length-of-format-string) (write-char #\~ port) ; tilde at end of string is just output arglist ; return unused args ) (else (case (char-upcase (string-ref format-strg pos)) ((#\A) ; Any -- for humans (require-an-arg arglist) (let ( (whatever (car arglist)) ) (display whatever port) (anychar-dispatch (+ pos 1) (cdr arglist) (has-newline? whatever last-was-newline)) )) ((#\S) ; Slashified -- for parsers (require-an-arg arglist) (let ( (whatever (car arglist)) ) (write whatever port) (anychar-dispatch (+ pos 1) (cdr arglist) (has-newline? whatever last-was-newline)) )) ((#\W) (require-an-arg arglist) (let ( (whatever (car arglist)) ) (write-with-shared-structure whatever port) ;; srfi-38 (anychar-dispatch (+ pos 1) (cdr arglist) (has-newline? whatever last-was-newline)) )) ((#\D) ; Decimal (require-an-arg arglist) (display (number->string (car arglist) 10) port) (anychar-dispatch (+ pos 1) (cdr arglist) #f) ) ((#\X) ; HeXadecimal (require-an-arg arglist) (display (number->string (car arglist) 16) port) (anychar-dispatch (+ pos 1) (cdr arglist) #f) ) ((#\O) ; Octal (require-an-arg arglist) (display (number->string (car arglist) 8) port) (anychar-dispatch (+ pos 1) (cdr arglist) #f) ) ((#\B) ; Binary (require-an-arg arglist) (display (number->string (car arglist) 2) port) (anychar-dispatch (+ pos 1) (cdr arglist) #f) ) ((#\C) ; Character (require-an-arg arglist) (write-char (car arglist) port) (anychar-dispatch (+ pos 1) (cdr arglist) (eqv? (car arglist) #\newline)) ) ((#\~) ; Tilde (write-char #\~ port) (anychar-dispatch (+ pos 1) arglist #f) ) ((#\%) ; Newline (newline port) (anychar-dispatch (+ pos 1) arglist #t) ) ((#\&) ; Freshline (if (not last-was-newline) ;; (unless last-was-newline .. (newline port)) (anychar-dispatch (+ pos 1) arglist #t) ) ((#\_) ; Space (write-char #\space port) (anychar-dispatch (+ pos 1) arglist #f) ) ((#\T) ; Tab -- IMPLEMENTATION DEPENDENT ENCODING (write-char ascii-tab port) (anychar-dispatch (+ pos 1) arglist #f) ) ((#\Y) ; Pretty-print (pretty-print (car arglist) port) ;; IMPLEMENTATION DEPENDENT (anychar-dispatch (+ pos 1) (cdr arglist) #f) ) ((#\F) (require-an-arg arglist) (display (format-fixed (car arglist) 0 #f) port) (anychar-dispatch (+ pos 1) (cdr arglist) #f) ) ((#\0 #\1 #\2 #\3 #\4 #\5 #\6 #\7 #\8 #\9) ;; gather "~w[,d]F" w and d digits (let loop ( (index (+ pos 1)) (w-digits (list (string-ref format-strg pos))) (d-digits '()) (in-width? #t) ) (if (>= index length-of-format-string) (format-exception (format "FORMAT: improper numeric format directive in ~s" format-strg) format-strg) (let ( (next-char (string-ref format-strg index)) ) (cond ((char-numeric? next-char) (if in-width? (loop (+ index 1) (cons next-char w-digits) d-digits in-width?) (loop (+ index 1) w-digits (cons next-char d-digits) in-width?)) ) ((char=? (char-upcase next-char) #\F) (let ( (width (string->number (list->string (reverse w-digits)))) (digits (if (zero? (length d-digits)) #f (string->number (list->string (reverse d-digits))))) ) (display (format-fixed (car arglist) width digits) port) (anychar-dispatch (+ index 1) (cdr arglist) #f)) ) ((char=? next-char #\,) (if in-width? (loop (+ index 1) w-digits d-digits #f) (format-exception (format "FORMAT: too many commas in directive ~s" format-strg) format-strg)) ) (else (format-exception (format "FORMAT: ~~w.dF directive ill-formed in ~s" format-strg) format-strg))))) )) ((#\? #\K) ; indirection -- take next arg as format string (cond ; and following arg as list of format args ((< (length arglist) 2) (apply format-exception (format "FORMAT: less arguments than specified for ~~?: ~s" arglist) arglist) ) ((not (string? (car arglist))) (format-exception "~? requires a string" (car arglist)) ) (else (format-help (car arglist) (cadr arglist)) (anychar-dispatch (+ pos 1) (cddr arglist) #f) ))) ((#\H) ; Help (display documentation-string port) (anychar-dispatch (+ pos 1) arglist #t) ) (else (format-exception "unknown tilde escape" (string-ref format-strg pos))) ))) )) ; end tilde-dispatch ) ; end letrec ; format-help main (anychar-dispatch 0 arglist #f) )) ; end format-help ; format main (let ( (unused-args (format-help format-string args)) ) (if (not (null? unused-args)) (apply format-exception "unused arguments" unused-args)) (return-value)) )) ; end letrec, if ))) ; end format