;;;; hash-table-tests.scm (import chicken.fixnum chicken.random chicken.sort srfi-69) (print "SRFI 69 procedures") (assert (eq? hash equal?-hash)) (assert (eq? hash-by-identity eq?-hash)) (assert (eq?-hash 1/2)) (assert (eq?-hash 1+1i)) (assert (eqv?-hash 1/2)) (assert (eqv?-hash 1+1i)) (assert (equal?-hash 1/2)) (assert (eqv?-hash 1+1i)) ;; Re-use variable (define ht) (print "HT - No Parameters") (set! ht (make-hash-table)) (assert (hash-table? ht)) (assert (eq? equal? (hash-table-equivalence-function ht))) (assert (eq? equal?-hash (hash-table-hash-function ht))) (assert (not (hash-table-has-initial? ht))) (print "HT - Test Parameter") (set! ht (make-hash-table eq?)) (assert (hash-table? ht)) (assert (eq? eq? (hash-table-equivalence-function ht))) (assert (eq? eq?-hash (hash-table-hash-function ht))) (assert (not (hash-table-has-initial? ht))) (print "HT - Number Test Parameter") (set! ht (make-hash-table =)) (assert (hash-table? ht)) (assert (eq? = (hash-table-equivalence-function ht))) (assert (eq? number-hash (hash-table-hash-function ht))) (assert (not (hash-table-has-initial? ht))) (print "HT - All Optional Parameters") (set! ht (make-hash-table eqv? eqv?-hash 23)) (assert (hash-table? ht)) (assert (not (hash-table-has-initial? ht))) (print "HT - All Parameters") (set! ht (make-hash-table eqv? eqv?-hash 23 #:test equal? #:hash equal?-hash #:initial 'foo #:size 500 #:min-load 0.45 #:max-load 0.85 #:weak-keys #t #:weak-values #t)) (assert (hash-table? ht)) (assert (not (hash-table-weak-keys ht))) (assert (not (hash-table-weak-values ht))) (assert (eq? equal? (hash-table-equivalence-function ht))) (assert (eq? equal?-hash (hash-table-hash-function ht))) (assert (hash-table-has-initial? ht)) (assert (eq? (hash-table-initial ht) 'foo)) (print "HT - Insert with setter") (set! (hash-table-ref ht 23.0) 'bar) (assert (eq? (hash-table-ref ht 23.0) 'bar)) (print "HT - Insert with update!") (hash-table-update! ht 'baz identity (lambda () 'foo)) (assert (eq? (hash-table-ref ht 'baz) 'foo)) (assert (= (hash-table-size ht) 2)) (print "HT - A-List") (let ([alist (hash-table->alist ht)]) (assert (list? alist)) (assert (= (length alist) 2)) (assert (eq? (alist-ref 23.0 alist) 'bar)) (assert (eq? (alist-ref 'baz alist) 'foo)) ) (print "HT - set! overwrites") (hash-table-set! ht 23.0 'foo-bar) (assert (eq? (hash-table-ref ht 23.0) 'foo-bar)) (print "HT - Delete") (assert (hash-table-delete! ht 23.0)) (assert (not (hash-table-exists? ht 23.0))) (assert (= (hash-table-size ht) 1)) (print "HT - Remove") (assert (hash-table-remove! ht (lambda (k v) (eq? k 'baz)))) (assert (not (hash-table-exists? ht 'baz))) (assert (= (hash-table-size ht) 0)) (print "HT - Make from A-List") (set! ht (alist->hash-table '(("abc" . #t) ("cbs" . #t) ("cnn" . #f)))) (assert (hash-table? ht)) (assert (= (hash-table-size ht) 3)) (print "HT - Merge!") (let ([ht2 (make-hash-table)]) (set! (hash-table-ref ht2 23.0) 'bar) (set! (hash-table-ref ht2 'baz) 'foo) (let ([ht3 (hash-table-merge! ht2 ht)]) (assert (eq? ht3 ht2)) (assert (not (eq? ht3 ht))) (let ([alist (hash-table->alist ht3)]) (assert (list? alist)) (assert (= (length alist) 5)) (assert (eq? (alist-ref "abc" alist equal?) #t)) (assert (eq? (alist-ref "cbs" alist equal?) #t)) (assert (eq? (alist-ref "cnn" alist equal?) #f)) (assert (eq? (alist-ref 23.0 alist) 'bar)) (assert (eq? (alist-ref 'baz alist) 'foo)) ) ) ) (print "HT - Merge") (let ([ht2 (make-hash-table)]) (set! (hash-table-ref ht2 23.0) 'bar) (set! (hash-table-ref ht2 'baz) 'foo) (let ([ht3 (hash-table-merge ht2 ht)]) (assert (not (eq? ht3 ht2))) (assert (not (eq? ht3 ht))) (let ([alist (hash-table->alist ht3)]) (assert (list? alist)) (assert (= (length alist) 5)) (assert (eq? (alist-ref "abc" alist equal?) #t)) (assert (eq? (alist-ref "cbs" alist equal?) #t)) (assert (eq? (alist-ref "cnn" alist equal?) #f)) (assert (eq? (alist-ref 23.0 alist) 'bar)) (assert (eq? (alist-ref 'baz alist) 'foo)) ) ) ) (print "HT - Map") (let ([alist (hash-table-map ht (lambda (k v) (cons k v)))]) (assert (list? alist)) (assert (= (length alist) 3)) ) (print "HT - Fold") (let ([alist (hash-table-fold ht (lambda (k v a) (cons (cons k v) a)) '())]) (assert (list? alist)) (assert (= (length alist) 3)) ) (print "HT - Built-in string hash function") (set! ht (make-hash-table string=?)) (hash-table-set! ht "test" 123) (hash-table-set! ht "one" 1) (assert (= 123 (hash-table-ref ht "test"))) (assert (= 1 (hash-table-ref ht "one"))) ;; Issue #818, found by Jim Ursetto (srfi-13 defines its own string-hash) (print "HT - After overwriting 'string-hash' should still work") (set! string-hash (lambda (x) (error "Wrong string-hash called"))) (set! ht (make-hash-table string=?)) (hash-table-set! ht "foo" "bar") (assert (string=? (hash-table-ref ht "foo") "bar")) (set! ht (make-hash-table equal? (lambda (object bounds) (case object ((test) 0) ((one two) 1) (else (+ bounds 1)))))) (print "HT - custom hash function") (hash-table-set! ht 'test 123) (hash-table-set! ht 'one 1) (hash-table-set! ht 'two 2) (assert (= 123 (hash-table-ref ht 'test))) (assert (= 1 (hash-table-ref ht 'one))) (assert (= 2 (hash-table-ref ht 'two))) (print "HT - out of bounds value is caught") (assert (handle-exceptions exn #t (hash-table-set! ht 'out-of-bounds 123) #f)) (print "Hash collision weaknesses") ;; If these fail, it might be bad luck caused by the randomization/modulo combo ;; So don't *immediately* dismiss a hash implementation when it fails here (assert (not (= (hash "a" 10 1) (hash "a" 10 2)))) (assert (not (= (hash (make-string 1 #\nul) 10 10) 0))) ;; Long identical suffixes should not hash to the same value (assert (not (= (hash (string-append (make-string 1000000 #\a) (make-string 1000000 #\c)) 10 1) (hash (string-append (make-string 1000000 #\b) (make-string 1000000 #\c)) 10 1)))) ;; Same for prefixes (assert (not (= (hash (string-append (make-string 1000000 #\a) (make-string 1000000 #\b)) 10 1) (hash (string-append (make-string 1000000 #\a) (make-string 1000000 #\c)) 10 1)))) ;; And palindromes, too (assert (not (= (hash (string-append (make-string 1000000 #\a) (make-string 1000000 #\b) (make-string 1000000 #\a)) 10 1) (hash (string-append (make-string 1000000 #\a) (make-string 1000000 #\c) (make-string 1000000 #\a)) 10 1)))) ;; differing number of nul bytes should not be identical (assert (not (= (hash (make-string 1 #\nul) 10 1) (hash (make-string 2 #\nul) 10 1)))) ;; ensure very long NUL strings don't cause the random value to get pushed out (assert (not (= (hash (make-string 1000000 #\nul) 10 1) (hash (make-string 1000001 #\nul) 10 1)))) ;; Stress Test (set! ht (make-hash-table)) (define-constant stress-size 100000) (print "HT - Stress Insert " stress-size " Fixnum Key Items") (time (do ([i 0 (fx+ i 1)]) [(fx= i stress-size)] (set! (hash-table-ref ht i) i) ) ) (print "HT - Stress Retrieve " stress-size " Fixnum Key Items") (time (do ([i 0 (fx+ i 1)]) [(fx= i stress-size)] (assert (fx= i (hash-table-ref ht i))) ) ) (print "HT - copy") (define l '((1 a) (2 b) (3 c))) (set! ht (alist->hash-table l)) (define ht2 (hash-table-copy ht)) (assert (= (hash-table-size ht2) (hash-table-size ht))) (print l " -- " (hash-table->alist ht2)) (assert (equal? l (sort (hash-table->alist ht2) (lambda (e1 e2) (< (car e1) (car e2)))))) ;; Ensure that lookup still works (#905, randomization value was reset) (assert (equal? '(a) (hash-table-ref ht2 1))) (print "HT - recursive depth/length") (assert (fixnum? (recursive-hash-max-depth))) (assert (positive? (recursive-hash-max-depth))) (assert (fixnum? (recursive-hash-max-length))) (assert (positive? (recursive-hash-max-length))) (let ((dd (recursive-hash-max-depth)) (tls (list (pseudo-random-integer 100000) (pseudo-random-integer 100000) (list (pseudo-random-integer 100000) (list (pseudo-random-integer 100000) (list (pseudo-random-integer 100000) (list (pseudo-random-integer 100000) (list (pseudo-random-integer 100000) (list (pseudo-random-integer 100000) (list (pseudo-random-integer 100000) (list (pseudo-random-integer 100000) (list (pseudo-random-integer 100000) (list (pseudo-random-integer 100000) (list (pseudo-random-integer 100000) (list (pseudo-random-integer 100000)))))))))))))))) (let ((hsh1 (equal?-hash tls 536870912 0))) (recursive-hash-max-depth 10) (assert (fx= 10 (recursive-hash-max-depth))) (let ((hsh2 (equal?-hash tls 536870912 0))) (recursive-hash-max-depth dd) (print hsh1 " " hsh2) (assert (not (= hsh1 hsh2))) ) ) ) (let ((dl (recursive-hash-max-length)) (tv (vector (pseudo-random-integer 100000) (pseudo-random-integer 100000) (pseudo-random-integer 100000) (pseudo-random-integer 100000) (pseudo-random-integer 100000) (pseudo-random-integer 100000) (pseudo-random-integer 100000) (pseudo-random-integer 100000) (pseudo-random-integer 100000) (pseudo-random-integer 100000) (pseudo-random-integer 100000) (pseudo-random-integer 100000)))) (let ((hsh1 (equal?-hash tv 536870912 0))) (recursive-hash-max-length 10) (assert (fx= 10 (recursive-hash-max-length))) (let ((hsh2 (equal?-hash tv 536870912 0))) (recursive-hash-max-length dl) (print hsh1 " " hsh2) (assert (not (= hsh1 hsh2))) ) ) )