;;; srfi-69.scm - Optional non-standard extensions ; ; Copyright (c) 2008-2014, The Chicken Team ; Copyright (c) 2000-2007, Felix L. Winkelmann ; All rights reserved. ; ; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following ; conditions are met: ; ; Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following ; disclaimer. ; Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following ; disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. ; Neither the name of the author nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote ; products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. ; ; THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS ; OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY ; AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS OR ; CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR ; CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR ; SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY ; THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR ; OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE ; POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. (declare (usual-integrations)) (foreign-declare "#define C_rnd_fix() (C_fix(rand()))") (define ##sys#number-hash-hook #f) ; used in the "numbers" egg (module srfi-69 (number-hash object-uid-hash symbol-hash keyword-hash eq?-hash eqv?-hash *recursive-hash-max-depth* recursive-hash-max-depth *recursive-hash-max-length* recursive-hash-max-length equal?-hash hash string-hash string-ci-hash string-hash-ci *make-hash-function ;XXX really meant to be exposed? make-hash-table hash-table? hash-table-size hash-table-equivalence-function hash-table-hash-function hash-table-min-load hash-table-max-load hash-table-weak-keys hash-table-weak-values hash-table-has-initial? hash-table-initial hash-table-resize! hash-table-copy hash-table-update! hash-table-update!/default hash-table-set! hash-table-ref hash-table-ref/default hash-table-exists? hash-table-delete! hash-table-remove! hash-table-clear! hash-table-merge! hash-table-merge hash-table->alist alist->hash-table hash-table-keys hash-table-values hash-table-fold hash-table-for-each hash-table-map hash-table-walk hash-by-identity) (import (scheme) (chicken base) (chicken fixnum) (chicken foreign) (chicken flonum) (chicken keyword) (chicken platform)) (import-for-syntax (chicken fixnum)) (register-feature! 'srfi-69) ;;; Naming Conventions: ;; %foo - inline primitive ;; %%foo - local inline (no such thing but at least it looks different) ;; $foo - local macro ;; *foo - local unchecked variant of a checked procedure ;; ##sys#foo - public, but undocumented, un-checked procedure ;; foo - public checked procedure ;; ;;; Core Inlines: (define-inline (%fix wrd) (##core#inline "C_fix" wrd) ) (define-inline (%block? obj) (##core#inline "C_blockp" obj) ) (define-inline (%immediate? obj) (not (##core#inline "C_blockp" obj)) ) (define-inline (%special? obj) (##core#inline "C_specialp" obj) ) (define-inline (%port? obj) (##core#inline "C_portp" obj) ) (define-inline (%byte-block? obj) (##core#inline "C_byteblockp" obj) ) (define-inline (%string-hash str rnd) (##core#inline "C_u_i_string_hash" str rnd) ) (define-inline (%string-ci-hash str rnd) (##core#inline "C_u_i_string_ci_hash" str rnd) ) (define-inline (%subbyte bytvec i) (##core#inline "C_subbyte" bytvec i) ) ;;; Generation of hash-values: ;; All '%foo-hash' return a fixnum, not necessarily positive. The "overflow" of ;; a, supposedly, unsigned hash value into negative is not checked during ;; intermediate computation. ;; ;; The body of '*eq?-hash' is duplicated in '*eqv?-hash' and the body of '*eqv?-hash' ;; is duplicated in '*equal?-hash' to save on procedure calls. ;; Fixed hash-values: (define-constant other-hash-value 99) (define-constant true-hash-value 256) (define-constant false-hash-value 257) (define-constant null-hash-value 258) (define-constant eof-hash-value 259) (define-constant input-port-hash-value 260) (define-constant output-port-hash-value 261) (define-constant unknown-immediate-hash-value 262) (define-constant hash-default-bound 536870912) (define hash-default-randomization (##core#inline "C_rnd_fix")) ;; Force Hash to Bounded Fixnum: (define-inline (%fxabs fxn) (if (fx< fxn 0) (fxneg fxn) fxn ) ) (define-inline (%hash/limit hsh lim) ;; use 32-bit mask to have identical hashes on 64-bit platforms (fxmod (fxand (foreign-value "C_MOST_POSITIVE_32_BIT_FIXNUM" int) (%fxabs hsh)) lim) ) ;; Number Hash: (define-constant flonum-magic 331804471) (define-syntax $flonum-hash (er-macro-transformer (lambda (form r c) (let ( (flo (cadr form)) (_%subbyte (r '%subbyte)) (_flonum-magic (r 'flonum-magic)) (_fx+ (r 'fx+)) (_fx* (r 'fx*)) (_fxshl (r 'fxshl)) ) `(,_fx* ,_flonum-magic ,(let loop ( (idx (fx- (##sys#size 1.0) 1)) ) (if (fx= 0 idx) `(,_%subbyte ,flo 0) `(,_fx+ (,_%subbyte ,flo ,idx) (,_fxshl ,(loop (fx- idx 1)) 1)) ) ) ) ) )) ) (define (##sys#number-hash-hook obj rnd) (*equal?-hash obj rnd) ) (define-inline (%non-fixnum-number-hash obj rnd) (cond [(flonum? obj) ($flonum-hash obj rnd)] [else (%fix (##sys#number-hash-hook obj rnd))] ) ) (define-inline (%number-hash obj rnd) (cond [(fixnum? obj) (fxxor obj rnd)] [else (%non-fixnum-number-hash obj rnd)] ) ) (define (number-hash obj #!optional (bound hash-default-bound) (randomization hash-default-randomization)) (unless (number? obj) (##sys#signal-hook #:type 'number-hash "invalid number" obj) ) (##sys#check-fixnum bound 'number-hash) (%hash/limit (%number-hash obj randomization) bound) ) ;; Object UID Hash: #; ;NOT YET (no weak-reference) (define-inline (%object-uid-hash obj) (%uid-hash (##sys#object->uid obj)) ) (define-inline (%object-uid-hash obj rnd) (*equal?-hash obj rnd) ) (define (object-uid-hash obj #!optional (bound hash-default-bound) (randomization hash-default-randomization)) (##sys#check-fixnum bound 'object-uid-hash) (%hash/limit (%object-uid-hash obj randomization) bound) ) ;; Symbol Hash: #; ;NOT YET (no unique-symbol-hash) (define-inline (%symbol-hash obj) (##sys#slot obj INDEX-OF-UNIQUE-HASH-VALUE-COMPUTED-DURING-SYMBOL-CREATION) ) (define-inline (%symbol-hash obj rnd) (%string-hash (##sys#slot obj 1) rnd) ) (define (symbol-hash obj #!optional (bound hash-default-bound) (randomization hash-default-randomization)) (##sys#check-symbol obj 'symbol-hash) (##sys#check-fixnum bound 'symbol-hash) (%hash/limit (%symbol-hash obj randomization) bound) ) ;; Keyword Hash: (define (##sys#check-keyword x . y) (unless (keyword? x) (##sys#signal-hook #:type-error (and (not (null? y)) (car y)) "bad argument type - not a keyword" x) ) ) #; ;NOT YET (no unique-keyword-hash) (define-inline (%keyword-hash obj) (##sys#slot obj INDEX-OF-UNIQUE-HASH-VALUE-COMPUTED-DURING-KEYWORD-CREATION) ) (define-inline (%keyword-hash obj rnd) (%string-hash (##sys#slot obj 1) rnd) ) (define (keyword-hash obj #!optional (bound hash-default-bound) (randomization hash-default-randomization)) (##sys#check-keyword obj 'keyword-hash) (##sys#check-fixnum bound 'keyword-hash) (%hash/limit (%keyword-hash obj randomization) bound) ) ;; Eq Hash: (define-inline (%eq?-hash-object? obj) (or (%immediate? obj) (symbol? obj) (keyword? obj) ) ) (define (*eq?-hash obj rnd) (cond [(fixnum? obj) (fxxor obj rnd)] [(char? obj) (fxxor (char->integer obj) rnd)] [(eq? obj #t) (fxxor true-hash-value rnd)] [(eq? obj #f) (fxxor false-hash-value rnd)] [(null? obj) (fxxor null-hash-value rnd)] [(eof-object? obj) (fxxor eof-hash-value rnd)] [(symbol? obj) (%symbol-hash obj rnd)] [(keyword? obj) (%keyword-hash obj rnd)] [(%immediate? obj) (fxxor unknown-immediate-hash-value rnd)] [else (%object-uid-hash obj rnd) ] ) ) (define (eq?-hash obj #!optional (bound hash-default-bound) (randomization hash-default-randomization)) (##sys#check-fixnum bound 'eq?-hash) (%hash/limit (*eq?-hash obj randomization) bound) ) (define hash-by-identity eq?-hash) ;; Eqv Hash: (define-inline (%eqv?-hash-object? obj) (or (%eq?-hash-object? obj) (number? obj) ) ) (define (*eqv?-hash obj rnd) (cond [(fixnum? obj) (fxxor obj rnd)] [(char? obj) (fxxor (char->integer obj) rnd)] [(eq? obj #t) (fxxor true-hash-value rnd)] [(eq? obj #f) (fxxor false-hash-value rnd)] [(null? obj) (fxxor null-hash-value rnd)] [(eof-object? obj) (fxxor eof-hash-value rnd)] [(symbol? obj) (%symbol-hash obj rnd)] [(keyword? obj) (%keyword-hash obj rnd)] [(number? obj) (%non-fixnum-number-hash obj rnd)] [(%immediate? obj) (fxxor unknown-immediate-hash-value rnd)] [else (%object-uid-hash obj rnd) ] ) ) (define (eqv?-hash obj #!optional (bound hash-default-bound) (randomization hash-default-randomization)) (##sys#check-fixnum bound 'eqv?-hash) (%hash/limit (*eqv?-hash obj randomization) bound) ) ;; Equal Hash: (define-constant default-recursive-hash-max-depth 4) (define-constant default-recursive-hash-max-length 4) (define *recursive-hash-max-depth* default-recursive-hash-max-depth) (define recursive-hash-max-depth (make-parameter default-recursive-hash-max-depth (lambda (x) (if (and (fixnum? x) (positive? x)) (begin (set! *recursive-hash-max-depth* x) x ) *recursive-hash-max-depth*)))) (define *recursive-hash-max-length* default-recursive-hash-max-length) (define recursive-hash-max-length (make-parameter default-recursive-hash-max-length (lambda (x) (if (and (fixnum? x) (positive? x)) (begin (set! *recursive-hash-max-length* x) x ) *recursive-hash-max-length*)))) ;; NOTE - These refer to identifiers available only within the body of '*equal?-hash'. (define-inline (%%pair-hash obj rnd) (fx+ (fxshl (recursive-hash (##sys#slot obj 0) (fx+ depth 1) rnd) 16) (recursive-hash (##sys#slot obj 1) (fx+ depth 1) rnd)) ) (define-inline (%%port-hash obj rnd) (fx+ (fxxor (fxshl (##sys#peek-fixnum obj 0) 4) rnd) ; Little extra "identity" (if (input-port? obj) input-port-hash-value output-port-hash-value)) ) (define-inline (%%special-vector-hash obj rnd) (vector-hash obj (##sys#peek-fixnum obj 0) depth 1 rnd) ) (define-inline (%%regular-vector-hash obj rnd) (vector-hash obj 0 depth 0 rnd) ) (define (*equal?-hash obj rnd) ; Recurse into some portion of the vector's slots (define (vector-hash obj seed depth start rnd) (let ([len (##sys#size obj)]) (let loop ([hsh (fx+ len (fxxor seed rnd))] [i start] [len (fx- (fxmax start (fxmin *recursive-hash-max-length* len)) start)] ) (if (fx= len 0) hsh (loop (fx+ hsh (fx+ (fxshl hsh 4) (recursive-hash (##sys#slot obj i) (fx+ depth 1) rnd))) (fx+ i 1) (fx- len 1) ) ) ) ) ) ; Recurse into structured objects (define (recursive-hash obj depth rnd) (cond [(fx>= depth *recursive-hash-max-depth*) (fxxor other-hash-value rnd)] [(fixnum? obj) (fxxor obj rnd)] [(char? obj) (fxxor (char->integer obj) rnd)] [(eq? obj #t) (fxxor true-hash-value rnd)] [(eq? obj #f) (fxxor false-hash-value rnd)] [(null? obj) (fxxor null-hash-value rnd)] [(eof-object? obj) (fxxor eof-hash-value rnd)] [(symbol? obj) (%symbol-hash obj rnd)] [(keyword? obj) (%keyword-hash obj rnd)] [(flonum? obj) (%non-fixnum-number-hash obj rnd)] [(%immediate? obj) (fxxor unknown-immediate-hash-value rnd)] [(%byte-block? obj) (%string-hash obj rnd)] [(pair? obj) (%%pair-hash obj rnd)] [(%port? obj) (%%port-hash obj rnd)] [(%special? obj) (%%special-vector-hash obj rnd)] [else (%%regular-vector-hash obj rnd)] ) ) ; (recursive-hash obj 0 rnd) ) (define (equal?-hash obj #!optional (bound hash-default-bound) (randomization hash-default-randomization)) (##sys#check-fixnum bound 'hash) (%hash/limit (*equal?-hash obj randomization) bound) ) (define hash equal?-hash) ;; String Hash: (define (string-hash str #!optional (bound hash-default-bound) start end (randomization hash-default-randomization)) (##sys#check-string str 'string-hash) (##sys#check-fixnum bound 'string-hash) (let ((str (if start (let ((end (or end (##sys#size str)))) (##sys#check-range start 0 (##sys#size str) 'string-hash) (##sys#check-range end 0 (##sys#size str) 'string-hash) (##sys#substring str start end)) str)) ) (%hash/limit (%string-hash str randomization) bound) ) ) (define (string-ci-hash str #!optional (bound hash-default-bound) start end (randomization hash-default-randomization)) (##sys#check-string str 'string-ci-hash) (##sys#check-fixnum bound 'string-ci-hash) (let ((str (if start (let ((end (or end (##sys#size str)))) (##sys#check-range start 0 (##sys#size str) 'string-hash) (##sys#check-range end 0 (##sys#size str) 'string-hash) (##sys#substring str start end)) str)) ) (%hash/limit (%string-ci-hash str randomization) bound) ) ) (define string-hash-ci string-ci-hash) ;;; Hash-Tables: ; Predefined sizes for the hash tables: ; ; Starts with 307; each element is the smallest prime that is at least twice in ; magnitude as the previous element in the list. ; ; The last number is an exception: it is the largest 32-bit fixnum we can represent. (define-constant hash-table-prime-lengths '(307 617 1237 2477 4957 9923 19853 39709 79423 158849 317701 635413 1270849 2541701 5083423 10166857 20333759 40667527 81335063 162670129 325340273 650680571 ; 1073741823)) (define-constant hash-table-default-length 307) (define-constant hash-table-max-length 1073741823) (define-constant hash-table-new-length-factor 2) (define-constant hash-table-default-min-load 0.5) (define-constant hash-table-default-max-load 0.8) ;; Restrict hash-table length to tabled lengths: (define (hash-table-canonical-length tab req) (let loop ([tab tab]) (let ([cur (##sys#slot tab 0)] [nxt (##sys#slot tab 1)]) (if (or (fx>= cur req) (null? nxt)) cur (loop nxt) ) ) ) ) (define *make-hash-function (let ((eq?-hash eq?-hash) (eqv?-hash eqv?-hash) (equal?-hash equal?-hash) (hash hash) (string-hash string-hash) (string-hash-ci string-hash-ci) (number-hash number-hash) (object-uid-hash object-uid-hash) (symbol-hash symbol-hash) (keyword-hash keyword-hash)) (lambda (user-function) (if (memq user-function (list eq?-hash eqv?-hash equal?-hash hash string-hash string-hash-ci number-hash object-uid-hash symbol-hash keyword-hash)) ;; Don't add unnecessary bounds checks for procedures known to be ;; well-behaved (these are not user-*created* functions) (let ((randomization (##core#inline "C_rnd_fix"))) (if (memq user-function (list string-hash string-hash-ci)) ;; String functions have differing signatures; treat them specially (lambda (object bound) (user-function object bound #f #f randomization)) (lambda (object bound) (user-function object bound randomization)))) (lambda (object bound) (let ((hash (user-function object bound))) (##sys#check-fixnum hash 'hash) (if (and (fx< hash bound) (fx>= hash 0)) hash (##sys#signal-hook #:bounds-error 'hash "Hash value out of bounds" bound hash user-function) ))))))) ;; "Raw" make-hash-table: (define *make-hash-table (let ([make-vector make-vector]) (lambda (test hash len min-load max-load weak-keys weak-values initial #!optional (vec (make-vector len '()))) (let* ((min-load-len (inexact->exact (floor (* len min-load)))) ;; Cached values to speed up hash-table-check-resize! (max-load-len (inexact->exact (floor (* len max-load)))) (ht (##sys#make-structure 'hash-table vec 0 test hash min-load max-load #f #f initial #f min-load-len max-load-len))) (##sys#setslot ht 10 (*make-hash-function hash)) ht) ) ) ) ;; SRFI-69 & SRFI-90'ish. ;; ;; Argument list is the pattern ;; ;; (make-hash-table #!optional test hash size ;; #!key test hash size initial ;; min-load max-load weak-keys weak-values) ;; ;; where a keyword argument takes precedence over the corresponding optional ;; argument. Keyword arguments MUST come after optional & required ;; arugments. ;; ;; Wish DSSSL (extended) argument list processing Did-What-I-Want (DWIW). (define make-hash-table (let ([core-eq? eq?] [core-eqv? eqv?] [core-equal? equal?] [core-string=? string=?] [core-string-ci=? string-ci=?] [core= =] (eq?-hash eq?-hash) (eqv?-hash eqv?-hash) (equal?-hash equal?-hash) (hash hash) (string-hash string-hash) (string-hash-ci string-hash-ci) (number-hash number-hash)) (lambda arguments0 (let ([arguments arguments0] [test equal?] [hash #f] [size hash-table-default-length] [initial #f] [min-load hash-table-default-min-load] [max-load hash-table-default-max-load] [weak-keys #f] [weak-values #f]) (let ([hash-for-test (lambda () (cond [(or (eq? core-eq? test) (eq? eq? test)) eq?-hash] [(or (eq? core-eqv? test) (eq? eqv? test)) eqv?-hash] [(or (eq? core-equal? test) (eq? equal? test)) equal?-hash] [(or (eq? core-string=? test) (eq? string=? test)) string-hash] [(or (eq? core-string-ci=? test) (eq? string-ci=? test)) string-hash-ci] [(or (eq? core= test) (eq? = test)) number-hash] [else #f] ) ) ] ) ; Process optional arguments (unless (null? arguments) (let ([arg (car arguments)]) (unless (keyword? arg) (##sys#check-closure arg 'make-hash-table) (set! test arg) (set! arguments (cdr arguments)) ) ) ) (unless (null? arguments) (let ([arg (car arguments)]) (unless (keyword? arg) (##sys#check-closure arg 'make-hash-table) (set! hash arg) (set! arguments (cdr arguments)) ) ) ) (unless (null? arguments) (let ([arg (car arguments)]) (unless (keyword? arg) (##sys#check-fixnum arg 'make-hash-table) (unless (fx< 0 arg) (error 'make-hash-table "invalid size" arg) ) (set! size (fxmin hash-table-max-length arg)) (set! arguments (cdr arguments)) ) ) ) ; Process keyword arguments (let loop ([args arguments]) (unless (null? args) (let ([arg (car args)]) (let ([invarg-err (lambda (msg) (error 'make-hash-table msg arg arguments0))]) (if (keyword? arg) (let* ([nxt (cdr args)] [val (if (pair? nxt) (car nxt) (invarg-err "missing keyword value"))]) (case arg [(#:test) (##sys#check-closure val 'make-hash-table) (set! test val)] [(#:hash) (##sys#check-closure val 'make-hash-table) (set! hash val)] [(#:size) (##sys#check-fixnum val 'make-hash-table) (unless (fx< 0 val) (error 'make-hash-table "invalid size" val) ) (set! size (fxmin hash-table-max-length val))] [(#:initial) (set! initial (lambda () val))] [(#:min-load) (##sys#check-inexact val 'make-hash-table) (unless (and (fp< 0.0 val) (fp< val 1.0)) (error 'make-hash-table "invalid min-load" val) ) (set! min-load val)] [(#:max-load) (##sys#check-inexact val 'make-hash-table) (unless (and (fp< 0.0 val) (fp< val 1.0)) (error 'make-hash-table "invalid max-load" val) ) (set! max-load val)] [(#:weak-keys) (set! weak-keys (and val #t))] [(#:weak-values) (set! weak-values (and val #t))] [else (invarg-err "unknown keyword")]) (loop (cdr nxt)) ) (invarg-err "missing keyword") ) ) ) ) ) ; Load must be a proper interval (when (fp< max-load min-load) (error 'make-hash-table "min-load greater than max-load" min-load max-load) ) ; Force canonical hash-table vector length (set! size (hash-table-canonical-length hash-table-prime-lengths size)) ; Decide on a hash function when not supplied (unless hash (let ([func (hash-for-test)]) (if func (set! hash func) (begin (warning 'make-hash-table "user test without user hash") (set! hash equal?-hash) ) ) ) ) ; Done (*make-hash-table test hash size min-load max-load weak-keys weak-values initial) ) ) ) ) ) ;; Hash-Table Predicate: (define (hash-table? obj) (##sys#structure? obj 'hash-table) ) ;; Hash-Table Properties: (define (hash-table-size ht) (##sys#check-structure ht 'hash-table 'hash-table-size) (##sys#slot ht 2) ) (define (hash-table-equivalence-function ht) (##sys#check-structure ht 'hash-table 'hash-table-equivalence-function) (##sys#slot ht 3) ) (define (hash-table-hash-function ht) (##sys#check-structure ht 'hash-table 'hash-table-hash-function) (##sys#slot ht 4) ) (define (hash-table-min-load ht) (##sys#check-structure ht 'hash-table 'hash-table-min-load) (##sys#slot ht 5) ) (define (hash-table-max-load ht) (##sys#check-structure ht 'hash-table 'hash-table-max-load) (##sys#slot ht 6) ) (define (hash-table-weak-keys ht) (##sys#check-structure ht 'hash-table 'hash-table-weak-keys) (##sys#slot ht 7) ) (define (hash-table-weak-values ht) (##sys#check-structure ht 'hash-table 'hash-table-weak-values) (##sys#slot ht 8) ) (define (hash-table-has-initial? ht) (##sys#check-structure ht 'hash-table 'hash-table-has-initial?) (and (##sys#slot ht 9) #t ) ) (define (hash-table-initial ht) (##sys#check-structure ht 'hash-table 'hash-table-initial) (and-let* ([thunk (##sys#slot ht 9)]) (thunk) ) ) ;; hash-table-rehash!: (define (hash-table-rehash! vec1 vec2 hash) (let ([len1 (##sys#size vec1)] [len2 (##sys#size vec2)] ) (do ([i 0 (fx+ i 1)]) [(fx>= i len1)] (let loop ([bucket (##sys#slot vec1 i)]) (unless (null? bucket) (let* ([pare (##sys#slot bucket 0)] [key (##sys#slot pare 0)] [hshidx (hash key len2)] ) (##sys#setslot vec2 hshidx (cons (cons key (##sys#slot pare 1)) (##sys#slot vec2 hshidx))) (loop (##sys#slot bucket 1)) ) ) ) ) ) ) ;; hash-table-resize!: (define (hash-table-resize! ht vec len) (let* ((deslen (fxmin hash-table-max-length (fx* len hash-table-new-length-factor))) (newlen (hash-table-canonical-length hash-table-prime-lengths deslen)) (min-load (##sys#slot ht 5)) (new-min-load-len (inexact->exact (floor (* len min-load)))) (max-load (##sys#slot ht 6)) (new-max-load-len (inexact->exact (floor (* len max-load)))) (vec2 (make-vector newlen '())) ) (hash-table-rehash! vec vec2 (##sys#slot ht 10)) (##sys#setslot ht 1 vec2) (##sys#setslot ht 11 new-min-load-len) (##sys#setslot ht 12 new-max-load-len)) ) ;; hash-table-check-resize!: (define-inline (hash-table-check-resize! ht newsiz) (let* ((vec (##sys#slot ht 1)) (min-load-len (##sys#slot ht 11)) (max-load-len (##sys#slot ht 12)) (len (##sys#size vec))) (if (and (fx< len hash-table-max-length) (fx<= min-load-len newsiz) (fx<= newsiz max-load-len)) (hash-table-resize! ht vec len) ) ) ) ;; hash-table-copy: (define *hash-table-copy (let ((make-vector make-vector)) (lambda (ht) (let* ((vec1 (##sys#slot ht 1)) (len (##sys#size vec1)) (vec2 (make-vector len '())) (ht2 (do ((i 0 (fx+ i 1))) ((fx>= i len) (*make-hash-table (##sys#slot ht 3) (##sys#slot ht 4) (##sys#slot ht 2) (##sys#slot ht 5) (##sys#slot ht 6) (##sys#slot ht 7) (##sys#slot ht 8) (##sys#slot ht 9) vec2)) (##sys#setslot vec2 i (let copy-loop ((bucket (##sys#slot vec1 i))) (if (null? bucket) '() (let ((pare (##sys#slot bucket 0))) (cons (cons (##sys#slot pare 0) (##sys#slot pare 1)) (copy-loop (##sys#slot bucket 1))))))) ))) ;; Size and randomized hashing function are reset by *make-hash-table, ;; so we copy over the ones from the original hash table. (##sys#setslot ht2 2 (##sys#slot ht 2)) (##sys#setslot ht2 10 (##sys#slot ht 10)) ht2 ) ) ) ) (define (hash-table-copy ht) (##sys#check-structure ht 'hash-table 'hash-table-copy) (*hash-table-copy ht) ) ;; hash-table-update!: ;; ;; This one was suggested by Sven Hartrumpf (and subsequently added in SRFI-69). ;; Modified for ht props min & max load. (define hash-table-update! (let ([core-eq? eq?] ) (lambda (ht key func #!optional (thunk (let ([thunk (##sys#slot ht 9)]) (or thunk (lambda () (##sys#signal-hook #:access-error 'hash-table-update! "hash-table does not contain key" key ht)))))) (##sys#check-structure ht 'hash-table 'hash-table-update!) (##sys#check-closure func 'hash-table-update!) (##sys#check-closure thunk 'hash-table-update!) (let ([newsiz (fx+ (##sys#slot ht 2) 1)] ) (hash-table-check-resize! ht newsiz) (let ([hash (##sys#slot ht 10)] [test (##sys#slot ht 3)] [vec (##sys#slot ht 1)]) (let* ([len (##sys#size vec)] [hshidx (hash key len)] [bucket0 (##sys#slot vec hshidx)] ) (if (eq? core-eq? test) ; Fast path (eq? is rewritten by the compiler): (let loop ([bucket bucket0]) (if (null? bucket) (let ([val (func (thunk))]) (##sys#setslot vec hshidx (cons (cons key val) bucket0)) (##sys#setislot ht 2 newsiz) val ) (let ([pare (##sys#slot bucket 0)]) (if (eq? key (##sys#slot pare 0)) (let ([val (func (##sys#slot pare 1))]) (##sys#setslot pare 1 val) val) (loop (##sys#slot bucket 1)) ) ) ) ) ; Slow path (let loop ([bucket bucket0]) (if (null? bucket) (let ([val (func (thunk))]) (##sys#setslot vec hshidx (cons (cons key val) bucket0)) (##sys#setislot ht 2 newsiz) val ) (let ([pare (##sys#slot bucket 0)]) (if (test key (##sys#slot pare 0)) (let ([val (func (##sys#slot pare 1))]) (##sys#setslot pare 1 val) val ) (loop (##sys#slot bucket 1)) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) (define *hash-table-update!/default (let ([core-eq? eq?] ) (lambda (ht key func def) (let ([newsiz (fx+ (##sys#slot ht 2) 1)] ) (hash-table-check-resize! ht newsiz) (let ([hash (##sys#slot ht 10)] [test (##sys#slot ht 3)] [vec (##sys#slot ht 1)]) (let* ([len (##sys#size vec)] [hshidx (hash key len)] [bucket0 (##sys#slot vec hshidx)] ) (if (eq? core-eq? test) ; Fast path (eq? is rewritten by the compiler): (let loop ([bucket bucket0]) (if (null? bucket) (let ([val (func def)]) (##sys#setslot vec hshidx (cons (cons key val) bucket0)) (##sys#setislot ht 2 newsiz) val ) (let ([pare (##sys#slot bucket 0)]) (if (eq? key (##sys#slot pare 0)) (let ([val (func (##sys#slot pare 1))]) (##sys#setslot pare 1 val) val) (loop (##sys#slot bucket 1)) ) ) ) ) ; Slow path (let loop ([bucket bucket0]) (if (null? bucket) (let ([val (func def)]) (##sys#setslot vec hshidx (cons (cons key val) bucket0)) (##sys#setislot ht 2 newsiz) val ) (let ([pare (##sys#slot bucket 0)]) (if (test key (##sys#slot pare 0)) (let ([val (func (##sys#slot pare 1))]) (##sys#setslot pare 1 val) val ) (loop (##sys#slot bucket 1)) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) (define (hash-table-update!/default ht key func def) (##sys#check-structure ht 'hash-table 'hash-table-update!/default) (##sys#check-closure func 'hash-table-update!/default) (*hash-table-update!/default ht key func def) ) (define hash-table-set! (let ([core-eq? eq?] ) (lambda (ht key val) (##sys#check-structure ht 'hash-table 'hash-table-set!) (let ([newsiz (fx+ (##sys#slot ht 2) 1)] ) (hash-table-check-resize! ht newsiz) (let ([hash (##sys#slot ht 10)] [test (##sys#slot ht 3)] [vec (##sys#slot ht 1)]) (let* ([len (##sys#size vec)] [hshidx (hash key len)] [bucket0 (##sys#slot vec hshidx)] ) (if (eq? core-eq? test) ; Fast path (eq? is rewritten by the compiler): (let loop ([bucket bucket0]) (if (null? bucket) (begin (##sys#setslot vec hshidx (cons (cons key val) bucket0)) (##sys#setislot ht 2 newsiz) ) (let ([pare (##sys#slot bucket 0)]) (if (eq? key (##sys#slot pare 0)) (##sys#setslot pare 1 val) (loop (##sys#slot bucket 1)) ) ) ) ) ; Slow path (let loop ([bucket bucket0]) (if (null? bucket) (begin (##sys#setslot vec hshidx (cons (cons key val) bucket0)) (##sys#setislot ht 2 newsiz) ) (let ([pare (##sys#slot bucket 0)]) (if (test key (##sys#slot pare 0)) (##sys#setslot pare 1 val) (loop (##sys#slot bucket 1)) ) ) ) ) ) (void) ) ) ) ) ) ) ;; Hash-Table Reference: (define hash-table-ref (getter-with-setter (let ([core-eq? eq?]) (lambda (ht key #!optional (def (lambda () (##sys#signal-hook #:access-error 'hash-table-ref "hash-table does not contain key" key ht)))) (##sys#check-structure ht 'hash-table 'hash-table-ref) (##sys#check-closure def 'hash-table-ref) (let ([vec (##sys#slot ht 1)] [test (##sys#slot ht 3)]) (let* ([hash (##sys#slot ht 10)] [hshidx (hash key (##sys#size vec))] ) (if (eq? core-eq? test) ; Fast path (eq? is rewritten by the compiler): (let loop ([bucket (##sys#slot vec hshidx)]) (if (null? bucket) (def) (let ([pare (##sys#slot bucket 0)]) (if (eq? key (##sys#slot pare 0)) (##sys#slot pare 1) (loop (##sys#slot bucket 1)) ) ) ) ) ; Slow path (let loop ([bucket (##sys#slot vec hshidx)]) (if (null? bucket) (def) (let ([pare (##sys#slot bucket 0)]) (if (test key (##sys#slot pare 0)) (##sys#slot pare 1) (loop (##sys#slot bucket 1)) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) hash-table-set! "(hash-table-ref ht key . def)") ) (define hash-table-ref/default (let ([core-eq? eq?]) (lambda (ht key def) (##sys#check-structure ht 'hash-table 'hash-table-ref/default) (let ([vec (##sys#slot ht 1)] [test (##sys#slot ht 3)]) (let* ([hash (##sys#slot ht 10)] [hshidx (hash key (##sys#size vec))] ) (if (eq? core-eq? test) ; Fast path (eq? is rewritten by the compiler): (let loop ([bucket (##sys#slot vec hshidx)]) (if (null? bucket) def (let ([pare (##sys#slot bucket 0)]) (if (eq? key (##sys#slot pare 0)) (##sys#slot pare 1) (loop (##sys#slot bucket 1)) ) ) ) ) ; Slow path (let loop ([bucket (##sys#slot vec hshidx)]) (if (null? bucket) def (let ([pare (##sys#slot bucket 0)]) (if (test key (##sys#slot pare 0)) (##sys#slot pare 1) (loop (##sys#slot bucket 1)) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) (define hash-table-exists? (let ([core-eq? eq?]) (lambda (ht key) (##sys#check-structure ht 'hash-table 'hash-table-exists?) (let ([vec (##sys#slot ht 1)] [test (##sys#slot ht 3)]) (let* ([hash (##sys#slot ht 10)] [hshidx (hash key (##sys#size vec))] ) (if (eq? core-eq? test) ; Fast path (eq? is rewritten by the compiler): (let loop ([bucket (##sys#slot vec hshidx)]) (and (not (null? bucket)) (let ([pare (##sys#slot bucket 0)]) (or (eq? key (##sys#slot pare 0)) (loop (##sys#slot bucket 1)) ) ) ) ) ; Slow path (let loop ([bucket (##sys#slot vec hshidx)]) (and (not (null? bucket)) (let ([pare (##sys#slot bucket 0)]) (or (test key (##sys#slot pare 0)) (loop (##sys#slot bucket 1)) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ;; hash-table-delete!: (define hash-table-delete! (let ([core-eq? eq?]) (lambda (ht key) (##sys#check-structure ht 'hash-table 'hash-table-delete!) (let* ([vec (##sys#slot ht 1)] [len (##sys#size vec)] [hash (##sys#slot ht 10)] [hshidx (hash key len)] ) (let ([test (##sys#slot ht 3)] [newsiz (fx- (##sys#slot ht 2) 1)] [bucket0 (##sys#slot vec hshidx)] ) (if (eq? core-eq? test) ; Fast path (eq? is rewritten by the compiler): (let loop ([prev #f] [bucket bucket0]) (and (not (null? bucket)) (let ([pare (##sys#slot bucket 0)] [nxt (##sys#slot bucket 1)]) (if (eq? key (##sys#slot pare 0)) (begin (if prev (##sys#setslot prev 1 nxt) (##sys#setslot vec hshidx nxt) ) (##sys#setislot ht 2 newsiz) #t ) (loop bucket nxt) ) ) ) ) ; Slow path (let loop ([prev #f] [bucket bucket0]) (and (not (null? bucket)) (let ([pare (##sys#slot bucket 0)] [nxt (##sys#slot bucket 1)]) (if (test key (##sys#slot pare 0)) (begin (if prev (##sys#setslot prev 1 nxt) (##sys#setslot vec hshidx nxt) ) (##sys#setislot ht 2 newsiz) #t ) (loop bucket nxt) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ;; hash-table-remove!: (define (hash-table-remove! ht func) (##sys#check-structure ht 'hash-table 'hash-table-remove!) (##sys#check-closure func 'hash-table-remove!) (let* ([vec (##sys#slot ht 1)] [len (##sys#size vec)] ) (let ([siz (##sys#slot ht 2)]) (do ([i 0 (fx+ i 1)]) [(fx>= i len) (##sys#setislot ht 2 siz)] (let loop ([prev #f] [bucket (##sys#slot vec i)]) (and (not (null? bucket)) (let ([pare (##sys#slot bucket 0)] [nxt (##sys#slot bucket 1)]) (if (func (##sys#slot pare 0) (##sys#slot pare 1)) (begin (if prev (##sys#setslot prev 1 nxt) (##sys#setslot vec i nxt) ) (set! siz (fx- siz 1)) #t ) (loop bucket nxt ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ;; hash-table-clear!: (define (hash-table-clear! ht) (##sys#check-structure ht 'hash-table 'hash-table-clear!) (vector-fill! (##sys#slot ht 1) '()) (##sys#setislot ht 2 0) ) ;; Hash Table Merge: (define (*hash-table-merge! ht1 ht2) (let* ([vec (##sys#slot ht2 1)] [len (##sys#size vec)] ) (do ([i 0 (fx+ i 1)]) [(fx>= i len) ht1] (do ([lst (##sys#slot vec i) (##sys#slot lst 1)]) [(null? lst)] (let ([b (##sys#slot lst 0)]) (*hash-table-update!/default ht1 (##sys#slot b 0) (lambda (x) x) (##sys#slot b 1)) ) ) ) ) ) (define (hash-table-merge! ht1 ht2) (##sys#check-structure ht1 'hash-table 'hash-table-merge!) (##sys#check-structure ht2 'hash-table 'hash-table-merge!) (*hash-table-merge! ht1 ht2) ) (define (hash-table-merge ht1 ht2) (##sys#check-structure ht1 'hash-table 'hash-table-merge) (##sys#check-structure ht2 'hash-table 'hash-table-merge) (*hash-table-merge! (*hash-table-copy ht1) ht2) ) ;; Hash-Table <-> Association-List: (define (hash-table->alist ht) (##sys#check-structure ht 'hash-table 'hash-table->alist) (let* ([vec (##sys#slot ht 1)] [len (##sys#size vec)] ) (let loop ([i 0] [lst '()]) (if (fx>= i len) lst (let loop2 ([bucket (##sys#slot vec i)] [lst lst]) (if (null? bucket) (loop (fx+ i 1) lst) (loop2 (##sys#slot bucket 1) (let ([x (##sys#slot bucket 0)]) (cons (cons (##sys#slot x 0) (##sys#slot x 1)) lst) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) (define alist->hash-table (lambda (alist . rest) (##sys#check-list alist 'alist->hash-table) (let ([ht (apply make-hash-table rest)]) (for-each (lambda (x) (##sys#check-pair x 'alist->hash-table) (*hash-table-update!/default ht (##sys#slot x 0) (lambda (x) x) (##sys#slot x 1)) ) alist) ht ) ) ) ;; Hash-Table Keys & Values: (define (hash-table-keys ht) (##sys#check-structure ht 'hash-table 'hash-table-keys) (let* ([vec (##sys#slot ht 1)] [len (##sys#size vec)] ) (let loop ([i 0] [lst '()]) (if (fx>= i len) lst (let loop2 ([bucket (##sys#slot vec i)] [lst lst]) (if (null? bucket) (loop (fx+ i 1) lst) (loop2 (##sys#slot bucket 1) (let ([x (##sys#slot bucket 0)]) (cons (##sys#slot x 0) lst) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) (define (hash-table-values ht) (##sys#check-structure ht 'hash-table 'hash-table-values) (let* ([vec (##sys#slot ht 1)] [len (##sys#size vec)] ) (let loop ([i 0] [lst '()]) (if (fx>= i len) lst (let loop2 ([bucket (##sys#slot vec i)] [lst lst]) (if (null? bucket) (loop (fx+ i 1) lst) (loop2 (##sys#slot bucket 1) (let ([x (##sys#slot bucket 0)]) (cons (##sys#slot x 1) lst) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ;; Mapping Over Hash-Table Keys & Values: ;; ;; hash-table-for-each: ;; hash-table-walk: ;; hash-table-fold: ;; hash-table-map: (define (*hash-table-for-each ht proc) (let* ([vec (##sys#slot ht 1)] [len (##sys#size vec)] ) (do ([i 0 (fx+ i 1)] ) [(fx>= i len)] (##sys#for-each (lambda (bucket) (proc (##sys#slot bucket 0) (##sys#slot bucket 1)) ) (##sys#slot vec i)) ) ) ) (define (*hash-table-fold ht func init) (let* ([vec (##sys#slot ht 1)] [len (##sys#size vec)] ) (let loop ([i 0] [acc init]) (if (fx>= i len) acc (let fold2 ([bucket (##sys#slot vec i)] [acc acc]) (if (null? bucket) (loop (fx+ i 1) acc) (let ([pare (##sys#slot bucket 0)]) (fold2 (##sys#slot bucket 1) (func (##sys#slot pare 0) (##sys#slot pare 1) acc) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) (define (hash-table-fold ht func init) (##sys#check-structure ht 'hash-table 'hash-table-fold) (##sys#check-closure func 'hash-table-fold) (*hash-table-fold ht func init) ) (define (hash-table-for-each ht proc) (##sys#check-structure ht 'hash-table 'hash-table-for-each) (##sys#check-closure proc 'hash-table-for-each) (*hash-table-for-each ht proc) ) (define (hash-table-walk ht proc) (##sys#check-structure ht 'hash-table 'hash-table-walk) (##sys#check-closure proc 'hash-table-walk) (*hash-table-for-each ht proc) ) (define (hash-table-map ht func) (##sys#check-structure ht 'hash-table 'hash-table-map) (##sys#check-closure func 'hash-table-map) (*hash-table-fold ht (lambda (k v a) (cons (func k v) a)) '()) ) ;;; printing (##sys#register-record-printer 'hash-table (lambda (ht port) (##sys#print "#" #f port) ) ) )