;; ;; ;; Routines for parsing and printing tabular text data such as comma- ;; and delimiter-separated values, as well as fixed-width column ;; data. ;; ;; Based in part on RFC 4180, "Common Format and MIME Type for ;; Comma-Separated Values (CSV) Files", and on the Haskell Text.CSV ;; module by Jaap Weel. ;; ;; Differences with the RFC: ;; ;; 1) the RFC prescribes CRLF standard network line breaks, but many ;; CSV files have platform-dependent line endings, so this library ;; accepts a user-configurable sequence of CRs and LFs as a line ;; break. ;; ;; 2) The format of header lines is exactly like a regular record ;; and the presence of a header can only be determined from the mime ;; type. This library treats all lines as regular records, but ;; allows the column names to be read from the first row via the ;; column-names-header option. ;; ;; 3) The formal grammar specifies that fields can contain only ;; certain US ASCII characters, but the specification of the MIME ;; type allows for other character sets. This library allows all ;; characters in fields, except for the field delimiter character, ;; CRs and LFs in unquoted fields. This should make it possible to ;; parse CSV files in any encoding, but it allows for characters ;; such as tabs that the RFC may be interpreted to forbid even in ;; non-US-ASCII character sets. ;; ;; 4) The delimiter character is specified by the user and can be ;; a character other than comma, or an SRFI-14 character set. ;; ;; 5) The optional argument comment-char specifies that all lines ;; that start with the given character should be dropped. ;; ;; Copyright 2019 Ivan Raikov ;; ;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or ;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ;; published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of ;; the License, or (at your option) any later version. ;; ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;; General Public License for more details. ;; ;; A full copy of the GPL license can be found at ;; . (module tabular (reader reader* writer record fwrecord) (import scheme (chicken base) (chicken format) (chicken string) (chicken io) matchable srfi-1 srfi-127 (only utf8-srfi-13 string-concatenate string-take string-null?) (only utf8-srfi-14 char-set-contains? ucs-range->char-set string->char-set char-set? char-set char-set-union char-set-complement char-set-difference char-set:full char-set:ascii) (only regex regexp regexp-escape string-search string-substitute* string-split-fields) ) (define (string-generator str) (let ( (max+1 (string-length str)) (sindex (make-parameter 0)) ) (lambda () (let ((i (sindex))) (cond ((< i max+1) (sindex (+ 1 i)) (string-ref str i) ) (else (eof-object)) )) )) ) (define (string->lseq str) (let* ((gen (string-generator str)) (value (gen))) (if (eof-object? value) '() (cons value gen)))) (define (port->lseq port) (let* ((gen (lambda () (read-char port))) (value (gen))) (if (eof-object? value) '() (cons value gen)))) (define (lseq-prefix lseq lst) (let loop ((lst lst) (ls lseq) (ax '())) (cond ((null? lst) (list ax ls)) ((null? ls) #f) (else (if (char=? (car lst) (lseq-first ls)) (loop (cdr lst) (lseq-rest ls) (cons (lseq-first ls) ax)))) ))) (define (lseq-prefix-or-empty lseq lst) (or (and (null? lseq) `(() ,lseq)) (let loop ((lst lst) (ls lseq) (ax '())) (cond ((null? lst) (list ax ls)) ((null? ls) #f) (else (if (char=? (car lst) (lseq-first ls)) (loop (cdr lst) (lseq-rest ls) (cons (lseq-first ls) ax)))) )) )) (define (fold1 proc lst) (if (null? lst) #f (let ((seed (car lst))) (fold proc seed (cdr lst))))) (define (many pred?) (lambda (s) (let loop ((lst (list)) (rst s)) (cond ((null? rst) `(,(reverse lst) ,rst)) ((pred? (lseq-first rst)) (loop (cons (lseq-first rst) lst) (lseq-rest rst))) (else `(,(reverse lst) ,rst)))))) (define (until-prefix prefix) (let ((prefix-n (length prefix))) (lambda (s) (let loop ((lst (list)) (rst s)) (cond ((null? rst) `(,(reverse lst) ,rst)) ((lseq-prefix rst prefix) `(,(reverse lst) ,(lseq-take rst prefix-n))) (else (loop (cons (lseq-first rst) lst) (lseq-rest rst)))) )) )) (define (one pred?) (lambda (s) (cond ((null? s) #f) ((pred? (lseq-first s)) `(,(lseq-first s) ,(lseq-rest s))) (else #f) ))) (define (one-cs cs) (one (lambda (c) (char-set-contains? cs c)))) (define (many-cs cs) (many (lambda (c) (char-set-contains? cs c)))) (define (alternatives f g) (lambda (s) (or (f s) (g s)))) (define (repetition f) (lambda (s) (let loop ((res '()) (rst s)) (match (f rst) ((a rst) (loop (cons a res) rst)) (else `(,(reverse res) ,rst))) )) ) (define (fixed-width width s) (assert (>= width 0)) (let loop ((n width) (ax '()) (ss s)) (if (or (null? ss) (= n 0)) `(,(list->string (reverse ax)) ,ss) (loop (- n 1) (cons (lseq-first ss) ax) (lseq-rest ss)) )) ) (define (non-escaped delim) (let ((cs (char-set-complement (char-set-union (if (char? delim) (char-set delim) delim) (string->char-set "\n\r\"")) ))) (lambda (s) (match ((many-cs cs) s) ((a rst) `(,(list->string a) ,rst)) (else #f))) )) (define (escaped-dquote s) (match s ((#\" . _) (let ((rst (lseq-rest s))) (and (char=? (lseq-first rst) #\") `(#\" ,(lseq-rest rst))))) (else #f))) (define textdata-cs (char-set-union (char-set-difference char-set:full char-set:ascii) (char-set-union (ucs-range->char-set #x20 #x22) (ucs-range->char-set #x23 #x2D) (ucs-range->char-set #x2D #x7F)))) (define (escaped delim) (let* ((cs (char-set-union (if (char? delim) (char-set delim) delim) (char-set #\newline #\return) textdata-cs)) (es (repetition (alternatives escaped-dquote (one-cs cs))))) (lambda (s) (match s ((#\" . _) (match (es (lseq-rest s)) ((a (and rst (#\" . _))) `(,(list->string a) ,(lseq-rest rst))) (else #f))) (else #f)) )) ) (define (field delim) (alternatives (escaped delim) (non-escaped delim) )) (define (record delim na) (let ((delim-set (if (char? delim) (char-set delim) delim)) (pfield (field delim))) (lambda (ls) (let loop ((ls ls) (fields '())) (match (pfield ls) ((a rst) (let ((va (or (and (string-null? a) na) a))) (match rst ((c . _) (if (char-set-contains? delim-set c) (loop (lseq-rest rst) (cons va fields)) `(,(reverse (cons va fields)) ,rst))) (else `(,(reverse (cons va fields)) ,rst)))) ) (else `(,(reverse fields) ,ls)) )) )) ) (define (fwrecord column-widths na) (lambda (ls) (let loop ((ls ls) (widths column-widths) (fields '())) (if (null? widths) `(,(reverse fields) ,ls) (match (fixed-width (car widths) ls) ((a rst) (let ((va (or (and (string-null? a) na) a))) (match rst ((c . _) (loop rst (cdr widths) (cons va fields))) (else `(,(reverse (cons va fields)) ,rst))) )) (else `(,(reverse fields) ,ls)) )) )) ) (define (check-delimiter d comment-char) (if (not (or (char? d) (char-set? d))) (error 'check-delimiter "delimiter is not a character or a character set")) (cond ((char? d) (case d ((#\newline #\return #\") (error 'parser "delimiter character is one of newline, carriage return or quotation mark")))) ((char-set? d) (if (or (char-set-contains? d #\newline) (char-set-contains? d #\return) (char-set-contains? d #\")) (error 'check-delimiter "delimiter character set includes newline, carriage return or quotation mark")))) (if (and (char? comment-char) (equal? d comment-char)) (error 'check-delimiter "delimiter character cannot be the same as comment character")) ) (define *eof-object* (read (open-input-string ""))) (define (eof-object) *eof-object*) ;; TODO: ;; 5) fixed width columns (define (reader input #!key (delimiter #\,) (eol "\n") (comment-char #f) (na #f) (column-names #f) (column-widths #f) (return-names #f) ) (if (and delimiter column-widths) (error 'reader "both delimiter and column-widths are provided; only one or the other must be specified")) (if (not (or delimiter column-widths)) (error 'reader "neither delimiter and column-widths are provided; one or the other must be specified")) (if (and column-widths column-names) (assert (= (length column-widths) (length column-names)))) (if delimiter (check-delimiter delimiter comment-char)) (let* ((precord (if delimiter (record delimiter na) (fwrecord column-widths na))) (eoll (if (string? eol) (string->list eol) eol)) (next-line (until-prefix eoll)) (ls (cond ((port? input) (port->lseq input)) ((string? input) (string->lseq input)) (else (error 'reader "unknown input type"))))) (match-let (((headers ls) (match column-names ('header (match-let (((rec rst) (precord ls))) (let ((rst (match (lseq-prefix-or-empty rst eoll) ((prefix rst1) rst1) (else (error 'reader "unable to parse record" rst))))) `(,rec ,rst)))) ((and (? list?) lst) `(,column-names ,ls)) (else `(#f ,ls))))) (let* ( (pf (lambda (ls) (if (null? ls) (eof-object) (match-let (((rec rst) (precord ls))) (let ((rst (match (lseq-prefix-or-empty rst eoll) ((prefix rst1) rst1) (else (error 'reader "unable to parse record" rst))))) `(,rec ,rst)) )) )) (pfc (if (char? comment-char) (lambda (ls) (if (null? ls) (eof-object) (let loop ((ls ls)) (if (char=? (lseq-first ls) comment-char) (loop (cadr (next-line ls))) (pf ls)) )) ) pf)) (pfch (if (and return-names headers) (compose (lambda (rec.rst) (if (eof-object? rec.rst) (eof-object) `(,(zip headers (car rec.rst)) ,(cadr rec.rst)))) pfc) pfc)) ) (values pfch ls) )) )) (define (reader* input #!key (delimiter #\,) (eol "\n") (comment-char #f) (na #f) (column-names #f) (column-widths #f) (return-names #f)) (if (and delimiter column-widths) (error 'reader "both delimiter and column-widths are provided; only one or the other must be specified")) (if (not (or delimiter column-widths)) (error 'reader "neither delimiter and column-widths are provided; one or the other must be specified")) (if (and column-widths column-names) (assert (= (length column-widths) (length column-names)))) (if delimiter (check-delimiter delimiter comment-char)) (let* ((precord (if delimiter (record delimiter na) (fwrecord column-widths na))) (eoll (if (string? eol) (string->list eol) eol)) (next-line (until-prefix eoll)) (ls (make-parameter (cond ((port? input) (port->lseq input)) ((string? input) (string->lseq input)) (else (error 'reader* "unknown input type")))))) (let ((headers (match column-names ('header (match-let (((rec rst) (precord (ls)))) (let ((rst (match (lseq-prefix-or-empty rst eoll) ((prefix rst1) rst1) (else (error 'reader* "unable to parse record" (ls) rst))))) (ls rst) rec))) ((and (? list?) lst) lst) (else #f)))) (let* ( (pf (lambda () (if (null? (ls)) (eof-object) (match-let (((rec rst) (precord (ls)))) (let ((rst (match (lseq-prefix-or-empty rst eoll) ((prefix rst1) rst1) (else (error 'reader* "unable to parse record" (ls) rst))))) (ls rst) rec))))) (pfc (if (char? comment-char) (lambda () (if (null? (ls)) (eof-object) (let loop ((ls1 (ls))) (if (char=? (lseq-first ls1) comment-char) (loop (cadr (next-line ls1))) (begin (ls ls1) (pf))) ))) pf)) (pfch (if (and return-names headers) (compose (lambda (rec) (if (eof-object? rec) (eof-object) (zip headers rec))) pfc) pfc)) ) pfch )) )) (define rx-newline (regexp "[^\r\n]+")) (define (normalise-newlines s endline) (string-concatenate (intersperse (string-split-fields rx-newline s) endline))) (define rx-quote (regexp "\"")) (define (normalise-quotes s) (string-substitute* s `((,rx-quote . "\"\"")))) (define (writer output #!key (delimiter #\,) (column-widths #f) (endline "\n") ) (if (and delimiter column-widths) (error 'writer "both delimiter and column-widths are provided; only one or the other must be specified")) (if (not (or delimiter column-widths)) (error 'writer "neither delimiter and column-widths are provided; one or the other must be specified")) (if delimiter (check-delimiter delimiter #f)) (let* ( (special-strs (map (compose regexp-escape ->string) (if delimiter (list delimiter #\" #\newline #\return) (list #\" #\newline #\return)))) (rx-special (regexp (string-concatenate (intersperse special-strs "|")))) (format-field (lambda (str) (if (string-search rx-special str) (string-append "\"" (normalise-newlines (normalise-quotes str) endline) "\"") str))) (format-fields (if column-widths (lambda (ls) (map (lambda (fld wd) (string-take (format-field fld) wd)) ls column-widths )) (lambda (ls) (map format-field ls)))) (format-record (if delimiter (lambda (ls) (and (pair? ls) (string-concatenate (append (intersperse (format-fields ls) (list->string (list delimiter))) (list endline))) )) (lambda (ls) (and (pair? ls) (string-concatenate (append (format-fields ls) (list endline))) )) )) (port (cond ((port? output) output) ((string? output) (open-output-file output)) (else (error 'writer "unknown output type")))) ) (lambda records (for-each (lambda (record) (display (format-record record) port)) records)) )) )