(import scheme) (import (chicken base)) (import (chicken file)) (import (chicken pathname)) (import (chicken string)) (import (prefix taglib taglib:)) (import (srfi 1)) (import test) (define test-files '("null.flac" "null.mp3" "null.ogg")) (define audio-properties '(length bitrate samplerate channels)) (define tag-properties '(title artist album comment genre year track)) (define tag-values '("Tests" "Tester" "Testing" "Tested" "Other" 1970 1 "Tester")) (define raw-tag-properties '("TITLE" "ARTIST" "ALBUM" "COMMENT" "GENRE" "DATE" "TRACKNUMBER" "ALBUMARTIST")) (define raw-tag-values '(("Tests") ("Tester") ("Testing") ("Tested") ("Other") ("1970") ("1") ("Tester"))) (define (call-with-test-file src thunk) (let ((dest (pathname-replace-file src "tmp"))) (copy-file src dest #t) (thunk dest) (delete-file* dest))) (define (call-with-test-files thunk) (for-each (lambda (src) (call-with-test-file src thunk)) test-files)) (test-group "Sanity check" (call-with-test-files (lambda (path) (let ((file (taglib:file-open path))) (test-assert file) (test-assert (taglib:file-valid? file)) (taglib:file-free! file) (test #f (taglib:file-valid? file)))))) (test-group "Getting audio properties" (call-with-test-files (lambda (path) (let* ((file (taglib:file-open path)) (props (taglib:audio-properties file))) (for-each (lambda (prop) (test-assert (taglib:audio-property file prop)) (test-assert (and (assoc prop props) (alist-ref prop props)))) audio-properties) (test-error (taglib:audio-property file 'bogus)) (test #f (assoc 'bogus props)))))) (test-group "Getting empty tag properties" (call-with-test-files (lambda (path) (let* ((file (taglib:file-open path)) (props (taglib:tag-properties file))) (for-each (lambda (prop) (test #f (taglib:tag-property file prop)) (test-assert (and (assoc prop props) (not (alist-ref prop props))))) tag-properties))))) (test-group "Writing and discarding tag properties" (call-with-test-files (lambda (path) (let ((file (taglib:file-open path))) (for-each (lambda (prop value) (set! (taglib:tag-property file prop) value) (test value (taglib:tag-property file prop))) tag-properties tag-values)) (let ((file (taglib:file-open path))) (for-each (lambda (prop) (test #f (taglib:tag-property file prop))) tag-properties))))) (test-group "Writing and saving tag properties" (call-with-test-files (lambda (path) (let ((file (taglib:file-open path))) (for-each (lambda (prop value) (set! (taglib:tag-property file prop) value) (test value (taglib:tag-property file prop))) tag-properties tag-values) (taglib:file-save! file)) (let ((file (taglib:file-open path))) (for-each (lambda (prop value) (test value (taglib:tag-property file prop))) tag-properties tag-values))))) (test-group "Writing and clearing tag properties" (call-with-test-files (lambda (path) (let ((file (taglib:file-open path))) (for-each (lambda (prop value) (set! (taglib:tag-property file prop) value)) tag-properties tag-values) (taglib:file-save! file)) (let ((file (taglib:file-open path))) (for-each (lambda (prop value) (test value (taglib:tag-property file prop)) (set! (taglib:tag-property file prop) #f) (test #f (taglib:tag-property file prop))) tag-properties tag-values))))) (test-group "Getting empty raw tag properties" (call-with-test-files (lambda (path) (let* ((file (taglib:file-open path)) (props (taglib:raw-tag-properties file))) (for-each (lambda (prop) (test '() (taglib:raw-tag-property file prop)) (test #f (alist-ref prop props)) (test #f (taglib:raw-tag-property-exists? file prop))) raw-tag-properties))))) (test-group "Writing and discarding raw tag properties" (call-with-test-files (lambda (path) (let ((file (taglib:file-open path))) (for-each (lambda (prop value) (set! (taglib:raw-tag-property file prop) value) (test value (taglib:raw-tag-property file prop))) raw-tag-properties raw-tag-values)) (let ((file (taglib:file-open path))) (for-each (lambda (prop) (test '() (taglib:raw-tag-property file prop))) raw-tag-properties))))) (test-group "Writing and saving raw tag properties" (call-with-test-files (lambda (path) (let ((file (taglib:file-open path))) (for-each (lambda (prop value) (set! (taglib:raw-tag-property file prop) value) (test value (taglib:raw-tag-property file prop))) raw-tag-properties raw-tag-values) (taglib:file-save! file)) (let ((file (taglib:file-open path))) (for-each (lambda (prop value) (test value (taglib:raw-tag-property file prop))) raw-tag-properties raw-tag-values))))) (test-group "Writing and clearing raw tag properties" (call-with-test-files (lambda (path) (let ((file (taglib:file-open path))) (for-each (lambda (prop value) (set! (taglib:raw-tag-property file prop) value)) raw-tag-properties raw-tag-values) (taglib:file-save! file)) (let ((file (taglib:file-open path))) (for-each (lambda (prop value) (test value (taglib:raw-tag-property file prop)) (taglib:raw-tag-property-clear! file prop) (test '() (taglib:raw-tag-property file prop))) raw-tag-properties raw-tag-values))))) (test-group "Writing raw tag properties in bulk" (call-with-test-files (lambda (path) (let ((file (taglib:file-open path)) (properties (map cons raw-tag-properties raw-tag-values))) (set! (taglib:raw-tag-properties file) properties) (test-assert (lset= equal? properties (taglib:raw-tag-properties file))))))) (test-exit)