# web-colors Parse and write HTML/CSS color strings in CHICKEN Scheme. - **Version:** 1.0.0 (2019-12-31) - **Project:** https://gitlab.com/jcroisant/chicken-web-colors - **Issues:** https://gitlab.com/jcroisant/chicken-web-colors/issues - **License:** [BSD](LICENSE-BSD.txt) - **Docs:** https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/web-colors - **Maintainer:** John Croisant (john (at) croisant (dot) net) ## Synopsis This library can parse and write colors in a variety of [formats used in HTML/CSS](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/color_value): - Hex colors in `#RGB`, `#RGBA`, `#RRGGBB`, and `#RRGGBBAA` formats - `rgb()` and `rgba()` colors - `hsl()` and `hsla()` colors - Named colors, a.k.a. color keywords This library does not provide color math or color space conversion. It is intended to be used with other libraries. ## Installation and usage Installation: `chicken-install web-colors` Usage: ```scheme (import web-colors) (parse-web-color "#B64926") ; → (rgb 182 73 38 1) (web-color->string '(rgb 182 73 38 1)) ; → "#b64926" (parse-web-color "rgb(93 152 121 / 51%)") ; → (rgb 93 152 121 51/100) (web-color->string '(rgb 93 152 121 51/100)) ; → "rgba(93, 152, 121, 0.51)" (parse-web-color "hsl(210 51% 87% / 77%)") ; → (hsl 210 51/100 87/100 77/100) (web-color->string '(hsl 210 51/100 87/100 77/100)) ; → "hsla(210, 51%, 87%, 0.77)" (parse-web-color "indigo") ; → (rgb 75 0 130 1) (web-color->string '(rgb 75 0 130 1)) ; → "#4b0082" (web-color-name '(rgb 75 0 130 1)) ; → "indigo" ``` See the [docs](https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/web-colors) for more examples and information. ## Code of Conduct Please be aware that all project participants are expected to abide by the [Code of Conduct](CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md). We are committed to making participation in this project a welcoming and harassment-free experience.