(import scheme (chicken base) (chicken format) (chicken port) yasos (prefix yasos-stacks stack.) (prefix yasos-queues queue.) yasos-points yasos-collections test) ;;;----------------------- ;; person interface ;;------------------------ (define-predicate person?) (define-operation (name obj)) (define-operation (age obj)) (define-operation (set-age! obj new-age)) (define-operation (ssn obj password)) ;; Social Security # is protected (define-operation (new-password obj old-passwd new-passwd)) (define-operation (bad-password obj bogus-passwd) ;; assume internal (design) error (error (format #f "Bad Password: ~s given to ~a~%" bogus-passwd (show obj)))) ;;---------------------------------- ;; person implementation ;;---------------------------------- (define (make-person a-name an-age a-ssn the-password) (operations () ((person? self) #t) ((show self . optional-arg) (if (null? optional-arg) (show self #t) (format (car optional-arg) "#~%" (name self) (age self)))) ((name self) a-name) ((age self) an-age) ((ssn self password) (if (equal? password the-password) a-ssn (bad-password self password))) ((new-password self old-passwd new-passwd) (cond ((equal? old-passwd the-password) (set! the-password new-passwd) self) (else (bad-password self old-passwd)))) ((bad-password self bogus-passwd) (format #t "Bad password: ~s~%" bogus-passwd)) ;; let user recover ((set-age! self val) (set! an-age val) an-age) )) ;;;--------------------------------------------------------------- ;; account-history and bank-account interfaces ;;---------------------------------------------------------------- (define-predicate bank-account?) (define-predicate account-history?) (define-operation (current-balance obj pin)) (define-operation (add obj amount)) (define-operation (withdraw obj amount pin)) (define-operation (get-pin obj master-password)) (define-operation (get-account-history obj master-password)) ;;---------------------------------------------- ;; account-history implementation ;;---------------------------------------------- ;; put access to bank database and report generation here (define (make-account-history initial-balance a-pin master-password) ;; history is a simple list of balances -- no transaction times (letrec ((history (list initial-balance)) (balance (lambda () (car history))) ; balance is a function (remember (lambda (datum) (set! history (cons datum history))))) (operations () ((account-history? self) #t) ((add self amount) ;; bank will accept money without a password (remember (+ amount (balance))) ;; print new balance (format #t "New balance: $~a~%" (balance))) ((withdraw self amount pin) (cond ((not (equal? pin a-pin)) (bad-password self pin)) ((< (- (balance) amount) 0) (format #t "No overdraft~% Can't withdraw more than you have: $~a~%" (balance))) (else (remember (- (balance) amount)) (format #t "New balance: $~a~%" (balance))))) ((current-balance self password) (if (or (eq? password master-password) (equal? password a-pin)) (format #t "Your Balance is $~a~%" (balance)) (bad-password self password))) ;; only bank has access to account history ((get-account-history self password) (if (eq? password master-password) history (bad-password self password)))))) ;;;------------------------------------------ ;; bank-account implementation ;;------------------------------------------- (define (make-account a-name an-age a-ssn a-pin initial-balance master-password) (operations ( (customer (make-person a-name an-age a-ssn a-pin)) (account (make-account-history initial-balance a-pin master-password)) ) ((bank-account? self) #t) ((show self . optional-arg) (if (null? optional-arg) (show self #t) (format (car optional-arg) "#~%" (name self)))) ((get-pin self password) (if (eq? password master-password) a-pin (bad-password self password))) ((get-account-history self password) ((operate-as account get-account-history) self password)) ;(operate-as account get-account-history self password)) ;; our bank is very conservative... ((bad-password self bogus-passwd) (format #t "~%CALL THE POLICE!!~%")) ;; protect the customer as well ((ssn self password) ((operate-as customer ssn) self password)) ;(operate-as customer ssn self password)) )) ;;; eof yasos-examples.scm (define fred (make-person "Fred" 19 "573-19-4279" 'FadeCafe)) (define sally (make-account "Sally" 26 "629-26-9742" 'FeedBabe 263 'bank-password)) (test-group "accounts" (test-assert (person? fred)) (test-assert (person? sally)) (test-assert (bank-account? sally)) (test-assert (not (bank-account? fred))) (test-assert (string=? (with-output-to-string (lambda () (show fred))) "#\n")) (test-assert (string=? (ssn fred 'FadeCafe) "573-19-4279")) (test-assert (string=? (with-output-to-string (lambda () (show sally))) "#\n")) (test-assert (string=? (with-output-to-string (lambda () (ssn sally 'bogus))) "\nCALL THE POLICE!!\n")) (test-assert (string=? (ssn sally 'FeedBabe) "629-26-9742")) (test-assert (string=? (with-output-to-string (lambda() (current-balance sally 'FeedBabe))) "Your Balance is $263\n")) (test-assert (string=? (begin (add sally 200) (add sally 300) (withdraw sally 400 'FeedBabe) (with-output-to-string (lambda() (current-balance sally 'FeedBabe)))) "Your Balance is $363\n")) (test-assert (equal? (get-account-history sally 'bank-password) '(363 763 463 263))) (test-assert (string=? (with-output-to-string (lambda () (withdraw sally 150 (get-pin sally 'bank-password)))) "New balance: $213\n")) (test-assert (equal? (get-account-history sally 'bank-password) '(213 363 763 463 263))) (test-assert (string=? (with-output-to-string (lambda () (ssn fred 'bogus))) "Bad password: bogus\n")) (test-assert (equal? (protocol sally) '(bank-account? show get-pin get-account-history bad-password ssn (person? show name age ssn new-password bad-password set-age!) (account-history? add withdraw current-balance get-account-history)))) (test-assert (equal? (protocol sally 'ssn) '(ssn self password))) ) (define eps 0.0001) (define cart (make-point-cartesian -1 0)) (define pol (make-point-polar 1 (acos -1))) (test-group "points" (test-assert (< (distance cart pol) eps)) (test-assert (= (rho cart) 1)) (scale! pol 5) (test-assert (< (abs (- (x pol) -5)) eps)) (translate! cart 1 1) (test-assert (= (x cart) 0)) (test-assert (= (y cart) 1)) (rotate! pol 3.14159) (test-assert (< (distance pol (make-point-cartesian 5 0)) eps)) (test-assert (= (size pol) 2)) ) (define st (stack.make-stack)) (define rst (stack.make-ra-stack)) (test-group "stacks" (test-assert (stack.stack? st)) (test-assert (not (stack.ra-stack? st))) (test-assert (stack.empty? st)) (stack.push! st 0) (stack.push! st 1) (stack.push! st 2) (test-assert (= (stack.size st) 3)) (test-assert (not (stack.empty? st))) (test-assert (= (stack.top st) 2)) (stack.pop! st) (test-assert (= (stack.top st) 1)) (stack.pop! st) (test-assert (= (stack.size st) 1)) (stack.clear! st) (test-assert (stack.empty? st)) (test-assert (stack.ra-stack? rst)) (test-assert (stack.stack? rst)) (stack.push! rst 0) (stack.push! rst 1) (stack.push! rst 2) (test-assert (= (stack.down rst 1) 1)) (test-assert (= (stack.top rst) 2)) (stack.pop! rst) (test-assert (= (stack.top rst) 1)) (test-assert (= (stack.down rst 1) 0)) (test-assert (equal? (protocol rst) '(ra-stack? show down (stack? empty? size show state top push! pop! clear!)))) (test-assert (equal? (protocol rst 'down) '(down self k))) ) (define qu (queue.make-queue)) (test-group "queues" (test-assert (queue.queue? qu)) (test-assert (not (queue.queue? #f))) (test-assert (queue.empty? qu)) (queue.enq! qu 0) (queue.enq! qu 1) (queue.enq! qu 2) (test-assert (= (queue.size qu) 3)) (test-assert (not (queue.empty? qu))) (test-assert (= (queue.front qu) 0)) (queue.deq! qu) (test-assert (= (queue.front qu) 1)) (queue.deq! qu) (test-assert (= (queue.size qu) 1)) (queue.clear! qu) (queue.empty? qu) (test-assert (equal? (protocol qu) '(queue? empty? size show state front enq! deq! clear!))) ) ;; sample collection -- simple-table .. also a table (define-predicate table?) (define-operation (lookup table key failure-object)) (define-operation (associate! table key value)) ;; returns key (define-operation (remove! table key)) ;; returns value (define (make-simple-table) (let ( (table (list)) ) (object ;; table behaviors ((table? self) #t) ((size self) (size table)) ((print self port) (format port "#")) ((lookup self key failure-object) (cond ((assq key table) => cdr) (else failure-object) )) ((associate! self key value) (cond ((assq key table) => (lambda (bucket) (set-cdr! bucket value) key)) (else (set! table (cons (cons key value) table)) key) )) ((remove! self key) ;; returns old value (cond ((null? table) (error "table:remove! key not found: " key)) ((eq? key (caar table)) (let ( (value (cdar table)) ) (set! table (cdr table)) value) ) (else (let loop ( (last table) (this (cdr table)) ) (cond ((null? this) (error "table:remove! key not found: " key)) ((eq? key (caar this)) (let ( (value (cdar this)) ) (set-cdr! last (cdr this)) value) ) (else (loop (cdr last) (cdr this))) ) ) ) )) ;; collection behaviors ((collection? self) #t) ((gen-keys self) (list->generator (map car table))) ((gen-elts self) (list->generator (map cdr table))) ((for-each-key self proc) (for-each (lambda (bucket) (proc (car bucket))) table) ) ((for-each-elt self proc) (for-each (lambda (bucket) (proc (cdr bucket))) table) ) ) ) ) (define t (make-simple-table)) (test-group "collections" (for-each-elt (lambda (item) (print "item: " item)) '(1 2 3)) (test-assert (collection? t)) (test-assert (empty? t)) (associate! t 'a 1) (associate! t 'b 2) (test 2 (size t)) (let ((g (gen-keys t))) (test "gen-keys" '(b a) (list (g) (g)))) (let ((g (gen-elts t))) (test "gen-elts" '(2 1) (list (g) (g)))) (test "map-keys" #(b a) (map-keys identity t)) (test "map-elts" #(2 1) (map-elts identity t)) (test "reduce" 3 (reduce + 0 t)) (test "reduce-items" 3 (reduce-items (lambda (item ax) (+ (cadr item) ax)) 0 t)) (test "reduce*" 1 (reduce* min '(1 2 3 4 10 5 6 8 7 9))) (test "sort!" #(1 2 3 4 5) (sort! (lambda (i vi j vj) (< vi vj)) #( 5 2 4 3 1))) (test "sort" #(7 8 9 10 11) (sort (lambda (i vi j vj) (< vi vj)) '( 11 8 10 7 9))) (let ((l (generator->lseq (gen-elts t)))) (test "lseq" '(2 1) (list (lseq-first l) (lseq-first (lseq-rest l))))) )