#|-------------------- 0.93 |# "./doc/" 0 #|-------------------- 0.93 |# "./doc/api.txt" 3377 Goals: - discover services locally and on nearby machines (probably needs avahi) - send signals - make IPC calls and get return values - preserve asynchronicity (return value must come back via a callback) - assign a path to a Scheme object - map "methods" to generic functions (using tinyclos) - create proxy objects matching remote objects (but calling a method on a proxy is usually synchronous: it waits for the reply) - publish services with such paths and methods - the code necessary for a user to do any of these should be minimal: abstract away orthogonal extra steps like connection management DBUS in general --------------- bus: session or system or app-specific bus service: like a reversed domain name (can be omitted for an app-specific bus): the destination of a message; AKA "bus name" (it's optional) path: like the path part of a URL (can be omitted for an app-specific bus): hierarchical organization of messages within an app interface: like an abstract class or Java interface, but also has a dot-separated name (it's optional) member name: the name of a signal (message), or the name of the method intended to receive it Example of monitoring output from the feathers example: ( http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/7744 ) signal sender=:1.120 -> dest=(null destination) path=/org/pirate/parrot/attr; interface=org.pirate.parrot.attr; member=Feathers string "Shiny" string "Well Groomed" it's kindof a muddled example though. From the QT chat example: signal sender=:1.43 -> dest=(null destination) path=/; interface=com.trolltech.chat; member=message string "foo" string "bar!" The dest is null which means this is one-to-many communication. Path might mean something to the app (but chat didn't need it). From the QT remote-controlled-car example: the "Car" app does a NameOwnerChanged to set his own name to com.trolltech.CarExample; then the controller sends messages just to that service: method call sender=:1.49 -> dest=com.trolltech.CarExample path=/Car; interface=com.trolltech.Examples.CarInterface; member=turnRight API for the dbus egg -------------------- Send a signal: (dbus:send context 'message ;; member name is required "foo" "bar!") ;; parameters are optional (define rc-car-context (dbus:make-context bus: dbus:session-bus ;; would be the session-bus by default anyway service: 'com.trolltech.CarExample interface: 'com.trolltech.Examples.CarInterface path: '/Car)) (dbus:send rc-car-context 'turnRight) conceivably could also specify named parameters, but they would have to be matched up with a declared interface (e.g. com.trolltech.chat.xml) because they can't be sent that way across dbus (?): dbus parameters are order-dependent Publish the existence of a member: Register for callbacks when a message is received: (define (receive-message nickname text) (printf ....)) (dbus:register-method dbus:session-bus 'com.trolltech.chat '/ 'message receive-message) or maybe registering the interface would have been a separate step, so as to only do it once for any number of methods. Or that could be an internal detail... if the interface for a method is not yet registered, then do that first. Register a tinyclos object on a path: Disconnect from the message bus: (hopefully this wouldn't even be necessary... should be automatic) (dbus:disconnect dbus:session-bus) #|-------------------- 0.93 |# "./examples/" 0 #|-------------------- 0.93 |# "./examples/connman-ethernet.scm" 312 (use (prefix dbus dbus:)) (define (device-properties device) (let ((c (dbus:make-context ;bus: dbus:system-bus service: 'net.connman interface: 'net.connman.Service path: device))) (dbus:call c "GetProperties"))) (pp (device-properties '/net/connman/service/ethernet_c80aa9daaea5_cable)) #|-------------------- 0.93 |# "./examples/connman-simulator.scm" 3558 ;; This is quite an incomplete simulator of course; ;; it only provides a couple of dbus methods with hard-coded responses ;; which you can test with connman-ethernet.scm, connman-technologies.scm ;; and relevant parts of introspect-connman.scm (use (prefix dbus dbus:)) (define ethernet-props `(#(("Type" . ,(dbus:make-variant "ethernet")) ("Security" . ,(dbus:make-variant)) ("State" . ,(dbus:make-variant "online")) ("Favorite" . ,(dbus:make-variant #t)) ("Immutable" . ,(dbus:make-variant #f)) ("AutoConnect" . ,(dbus:make-variant #f)) ("Name" . ,(dbus:make-variant "Wired")) ("LoginRequired" . ,(dbus:make-variant #f)) ("Ethernet" . ,(dbus:make-variant `#(("Method" . ,(dbus:make-variant "auto")) ("Interface" . ,(dbus:make-variant "eth0")) ("Address" . ,(dbus:make-variant "C8:0A:A9:DA:AE:A5")) ("MTU" . ,(dbus:make-variant 1500))))) ("IPv4" . ,(dbus:make-variant `#(("Method" . ,(dbus:make-variant "dhcp")) ("Address" . ,(dbus:make-variant "")) ("Netmask" . ,(dbus:make-variant ""))))) ("IPv4.Configuration" . ,(dbus:make-variant `#(("Method" . ,(dbus:make-variant "dhcp"))))) ("IPv6" . ,(dbus:make-variant)) ("IPv6.Configuration" . ,(dbus:make-variant `#(("Method" . ,(dbus:make-variant "auto")) ("Privacy" . ,(dbus:make-variant "disabled"))))) ("Nameservers" . ,(dbus:make-variant '#(""))) ("Nameservers.Configuration" . ,(dbus:make-variant)) ("Domains" . ,(dbus:make-variant '#("lan"))) ("Domains.Configuration" . ,(dbus:make-variant)) ("Proxy" . ,(dbus:make-variant `#(("Method" . ,(dbus:make-variant "direct"))))) ("Proxy.Configuration" . ,(dbus:make-variant)) ("Provider" . ,(dbus:make-variant)))) ) (define manager-techs `(#(,(dbus:make-struct (dbus:string->object-path "/net/connman/technology/wifi") `#(("Name" . ,(dbus:make-variant "WiFi")) ("Type" . ,(dbus:make-variant "wifi")) ("Powered" . ,(dbus:make-variant #f)) ("Connected" . ,(dbus:make-variant #f)) ("Tethering" . ,(dbus:make-variant #f)))) ,(dbus:make-struct (dbus:string->object-path "/net/connman/technology/bluetooth") `#(("Name" . ,(dbus:make-variant "Bluetooth")) ("Type" . ,(dbus:make-variant "bluetooth")) ("Powered" . ,(dbus:make-variant #f)) ("Connected" . ,(dbus:make-variant #f)) ("Tethering" . ,(dbus:make-variant #f)))) ,(dbus:make-struct (dbus:string->object-path "/net/connman/technology/ethernet") `#(("Name" . ,(dbus:make-variant "Wired")) ("Type" . ,(dbus:make-variant "ethernet")) ("Powered" . ,(dbus:make-variant #t)) ("Connected" . ,(dbus:make-variant #t)) ("Tethering" . ,(dbus:make-variant #f))))))) (define ethernet-ctxt (dbus:make-context ; bus: dbus:system-bus service: 'net.connman interface: 'net.connman.Service path: '/net/connman/service/ethernet_c80aa9daaea5_cable)) (define mgr-ctxt (dbus:make-context service: 'net.connman interface: 'net.connman.Manager)) (define (props-query . params) (printf "got a props-query; params: ~s returning~%" params) (pp ethernet-props) ethernet-props) (dbus:register-method ethernet-ctxt "GetProperties" props-query) ; (define (techs-query . params) ; (printf "got a techs-query; params: ~s returning~%" params) (pp manager-techs) ; manager-techs) (dbus:register-method mgr-ctxt "GetTechnologies" (lambda params manager-techs)) (let loop () ; (printf "poll~%") (dbus:poll-for-message bus: dbus:session-bus) ; (dbus:poll-for-message dbus:system-bus) (loop)) #|-------------------- 0.93 |# "./examples/connman-technologies.scm" 190 (use (prefix dbus dbus:)) (define ctxt (dbus:make-context ;bus: dbus:system-bus service: 'net.connman interface: 'net.connman.Manager)) (pp (dbus:call ctxt "GetTechnologies")) #|-------------------- 0.93 |# "./examples/introspect-avahi.scm" 234 (use (prefix dbus dbus:)) (define ctxt (dbus:make-context bus: dbus:system-bus service: 'org.freedesktop.Avahi ; path: '/ ;; by default is '/ anyway )) (let ([response (dbus:discover-api-xml ctxt)]) (display response) ) (exit) #|-------------------- 0.93 |# "./examples/introspect-connman.scm" 1572 ;(use dbus) (use (prefix dbus dbus:)) (define connman-bus dbus:system-bus) ;; in real life ; (define connman-bus dbus:session-bus) ;; for connman-simulator without root privs (define ctxt (dbus:make-context bus: connman-bus service: 'net.connman )) ; (display (dbus:discover-api-xml ctxt)) (define (device-properties device) (let ((c (dbus:make-context bus: connman-bus service: 'net.connman interface: 'net.connman.Service path: device))) (dbus:call c "GetProperties"))) (define mgr-ctxt (dbus:make-context bus: connman-bus service: 'net.connman interface: 'net.connman.Manager)) (printf "~%==== Manager Technologies:~%") (pretty-print (dbus:call mgr-ctxt "GetTechnologies")) (printf "~%==== Manager Services:~%") (pretty-print (dbus:call mgr-ctxt "GetServices")) ;(dbus:auto-unbox-structs #t) ;(dbus:auto-unbox-variants #t) (printf "~%==== Clock Properties:~%") (define clock-ctxt (dbus:make-context bus: connman-bus service: 'net.connman interface: 'net.connman.Clock)) (pretty-print (dbus:call clock-ctxt "GetProperties")) (printf "~%==== Manager Properties:~%") (let ([mgr-props (dbus:call mgr-ctxt "GetProperties")]) (pretty-print mgr-props) (let ([ifaces (assoc "Services" (vector->list (car mgr-props)))]) (when (pair? ifaces) (set! ifaces (vector->list (cdr ifaces))) (printf "~%==== Network interface Properties:~%") (for-each (lambda (path) (printf "---- ~a~%" path) (pp (device-properties path)) ; (pp (vector->list (car (device-properties path)))) ) ifaces) ))) ;(sleep 1) (exit) #|-------------------- 0.93 |# "./examples/introspect-hal.scm" 230 (use (prefix dbus dbus:)) (define ctxt (dbus:make-context bus: dbus:system-bus service: 'org.freedesktop.Hal path: '/org/freedesktop/Hal/Manager )) (let ([response (dbus:discover-api-xml ctxt)]) (display response) ) (exit) #|-------------------- 0.93 |# "./examples/introspect-phonekit.scm" 265 (use (prefix dbus dbus:)) (define ctxt (dbus:make-context service: 'org.openmoko.PhoneKit interface: 'org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable path: '/org/openmoko/PhoneKit/Dialer)) (let ([response (dbus:call ctxt "Introspect")]) (pretty-print response) ) (exit) #|-------------------- 0.93 |# "./examples/introspect-services.scm" 529 (use (prefix dbus dbus:)) ;; the actual dbus call to get known service names: ; (define ctxt (dbus:make-context ; service: 'org.freedesktop.DBus ; interface: 'org.freedesktop.DBus ; path: '/org/freedesktop/DBus ; )) ; (let ([response (dbus:call ctxt "ListNames")]) ; (display response) ; ) ;; dbus.egg provides this: (printf "session bus services:~%") (pretty-print (dbus:discover-services)) ;; session bus by default (printf "system bus services:~%") (pretty-print (dbus:discover-services bus: dbus:system-bus)) (exit) #|-------------------- 0.93 |# "./examples/listen-example.scm" 306 (use (prefix dbus dbus:)) (define (query . params) (printf "got a query; params: ~s~%" params) ;; the response to the query: `(#t 42)) (define ctxt (dbus:make-context service: 'test.method.server interface: 'test.method.Type path: '/test/method/Object)) (dbus:register-method ctxt "Method" query) #|-------------------- 0.93 |# "./examples/paranoid-android.scm" 974 ;; What do you get when you merge a remote-control car ;; with a supercomputer capable of deep thought? ;; A paranoid android! ;; Well actually it should walk rather than roll... ;; but the remote-control API can still be the same (use (prefix dbus dbus:)) (define (turn-right) (printf "rolls eyes and turns to the right~%")) (define (turn-left) (printf "rolls eyes and turns to the left~%")) (define (query . params) (printf "got some sort of banal query; params: ~s~%" params) ;; the response to the query: `(#t 42)) (define rc-car-context (dbus:make-context service: 'com.trolltech.CarExample path: '/Car interface: 'com.trolltech.Examples.CarInterface )) (define query-context (dbus:make-context service: 'test.method.server interface: 'test.method.Type path: '/test/method/Object)) (dbus:register-method query-context "Method" query) (dbus:register-method rc-car-context "turnRight" turn-right) (dbus:register-method rc-car-context "turnLeft" turn-left) #|-------------------- 0.93 |# "./examples/receive-car-turn.scm" 767 (use (prefix dbus dbus:)) (define (turn-right) (printf "car is turning to the right~%")) (define (turn-left) (printf "car is turning to the left~%")) (define rc-car-context (dbus:make-context ; bus: dbus:session-bus ;; would be the session-bus by default anyway service: 'com.trolltech.CarExample path: '/Car interface: 'com.trolltech.Examples.CarInterface )) (dbus:enable-polling-thread! ; bus: dbus:session-bus ;; would be the session-bus by default anyway enable: #f) (dbus:register-method rc-car-context "turnRight" turn-right) (dbus:register-method rc-car-context "turnLeft" turn-left) (let loop () ; (printf "poll~%") ; (dbus:poll-for-message bus: dbus:session-bus) ;; would be the session-bus by default anyway (dbus:poll-for-message) (loop)) #|-------------------- 0.93 |# "./examples/receive-signal.scm" 217 (use (prefix dbus dbus:)) (define (signal . parms) (printf "got signal ~s~%" parms)) (define ctxt (dbus:make-context interface: 'language.english path: '/humanity)) (dbus:register-signal-handler ctxt "hey" signal) #|-------------------- 0.93 |# "./examples/send-car-turn.scm" 286 (use (prefix dbus dbus:)) (define rc-car-context (dbus:make-context bus: dbus:session-bus ;; would be the session-bus by default anyway service: 'com.trolltech.CarExample interface: 'com.trolltech.Examples.CarInterface path: '/Car)) (dbus:call rc-car-context "turnRight") (exit) #|-------------------- 0.93 |# "./examples/send-example-query.scm" 570 (use (prefix dbus dbus:)) (define ctxt (dbus:make-context service: 'test.method.server interface: 'test.method.Type path: '/test/method/Object)) (define remote-method (dbus:make-method-proxy ctxt "Method")) (let ([response (remote-method "query" "What is the meaning of life, the universe and everything?") ]) (printf "sent a very important query with a known answer; got flippant response ~s~%" response) (if (and (list? response) (eq? 42 (cadr response))) (printf "bingo!~%") (printf "and the answer is wrong too! Bad supercomputer, bad!~%"))) (exit) #|-------------------- 0.93 |# "./examples/send-signal.scm" 176 (use (prefix dbus dbus:)) (define ctxt (dbus:make-context interface: 'language.english path: '/humanity)) (dbus:send ctxt "hey" "so long and thanks for all the fish") (exit) #|-------------------- 0.93 |# "./dbus.meta" 698 ;;; dbus.meta -*- Scheme -*- ((synopsis "A binding for libdbus, the IPC mechanism") (category os) (license "MIT") ;(depends easyffi protobj matchable miscmacros foreigners) (depends easyffi matchable miscmacros foreigners) (doc-from-wiki) (author "Shawn Rutledge") (files "dbus.meta" "dbus.release-info" "doc/api.txt" "examples/send-car-turn.scm" "examples/receive-car-turn.scm" "examples/introspect-phonekit.scm" "examples/send-signal.scm" "examples/send-example-query.scm" "examples/introspect-services.scm" "examples/listen-example.scm" "examples/receive-signal.scm" "examples/introspect-hal.scm" "examples/introspect-avahi.scm" "examples/paranoid-android.scm" "dbus.setup" "dbus.scm")) #|-------------------- 0.93 |# "./dbus.scm" 34673 ;;;; dbus.scm (module dbus (make-context send call make-method-proxy register-signal-handler register-method enable-polling-thread! poll-for-message discover-services discover-api-xml dbus-service session-bus system-bus starter-bus known-bus-count ; register-path ; disabled for now due to https://bugs.call-cc.org/ticket/850 unsupported-type? unsupported-type-signature make-variant variant? variant-data auto-unbox-variants make-struct struct? struct-ref struct-set! auto-unbox-structs vector->struct struct->vector string->object-path object-path? object-path->string auto-unbox-object-paths ) (import scheme chicken extras (except foreign foreign-declare) foreigners easyffi miscmacros) (use srfi-18) #> #include #include #include #include #include static DBusError err; <# ;; A disjoint type to represent any kind of dbus data type ;; which this egg so far does not support. The signature ;; is the ASCII string to represent that type on-the-wire. (define-record-type unsupported-type (make-unsupported-type signature) unsupported-type? (signature unsupported-type-signature)) (define-record-printer (unsupported-type d out) (fprintf out "#" (unsupported-type-signature d))) ;; Object path is a string which is a dbus path (define-record-type object-path (string->object-path str) object-path? (str object-path->string)) (define-record-printer (object-path d out) (fprintf out "#" (object-path->string d))) (define auto-unbox-object-paths (make-parameter #f)) ;; Scheme is a dynamically typed language, so fundamentally we don't ;; have a use for the "variant" concept; but since dbus has a variant type, ;; we need a way of representing one when preparing a message for marshalling. (define-record-type variant (make-variant #!optional data) variant? (data variant-data)) (define-record-printer (variant v out) (fprintf out "#,(variant ~S)" (variant-data v))) ;; If unboxing is turned on, when a "call"ed dbus service method ;; returns a variant, it will look as if it was not packaged in a variant at all. ;; By default this feature is turned off, in the interest of having a ;; representation that is the same as you will need to build when ;; you want to send (marshall) a dbus message. But probably ;; you want to turn it on for convenience, if you don't care to know ;; about this low-level detail. (define auto-unbox-variants (make-parameter #f)) ;; A DBus struct is represented as a vector, but it's tagged for marshalling ;; record definition as just a wrapped vector (define-record-type struct (vector->struct data) struct? (data struct->vector)) ;; now a realistic constructor (define (make-struct . fields) (vector->struct (list->vector fields))) ;; and realistic accessors (define (struct-ref struct idx) (vector-ref (struct->vector struct) idx)) (define (struct-set! struct idx val) (vector-set! (struct->vector struct) idx val)) ;; pretty-printing (define-record-printer (struct v out) (fprintf out "#,(struct ~S)" (struct->vector v))) ;; If unboxing is turned on, when a "call"ed dbus service method ;; returns a struct, it will look like a vector instead. This is ;; convenient if you know what to expect, but otherwise you will ;; have some difficulty to distinguish a struct from an array. ;; By default this feature is turned off, in the interest of having a ;; representation that is the same as you will need to build when ;; you want to send (marshall) a dbus message. (define auto-unbox-structs (make-parameter #f)) ; Would want to do this: ; (define-foreign-enum (bus (enum "DBusBusType")) ; (session-bus DBUS_BUS_SESSION) ; (system-bus DBUS_BUS_SYSTEM) ; (starter-bus DBUS_BUS_STARTER) ) ; but because that enum is typedef'd, chicken has a problem with it. (define-foreign-type bus int) ; really "DBusBusType" (define session-bus (foreign-value DBUS_BUS_SESSION int)) (define system-bus (foreign-value DBUS_BUS_SYSTEM int)) (define starter-bus (foreign-value DBUS_BUS_STARTER int)) (define dbus-service (foreign-value DBUS_SERVICE_DBUS c-string)) (define known-bus-count (+ 1 (max session-bus system-bus starter-bus))) (define-foreign-type handler-result int) ; really "DBusHandlerResult" (define result-handled (foreign-value DBUS_HANDLER_RESULT_HANDLED int)) (define result-not-yet-handled (foreign-value DBUS_HANDLER_RESULT_NOT_YET_HANDLED int)) (define result-need-memory (foreign-value DBUS_HANDLER_RESULT_NEED_MEMORY int)) (define name-flag-allow-replacement (foreign-value DBUS_NAME_FLAG_ALLOW_REPLACEMENT int)) (define name-flag-replace-existing (foreign-value DBUS_NAME_FLAG_REPLACE_EXISTING int)) (define name-flag-do-not-queue (foreign-value DBUS_NAME_FLAG_DO_NOT_QUEUE int)) ;; DBus simple data types (define type-invalid (foreign-value DBUS_TYPE_INVALID int)) (define type-byte (foreign-value DBUS_TYPE_BYTE int)) (define type-boolean (foreign-value DBUS_TYPE_BOOLEAN int)) (define type-int16 (foreign-value DBUS_TYPE_INT16 int)) (define type-uint16 (foreign-value DBUS_TYPE_UINT16 int)) (define type-fixnum (foreign-value DBUS_TYPE_INT32 int)) (define type-int32 (foreign-value DBUS_TYPE_INT32 int)) (define type-uint32 (foreign-value DBUS_TYPE_UINT32 int)) (define type-int64 (foreign-value DBUS_TYPE_INT64 int)) (define type-uint64 (foreign-value DBUS_TYPE_UINT64 int)) (define type-double (foreign-value DBUS_TYPE_DOUBLE int)) (define type-flonum (foreign-value DBUS_TYPE_DOUBLE int)) (define type-string (foreign-value DBUS_TYPE_STRING int)) (define type-object-path (foreign-value DBUS_TYPE_OBJECT_PATH int)) (define type-signature (foreign-value DBUS_TYPE_SIGNATURE int)) (define type-array (foreign-value DBUS_TYPE_ARRAY int)) (define type-dict-entry (foreign-value DBUS_TYPE_DICT_ENTRY int)) (define type-dict-entry-begin (foreign-value DBUS_DICT_ENTRY_BEGIN_CHAR int)) (define type-dict-entry-end (foreign-value DBUS_DICT_ENTRY_END_CHAR int)) (define type-variant (foreign-value DBUS_TYPE_VARIANT int)) (define type-struct (foreign-value DBUS_TYPE_STRUCT int)) (define type-struct-begin (foreign-value DBUS_STRUCT_BEGIN_CHAR int)) (define type-struct-end (foreign-value DBUS_STRUCT_END_CHAR int)) (define make-context) (define send) (define make-method-proxy) (define call) (define flush) (define poll-for-message) (define register-signal-handler) (define register-method) (define register-path) (define enable-polling-thread!) (define add-match) (define request-name) (define find-callback) (define-foreign-type error-ptr c-pointer) ;; DBusError* (define-foreign-type connection-ptr c-pointer) ;; DBusConnection* (define-foreign-type message-ptr c-pointer) ;; DBusMessage* (define-foreign-type uint-ptr c-pointer) ;; dbus_uint32_t* (define-foreign-type message-iter-ptr c-pointer) ;; DBusMessageIter* (define-foreign-type vtable-ptr c-pointer) ;; DBusObjectPathVTable* (define (discover-services #!key (bus session-bus)) (let* ([ctxt (make-context bus: bus service: 'org.freedesktop.DBus interface: 'org.freedesktop.DBus path: '/org/freedesktop/DBus)] [services (call ctxt "ListNames")]) (and (pair? services) (vector? (car services)) (vector->list (car services))))) (define discover-api-xml) (define-external (C_msg_cb (bus bus) (message-ptr msg)) bool (let* ([cb (find-callback bus msg)][found (procedure? cb)]) ; (printf "got a message: ~s on bus ~a and found callback ~s~%" msg bus cb) (when found (cb msg)) found )) (let ([connections '()] ;; an alist mapping bus to DBusConnection ptrs [error (foreign-value "&err" c-pointer)] ;; indices in a "context" vector [context-idx-ID 0] [context-idx-bus 1] [context-idx-service 2] [context-idx-path 3] [context-idx-interface 4] [context-count 0] [default-polling-interval 0.01] [polling-interval (make-vector known-bus-count 0.01)] [polling-enabled (make-vector known-bus-count #t)] [polling-threads (make-vector known-bus-count #f)] ;; will become an assoc tree: ;; bus ;; path ;; service (unless it's a signal callback) ;; interface ;; method ;; callback-fn [callbacks-table `((,system-bus . #f) (,session-bus . #f))] [iterm (gensym 'terminiter)] ) (define (any->string arg) (if (string? arg) arg (if (eq? (void) arg) "" (format "~a" arg)))) (define (symbol?->string arg) (if (symbol? arg) (symbol->string arg) arg)) (define (string?->symbol arg) (if (string? arg) (string->symbol arg) arg)) (define (ascii->string a) (string (integer->char a))) (define (vector-for-each fn v) (let ([len (vector-length v)]) (let loop ([i 0]) (when (< i len) (fn i (vector-ref v i)) (loop (+ 1 i)))))) ;; If the assq-list has the given key, replace its value. ;; Else add the key-value pair. (define (asset! alist key val) (let ([pr (assq key alist)]) (if pr (set-cdr! pr val) (if (null? (cdar alist)) (set-car! alist (cons key val)) (begin (set-cdr! alist (cons (car alist) (cdr alist))) (set-car! alist (cons key val))) )))) ;; The "tree" version of assq: drills down into an assq-tree ;; as directed by the sequence of keys, and returns the value found. ;; #f means not found (so it is not useful to store #f in such a tree). (define (tassq tree . keys) (let ([key-list (if (pair? (car keys)) (car keys) keys)]) (let loop ([rem-keys key-list][subtree tree]) (if (null? rem-keys) subtree (loop (cdr rem-keys) (let ([pr (assq (car rem-keys) subtree)]) (and (pair? pr) (cdr pr)))))))) ;; The "tree" version of asset!: drills down into an assq-tree ;; as directed by the sequence of keys, making new branches as necessary, ;; and sets the given value as a leaf at that point in the tree. ;; return value is undefined (define (tasset! tree val . keys) (let ([key-list (if (pair? (car keys)) (car keys) keys)]) (let loop ([rem-keys (cdr key-list)] [subtree (tassq tree (car key-list))] [prev-key (car key-list)] [prev-subtree tree]) ; (printf "rem-keys ~s subtree ~s prev-key ~s prev-subtree ~s~%" rem-keys subtree prev-key prev-subtree) (when (and (not subtree) (pair? rem-keys)) (set! subtree (list (cons (car rem-keys) #f))) ; (printf " creating subtree ~s within ~s~%" subtree prev-subtree) (asset! prev-subtree prev-key subtree) ; (pretty-print prev-subtree) ) (if (null? rem-keys) (asset! prev-subtree prev-key val) (loop (cdr rem-keys) (let ([pr (assq (car rem-keys) subtree)]) (unless (pair? pr) (set! pr (cons (car rem-keys) #f)) (set-cdr! subtree (cons (car subtree) (cdr subtree))) (set-car! subtree pr) ) (cdr pr)) (car rem-keys) subtree ))))) (define (next-context-ID) (set! context-count (+ 1 context-count)) context-count) (define (get-conn bus-type) (let ([conn (assq bus-type connections)]) (if (pair? conn) (set! conn (cdr conn)) (begin (set! conn ((foreign-lambda connection-ptr "dbus_bus_get" bus error-ptr) bus-type error) ) (when conn (set! connections (cons (cons bus-type conn) connections))))) conn)) (define (conn-or-abort bus-type) (or (get-conn bus-type) (abort (format "unable to connect to bus ~s~%" bus-type)))) (define (exists-or-abort datum err-str) (or datum (abort err-str))) ;; params: path interface name ;; todo: garbage-collect this (define make-signal (foreign-lambda message-ptr "dbus_message_new_signal" c-string c-string c-string)) ;; params: service path interface method-name ;; todo: garbage-collect this (define make-message (foreign-lambda message-ptr "dbus_message_new_method_call" c-string c-string c-string c-string)) ;; todo: garbage-collect this (define make-iter-append (foreign-lambda* message-iter-ptr ((message-ptr msg)) "DBusMessageIter* iter = malloc(sizeof(DBusMessageIter)); dbus_message_iter_init_append (msg, iter); C_return (iter);")) (define iter-append-basic-string (foreign-lambda* bool ((message-iter-ptr iter) (c-string v)) "C_return (dbus_message_iter_append_basic(iter, DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &v));")) (define iter-append-basic-object-path (foreign-lambda* bool ((message-iter-ptr iter) (c-string v)) "C_return (dbus_message_iter_append_basic(iter, DBUS_TYPE_OBJECT_PATH, &v));")) (define iter-append-basic-bool (foreign-lambda* bool ((message-iter-ptr iter) (bool v)) "C_return (dbus_message_iter_append_basic(iter, DBUS_TYPE_BOOLEAN, &v));")) (define iter-append-basic-int (foreign-lambda* bool ((message-iter-ptr iter) (int v)) "C_return (dbus_message_iter_append_basic(iter, DBUS_TYPE_INT32, &v));")) (define iter-append-basic-double (foreign-lambda* bool ((message-iter-ptr iter) (double v)) "C_return (dbus_message_iter_append_basic(iter, DBUS_TYPE_DOUBLE, &v));")) (define iter-append-basic-byte (foreign-lambda* bool ((message-iter-ptr iter) (int v)) "C_return (dbus_message_iter_append_basic(iter, DBUS_TYPE_BYTE, &v));")) (define iter-append-basic-int16 (foreign-lambda* bool ((message-iter-ptr iter) (int v)) "C_return (dbus_message_iter_append_basic(iter, DBUS_TYPE_INT16, &v));")) (define iter-append-basic-uint32 (foreign-lambda* bool ((message-iter-ptr iter) (unsigned-integer32 v)) "C_return (dbus_message_iter_append_basic(iter, DBUS_TYPE_UINT32, &v));")) (define iter-append-basic-uint16 (foreign-lambda* bool ((message-iter-ptr iter) (unsigned-short v)) "C_return (dbus_message_iter_append_basic(iter, DBUS_TYPE_UINT16, &v));")) (define iter-append-basic-int64 (foreign-lambda* bool ((message-iter-ptr iter) (integer64 v)) "C_return (dbus_message_iter_append_basic(iter, DBUS_TYPE_INT64, &v));")) (define iter-append-basic-uint64 (foreign-lambda* bool ((message-iter-ptr iter) (integer64 v)) "C_return (dbus_message_iter_append_basic(iter, DBUS_TYPE_UINT64, &v));")) (define (value-signature val) ; (printf "value-signature ~s~%" val) (cond [(string? val) (ascii->string type-string)] [(object-path? val) (ascii->string type-object-path)] [(fixnum? val) (ascii->string type-fixnum)] [(flonum? val) (ascii->string type-flonum)] [(boolean? val) (ascii->string type-boolean)] [(variant? val) (ascii->string type-variant)] [(struct? val) (format "~a~a~a" (ascii->string type-struct-begin) (apply string-append (map value-signature (vector->list (struct->vector val)))) (ascii->string type-struct-end))] [(vector? val) (format "~a~a" (ascii->string type-array) (value-signature (vector-ref val 0)))] ; [(variant? val) (value-signature (variant-data val))] [(pair? val) (if (list? val) "unsupported" ;; todo (format "~a~a~a~a" (integer->char type-dict-entry-begin) (value-signature (car val)) (value-signature (cdr val))(integer->char type-dict-entry-end)) )] )) (define (iter-append-basic-variant iter val) ; (printf "iter-append-basic-variant ~s~%" val) (let ([signature (value-signature val)]) ; (printf "iter-append-basic-variant: sig ~s~%" signature) (let ([container ((foreign-lambda* message-iter-ptr ((message-iter-ptr iter) (c-string signature)) "DBusMessageIter* container = malloc(sizeof(DBusMessageIter)); dbus_message_iter_open_container(iter, DBUS_TYPE_VARIANT, signature, container); C_return(container);") iter signature)]) (iter-append-basic container val) ((foreign-lambda* bool ((message-iter-ptr iter)(message-iter-ptr container)) "bool ret = dbus_message_iter_close_container(iter, container); free(container); C_return(ret);") iter container) ) )) (define (iter-append-basic-struct iter val) ; (printf "iter-append-basic-struct ~s~%" val) (let ([container ((foreign-lambda* message-iter-ptr ((message-iter-ptr iter)) "DBusMessageIter* container = malloc(sizeof(DBusMessageIter)); dbus_message_iter_open_container(iter, DBUS_TYPE_STRUCT, NULL, container); C_return(container);") iter)]) (vector-for-each (lambda (i field) (iter-append-basic container field)) val) ((foreign-lambda* bool ((message-iter-ptr iter)(message-iter-ptr container)) "bool ret = dbus_message_iter_close_container(iter, container); free(container); C_return (ret);") iter container) ) ) (define (iter-append-dict-entry iter pair) ; (printf "iter-append-dict-entry ~s : ~s~%" (car pair)(cdr pair)) (let ([signature (value-signature pair)]) (let ([container ((foreign-lambda* message-iter-ptr ((message-iter-ptr iter) (c-string signature)) "DBusMessageIter* container = malloc(sizeof(DBusMessageIter)); dbus_message_iter_open_container(iter, DBUS_TYPE_DICT_ENTRY, NULL, container); C_return(container);") iter signature)]) (iter-append-basic container (car pair)) (iter-append-basic container (cdr pair)) ((foreign-lambda* bool ((message-iter-ptr iter)(message-iter-ptr container)) "bool ret = dbus_message_iter_close_container(iter, container); free(container); C_return(ret);") iter container) ) )) ;; The first element of the vector determines the signature, so all elements must have the same signature. (define (iter-append-uniform-array iter vec) ; (printf "iter-append-uniform-array ~s~%" vec) (if (> (vector-length vec) 0) ; (let ([signature (format "~a~a" (ascii->string type-array) (value-signature (vector-ref vec 0)))]) (let ([signature (value-signature (vector-ref vec 0))]) ; (printf "value signature ~s~%" signature) (let ([container ((foreign-lambda* message-iter-ptr ((message-iter-ptr iter) (c-string signature)) "DBusMessageIter* container = malloc(sizeof(DBusMessageIter)); dbus_message_iter_open_container(iter, DBUS_TYPE_ARRAY, signature, container); C_return(container);") iter signature)]) (vector-for-each (lambda (i val) ; (printf "iter-append array element ~s ~s~%" i val) (iter-append-basic container val) ) vec) ((foreign-lambda* bool ((message-iter-ptr iter)(message-iter-ptr container)) "bool ret = dbus_message_iter_close_container(iter, container); free(container); C_return(ret);") iter container) ) ) ;; else todo: append empty array )) ;; TODO: iter-append-basic-object-path ;; val would usually be a single value, but ;; could be a pair of the form (type-x . value) ;; in which case we will attempt to convert the value to that type for sending. (define (iter-append-basic iter val) ; (printf "iter-append-basic ~s ~s~%" iter val) (cond [(fixnum? val) (iter-append-basic-int iter val)] [(flonum? val) (iter-append-basic-double iter val)] [(boolean? val) (iter-append-basic-bool iter val)] [(variant? val) (iter-append-basic-variant iter (variant-data val))] [(struct? val) (iter-append-basic-struct iter (struct->vector val))] [(vector? val) (iter-append-uniform-array iter val)] [(and (pair? val) (not (list? val))) (iter-append-dict-entry iter val)] [(object-path? val) (iter-append-basic-object-path iter (object-path->string val))] [else (iter-append-basic-string iter (any->string val))] )) (define free-iter (foreign-lambda* void ((message-iter-ptr i)) "free(i);")) (define (iter-cond iter) (let ([type ((foreign-lambda int "dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type" message-iter-ptr) iter)] ) ; (printf "iter-cond type ~s~%" type) (cond [(eq? type type-string) ((foreign-lambda* c-string ((message-iter-ptr iter)) "char* ret = NULL; dbus_message_iter_get_basic(iter, &ret); C_return (ret);") iter)] [(eq? type type-object-path) (let ([str ((foreign-lambda* c-string ((message-iter-ptr iter)) "char* ret = NULL; dbus_message_iter_get_basic(iter, &ret); C_return (ret);") iter)]) (if (auto-unbox-object-paths) str (string->object-path str)))] [(eq? type type-boolean) ((foreign-lambda* bool ((message-iter-ptr iter)) "bool ret; dbus_message_iter_get_basic(iter, &ret); return (ret);") iter)] [(memq type `(,type-int32 ,type-byte ,type-int16 )) ((foreign-lambda* int ((message-iter-ptr iter)) "int ret = 0; dbus_message_iter_get_basic(iter, &ret); C_return (ret);") iter)] [(memq type `(,type-uint32 ,type-uint16)) ((foreign-lambda* unsigned-int ((message-iter-ptr iter)) "unsigned int ret = 0; dbus_message_iter_get_basic(iter, &ret); C_return (ret);") iter)] [(memq type `(,type-flonum ,type-uint64)) ;; todo don't put 64-bit int into a flonum if there's another way ((foreign-lambda* double ((message-iter-ptr iter)) "double ret; dbus_message_iter_get_basic(iter, &ret); C_return (ret);") iter)] [(eq? type type-int64) ((foreign-lambda* integer64 ((message-iter-ptr iter)) "int64_t ret = 0; dbus_message_iter_get_basic(iter, &ret); C_return (ret);") iter)] [(eq? type type-array) (let ([v (iter->vector (make-sub-iter iter))]) (when (and (vector? v) (eq? 1 (vector-length v)) (unsupported-type? (vector-ref v 0))) (set! v (make-vector 0))) v)] [(eq? type type-dict-entry) (iter->pair (make-sub-iter iter))] [(eq? type type-struct) (let ([v (iter->vector (make-sub-iter iter))]) (if (auto-unbox-structs) v (vector->struct v)))] [(eq? type type-variant) (if (auto-unbox-variants) ((make-sub-iter iter)) (make-variant ((make-sub-iter iter))))] ;; todo: unsupported so far (not understood well enough): ;; type-object-path and type-signature ;; so far the DBus "invalid" type is treated the same as unsupported. ;; Maybe need a distinction though... ; [(eq? type type-invalid) ...] [else (make-unsupported-type (integer->char type))] ))) (define (make-sub-iter iter) (let* ([sub ((foreign-lambda* message-iter-ptr ((message-iter-ptr iter)) "DBusMessageIter* i = malloc(sizeof(DBusMessageIter)); dbus_message_iter_recurse(iter, i); C_return (i);") iter) ] [has-next sub] ) (lambda () (if has-next (let ([ret (iter-cond sub)]) (set! has-next ((foreign-lambda bool "dbus_message_iter_next" message-iter-ptr) sub)) ret ) (begin (free-iter sub) iterm) )))) ;; iterator for reading parameters from a message ;; returns a lambda which provides one param at a time, terminating with (void) (define (make-iter msg) (let* ([iter ((foreign-lambda* message-iter-ptr ((message-ptr msg)) "DBusMessageIter* i = malloc(sizeof(DBusMessageIter)); if (!dbus_message_iter_init (msg, i)) i = (DBusMessageIter*)0; // Message has no parameters C_return (i);") msg) ] [has-next iter] ) (lambda () (if has-next (let ([ret (iter-cond iter)]) (set! has-next ((foreign-lambda bool "dbus_message_iter_next" message-iter-ptr) iter)) ret ) (begin (free-iter iter) iterm) )))) ;; todo maybe: rewrite to avoid the reverse (define (iter->list iter) (let loop ([retval '()]) (let ([next (iter)]) (if (eq? next iterm) (reverse retval) (loop (cons next retval)))))) (define (iter->pair iter) (cons (iter) (iter))) (define (iter->vector iter) (let ([l (iter->list iter)]) (list->vector l))) (define msg-path (foreign-lambda c-string "dbus_message_get_path" message-ptr)) (define msg-interface (foreign-lambda c-string "dbus_message_get_interface" message-ptr)) (define msg-member (foreign-lambda c-string "dbus_message_get_member" message-ptr)) (define msg-error-name (foreign-lambda c-string "dbus_message_get_error_name" message-ptr)) (define msg-service (foreign-lambda c-string "dbus_message_get_destination" message-ptr)) (set! find-callback (lambda (bus msg) (let ([path (string?->symbol (msg-path msg))] [iface (string?->symbol (msg-interface msg))] [mber (string?->symbol (msg-member msg))] [svc (string?->symbol (msg-service msg))] ) ; (printf " svc ~s~%" svc) ; (printf " path ~s~%" path) ; (printf " iface ~s~%" iface) ; (printf " mber ~s~%" mber) ;; The service name is not included as part of the signal, so svc will be #f. ;; In that case the callback is registered under bus/path/iface/signal-name. (if svc (tassq callbacks-table bus path svc iface mber) (tassq callbacks-table bus path iface mber) )))) (set! make-context (lambda (#!key (bus session-bus) service interface (path "/")) (vector (next-context-ID) bus (string?->symbol service) (string?->symbol path) (string?->symbol interface)) )) (define send-impl (foreign-lambda int "dbus_connection_send" connection-ptr message-ptr uint-ptr)) (set! send (lambda (context name . params) (let* ([service (symbol?->string (vector-ref context context-idx-service))] [msg (make-signal (symbol?->string (vector-ref context context-idx-path)) (symbol?->string (vector-ref context context-idx-interface)) name)] [iter (make-iter-append msg)] ) (let ([conn (conn-or-abort (vector-ref context context-idx-bus))]) ; (exists-or-abort conn (format "no connection to bus ~s~%" (vector-ref context context-idx-bus))) (for-each (lambda (parm) (iter-append-basic iter parm)) params) (send-impl conn msg #f) (free-iter iter) ; ((foreign-lambda void "dbus_connection_flush" connection-ptr) conn) )))) (set! call (lambda (context name . params) (let* ([service (symbol->string (vector-ref context context-idx-service))] [msg (make-message service (symbol->string (vector-ref context context-idx-path)) (symbol->string (vector-ref context context-idx-interface)) name)] [iter (make-iter-append msg)] ) (let ([conn (conn-or-abort (vector-ref context context-idx-bus))]) ; (exists-or-abort conn (format "no connection to bus ~s~%" (vector-ref context context-idx-bus))) (for-each (lambda (parm) (iter-append-basic iter parm)) params) (free-iter iter) (and-let* ([reply-msg ((foreign-lambda* message-ptr ((connection-ptr conn) (message-ptr msg)) ;; idealistic code here; todo: error checking ;; todo: timeout comes from where? (make-parameter) maybe "DBusMessage *reply; DBusError error; dbus_error_init (&error); reply = dbus_connection_send_with_reply_and_block(conn, msg, 5000, &error); if (dbus_error_is_set (&error)) fprintf (stderr, \"Error %s: %s\\n\", error.name, error.message); else fprintf (stderr, \"reply signature %s\\n\", dbus_message_get_signature(reply)); dbus_message_unref(msg); C_return(reply);") conn msg) ] [reply-iter (make-iter reply-msg)] [reply-args (iter->list reply-iter)] ) reply-args))))) (set! make-method-proxy (lambda (context name) (let ([service (symbol->string (vector-ref context context-idx-service))] [conn (conn-or-abort (vector-ref context context-idx-bus))] ) ; (exists-or-abort conn (format "no connection to bus ~s~%" (vector-ref context context-idx-bus))) (lambda params (let* ([msg (make-message service (symbol->string (vector-ref context context-idx-path)) (symbol->string (vector-ref context context-idx-interface)) name)] [iter (make-iter-append msg)] ) (for-each (lambda (parm) (iter-append-basic iter parm)) params) (free-iter iter) ;; TODO: pull this out into a helper function (and-let* ([reply-msg ((foreign-lambda* message-ptr ((connection-ptr conn) (message-ptr msg)) ;; idealistic code here; todo: error checking "DBusPendingCall* pending; dbus_connection_send_with_reply(conn, msg, &pending, -1); dbus_connection_flush(conn); dbus_message_unref(msg); dbus_pending_call_block(pending); msg = dbus_pending_call_steal_reply(pending); C_return(msg);") conn msg) ] [reply-iter (make-iter reply-msg)] [reply-args (iter->list reply-iter)] ) reply-args)))))) (define-foreign-record-type (vtable "struct DBusObjectPathVTable") (constructor: make-vtable-impl) (destructor: free-vtable) (c-pointer unregister_function vtable-unregister_function vtable-unregister_function-set!) (c-pointer message_function vtable-message_function vtable-message_function-set!) (c-pointer dbus_internal_pad1 vtable-dbus_internal_pad1) (c-pointer dbus_internal_pad2 vtable-dbus_internal_pad2) (c-pointer dbus_internal_pad3 vtable-dbus_internal_pad3) (c-pointer dbus_internal_pad4 vtable-dbus_internal_pad4)) (define (make-vtable cb unreg-cb) (let () (define (fn conn msg user-data) ; (printf "fixin' to call ~a with ~a, ~a, ~a~%" cb conn msg user-data) (let ([ret (cb conn msg user-data)]) ;; TODO: return ret as the result result-handled )) (let ([ret (make-vtable-impl)]) (vtable-message_function-set! ret fn) (vtable-unregister_function-set! ret unreg-cb) ret) )) ; (set! add-match-self (lambda () ; ((foreign-safe-lambda void "dbus_bus_add_match" connection-ptr c-string error-ptr) ; (get-conn (vector-ref context context-idx-bus)) rule #f) )) (set! read-write (lambda (conn timeout) (let () ((foreign-safe-lambda bool "dbus_connection_read_write" connection-ptr int) conn timeout)))) (set! request-name (lambda (context) (let ([service-name (symbol?->string (vector-ref context context-idx-service))]) (conn-or-abort (vector-ref context context-idx-bus)) (when service-name ((foreign-safe-lambda void "dbus_bus_request_name" connection-ptr c-string int error-ptr) (get-conn (vector-ref context context-idx-bus)) service-name name-flag-replace-existing #f) )))) (set! add-match (lambda (context) ;; TODO is it always type signal? We are using this for methods too. (let ([rule (format "type='signal', interface='~s'" (vector-ref context context-idx-interface))]) (conn-or-abort (vector-ref context context-idx-bus)) ((foreign-safe-lambda void "dbus_bus_add_match" connection-ptr c-string error-ptr) (get-conn (vector-ref context context-idx-bus)) rule #f) ))) ;; return #t if it received a message, #f if not (set! poll-for-message (lambda (#!key (bus session-bus) (timeout 0)) (let ([conn (conn-or-abort bus)]) ; (exists-or-abort conn (format "no connection to bus ~s~%" (vector-ref context context-idx-bus))) ((foreign-safe-lambda* bool ((connection-ptr conn) (bus bus) (int timeout)) "DBusMessage* msg = NULL; dbus_connection_read_write(conn, timeout); msg = dbus_connection_pop_message(conn); if (msg) { //printf(\"rcv: %s\\n\", dbus_message_get_interface(msg)); C_msg_cb(bus, msg); dbus_message_unref(msg); C_return(true); // yes there was a message } C_return (false); // we polled, we came back empty-handed ") conn bus timeout) ))) ;; TODO: one polling thread is necessary for each connection (define (start-polling! bus interval) (vector-set! polling-interval bus interval) ; (pretty-print callbacks-table) (when (vector-ref polling-enabled bus) (unless (vector-ref polling-threads bus) (vector-set! polling-threads bus (thread-start! (lambda () (let loop () ; (printf "polling~%") (poll-for-message bus: bus timeout: 0) (thread-sleep! (vector-ref polling-interval bus)) (when (vector-ref polling-enabled bus) (loop))))))))) (set! enable-polling-thread! (lambda (#!key (bus session-bus) (enable #t) (interval default-polling-interval)) (vector-set! polling-enabled bus enable) (if enable (start-polling! bus interval) (let ([th (vector-ref polling-threads bus)]) (when th (thread-join! th)))))) ;; Wraps a user-provided callback so as to pass it the ;; received dbus message's parameters, and return a dbus response ;; with the parameter(s) returned from the callback. ;; msg-cb is the user-provided one. (define (method-wrapper conn msg-cb) (lambda (msg) (let ([args (iter->list (make-iter msg))] [response ((foreign-lambda message-ptr "dbus_message_new_method_return" message-ptr) msg)]) (let ([ret (apply msg-cb args)] [iter (make-iter-append response)] ) (if (pair? ret) (for-each (lambda (parm) ; (printf "appending return parameter ~s~%" parm) (iter-append-basic iter parm)) ret) (iter-append-basic iter ret)) ;; send response (send-impl conn response #f) (free-iter iter) )))) (define (handler-wrapper conn msg-cb) (lambda (msg) (let ([args (iter->list (make-iter msg))]) (apply msg-cb args) ))) ;; msg-cb: the handler implementation. Its return value is ignored. (set! register-signal-handler (lambda (context name msg-cb) (request-name context) (add-match context) (tasset! callbacks-table (handler-wrapper (conn-or-abort (vector-ref context context-idx-bus)) msg-cb) (vector-ref context context-idx-bus) (vector-ref context context-idx-path) (vector-ref context context-idx-interface) (string?->symbol name)) (start-polling! (vector-ref context context-idx-bus) default-polling-interval) )) ;; msg-cb: the method implementation. Its return value is sent back as the response. (set! register-method (lambda (context name msg-cb) (request-name context) ; (add-match context) doesn't seem to be necessary (tasset! callbacks-table (method-wrapper (conn-or-abort (vector-ref context context-idx-bus)) msg-cb) (vector-ref context context-idx-bus) (vector-ref context context-idx-path) (vector-ref context context-idx-service) (vector-ref context context-idx-interface) (string?->symbol name)) (start-polling! (vector-ref context context-idx-bus) default-polling-interval) )) ; dbus_bool_t dbus_connection_register_object_path (DBusConnection *connection, ; const char *path, ; const DBusObjectPathVTable *vtable, ; void *user_data); (set! register-path (lambda (bus path fn unreg-fn) ; (let ([unreg-fn (lambda (parm . rest) #f)]) ((foreign-safe-lambda bool "dbus_connection_register_object_path" connection-ptr c-string vtable-ptr c-pointer) (conn-or-abort bus) (symbol?->string path) (make-vtable fn unreg-fn) #f))) (set! discover-api-xml (lambda (ctxt) (let ([ctxt (list->vector (vector->list ctxt))]) ;; todo: efficiency? (vector-set! ctxt context-idx-interface 'org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable) (let ([xml (call ctxt "Introspect")]) (and (pair? xml) (car xml)))))) )) ;; end module #|-------------------- 0.93 |# "./dbus.setup" 252 ;;;; dbus.setup -*- Scheme -*- (compile -s -O3 -d1 dbus.scm -C "`pkg-config --cflags dbus-1`" -L "`pkg-config --libs dbus-1`" -j dbus) (compile -s -O3 -d1 dbus.import.scm) (install-extension 'dbus `("dbus.so" "dbus.import.so") `((version "0.93")))