#|-------------------- 1.0 |# "./regex.meta" 213 ;;;; regex.meta -*- Scheme -*- ((synopsis "Compatibility library for old regular expression API") (category misc) (doc-from-wiki) (license "BSD") (files "regex.wiki" "regex.setup" "regex.meta" "regex.scm")) #|-------------------- 1.0 |# "./regex.scm" 9291 ;;;; regex.scm ; ; Copyright (c) 2008-2010, The Chicken Team ; Copyright (c) 2000-2007, Felix L. Winkelmann ; All rights reserved. ; ; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following ; conditions are met: ; ; Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following ; disclaimer. ; Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following ; disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. ; Neither the name of the author nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote ; products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. ; ; THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS ; OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY ; AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS OR ; CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR ; CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR ; SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY ; THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR ; OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE ; POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. (declare (fixnum)) (module regex (glob->regexp grep regexp regexp-escape regexp? string-match string-match-positions string-search string-search-positions string-split-fields string-substitute string-substitute*) (import scheme chicken) (use irregex) (define (regexp pat #!optional caseless extended utf8) (apply irregex pat (let ((opts '())) (when caseless (set! opts (cons 'i opts))) (when extended (set! opts (cons 'x opts))) (when utf8 (set! opts (cons 'utf8 opts))) opts))) (define regexp? irregex?) ;;; Basic `regexp' operations (define (string-match rx str) (and-let* ((m (irregex-match rx str))) (let loop ((i (irregex-match-num-submatches m)) (res '())) (if (fx<= i 0) (cons str res) (loop (fx- i 1) (cons (irregex-match-substring m i) res)))))) (define (string-match-positions rx str) (and-let* ((m (irregex-match rx str))) (let loop ((i (irregex-match-num-submatches m)) (res '())) (if (fx<= i 0) (cons (list 0 (string-length str)) res) (loop (fx- i 1) (cons (list (irregex-match-start-index m i) (irregex-match-end-index m i)) res)))))) (define (string-search rx str #!optional (start 0) (range (string-length str))) (let ((n (string-length str))) (and-let* ((m (irregex-search rx str start (min n (fx+ start range))))) (let loop ((i (irregex-match-num-submatches m)) (res '())) (if (fx< i 0) res (loop (fx- i 1) (cons (irregex-match-substring m i) res))))))) (define (string-search-positions rx str #!optional (start 0) (range (string-length str))) (let ((n (string-length str))) (and-let* ((m (irregex-search rx str start (min n (fx+ start range))))) (let loop ((i (irregex-match-num-submatches m)) (res '())) (if (fx< i 0) res (loop (fx- i 1) (cons (list (irregex-match-start-index m i) (irregex-match-end-index m i)) res))))))) ;;; Split string into fields: (define string-split-fields (let ([reverse reverse] [substring substring] [string-search-positions string-search-positions] ) (lambda (rx str . mode-and-start) (##sys#check-string str 'string-split-fields) (let* ([argc (length mode-and-start)] [len (##sys#size str)] [mode (if (fx> argc 0) (car mode-and-start) #t)] [start (if (fx> argc 1) (cadr mode-and-start) 0)] [fini (case mode [(#:suffix) (lambda (ms start) (if (fx< start len) (##sys#error 'string-split-fields "record does not end with suffix" str rx) (reverse ms) ) ) ] [(#:infix) (lambda (ms start) (if (fx>= start len) (reverse (cons "" ms)) (reverse (cons (substring str start len) ms)) ) ) ] [else (lambda (ms start) (reverse ms)) ] ) ] [fetch (case mode [(#:infix #:suffix) (lambda (start from to) (substring str start from))] [else (lambda (start from to) (substring str from to))] ) ] ) (let loop ([ms '()] [start start]) (let ([m (string-search-positions rx str start)]) (if m (let* ([mp (car m)] [from (car mp)] [to (cadr mp)] ) (if (fx= from to) (if (fx= to len) (fini ms start) (loop (cons (fetch start (fx+ from 1) (fx+ to 2)) ms) (fx+ to 1)) ) (loop (cons (fetch start from to) ms) to) ) ) (fini ms start) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ;;; Substitute matching strings: (define string-substitute (let ([substring substring] [reverse reverse] [make-string make-string] [string-search-positions string-search-positions] ) (lambda (rx subst string . flag) (##sys#check-string subst 'string-substitute) (##sys#check-string string 'string-substitute) (let* ([which (if (pair? flag) (car flag) 1)] [substlen (##sys#size subst)] (strlen (##sys#size string)) [substlen-1 (fx- substlen 1)] [result '()] [total 0] ) (define (push x) (set! result (cons x result)) (set! total (fx+ total (##sys#size x))) ) (define (substitute matches) (let loop ([start 0] [index 0]) (if (fx>= index substlen-1) (push (if (fx= start 0) subst (substring subst start substlen))) (let ([c (##core#inline "C_subchar" subst index)] [index+1 (fx+ index 1)] ) (if (char=? c #\\) (let ([c2 (##core#inline "C_subchar" subst index+1)]) (if (and (not (char=? #\\ c2)) (char-numeric? c2)) (let ([mi (list-ref matches (fx- (char->integer c2) 48))]) (push (substring subst start index)) (push (substring string (car mi) (cadr mi))) (loop (fx+ index 2) index+1) ) (loop start (fx+ index+1 1)) ) ) (loop start index+1) ) ) ) ) ) (let loop ([index 0] [count 1]) (let ((matches (and (fx< index strlen) (string-search-positions rx string index)))) (cond [matches (let* ([range (car matches)] [upto (cadr range)] ) (cond ((fx= 0 (fx- (cadr range) (car range))) (##sys#error 'string-substitute "empty substitution match" rx) ) ((or (not (fixnum? which)) (fx= count which)) (push (substring string index (car range))) (substitute matches) (loop upto #f) ) (else (push (substring string index upto)) (loop upto (fx+ count 1)) ) ) ) ] [else (push (substring string index (##sys#size string))) (##sys#fragments->string total (reverse result)) ] ) ) ) ) ) ) ) (define string-substitute* (let ([string-substitute string-substitute]) (lambda (str smap . mode) (##sys#check-string str 'string-substitute*) (##sys#check-list smap 'string-substitute*) (let ((mode (and (pair? mode) (car mode)))) (let loop ((str str) (smap smap)) (if (null? smap) str (let ((sm (car smap))) (loop (string-substitute (car sm) (cdr sm) str mode) (cdr smap) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ;;; Glob support: (define glob->regexp ##sys#glob->regexp) ;;; Grep-like function on list: (define grep (let ((string-search string-search) (regexp regexp)) (lambda (rx lst #!optional (acc (lambda (x) x))) (##sys#check-list lst 'grep) (##sys#check-closure acc 'grep) (let ((rx (regexp rx))) (let loop ((lst lst)) (if (null? lst) '() (let ((x (##sys#slot lst 0)) (r (##sys#slot lst 1)) ) (if (string-search rx (acc x)) (cons x (loop r)) (loop r) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ;;; Escape regular expression (suggested by Peter Bex): (define regexp-escape irregex-quote) ) #|-------------------- 1.0 |# "./regex.setup" 377 ;;;; regex.setup -*- Scheme -*- (unless (version>=? (chicken-version) "4.6.2") (print "\nThis version of CHICKEN has a built-in `regex' library unit.") (print "Installing this extension is not required.\n") (exit)) (compile -s -O3 -d1 regex.scm -JS) (compile -s -O3 -d0 regex.import.scm) (install-extension 'regex '("regex.so" "regex.import.so") '((version 1.0))) #|-------------------- 1.0 |# "./regex.wiki" 7372 [[tags: egg]] [[toc:]] == regex === Introduction This extension provides the regular expression API that used to be available in CHICKEN releases before version ''4.6.1''. It is a thin wrapper around the [[/man/4/Unit irregex|irregex]} procedures and only intended to keep old code working. === Usage (require-extension regex) === Documentation ==== grep (grep REGEX LIST [ACCESSOR]) Returns all items of {{LIST}} that match the regular expression {{REGEX}}. This procedure could be defined as follows: (define (grep regex lst) (filter (lambda (x) (string-search regex x)) lst) ) {{ACCESSOR}} is an optional accessor-procedure applied to each element before doing the match. It should take a single argument and return a string that will then be used in the regular expression matching. {{ACCESSOR}} defaults to the identity function. ==== glob->regexp (glob->regexp PATTERN [SRE?]) Converts the file-pattern {{PATTERN}} into a regular expression. (glob->regexp "foo.*") => "foo\..*" {{PATTERN}} should follow "glob" syntax. Allowed wildcards are * [C...] [C1-C2] [-C...] ? {{glob->regexp}} returns a regular expression object if the optional argument {{SRE?}} is false or not given, otherwise the SRE of the computed regular expression is returned. ==== regexp (regexp STRING [IGNORECASE [IGNORESPACE [UTF8]]]) Returns a precompiled regular expression object for {{string}}. The optional arguments {{IGNORECASE}}, {{IGNORESPACE}} and {{UTF8}} specify whether the regular expression should be matched with case- or whitespace-differences ignored, or whether the string should be treated as containing UTF-8 encoded characters, respectively. Note that code that uses regular expressions heavily should always use them in precompiled form, which is likely to be much faster than passing strings to any of the regular-expression routines described below. ==== regexp? (regexp? X) Returns {{#t}} if {{X}} is a precompiled regular expression, or {{#f}} otherwise. ==== string-match ==== string-match-positions (string-match REGEXP STRING)
(string-match-positions REGEXP STRING) Matches the regular expression in {{REGEXP}} (a string or a precompiled regular expression) with {{STRING}} and returns either {{#f}} if the match failed, or a list of matching groups, where the first element is the complete match. For each matching group the result-list contains either: {{#f}} for a non-matching but optional group; a list of start- and end-position of the match in {{STRING}} (in the case of {{string-match-positions}}); or the matching substring (in the case of {{string-match}}). Note that the exact string is matched. For searching a pattern inside a string, see below. Note also that {{string-match}} is implemented by calling {{string-search}} with the regular expression wrapped in {{^ ... $}}. If invoked with a precompiled regular expression argument (by using {{regexp}}), {{string-match}} is identical to {{string-search}}. ==== string-search ==== string-search-positions (string-search REGEXP STRING [START [RANGE]])
(string-search-positions REGEXP STRING [START [RANGE]]) Searches for the first match of the regular expression in {{REGEXP}} with {{STRING}}. The search can be limited to {{RANGE}} characters. ==== string-split-fields (string-split-fields REGEXP STRING [MODE [START]]) Splits {{STRING}} into a list of fields according to {{MODE}}, where {{MODE}} can be the keyword {{#:infix}} ({{REGEXP}} matches field separator), the keyword {{#:suffix}} ({{REGEXP}} matches field terminator) or {{#t}} ({{REGEXP}} matches field), which is the default. (define s "this is a string 1, 2, 3,") (string-split-fields "[^ ]+" s) => ("this" "is" "a" "string" "1," "2," "3,") (string-split-fields " " s #:infix) => ("this" "is" "a" "string" "1," "2," "3,") (string-split-fields "," s #:suffix) => ("this is a string 1" " 2" " 3") ==== string-substitute (string-substitute REGEXP SUBST STRING [MODE]) Searches substrings in {{STRING}} that match {{REGEXP}} and substitutes them with the string {{SUBST}}. The substitution can contain references to subexpressions in {{REGEXP}} with the {{\NUM}} notation, where {{NUM}} refers to the NUMth parenthesized expression. The optional argument {{MODE}} defaults to 1 and specifies the number of the match to be substituted. Any non-numeric index specifies that all matches are to be substituted. (string-substitute "([0-9]+) (eggs|chicks)" "\\2 (\\1)" "99 eggs or 99 chicks" 2) => "99 eggs or chicks (99)" Note that a regular expression that matches an empty string will signal an error. ==== string-substitute* (string-substitute* STRING SMAP [MODE]) Substitutes elements of {{STRING}} with {{string-substitute}} according to {{SMAP}}. {{SMAP}} should be an association-list where each element of the list is a pair of the form {{(MATCH . REPLACEMENT)}}. Every occurrence of the regular expression {{MATCH}} in {{STRING}} will be replaced by the string {{REPLACEMENT}} (string-substitute* "

Hello, world!

" '(("<[/A-Za-z0-9]+>" . ""))) => "Hello, world!"
==== regexp-escape (regexp-escape STRING) Escapes all special characters in {{STRING}} with {{\}}, so that the string can be embedded into a regular expression. (regexp-escape "^[0-9]+:.*$") => "\\^\\[0-9\\]\\+:.\n.\\*\\$" === Author [[felix winkelmann]] === License Copyright (c) 2010, Felix L. Winkelmann All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. The name of the authors may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHORS ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. === Version History ; 0.1 : initial release