
This command is used to manipulate marks. The exact behavior of the command depends on the option argument that follows the mark argument. The following forms of the command are currently supported:

  • If index is specified in numerical form, then the search for the next mark begins at that index.
  • If index is the name of a mark, then the search for the next mark begins immediately after that mark. This can still return a mark at the same position if there are multiple marks at the same index. These semantics mean that the mark next operation can be used to step through all the marks in a text widget in the same order as the mark information returned by the dump operation.
  • If a mark has been set to the special end index, then it appears to be after end with respect to the mark next operation. An empty string is returned if there are no marks after index.
  • If index is specified in numerical form, then the search for the previous mark begins with the character just before that index.
  • If index is the name of a mark, then the search for the next mark begins immediately before that mark. This can still return a mark at the same position if there are multiple marks at the same index. These semantics mean that the mark previous operation can be used to step through all the marks in a text widget in the reverse order as the mark information returned by the dump operation.
  • An empty string is returned if there are no marks before index.

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